Gutierrez sounding more like a candidate?
Tuesday, May 9, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller
The congressman is very close to Gov. Blagojevich, so I wonder what this kind of talk will do to hizzoner’s relationship with the guv.
U.S. Rep. Luis Gutierrez insisted Monday he hasn’t decided about running for mayor, but he sounded a lot more like a candidate than a Washington lawmaker as he laid out his ideas for improving the city and took shots at some of Mayor Richard Daley’s pet projects.
“It would be awfully hard for me to say no to a campaign for mayor if that campaign can help Chicago,” Gutierrez said at a luncheon hosted by the City Club of Chicago, a nonpartisan civic group.
Earlier Monday, Gutierrez told The Associated Press he won’t decide until the fall about running for mayor in 2007. […]
“Should I lead this city, I have no interest in my legacy being the number of visitors to a beautiful lakefront park or the year the Olympics came to Chicago. It would be how many more kids graduated, how many quality teachers we hire and how many … schools were built,” he said to applause at the City Club.
Do you think he’ll do it?
More here.
- Marta Elena - Tuesday, May 9, 06 @ 6:57 am:
I think he is strategically placing himself as a future candidate. He had a press conference last year in Chicago and Patti Blagojevich was in attendance. He’s not critizing Mayor Daley during his speeches, etc.
I could be wrong - but I vaguely remember Gutierrez being voted as having the worst voting record in Congress a couple of years ago(i.e. - he doesn’t show up for the vote half the time). And I come to think of it - I don’t think he has actually introduced any legislation while in Congress.
There’s no denying his weight in the Latino community in Chicago - but can be actually lead the city of Chicago - okay, more like - can he run the City of Chicago?
- Anonymous - Tuesday, May 9, 06 @ 7:12 am:
Patty Blah-Blah in attendance? Well why in the hell hasn’t he announced? With that kind of support he is a shoe-in. She’ll bring the flowers.
He may run but he won’t win. African Americans are not going to turn Chicago over to Latinos.
- phocion - Tuesday, May 9, 06 @ 9:22 am:
Blago would love to control Chicago through Gutierrez. The Governor sure isn’t the top dog as long as Mayor Daley is around. But Rod is going to have a long wait.
Gutierrez won’t run as long as Daley is around. And Daley is going to be Mayor for the 2016 Chicago Olympics.
- Just Observing - Tuesday, May 9, 06 @ 9:52 am:
Luis will not run for Mayor (at least for now). First, the election is fast approaching (February) and unless he plans on pulling an Edwin Eisendrath — any real candidates that can’t raise big money fast needs to start NOW. Second, while the Latino population is surging, the Latino vote is not very large; Luis will not win over the blacks or whites over Daley. Third, his message is off… while he makes valid points, you don’t want to tell people you are going to choose schools over beautification/tourism/conventions — those are important parts to Chicago and its economy and people understand that. Rather, campaign on reforming schools but dont tell people you are going to do it at the expense of the rest of the city.
On another note, I’m interested to see who gets Luis’ 1st Ward Committeeman spot that he just gave up. If Manny Flores does not get that seat, it will be a major blow to Flores and demonstrate that the powers that be are trying to keep him down.
- Merlin - Tuesday, May 9, 06 @ 12:52 pm:
I have watched people underestimate Louis Gutierrez for over 20 years. Back to when they were standing on the corners trying to get votes for Manny Torrez and keep control of the council.
I learned to respect his political instincts, if not his politics. Once again, he is ahead of the others in knowing the voters are ready for a change.
He is running and will be formidable.
- Gigi - Tuesday, May 9, 06 @ 2:19 pm:
Hey Merlin. Try using spell check. “Louis”-Luis and “Torrez”-Torres.
- Merlin - Tuesday, May 9, 06 @ 2:54 pm:
Geez, I should get some credit for getting Gutierrez and formidable right.
- Larry Horse - Tuesday, May 9, 06 @ 3:31 pm:
Thank God someone has the good sense to be against the NONSENSE of the Chicago Olympics. I’ll donate $2,000 to his campaign for opposing the Olympics even if I disagree with everything else he says. Chicago Olympics is the dumbest idea I have ever heard.
- Hinky Dink - Tuesday, May 9, 06 @ 4:27 pm:
Peter Karl the former investigative reporter makes nearly a half million dollars a year producting slick propoganda for Mayor Daley. I think its time people start looking into some of the other kinky cable tv deals the mayor has cut for his friends. Hats off to Bob Feder of the Sun Times
- Looie,Looie,Looie Lu a - Tuesday, May 9, 06 @ 7:48 pm:
As noticed on this blog, only 9 comments all day , that should tell you what others think about Looie the taxi man! Looie is an opportunist and a hypocrite. He started out as a Socialist , but yet he loves money and golfing around the country.
So much for his,”I’m for the people rhetoric”!
If he is so concerned that only two hispanics out of 100,who graduate from Chicago public schools go to college, maybe he should tell his hispanic breathens to study hard and make school a priority.
Nobody cares what looie says or does, and more likely if he run, he would be wiped clean.He is part of the old failed politics of hispanic politics and his days are numbered.”Please Looie ,please,run”! His acting like he is making a decision to run and waiting until November is ridiculous, from a mental midget,physical midget and lazy midget as he is. It’s appalling to me that he has never sponsored legislation while in congress,he hardly shows up to vote, and he constantly moves homes every other year to make a profit. This guy is a clown and surely no child should grow up to be liike him, because he does’nt go to work and when he’s there he does’nt do a thing!
Hey, Looie ,I sure like those fake teeth you have? Hey, Looie I also love your nose that grows longer and longer each day just like Pinochio!
Hey, Looie, why don’t you first get a job where you can work it than come back and show us how you did!!!