Morning shorts
Wednesday, May 10, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller · Carol Marin takes a huge whack at Gov. Blagojevich. Must read. Background here. · Can you imagine what would happen if Daley or Blagojevich had said something like this? The feds would swoop down with every SWAT team available and whisk them away to Gitmo in a hearbeat. · Hinz: Topinka looks like Blagojevich in helping contributors get state biz · Rosemont drops casino, eyes family friendly project · Gov approves bill that paves way for private takeover of Midway · Illinois to expand Amtrak service · Tribe won’t say if casino is in the cards · Congrats: Mike Lawrence to receive Paul Simon award from Illinois Campaign for Political Reform · Blagojevich To Sign Nursing Home Background Checks Bill · U of I defends move to become more elite · Teamsters Endorse Peter Roskam. · Roskam distances self from speech · Roskam, Duckworth go after middle ground · State signs off on watered-down I-PASS penalties · How preschool program affects you
- ChiliMan - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 5:26 am:
What the hell happened to the set and format of Fox 32 News? It’s unwatchable now! From now on, I’m sticking with WGN at 9, not some joke trying to force feed me national consultant b.s. news
- Shallow Pharnyx - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 7:06 am:
It is sad and shameful Blago vetoed the manufactured home park bill!! Sad.
- Dan Ville - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 8:31 am:
The Governor in the tank?! I’m shocked!! And appalled!!
- Mr . Ethics - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 8:35 am:
The pre school expansion is five years away according to the Daily Herald. The kids haven’t even been born yet. So who is this supposed to be helping? More smoke and no fire from this administration
- Mongo - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 8:55 am:
I hereby nominate Sandy Rios for the Hate and Discrimination Commission!! She’s a natural for it.
- Anon - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 9:21 am:
Mr. E: Something like 10,000 more kids will get preschool services during the next year alone — Another year of incremental progress toward a goal that will take a few years of increasing annual investments. (Reaching all who want it couldnt’ happen overnight without even more massive investments upfront.) This work is helping real kids in real families as real resources are made available. In fact, the past 3 yrs already have helped about 25,000 more kids.
- Randall Sherman - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 9:36 am:
Regarding the Teamsters endorsement of Roskam, perhaps we will joint campaign photos by the Teamsters showing Roskam and other GOP candidates in that area, such as the judicial subcircuit nomineee in much of the Cook County portion of the 6th CD (who happens to be the granddaughter of a late Outfit boss). That should make things real interesting in that congressional race.
- Cassandra - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 12:12 pm:
I thought Head Start was already available as preschool program for low-income families. Aren’t we duplicating a federal program.
I continue to be amazed that seniors support Blagojevich. The veto of the manufactured home bill, plundering of the state pension fund to support programs to enhance his candidacy, failure to address high property taxes, the list goes on. What programs he does have for seniors seem to be duds…like the cheap drugs from Canada program.
On the other hand, the lifeless campaign of JBT doesn’t seem to be offering a clear alternative for seniors. And JBT is a senior herself!
- Anon - Wednesday, May 10, 06 @ 5:12 pm:
State pre-k doesnt’ duplicate fed’l Head Start. HS is pretty narrowly limited to below fed’l poverty level ; state pre-K definition of “at risk” is wider in scope. New state approach will allow access gradually — as in, over the course of yrs — to more kids as $$ allows and parents choose. Presently, too many mid-inc families earn too much to qualify for existing preschool programs, but too little to afford private-pay programs.