Daley shoots back
Wednesday, May 10, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller
He sounds a little defensive to me.
Chicago Mayor Richard Daley defended himself Tuesday, one day after U.S. Rep. Luis Gutierrez criticized some of the mayor’s pet projects but stopped short of declaring himself a candidate for Daley’s job.
“Everybody wants to run for mayor,” Daley said when asked about a potential challenge in the 2007 election. […]
Gutierrez claims Daley has been distracted by less important priorities, including the $475 million Millennium Park, which Daley called “a great asset” to the city.
Daley shot back Tuesday that he spends an “enormous amount of time” on education and he trumpeted his move 11 years ago to take over responsibility for the schools.
“I had the vision, I had the will and I had the character to do it and the courage to do it,” he said.
Daley also declared himself “very proud” of his administration.
OK, but his patronage director goes on trial today.
- ChiliMan - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 5:32 am:
If you don’t agree with the following statement, then you are blind:
Robert Sorich looks EXACTLY like Eminem, plus about 10-15 years (in age, not in potential time behind bars!).
- Anonymous - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 7:23 am:
Blah-Blah-s boys, Giannoulis and Cini, will be headed to court one day. Can’t wait to hear the justification for all the illegal activities spurred by those two crooks.
- deconstructing circe - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 8:54 am:
anon 7:23 Joe Cini is one of the most honorable people in state government.
- grand old partisan - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 8:55 am:
So what Daley is basically saying is that the allegations of corruption are not in accordance with the kind of public service that he has provided to the people of Chicago for almost 20 years. Where have we heard something like that before?
I’ve very interested to hear what the Governor has to say about this story. As I explained the other day at Illinoize (http://capitalfax.blogspot.com/2006/05/rod-blagojevich-and-chicagos-patronage.html), I think there are questions that need to be asked.
- Run Daley , Run - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 9:09 am:
I love Daley! I won’t hide and so otherwise. But if our Mayor does not run, I then believe Chicago will go up for grabs! We can’t depend on Jackson or Gutierrez to run the City, and the dark horse would be Rahm Emmanuel. My only concern is that he is to ambicious and would probably leave the city destroyed. The safest bet and best qualified for me and others in Lincoln Park,Bucktown and around the city would Alderman Manny Flores.
- Cassandra - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 9:56 am:
Daley is going to run at least two more times, if he lives that long, during which time he will
no doubt find and promote a relative to succeed him.
If Gutierrez shows signs of momentum, blacks will vote for Daley en masse. The notion of a black/brown coalition is absurd. Nothing scares the black community more than the prospect
of Hispanics taking over city government. All those civil service jobs will turn Hispanic overnight. It’ll be a bloodbath. Not to mention contracts, school spending, etc. Look at Miami.
Whites are increasingly irrelevant in Chicago city government vote-wise, but they will vote Daly rather than Jackson or Gutierrez.
- CORRUPTION INSPECTOR - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 4:15 pm:
Daley is very defensive and have been since the allegations surfaced.
He has never denounced the allegation only respond with his record on education.
How about his record on tolerating corruption?