Looks like it’s Todd
Wednesday, May 10, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller
After a lot of careful ground-laying, the first, big step has been taken.
Yonnie Stroger will have a lot to say about whether her husband remains on the Democratic ticket after suffering a serious stroke — and she has her mind made up: She wants Cook County Board President John Stroger to retire.
That’s according to her son, Ald. Todd Stroger (8th), the front-runner to replace his father. He described his mom as “the caretaker” and said she has “more pull than she had before,” when John Stroger reportedly overruled his wife and decided to seek another term.
This time, Yonnie Stroger is likely to prevail over her determined husband. And she is pushing hard for retirement, the alderman said.
“She thinks he’s served his time well. He’s done a lot of things and that it’s probably time to rest,” Todd Stroger said Tuesday. […]
Once again, Todd Stroger stressed that he and his father have not discussed the all-important succession issue. But the alderman said he has little doubt how his father would feel about the idea of being replaced by his son.
“He’ll think it’s the nature of anyone in any business to want to move up. He would think that I’ve been through a lot of things and that this wouldn’t be a bad move,” he said.
Pressed on whether his dad would think he deserved to be County Board president, Todd Stroger said, “I would hope so after the work that I’ve done and working with him, working in the state, the city, the ward organization and, in a way, working with the county through the state process.”
It’s looking very much like there will be a Stroger running for county board president this fall. But his first name probably won’t be John.
- ChiliMan - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 5:29 am:
If it’s Todd, then I’m voting Peraica. I’m a true blue Dem, but I’d rather have a moderate GOP with some experience in County Gov’t, then a nepotistic Democrat with no county experience. Peraica might also give some chance of serious reforms needed.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 7:19 am:
The imperialization of Illinois government -
Die or become incapacitated and your elected position is willed to your wife or kids.
et al
They are all Democrats aren’t they? So much for democracy.
- Illinois Royalty - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 8:17 am:
The Democratic Party really has no choice but to give the nomination to Todd, not after going along with Lipinksi’s hand off to his kid and the installation of Lisa and Dan in statewide office by their fathers. Is it OK for white machine pols but not blacks? Can’t have a double standard.
It is amazing, though, that we’ve reached this point. Everyone in a powerful position in Illinois politics is the “son of” or “daughter of” another powerful politician–from Daley on down. Even Rod is the “son in law of” a powerful politician who made him before he got amnesia about their relationship.
Is there any room in Illinois politics anymore for the Paul Simon’s who work their way up without a daddy or mommy putting them in office?
Thank god for Barack Obama. One reason he’s such a breath of fresh air is that no one “made” him. He wasn’t annointed by anyone. That kind of independence is healthy but too rare now in this state’s increasingly screwed up politics.
- Mongo - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 8:43 am:
man Claypool got screwed, and he ought to be the one getting support now, not a person who didn’t even run for the seat!
- Dan Ville - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 8:46 am:
7:19, I guess you forgot that Joann Osmond is a Republican, huh?
Has anybody told Todd Stroger that unlike the House, he won’t be able to blow off County Board meetings to go play golf?
- toddless - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 9:04 am:
Barack Obama a breath of fresh air? Common on, his poltical daddy is Rahm Emanual~! Also I think the only logical choice for the black establishment is to say there supporting Todd, and then double cross him on election day.Let Peraica win, he will not be able to govern and in four years other qualified democrats,Brown,Carruthers,Hoolihan,Flores,Maldonado and Claypool can run and then the voters can decide.
Let Peraica win,let him do the dirty work of cleaning up County goverment, and then boot him out in four!
- THE HANKSTER - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 9:18 am:
It won’t be Todd Stroger, I gurantee that. Winning is more important than pleasing the Strogers.
- Randall Sherman - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 9:27 am:
Those cheers you might be hearing in the distance are merely Cook County Commissioner Tony Peraica (R-16th), the GOP nomineee for County Board President, shouting “Thank you, God!”
Look, Todd Stroger is a nice guy. I know, because I wrked with him in the Jury Commissioners’ office in Cook County Circuit Court for a couple of years a little more than a decade ago. But in terms of political smarts, I’m sorry to say that Todd makes his dad seem like an Albert Einstein of politics.
If Todd’s last name were not Stroger, you would probably find him running a comic book store somewhere, and doing modestly well at it. If you put Todd in a debate against Peraica, the result is going to be rather ugly.
As for the comparisons with the white politicians that have greased the political careers of their children, there are some differences. With the exception of the Lipinskis, the offspring did not replace Daddy in a specific office (and given the fact that young Lipinski was running to be in effect a junior member of the minority party in the US House… hardly a position of instant power… using that race to justify Todd’s instant promotion to the chief execuitve post in America’s second largest county is a stretch).
Lisa Madigan first ran for the State Senate in a district halfway across town from her father’s district (and defeated an incumbent who was under federal indictment). As for Dan Hynes, he was slated for State Comptroller. Hell, I once had a college professor of mine (Michael Bakalis) who cancelled class one day so that he could present himself for slating as a candidate for Lt. Governor, and ended up being slated for Comptroller as a consolation prize! So am I supposed to think that getting eleceted and then being politically parked in the office of State Comprtoller is such a big deal???
If Todd Stroger becomes the Democratic candidate for Cook County Board President, Tony Peraica wins quite comfortably. I suspect that a number of the African-American political leaders will be content to see Todd’s political career crash and burn, giving them a chance to be the great hope for that office in 2010.
Secretary/Treasurer, Illinois Committee for Honest Government
- Anonymous - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 9:50 am:
What’s most galling is for T. Stroger to go from defending his lackluster credentials to now boasting about them. Can this guy point to ONE accomplishment as a state rep.? ONE? I don’t think so. At least Lisa and Dan have worked to do something with what was handed to them. Todd puts the zzzz in lazy.
- Wow - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 9:56 am:
Keep dreaming, Sherman, about a Peraica presidency. One would have to question your evaluation of political talent if think that a guy who comes from Nothing, Arkansas to become President of the County Board knows nothing about politics. Based on the candidates you support, you probably choose your candidates through a tin foil hat.
As for running for something other than President, do you think that D Hynes, L Madigan and D Lipinski are planning to finish their careers there? The same thing goes for Todd, the 14 years or so he’s spent as a State Rep and Alderman were never intended to be his final destinations. Trying to distinguish between their ambition and todd’s simply because of the spot that is open at the time is a phony argument.
For all of you who complain about Todd, remember, you will have your chance to vote up or down on him in November. As for Peraica, you clearly know nothing about what a bomb-thrower that guy is if you think you can throw your vote away on him. No “true blue” Dem votes for a guy like Peraica.
Take Todd’s last name into account and then mix it up with all the positions he takes on other issues. If you can’t get past just his last name, then stay home. It’s hardly enough of reason to vote for or against ANY person. Otherwise, you would have voted:
Against Richard M. Daley:
D Davis
Against Dan Hynes
Chris Lauzen
Against Madigan
John Schmidt
Against Lipinski
Sullivan or Kelly or whoever
Hard to see the difference unless you’ve cosistently stood against “nepotism.”
Plus it’s hardly “nepotism” when you would actually have to stand for election.
- cermak_rd - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 10:10 am:
I don’t like Peraica. He got way too involved in politics in Berwyn, where my folks live, for my taste. He’s also about as anti-gay as you can get.
- anonymous - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 10:39 am:
Thank god for Barack Obama.
Hell no, I won’t thank God for Obama. He stabbed HIS FRIEND Forrest Claypool in the back by refusing to endorse him–despite receiving quite a lot of help from Claypool in his campaign–and now the County may end up with an even more incompetent Stroger at the helm. Thanks for nothing, Barack.
- Merlin - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 10:47 am:
Randall Sherman writes how he knows and likes Todd but he couldn’t run a comic book store etc. Have you looked at yourself in the mirror, sir. Do you think that you and your organization are well respected. I would suggest that if Stroger donated $500 to your PAC, your political army of one would be blogging away on his behalf.
- Pat Hickey - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 10:47 am:
Have any of you folks had the chance to hear’The Tony Peraica Singers’ on his hip new urban-market radio spots? The Man could headline at the old Impala Lounge!
- Levois - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 10:56 am:
I don’t like this. This would not be a smart move for Todd Stroger. They shouldn’t let him be president. He should just take his old man’s commissioner’s seat. Then he can take his chances later on.
- Grubnednarb - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 10:57 am:
I completely disagree that the Hynes and Madigan situations justify the annointment of Todd Stroger to the third most important political job in the State. It’s a really big job Furthermore, I don’t believe I am guilty of double standards.
Both Hynes and Madigan ran in primaries. Dan may have been unopposed in the primary - I can’t recall - but Lisa’s primary was tough - she defeated a candidate with better legal credentials than her.
Hynes has proven to be one of our finest and most ethical constitutional officers. His performance as Comptroller has been superlative. Madigan appears to be doing a great job as Attorney General, and seems well-positioned to be the next Democratic gubernatorial nominee in the post-Blago era. Hynes would be a really great,super-competent Governor!
I have nothing against him personally, but Todd Stroger appears to be a total lightweight compared to these other political progeny. The 8th Ward political organization and African American community do deserve respect!(Lipinski at least had a PhD in political science despite the questionable circumstances surrouding his annointment as the Democratic nominee.)
Of all the African-American candidates I have heard mentioned as possible successors. I believe Dorothy Brown is the best qualified. I think she would do a good job!Todd Stroger is probably the least qualified AA candidate that has been mentioned.
Whoever the Cook County Democratic Committeeman annoint, they need to do it soon. There’s a real vacuum in executive leadership, and it’s obvious that John Stroger will never be able to resume his duties. I assume there will be some political trade-offs involved in choosing a new City Clerk and the Cook County Board President As far as I am concerned the City Clerk job should be abolished!
- Wow - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 11:20 am:
Your only disagreement with the Hynes/Madigan/Lipinski anointings and this is credentials? C’mon. There was hardly a vetting process that led to their elections. Hynes was Hynes, Lipinski was Lipinski and Madigan was a one-term State Senator. No special prerequisites required. If anything, your example seems to show that progeny can be good public servants.
So why the huge objection here? Why the hue and cry? Perhaps we should call it like it is. Race.
The “anger” from the primary and the “anger” about Todd are rooted in the same dynamic: There seems to be this belief that white “progressives” and African Americans are to be tied at the hip in some “reform” manifesto. Then, when African Americans choose their own destiny, contrary to the white progressive agenda (or candidate), it is somehow illegitimate.
Remember, whoever, is chosen by the party will be submitted to the voters in November. He or she will stand on their own merit. All I am saying is, if “nepotism” is an issue, throw it into the mix with all the other issues and then decide. Stop trying to hold this man’s name against him. Let him present himself and then vote.
But if “nepotism” is your only issue, stay home. It means you don’t really care who’s President of the County if you think Tony Peraica is a leader worth supporting.
- Cardinal Woolsey - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 11:23 am:
The Democratic Party has long been the party of primogeniture, dating back to Otto Kerner the elder. (An excellent exegesis of this can be found in Mike Royko’s Boss.) Todd Stroger’s ascension to the County Board Presidency, his right as the eldest son, will be affirmed by the Central Committee consistent with tradition and good sense. A Regency will of course govern the County’s affairs as he matures in the job. The more interesting question relates to the make-up of the Regency, which Forest Claypool, the Robin Hood of Cookshire, touched upon in the last Board meeting. Who are the Regents?
- Illinois Royalty - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 11:44 am:
Grubnednarb says Madigan and Hynes ran in primaries. True enough, but with buckloads of money shaken down from special interests by their fathers and with busloads of precinct workers lined up by their fathers and endorsements from other dependent pols lined up by their fathers. Hard to draw too fine of a distinction with Todd when they were muscled in by family, just like John Stroger and his team will muscle his son in.
- JIMBO - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 11:50 am:
Illinois Royalty: I know one thing, John Stroger isnt muscling anyone these days.
- grand old partisan - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 11:53 am:
There is nothing wrong with a powerful political family giving its scions advantages like fundraising contacts, called-in-favor-endorsements, name recognition, etc. But the voters should always have the last word. Party powerhouses shouldn’t force the party faithful to choose between their kid or the other party in November. They should make them compete in the primary. Thanks to ‘wow’ for helping outline why that is not only more fair to the voters but also better for the candidates themselves: of all the scions who now hold office, only Hynes never had to face a competitive primary to ascend to his respective office. And look what happened to him when he finally was subjected to one! Madigan was made stronger by going up against Schmidt. Blago became a better candidate by having to compete with Vallas and Burris. Bush improved as a candidate as a result of McCain’s challenge. Conversely, Lipinksi has the lowest margin of any incumbent Congressman last March, and Hynes’s once career appears stalled. Coincidence? I don’t think so.
I think this whole episode has been appalling from the start. Having suffer a stroke that severe (I mean, seriously, if he’s been this incapacitated for this long, there’s no way that they didn’t know it was seriously debilitating or career ending from the start), his family should have withdrew him from the race just given it to Claypool and let Todd work towards a Daley style reclaiming of the thrown. It would have been better for the voters, and it would have been better for Todd in the long run.
- anonymous - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 12:02 pm:
That is such bulls**t. Race is not the issue. Incompetence and a willingness to reform the disaster that is Cook County IS the issue. The completely undemocratic process that excludes all but 80 voters from choosing who the nominee in November will be IS the issue.
Btw, I’m sure I could come up with at least 10 African Americans who would be incalculably better for the county board presidency than Son of John.
- anonymous - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 12:04 pm:
Also, the cesspool of politics in this state will not change until we have a clean-money campaign finance system AND overall contribution limits. The status quo in Illinois makes the current GOP bribery exchange in DC look like a tea party.
- Crackhead Obama - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 1:29 pm:
The Peraica press statement regarding Todd Stroger and Democrat nepotism was funny. Something to the effect that when Todd starts spouting his non-credentials “Aren’t they cute at this age”. Funny.
Is there something wrong with handing a $3billion budget to the son of Stroger. Let’s all just look the other way.
- Wow - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 1:30 pm:
Anon 12:04
There were no equivalent cries of “nepotism” with any of the other high profile elected officials who came to office as a result of their DNA. The anger about all this is at the core of our sensibilities, not our political philosophy, but how we really believe we are supposed to interact with one another, and the lack of genuine interaction between the races is why “progressive” whites don’t get how blacks vote.
Which is why I say that white “progressives” are turned in knots when they can’t “control” what African Americans do politically. Think Bill Singer, Dick Simpson and Harold Washington: Don’t you think that it was the liberal lakefront that feels they paved the way for blacks to become mayor? Since then they have looked to the black community to be the plowhorses for the “progressive agenda.” That’s why “progressive” whites were so angry about Claypool’s defeat, and that’s why “progs” are angry about Todd.
And yet, white “progressives” (Claypool, Quigley)feel quite comfortable with Daley? Hmmmm. Sure, it’s not about race.
Blacks will assert themselves and their political destiny, and is up to the parties and candidates to figure out the way to respond to this. Or not.
Can you find 10 black elected officials “better” than Todd? That’s up to you. But stop believing that’s how candidates are chosen and how elections are won. That’s the real b.s.
Remember that FDR was chosen in the smokiest of smoke-filled rooms…in Chicago!
- Bubs - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 2:00 pm:
Don’t they know that the laws against human inbreeding exist for a reason?
Go Tony Go!!!!
- anonymous - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 2:58 pm:
I can’t BELIEVE you wrote this with a straight face:
There were no equivalent cries of “nepotism†with any of the other high profile elected officials who came to office as a result of their DNA.
Now that I’ve picked myself off the floor, where I collapsed with laughter, do I really need to bother digging up the scads of articles about Lisa Madigan, Dan Hynes, Dan Lipinski, etc. etc. etc.?
Don’t you think that it was the liberal lakefront that feels they paved the way for blacks to become mayor?
No, I don’t. (And for the record, there has only been one black mayor elected by the people of Chicago, not mayorS–Eugene Sawyer was elected by the city council.) Anyone who has a clue knows that the huge increase in African-American voters was the most significant factor propelling Washington to victory in 1983. If lakefront liberals other than myself want to unfairly give themselves chief credit for his win, that’s their problem–but don’t insult me by assuming that I know nothing of history or am intellectually dishonest. (I’ll leave that to you and your laughable statements that there’s never been an outcry about white politicians greasing the skids for their kids.)
That’s why “progressive†whites were so angry about Claypool’s defeat, and that’s why “progs†are angry about Todd.
No, most progressive whites (with this statement you assume all in this category think monolithically, which is of course false), in my opinion, were angry because kids (mostly African American and Latino) are being beaten and otherwise mistreated at the juvenile home. That dead women receive contracts because the county’s contract administrator is so inept/corrupt. (This would be the same administrator caught posing as an election worker in March “helping” elderly voters choose Stroger on their ballots.) That a county hospital almost lost its accreditation because of mismanagement. That the Stroger administration’s response to almost any crisis has been a knee-jerk call for higher taxes. That nurses may go on strike because something like FIFTY county labor contracts have yet to be resolved, long after many of the prior contracts have expired. And on and on and on.
Also, if you actually had as much political savvy as you pretend to, you’d know that there is no love lost between Quigley and Daley these days. They may have been allies once upon a time, but that time is far, far in the past. Claypool himself had to walk a fine line in terms of his relationship with Daley during the primary.
FDR was chosen in a smoke-filled room in 1932–74 years ago–an era in which Jim Crow laws were still widespread throughout the South and women were not treated equally in this country. Do you really want to cite this as a positive example? True, I guess bad systems can occasionally produce good leaders, but bad systems (80 Democratic committeeman) are equally capable of producing bad leaders. It will be a miracle if the committeemen produce anyone other than a talentless, corruption-enabling, crony-loving hack to run in November.
- Teapot Dome - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 3:12 pm:
An AP reporter gave us the original, smokiest of smoke-filled rooms in 1920 to describe the place in the Blackstone Hotel where party leaders conspired to hand the Republican nomination for President to Warren G. Harding. It has reappeared on a regular basis to describe any meeting of partisan conspirators. FDR had the 1932 nomination pretty well sewn up by the time Democrats gathered at the Chicago Stadium, notwithstanding the bitter last minute efforts of Alfred G. Smith to snatch it from his one-time protege.
- Mr. Luxury Yacht - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 3:58 pm:
(but it’s pronounced “Throatwobblermangrove”)
- toddless - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 9:04 am:
“his poltical daddy is Rahm Emanual”
Not counting the misspellings, the argument is just as far off. Barack is an incredibly talented natural politician, who is indeed another American success story, who benefitted WAY more from a perfect storm of perfect morons (Hull and Ryan) who self-destructed in his path. He is one lucky SOB who, to the consternation, has walked 90 degrees away from his base with remarkable regularity. The bankruptcy bill? Duckworth? (insert your favorite first-term Obama outrage here).
But Rahm’s butt boy? Puh-leaze.
- Sammy Esposito - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 4:11 pm:
Before we just hand this thing over to Todd Stroger, we need to remind ourselves that Fran Spielman doesn’t get to pick John Stroger’s replacement on the ticket, the committeemen do. (Fran’s shilling for Todd has been nothing short of breathtaking.)
Todd might be the frontrunner, but his ascension is by no means a done deal. No doubt, given the recent examples of Cook County nepotism, it’s going to be hard for some committeeman to say no to Todd. However, I can think of at least five good reasons why Todd might not be able to pull this off. Here they are:
1) Bill Lipinski and Tom Hynes are still influential and they are indebted to the gods of nepotism, but they are no longer committeemen. Hynes will push hard for Todd behind-the-scenes, and will likely quarterback the entire Stroger effort, but he no longer carries the 19th Ward’s weighted vote in his back pocket and will need an assist from Madigan or the Daleys. Hynes’ remaining influence was called into question when he failed to derail Tom Dart’s slating as sheriff last Fall.
2) John Stroger is incapacitated and unable to broker the deal for Todd — so who will work the smoke-filled room for Todd along with Tom Hynes? The African-American committeemen capable of rallying black support behind Todd (Bill Beavers, Ike Carothers, and Jesse White,) are all potential candidates to replace John Stroger themselves. Will their hearts be in it for Todd? Are Ed Burke, Mike Madigan, Dick Mell, or John Daley willing to twist their fellow committeemen’s arms purely based on a feeling of loyalty towards John Stroger – or will something else motivate them? (See below.) The central committee is filled with followers, Todd needs to get a few of the leaders on his side.
3) Most committeemen will have more to gain personally if a new Democratic board president is elected. If they kiss in Todd Stroger, there will be no turnover in the top, high-paying county jobs (and there are a ton of them.) A new board president – appointed by the committeemen – will bring in a new team and encourage the 8th Ward hacks to retire. Then the new guy will have to repay the committeemen by filling some of those newly opened positions with job seekers the committeemen recommend.
4) As Randall Sherman pointed out in an earlier post, electability is an issue with Todd Stroger. Like any Republican in Cook County, Peraica is a longshot…and his odds will get longer if he keeps fighting with his fellow Republicans. But running against Todd gives Peraica his best shot of actually winning. He will get to run against the Stroger record without actually running against John Stroger! Todd will have to run with all his dad’s baggage and none of his political debits and good will. That probably won’t be enough for Peraica, but with a well timed indictment or two he’ll have a decent chance.
5) Finally, the committeemen who are inclined not to support Todd for board pres. have a fallback position: they can offer to slate Todd for Recorder of Deeds in 2008. As long as another African-American is chosen to fill the board president spot, the white committeemen can buy political cover on nepotism-hypocrisy front by steering Todd into another countywide spot.
P.S. Good point by G.O. Partisan about how tough primary races helped Madigan and Blago and the lack of primary tests hurt Hynes and Lipinski.
Pingback IlliniPundit.com » Blog Archive » Roundup (5/10/06) - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 4:56 pm:
[…] How about some good old-fashioned Chicago Democratic nepotism? […]
- Cynthia - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 6:11 pm:
I predicted this early on.
- Ignatius J. Reilly - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 9:40 pm:
“Qualifications” is an exclusionary device used by political operatives as code for either ours or not ours. It has nothing to do with individual outcomes. Was Lisa Madigan qualified? How about George W. Bush what were his qualifications? So, wether Todd Stroger attains political qualification status has nothing to do with either election or fitness for the office. What does matter is vision and competence after the election. Regarding the office of CC Board President, neither of those attributes are required since they are provided by the centralized command structure on the west side of the building. So, what’s all this chatter really about?
- ZC - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 10:34 pm:
Reading this blog semi-regularly, there appear to be some people out there who believe Rahm Emanuel is the Moriarty of Illinois politics or something, like his evil octupoid hands are everywhere. Really people, he’s smart but he’s mortal.
- Let's Just Reinstate Feudalism - Thursday, May 11, 06 @ 12:50 am:
Ignatz, I like it! Qualifications mean nothing in Illinois politics, its all about WHO’S YOUR DADDY!!!
To think that the Illinois Democratic Party has the gall to throw “Jackson Day” dinners. This nepotistic crap should have Andrew Jackson turning over in his grave. Over and over.
- Merlin - Thursday, May 11, 06 @ 9:28 am:
As much as everyone is railing against nepotism and Todd Stroger, I would suggest his slating would have less to do with his pedagree as with politics. Madigan, Daley, Hynes, Lyons, Burke and all the other Irish committeemen know they have to appoint an African American and don’t trust anyone else.
- Bubs - Thursday, May 11, 06 @ 10:10 am:
Merlin, would that be Lisa Madigan, John Daley, Dan Hynes and Anne Burke?
- Anonymous - Thursday, May 11, 06 @ 11:34 am:
Seriously discussing Todd Stroger as president of the County Board is out of Alice in Wonderland. The job is an executive position and has always required strong leaders - Stroger, Phelan, Dunne, Simon, Dan Ryan. Todd is a nice kid who couldn’t manage his way out of a paper bag. Whatever you may say about his Dad, he was clearly IN CHARGE (subject, of course, to bending to Daley’s will on certain matters). The more interesting question for this loop - if Todd were President, who would actually run things day to day?