Marin goes all-out
Wednesday, May 3, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller I get the distinct impression that Carol Marin is not a happy camper. If George Bush is the Great Decider, Rod Blagojevich is the Great Proposer. She even includes all of the governor’s contact information. Go read the whole thing. “Stinging” doesn’t even begin to describe it.
- Ravenswood Right Winger - Wednesday, May 3, 06 @ 8:19 am:
My favorite line: “Otherwise this phony baloney about ethics reform is just so much testicular virility.” Has Rick Garcia endorsed Blago?
- Anonymous - Wednesday, May 3, 06 @ 10:50 am:
Preach it Carol, he’s a huge fraud incapable of even responding to the charges.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, May 3, 06 @ 11:28 am:
Carol commands a lot of respect from women voters.
- Levois - Wednesday, May 3, 06 @ 11:36 am:
What would be unfortunate is that this guy gets reelected. He has proven himself to be an ungrateful jerk. He turned on his father in law who had a hand in getting him elected in the first place and even worse, he didn’t do that for even a genuine conviction. He only did that to make himself look good for the voters.
- Merlin - Wednesday, May 3, 06 @ 12:31 pm:
I am all for passing laws that ban pay to play however, who will enforce them. I cannot think of any local law enforcement investigations (i.e. state attoney general or county states attorney) into government corruption that led to substantial convictions. The US Attorney does the job the others won’t. I’m afraid the only investigations would be for partisian political reasons.
- not voting for him - Wednesday, May 3, 06 @ 12:39 pm:
Maybe the governor could get a look alike (Wayne Newton) and go on Comedy Central.
- The original Bill - Wednesday, May 3, 06 @ 1:02 pm:
not voting,
that didn’t work too well for W.
- The original Bill - Wednesday, May 3, 06 @ 1:05 pm:
At this point in her career, Jerry Springer would refuse to lower himself to appear with her for fear of hurting his credibility.
She has become a caricature of herself. Time to hang it up Carol. Pretty soon even the Sun-times and Ch 11 won’t have you.
- cermak_rd - Wednesday, May 3, 06 @ 5:13 pm:
That’s a little harsh. Personally I like her and respect her journalism. She nailed the Lip and mini-Lip situation perfectly in her columns and has done some good work on Cicero politics (such as they are) too. And she’s right. Banning the p*ssy word and not the d*ck word does seem grossly unfair.
- James T Kirk - Wednesday, May 3, 06 @ 8:52 pm:
not voting for him - Wednesday, May 3, 06 @ 12:39 pm: said
Maybe the governor could get a look alike (Wayne Newton) and go on Comedy Central.
The Governor has disrespected Wayne Newton in the past, I think He’s jealous on Wayne Newtons hair.