Budget updates
Thursday, May 4, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller UPDATE (4:45 pm): The House just adjourned the spring session. And it’s still daylight. Wow. The party will start around 6pm. ANOTHER UPDATE (3:45 pm): Sen. del Valle just emerged from the governor’s office and told reporters that he didn’t think there was a need for an amendment to the budget. He implied, but did not say explicitly, that he was speaking for all the Latinos. He was reportedly promised that there would be much improved communication with the governor’s office and some other stuff. Details later. VERY IMPORTANT UPDATE: Rumors are running wild today, so let’s try to clear up a couple of them. 1) Nobody got punched. Apparently there was a loud argument during the Senate Democratic caucus (over the Latinos’ refusal to vote for the budget) and two members took it outside. They were eventually separated and things have cooled off a bit. 2) No Latino legislators have been “escorted from the building” by security. The person rumored to have been hauled out of the governor’s office hasn’t even been to the governor’s office today and is on the Senate floor right now. Now, back to the fun. And, please, don’t expound on those untrue rumors in comments. I’ll ban you from posting forever and hunt you down. UPDATE: Sen. Miguel del Valle is in the governor’s office now (3:20 pm). Madigan and Jones were both in there earlier. From the AP: Senate President Emil Jones says he’s not worried that last-minute demands from some senators are stalling a budget vote.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, May 4, 06 @ 2:57 pm:
The last thing Emil wants is to be shown up by Madigan and look like he can’t hold up his end of the bargain. He’ll find the right words to get the votes he needs.
- Rod's Hair - Thursday, May 4, 06 @ 3:16 pm:
Plenty of time left before the good ole’ boys become part of the process. Gotta love the openness of the budget as it isn’t accessible on the GA’s website.
- frustrated GOP - Thursday, May 4, 06 @ 3:20 pm:
Hey, you guys in the Senate. Don’t drink the Kool-Aid. Just say no. Lets go for double OT where thing can get interesting.
I think it’s time for real election finance reform. No more “Vote for this and I’ll send you all the cash and stff you need.”
- Hound Dog - Thursday, May 4, 06 @ 3:20 pm:
Clearly, Jones can’t run his caucus or the Senate chamber, what a joke it’s all become. A sad day for Illinois.
- search - Thursday, May 4, 06 @ 3:35 pm:
The main budget bill is Senate Bill 1520. (The full text of the 863 page bill is available as a PDF Document .)
- Anonymous - Thursday, May 4, 06 @ 3:47 pm:
Si se puede!!!
- Woe is us - Thursday, May 4, 06 @ 4:15 pm:
Will the Latino Caucus be served the heads of the appointees who helped Frias on a platter?
- Xolotl - Thursday, May 4, 06 @ 4:29 pm:
The Capitol building produces more gossip than General Mills produces flour. Some of you need to get a life!
- frustrated GOP - Thursday, May 4, 06 @ 4:33 pm:
Did the good Senator get better communication from the Gov’s office for everyone in the State or just his caucus. I’m just hoping that they would improve all around. Wishfull thinking on my part.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, May 4, 06 @ 4:41 pm:
anon 3:29, you’re banned. Anyone else want to try? Don’t.
- Anonymous - Thursday, May 4, 06 @ 4:59 pm:
Rich: Come on, without the rumors we all be reading the bathroom walls. Your commnet at 4:41 makes you sound lik Pate LOL.
- bomber91 - Thursday, May 4, 06 @ 5:09 pm:
Where is the party Rich? It’s not like I want to crash it or anything, but I don’t want to cook tonight either!
- James T Kirk - Thursday, May 4, 06 @ 8:24 pm:
I am watching the feed on the internet and does anyone know why when the cut to a speaker they keep going to a picture or photo of empty chairs, why dont the just keep the video going ? It is very distracting
- Cassandra - Thursday, May 4, 06 @ 8:40 pm:
I heard about this in the car while traveling; given the huge amount of money available to state legislators and the guv, I am puzzled as to why Hispanic communities can’t get less crowded schools and also get other similar priorities addressed.
Where oh where is all our money going. There is plenty of it in the state coffers. How about cutting 10 percent of the state management corps and transferring the money directly to needy schools. A lot of us would support that use of our tax dollars.
- WE GONE - Thursday, May 4, 06 @ 10:03 pm:
We Gone
- Disgusted viewer - Thursday, May 4, 06 @ 11:33 pm:
Was in the Senate chambers tonight, MAN, it was like high school in there. Some really outrageously juvenile behavior, on both sides. These guys don’t give a flip, this is all a game to them, and we’re the pawns. Come November, I’m bringing a scorecard…