Another vacation interrupter: The “clout list”
Wednesday, May 17, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller Two points about the hiring list uncovered by the Sun-Times. Gov. Blagojevich’s office kept a clout list of hundreds of state employees recommended by lobbyists, lawmakers and major fund-raisers — despite the governor’s repeated statements that politics doesn’t influence state hiring. There’s no indication whether any of these jobs were covered under civil service rules. If they weren’t covered, then the governor can fill those posts just about any way he wishes. The second point is much more interesting and comes from a list provided by the Associated Press of some of those who were on the governor’s hiring list and who recommended them for their jobs. Dawn DeFraties, personnel, Central Management Services, “J Gianulis” Yes, that Dawn DeFraties and, apparently, that John Gianulis. The governor’s office claimed last week that DeFraties, the former personnel director at CMS, allowed “special” job applications to be filed for people with clout and then gave those people a leg up in getting a state job. But now we find out that DeFraties was apparently put in her job by one of the governor’s top patronage officials, John Gianulis. Last week, the guv’s people made it sound like DeFraties was doing all this on her own, without any referrals from others. The still-secret Inspector General’s report, however, claimed that one of those “special” job applications was faxed to DeFraties from Gianulis’ Rock Island County Democratic headquarters. Gianulis has denied that ever happened. So, we have John Gianulis, the deputy director of the governor’s office of Intergovernmental Affairs/Personnel recommending that Dawn DeFraties be appointed hiring czar at the Department of Central Management Services. Then DeFraties somehow goes off on her own and makes a bunch of illegal political hires? Highly unlikely.