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Peraica hits the radio waves

Monday, May 8, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

Cook County Commissioner and Republican nominee for County Board President Tony Peraica today launched the first in a series of radio advertisements designed to both educate Cook County families as to his compelling and uniquely American personal story and to take on the status quo in county government. […]

RADIO AD SCRIPT: The Tony Peraica Reform story

VO: At age of 13, Tony Peraica was orphaned in Croatia and immigrated impoverished and alone to America. Now Peraica is 47 and this great American success story wants to reform the mess in Cook County Government. There’s a long list of Cook County reforms that Peraica has scheduled and one of the most important is to provide decent care for the thousands who rely on Stroger Hospital.

“I’m Tony Peraica. I want to make Stroger Hospital so good that even John Stroger will use it.”

VO: Now we can have a Cook County Board President who knows how to get rid of corrupt patronage and help the poor at the same time. The Tony Peraica reform story says that democracy can heal itself when reform is taken seriously. The Peraica reform movement unites Democrats, Republicans and Independents against the incompetent and the corrupt.

VO: A political reform promise paid for by Citizens for Tony Peraica.


  1. - bored now - Monday, May 8, 06 @ 2:32 pm:

    what stations is this running on?

  2. - Carl Nyberg - Monday, May 8, 06 @ 2:39 pm:

    What’s Peraica got to say about fellow Republican Christine Radogno who endorsed 28 year-old Michael LaPidus against him in the race for Lyons Township Republican Committeeman?

    Doesn’t it seem odd for a statewide candidate to back a political neophyte against the party’s candidate for president of the county board?

    Who was Radogno doing the favor for? Or does she believe LaPidus would be a better committeeman than Peraica?

  3. - In the Land of Silos and Cows - Monday, May 8, 06 @ 2:40 pm:

    Its a coin toss between Peraica and Churchill’s “Two Wings” for the “Campaign Song Most Likely To Make Your Ears Bleed” Award, which was first awarded to “Don’t Go Cryin’ ” Jim Ryan ads.

    One word …Brutal.

  4. - fed up - Monday, May 8, 06 @ 2:53 pm:

    The prospect of a Stroger at the helm of the S.S. Cook County Titanic for another 4 years is enough to make this extremely liberal Democrat think seriously about voting for Peraica come November. The county needs a serious shake-up and if a bombasticm, slightly nutty Republican is the only way…well, it’s food for thought, anyway.

  5. - THE TRUTH - Monday, May 8, 06 @ 3:14 pm:

    When are politico’s running for the CC Presidency going to realize that their base could give two shi_’s about Stroger Hospital…here’s a clue Forrest and Tony…spend some time, effort and $$$ polling your base before wasting the aforementioned on a poorly crafted message.

  6. - Bubs - Monday, May 8, 06 @ 3:35 pm:

    Don’t underestimate Tony Peraica, or his chances. He has enough drive to make a platoon of Marines look fat and lazy.

  7. - Anonymous - Monday, May 8, 06 @ 3:56 pm:

    So with all this talk lately about reform in Cook County and environs when is somebody going to ask Claypool and Axelrod who are they voting for in November?

  8. - Just Observing - Monday, May 8, 06 @ 4:03 pm:

    1. I agree that Stroger hospital is a stupid, losing issue — I mean how many voters really care about it;

    2. I think its good Peraica is on the air, but I think the message could be a lot better (hint: property taxes, property taxes, property taxes, oh and corruption).

  9. - Common Sense in Illinois - Monday, May 8, 06 @ 4:04 pm:

    The line about making Stroger Hospital good enough for John Stroger to use makes me kind of queasy…

  10. - Common Sense in Illinois - Monday, May 8, 06 @ 4:14 pm:

    Rich, a number of us who do campaign consulting were just talking…this may be one of the coldest spot ads we’ve seen in a long time. What’s the source of this? Could somebody be pulling your leg? Afterall, the guy is in a coma. Why make such a morbid reference to it?

  11. - Carl Nyberg - Monday, May 8, 06 @ 4:17 pm:

    Unless Peraica calls out the national GOP, he’s got a hard time running on property taxes.

    At the national level the GOP is pushing policies designed to shift the tax burden from the income tax (primarily wealthy people) to the property tax (primarily middle class people).

    It’s not an accident that federal income tax is going down while property taxes are increasing faster than the rate of inflation.

    So, Peraica has to be careful about any attacks based on property taxes. He’s a Republican. Unless Peraica repudiates the national party–which may be a viable strategy–he’ll have a hard time saying anything of substance on property taxes.

  12. - Carl Nyberg - Monday, May 8, 06 @ 4:21 pm:

    John Stroger chose to name the hospital “Stroger”. By invoking the hospital Peraica implies a bunch of issues connected to vanity and arrogance.

    Stroger’s insistence that Todd Stroger succeeds him also reinforces the perception that John Stroger is vain and arrogant.

    BTW, Stroger isn’t going to get away with the media showing file footage of him all the way until November.

    Once the voters see John Stroger post stroke, it’s going to be hard to convince people to vote for him.

  13. - grand old partisan - Monday, May 8, 06 @ 4:33 pm:

    “Afterall, the guy is in a coma. Why make such a morbid reference to it?”

    um….if the guy is really in a coma, why (and how, for that matter) is he still supposedly running the county government and running for re-election.

  14. - Anonymous - Monday, May 8, 06 @ 4:35 pm:

    If the Democrats are smart they would place either Alderman Manny Flores or State Rep. Susana Mendoza for the spot to replace Mr. Stroger. Both these young,latin canididates, have cross over appeal and would re-energize the campaign for all the democrats from county office to the stae level!!!

  15. - babs - Monday, May 8, 06 @ 4:40 pm:

    I heard it this morning on WBBM radio. The worst part - and it’s so hard to describe - but there is singing part to this - a theme song if you will- sort of a Shirelle’s singsong thing going on. I couldn’t pay attention to anything the actual voice-over was saying because I had to try to hear the music. It’s amazing!!!!

  16. - Levois - Monday, May 8, 06 @ 4:50 pm:

    Peraica has some work to do.

  17. - County Crooner - Monday, May 8, 06 @ 5:00 pm:

    The spot seems to leave out the part where he was/is/will be a boot lick for someone who
    (1) never sees his name John Kass columns
    (2) uses the letters ERV on his monograms 0

  18. - Bubs - Monday, May 8, 06 @ 5:06 pm:

    Crooner - You are off by 180 degrees.

  19. - Carl Nyberg - Monday, May 8, 06 @ 5:23 pm:

    Crooner, Vrdolyak put $1,000 into beating Peraica in the Lyons Township Committeeman race.

    So, you are wrong to say Peraica will owe Fast Eddie anything.

  20. - Ignatius J. Reilly - Monday, May 8, 06 @ 6:35 pm:

    Looks like he has the right enemies.

  21. - County Crooner - Monday, May 8, 06 @ 8:04 pm:

    Most believe that is just cover. Once you are in Fast Eddie’s Club House you never really leave

  22. - Bobby Douglas - Monday, May 8, 06 @ 8:24 pm:

    If the democrats were smart they would have elected Claypool. Don’t expect them to get any brighter over the summer and fall.

  23. - Bobby Douglas - Monday, May 8, 06 @ 8:32 pm:

    County Crooner:

    ERV convinced the Cicero Republican organization to endorce Ronny Serpico (d) over Tony Peraica in 2002 for the 16th Dist. seat(along with 2 other democrats) on the official Cicero Republican palm card. That ain’t cover, that is shrapnel

  24. - 47th Ward - Monday, May 8, 06 @ 8:41 pm:

    I heard this on the radio today and couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Babs is right, the theme song has lyrics that are so ridiculously corny that you have to wonder who approved it, and what they were smoking. It’s almost like a parody of itself. This is not an effective ad for Peraica and further dooms his already miniscule chances.

    He comes from the same neck of the woods as Topinka, but the similarities end there, and not in a way favorable to Peraica. Any Stroger is going to beat Peraica. It won’t be close.

  25. - Ignatius J. Reilly - Monday, May 8, 06 @ 10:10 pm:

    Just heard it. Very interesting. That ad is no accident, an experiment maybe, but no accident. It is so unconventional that you can really only remember 2 things, the jingle and the name. Time will tell if they thought of it straightaway or backed into it.

  26. - Schiznitz - Tuesday, May 9, 06 @ 12:06 am:

    Peraica still needs more name recognition. I think the “catchy” jingle will work to that end. You don’t have to like it, you just have to remember it. It may be more effective than you think.

  27. - Cesane - Tuesday, May 9, 06 @ 1:28 am:

    The commercial was odd, but effective. I heard it on WLS-AM 890.

    Peraica is the real deal. Claypool and Quigley should put up or shut up. If they want reform, they do everything in their power to elect Peraica.

  28. - Ambulance chaser - Tuesday, May 9, 06 @ 10:31 am:

    Forrest was way too nice to Stroger, and look where it got him. The stakes are high and, despite the stroke, anyone running to reform CC has the high ground already.

  29. - HappyToaster - Tuesday, May 9, 06 @ 2:04 pm:

    What’s the point? The numbers don’t add up. He’s more likely to lose his seat than win the presidency. I doubt he breaks 50% in the suburban total regardless of the opponent.

  30. - Anonymous - Tuesday, May 9, 06 @ 10:38 pm:

    The Dems got Peraica out of their Party, and the Repubs will follow soon. T.P. is divisive and only about himself. Making a classless reference to the hospital choice of a guy who just had a stroke, is beyond pathetic. This guy is too embarrassing even for the Cook GOP, and that’s pretty embarrassing.

  31. - Wumpus - Tuesday, May 9, 06 @ 11:19 pm:

    The hospital comment helps illustrate that the hosital which bears Stroger’s name is not a very good one. If anything is pathetic is that the voters voted for Stroger after he had a stroke! Should all campaigning stop? He said nothing bad about Stroger having a stroke, just that he is corrupt and the hospital sucks. Sounds fair to me. He will get demolished by anyone with a D following their name, but should there be a moratorium on campaigning?

  32. - Prez of the FTPC - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 12:22 am:

    Sigh…you people.

    So, John Stroger is supposed to go to the Hospital that bears his name because…it bears his name? How d*mn dumb is Tony Peraica? BTW, before I proceed, John Stroger never lobbied the Board for it to name the new Hospital in his honor. Community leaders pushed for it and the Board voted for it UNANIMOUSLY. You dipsh…well, you know.

    Stroger Hospital serves the poor and uninsured. John Stroger has, I’m pretty sure, d*mn good health insurance and his records and doc were both at Rush. Therefore, he was too.

    And this rank idiot Peraica, sigh, he flabbergasts me. I looked at the text of the spot and it says nothing about what he’s done on the Board. That would be because he has done nothing on the Board. Not one important piece of ANYTHING has come from TeePee, but he wants to run as a reformer? Reform what, Dude? YOU HAVEN’T DONE ANYTHING!

    Wait, thats not true. He once brought a lovely Croatian singing group to sing at a meeting. Saw it on t.v. and loved it. Rock out with you c…well, you know, they were good.

    As for you laughable idiots who discuss having “a Stroger” in office, well…you’re idiots. Ald. Stroger has exactly the same amount of time as an executive at the helm of any branch of government as Peraica - none. He does have more experience as an elected official than Peraica and, unlike the Croatian Fool, didn’t have to switch parties to have a shot at holding office.

    The best part of this race will be when TeePee loses his District AND the President’s race. And you know how he’ll do it? With his big mouth, stupid tactics and baldfaced lies.

    I can’t wait until election season gears up again. One fake reformer down, one more to go.

  33. - Reality Check - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 12:59 am:

    Peraica looks like the guy on the Lemonhead box

  34. - Don Sloan - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 8:53 am:

    I can’t believe what FTPC said, It sounds like you have not made any money since Peraica’s election. Why the bitterness and anger?
    Your comment that “John Stroger never lobbied the Board for it to name the new Hospital in his honor. Community leaders pushed for it and the Board voted for it UNANIMOUSLY” is utter most ridiculous. As you are well aware he forced his minions to push it,he could have refused it and his minions to did as he wanted them to do.Your a fool if you think others can’t read between the lines.The naming of Cook County hospital will go down as another strange,but true story in Chicago History of how corrupt our system has become and how Mr. Stroger did not go for care at his namesake hospital.The naming of the hospital after a board president who is still alive is similar to Sadam Hussein naming everything after himself while he was in power, and now the naming of his son as possible successor!
    It seems to me that the Cook County Democratic party has become just like the Communist Party of the old Soviet Union. There is no opposition to it’s one party rule. Our County goverment has become a bastion of employment for party hacks, who need four individuals to change a light bulb and we the taxpayers pay for it. To see the Claypool and Peraica are being attacked for seeking reform,shows how scared the party is in there continued quest to hold on to power.
    The Democrats of Cook County,who are similar to the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, even control the Republican party officials. Certain,so called Republicans , are placed in office to pretend that we in Cook County have a Democracy, but these Republicans are agents of the Democrats. In Lyons Township, certain Republicans who are loyal to Stroger,namely Liz Gorman,Tom Walsh,Maureen Murphy,Ed Vrdolayk, and Ron Serpico tried Beating Mr. Peraica. They lost and now they plan on working for the democratic candidiate against Mr. Peraica. This shows to you what type of people they are. They only think about there pocketbook, they only cut deals for themselves and could care leass about there communities.These people have no loyalty to there country,no loyalty to there communities,no loyalty to there Republican Party and even no loyalty to themselves. All they care is about cutting there deals and living off our taxmoney,while spouting what ever lies than can do. Can someon please mention to me what has any of those individuals have done in the private sector? Have they ever worked without taking money from the taxpayers of Cook County or the state of Illinois? In other words that have been goverment leaches there entire lives and now when someone seeks to reform goverment of the people and for the people they scream,whine and shout and create rumors and ineundos to destroy them.
    What we need is for President Bush to send in the Marines into Cook County to free the people of Cook County from these crooks who have more in common with the communist party of the Soviet Union and more in common with Saddam Hussien’s party the Bathist!

  35. - Prez of the FTPC - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 11:34 am:

    Two replies here. One to Sloan and one to Reality:


    Dude…you’re an idiot.

    I will not address your blithering on ad nauseum about President Bush, the Soviet Union or anything having to do with Saddam Hussein. Frankly, you sound like a fool. That’s not the conversation at hand. Try to stay on point.

    Your little conspiracy theories (Stroger’s minions, the anti-Peraica (or not so anti-Peraica) folks you listed are laughable. Really. If you read (and my hope is that you CAN read) ANY articles from the run-up to the primary, you will find Gorman, Maureen Murphy and company damning the President left and right, not to mention their heated little exchanges in the Cook County Board room (I’m betting you don’t watch the meetings on cable).

    Here’s what we know:

    1) Forrest Claypool got beat. And he was so-called reform’s REAL best chance.

    2) TeePee has a snowball’s chance in a very hot h*ll to beat ANYBODY THE PARTY RUNS. That would include John Stroge, Todd Stroger, Mighty Mouse, Secret Squirrel or Saddam Hussein. Why? Well, he’s a liar. Period, point blank.

    3) I don’t need a 3. See 1 and 2.

    Sloan, wise up. When posting to a blog, make cohesive, well-reasoned arguments or give the keyboard a rest and type nothing at all.


    Yes, he does. If you were to shave off the mustache, he would also resemble the Monopoly Man just a bit. Fitting. TeePee is such a joke, it stands to reason that he resemble a cartoon.

  36. - Sage - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 12:21 pm:

    Liz Gorman missed a huge opportunity here, she could have had this race. Blame Skoien for TeePee.

  37. - Manzo's A Hack - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 3:03 pm:

    I can tell two thing from the previous two posts:

    1) Mike Manzo wrote both of them (the mispelled words was a give away). Mike couldn’t tell a dictionary from MAD Magazine, which I hear he reads all day in between posting on this blog defending the in-defendable Tony Peraica as well as Proviso Probe.

    2) Mike really ought to get back to the people’s work as Chief of Stiffs for Peraica. Do you really think it’s a good idea to troll the blogs while on county time Melrose Park Mike? To call you a hack puts a stain on all self-respecting hacks, you loser.

  38. - Bobby Douglas - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 5:39 pm:

    Yea, that is pretty immature stuff to be posting.
    No matter where you stand or who you stand with,
    “Grow up,act professional,and adress the issues”

  39. - Immaturity Abounds - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 5:52 pm:

    I have to agree with Bobby Douglas

    This is the tenor of the Peraica gang…

    Whether it be Manzo or Frank “All Over The Map” Yanez or the rest of his cronies…

    Peraicia has already hacked off the women by taking a run at Eileen Lyons and her former House and Senate GOP Cohorts in the Womens Caucus came to her aid

    I dont’ see many of them lifting a finger to ensure the election of Tony Peraicia

    I dont’ even see a lot of GOP Organizations, whatever is left of them in Cook County giving him a hand either…

    The guy is a Mope with a Capitol M

    I also think that Gomolinski will give him a run for his money too

  40. - Bobby Douglas - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 9:06 pm:

    lion tammer 69 and Citizens for Peraica posters:
    You have done more harm than good. Shut your mouths. If you like your candidate you had better post an apology because lion tammer 69 is and was way out of line. From what I hear Mr. Peraica has made great strides to heal the wounds of a hard fought primary campaign. The last thing Peraica needs is some village idiot tearing open those wounds, bringing up his opponents name and talking about campaign activities. Shut your freakin mouth or you may be fed to the lions. Its only May, I’m sure Mr Peraica can replace you before you do any more damage.

  41. - Ignatius J. Reilly - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 9:29 pm:

    Like I said: Seems to have the right enemies. Now, does he have the “right stuff” as purported in the jingle?

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