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Question of the day

Wednesday, May 24, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

Do you think Illinois should make English its official language? Why or why not?

UPDATE: Um, OK, it turns out that English already is the official language of the state of Illinois.

(5 ILCS 460/20) (from Ch. 1, par. 2901-20). Sec. 20. Official language. The official language of the State of Illinois is English. (Source: PA 87-273.)

So, let’s change the question.

Is this a good law or a bad law? Why or why not?


  1. - So-Called "Austin Mayor" - Wednesday, May 24, 06 @ 9:23 am:

    If English were made the official language of Illinois, what would Richie Daley do? Would the Mayor’s office finally hire a Daley-to-English translator? And who would get that contract — the Duffs or the Rottis?

    No, making English the official language would cause too many problems.

  2. - Skeeter - Wednesday, May 24, 06 @ 9:29 am:

    I vote for Greek as our official language. It sounds much nicer. If we are going to choose a language, it should be one with nice flow.

  3. - Bluefish - Wednesday, May 24, 06 @ 9:37 am:

    Bad idea. In parts a da state, people ain’t be speakin english good.

  4. - Anon - Wednesday, May 24, 06 @ 9:40 am:

    Just so you know…

    (5 ILCS 460/20) (from Ch. 1, par. 2901‑20)
    Sec. 20. Official language. The official language of the State of Illinois is English.
    (Source: P.A. 87‑273.)

  5. - the Other Anonymous - Wednesday, May 24, 06 @ 9:46 am:

    Is there any question that English (and, as Austin Mayor points out, Daleyish) is the language of Illinois state government?

    The reason there’s a push for recognition of English as an official language is a backlash against Latinos exercising political power. It’s a non-sensical response to the demands for pro-immigration laws.

    My parents immigrated here from one of the former republics of the Soviet Union. Their native language was brutally repressed by the Moscow-based Soviet overlords. For them, language was a crucial aspect of identity — and government represssion of their linguistic heritage was a serious human rights abuse.

    The same issue is playing out here. English as the language of government and business is not at all under threat in this country. Immigrants know that they must learn English to succeed, and almost all do.

    All this nonesense about immigrants jamming their mother tongues down our throats is just thinly disguised xenophobia. We should not be making laws based on it.

  6. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, May 24, 06 @ 9:52 am:

    Money talks. It speaks English. Thats enough.

  7. - ChicagoCynic - Wednesday, May 24, 06 @ 9:55 am:

    The law nationally and locally is simply meaningless pandering to xenophobia. English IS the de facto language of the US. Somehow we’ve managed to survive that way for 230 years. It’s only happening now as political cover.

  8. - ChiliMan - Wednesday, May 24, 06 @ 10:06 am:

    I thought that the official language of Illinois was “The Language of the United States” or some term like that. When did it change to explicitly be English?

  9. - Conservative Republican - Wednesday, May 24, 06 @ 10:15 am:

    De facto is not the same as de jure….

    In either Texas or Florida, some small municipality enacted Spanish as the official language, requiring the printing of municipal records, ordinances, etc. in Spanish.

    In our great state of Illinois, it would not be too far fetched to see some local government instition, i.e. a local school council in Pilsen, the Town of Cicero, etc., adopt Spanish as its “official” language, with the full approval of someone like Luis Gutierrez.

    Don’t forget, we have “nuclear free zones” and hand gun bans (exposing homeowners and shopowners to armed criminals) enacted in municipalities throughout our great state. A “Spanish pride” movement of that sort is not too far fetched.

    Hence, the state law making English the official language serves as a bulwark against such insipient insanity. And mirrors the practice common throughout the world.

    If we are going to deny English as the official language, why not get rid of the flag, the bald eagle, the great seal, etc. and all other indicia of our national unity?

  10. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, May 24, 06 @ 10:19 am:

    Actually, VanillaMan, money is the universal language.

  11. - North of I-80 - Wednesday, May 24, 06 @ 10:19 am:

    Great idea! Can we stop printing government notices, signs, warnings and instructions in anything other than English??

  12. - grand old partisan - Wednesday, May 24, 06 @ 10:26 am:

    People should always be free to speak, write, publish, advertise in, or otherwise communicate in whatever language they want. I don’t think even the most “xenophobic” among my party are proposing to limit that. What we are saying is that, when it comes to “official business,” it’s a matter of practicality. It’s simply in the best interest of public safety and the maintenance of a functioning society to say that there should be one common language that every citizen is expected to understand for the purpose of posting and enforcing laws and public notices; for providing emergency management and/or medical services; for facilitating communication between neighbors, teachers and their students (and their student’s parents), employers and employees, and public servants and their constituents.

    We have a legal system that – for better or worse – is often based upon protecting people from endangering themselves. So why is this any different? Why should the law tell me that I need to buckle my safety-belt, but not tell me that I should know the language that the EMTs and cops who respond to my accident will be speaking? Give me either both laws or neither. I’m no libertarian, but I’d like to see a little consistency.

  13. - the Patriot - Wednesday, May 24, 06 @ 10:43 am:

    As more and more languages are integrated into our society the problems are compounded. State services have to present different languages, but if they present one, and not the other, then they are subject to equal protection suits. Saying the official language is English stops all that. you can speak any language you want and god bless you and your heritage, but you cannot realistically expect every state agency to provide services in a dozen different languages.

    One “official” language is the only way to go.

  14. - ChicagoCynic - Wednesday, May 24, 06 @ 10:44 am:

    Conservative Republican,

    What are you and your ilk so afraid of from the spanish speaking throngs? Why does it fill you with such angst and rage? What is the big friggin deal?

    I mean geez, go to O’Hare airport and notice how many signs there are for those who speak Spanish or, God Forbid, another language. Answer - almost none. Compare that to cities throughout the world outside of this country where their signs are usually in at least two or three languages with one of them always being English. That’s not about to change.

    English in this country is safe. So again I ask, what in the world makes you so exercised about this? Does Chinese fill you with the same angst or is it only those brown skinned feriners who bus your table?

  15. - Lovie's Leather - Wednesday, May 24, 06 @ 10:50 am:

    I do believe that english should be the state, and the national language. English truely is America’s language. When you move hear, you should learn to speak english. Just like if I moved to Mexico, I would learn Spanish. This is a very simple issue… America=English. It really isn’t a difficult concept.

    But here is the funny thing, you know when your older brother chased you down and started tickling you or womping you, your only defense is to scream. Anymore, the liberals only defense is to scream racism. Why do liberals scream racism? Is that their only defense against ideas they don’t like? The only reason I think about race on a daily basis is because I always get some jackass screaming at me about racism. I don’t care if you’re black, white, latino, native american, whatever you are you should speak english if you live in america.

  16. - Skeeter - Wednesday, May 24, 06 @ 11:23 am:

    If we make English the official language, then maybe Lovie’s Leather will learn to speak English. The lack of official standing must be the reason that LL has refused to use the language properly.

  17. - ChicagoCynic - Wednesday, May 24, 06 @ 11:29 am:

    First of all Lovie, most countries in America (i.e. North and South America) speak spanish. If you’re talking about the USA, then of course we speak English. Why do we need to codify it?

  18. - Larry Horse - Wednesday, May 24, 06 @ 11:31 am:

    There is NO reason ANY nation at any time should have an official national language. It’s stupid and only causes unnecessary jingoism. English can be called the official language of government, but anything else is just silly.

  19. - Bill Baar - Wednesday, May 24, 06 @ 11:46 am:

    One effect of all of those overseas call centers is American English (kind of like Daley’s English) will become the worlds language.

    I like the notion of languages competing and its going to come down to English, Spanish, and Chinese.

  20. - Si se puede - Wednesday, May 24, 06 @ 11:47 am:

    Lovie: Too bad the world is not as simple a place as you paint it. Immigrants are not stupid. They understand that to try to advance in America, one shoudl learn to speak English. But that’s like saying that one should exercise and eat right in order to live longer. Everyone knows that, but that’s why there are no overweight people in the US, right?

    And then there is the problem of actually LEARNING English. For one, there are not enough ESL classes are all of the people who want to learn English. The new immigration reform bills do not provide funding for expanding ESL classes. How is an immigrant who wants to learn the language supposed to do it if there are not enough classes given in order to learn it (if you’re a Republican I’m sure your answer is “Not my problem.”)

    Another point is that English is an extremely difficult language to learn. You show that yourself when you write “you know when your older brother”. It’s “you’re”. Also, “brother chased you down…your only defense is to scream”. Past tense (chased) and future tense (is to) must agree, buddy.

    So you see, if English (capitalized) is hard for you to master, imagine how difficult it would be for an immigrant or a Latino (capitalized) to master who has not lived here for years?

  21. - Comosellama? - Wednesday, May 24, 06 @ 12:05 pm:

    Who care if it is a law, let’s amend the constitution. If it is o.k. for the gay bashers it should be o.k. for the racists.

  22. - Skeeter - Wednesday, May 24, 06 @ 12:10 pm:

    Bill Baar,
    You left out Greek. It will come down to English, Chinese, Spanish, and Greek. Greeks are everywhere. I know these things.

  23. - Making The Wheels Turn - Wednesday, May 24, 06 @ 12:35 pm:

    Personally, could care less what language anyone speaks as their primary language. That’s just one of the things that America is all about. But, as a business person, I expect and require all of our employees to have excellent command of the English language (and “Daleyese” looks to me to just be a variant of English). As long as there are no restrictions put on my ability to make that a requirement for our corporate entity, than I’ve got no problems with whatever language anybody wants to speak.

    No restrictions on an individual’s language options/selections should also mean no restrictions on my language options/selections (for business purposes).

  24. - grand old partisan - Wednesday, May 24, 06 @ 12:36 pm:

    It would be pointless to deny that many proponents of this legislation are motivated by xenophobia and jingoism, but that should not discredit the rational arguments of those who are advocating this for practical purposes.

    Here is my thought process:

    1) It is in all our individual and collective best interests for every citizen and/or resident of this country to be able to understand and communicate with law enforcement, paramedics, emergency management agencies, our elected officials, and other various public notices produced by the government.

    2) It is not practical for every such public service agency or entity to provide such communications in every language that might be spoken by the many immigrants who come to this country from every corner of the globe.

    3) It would thus be sound public – and all of our individual and collective best interests - for the government to statutorily expect that we, as citizens, should all understand a single, common language.

    Please, someone tell me the flaw in that logic.

  25. - annoyed all the time - Wednesday, May 24, 06 @ 1:21 pm:

    my annoyance is only when people use language barrier to excuse improper behavior be that english speaking or spanish or greek for that matter. yes to succeed all around it would be in someone’s best interest to speak as good of english as possible. but if someone chooses to not learn the language, i don’t want excuses that jsut because they don’t speak english they didn’t know they had to stop at the stop sign.

  26. - leigh - Wednesday, May 24, 06 @ 1:33 pm:

    I believe Miami has spanish as its “official” language. The airport announcements were in spanish and I found it incredibly frustrating. When I travel to foreign countries, I am better prepared with at least a few important words. I didn’t realize it would be necessary when traveling to Miami. If I ever have to go there again, I shall carry a english-spanish dictionary. What happens to Miami if the National law passes. Will they have to use English as well? Whose law supercedes?

  27. - Larry Horse - Wednesday, May 24, 06 @ 2:46 pm:

    If you support English being the “Official Language”, then you have no right to EVER say that government should be staying out of people’s lives. The idea of a national language is completely anathema to that of limited government and is a testament to the ideological bankruptcy of the right nowadays.

  28. - the Other Anonymous - Wednesday, May 24, 06 @ 2:58 pm:

    Hmm . . . the section naming English as the “official” language is in the same Act designating the cardinal as the official bird, the monarch butterfly as the official insect, etc.

    I believe that a good case could be made that the “official” state designation is simply honorary, and imposes no mandate.

    Otherwise, the mosquitoes better make way for the Monarch Butterfly.

  29. - Lovie's Leather - Wednesday, May 24, 06 @ 3:57 pm:

    A bunch of stupid idiots… the problem of learning english… not my problem… this is a society of freedom… It is your responsibility to learn english, not the government… you can be free to educate yourself or remain a dumbass. I really don’t care. The point is, in the US, English should be the official language. Just like in Mexico, it should be Spanish. I am so sick of this “guilty white-man syndrome.” Get over yourselves. Speak English!

    Oh yeah, an official national language would mean more government??? So instead, we should have less government and provide all government papers available in how many languages? 10? 20? The government should spend our tax money to do this? Then you say, well, english can be the official language of the government. So when the non-english reading people don’t pay their taxes, what do you do??? Is that their fault?… no it isn’t… because english isn’t the required language… except for the government. So, people are still required to know english even though it isn’t the national language? It is a comp out and total crap.

  30. - ChicagoCynic - Wednesday, May 24, 06 @ 4:25 pm:

    Is Lovie’s Leather for real? Or is he just trying to be a caricature?

  31. - Skeeter - Wednesday, May 24, 06 @ 4:38 pm:

    Lovie’s Leather said:

    “Get over yourselves. Speak English”

    That is what I said, Lovie.
    You claim to be from Illinois. Please learn to speak our language.

  32. - respectful - Wednesday, May 24, 06 @ 4:47 pm:

    I doubt anyone will try to repeal our state’s official language act. In fact, the House approved a resolution this month saying the National Anthem should be sung only in Engles.

  33. - Cuero de Lovie - Wednesday, May 24, 06 @ 5:59 pm:

    Un ramo de idiotas estúpidos… el problema de aprender inglés… no mi problema… esto es una sociedad de la libertad… es su responsabilidad de aprender inglés, no el gobierno… usted puede ser libre educarlo ni se queda un burro. Yo realmente no cuido. El punto es, en los EEUU, inglés debe ser el idioma oficial. Como en México, debe ser español. Estoy tan enfermo de esto “síndrome.” culpable de blanco-hombre Obtiene sobre ustedes mismos. ¡Hable inglés!

    ¿Ah sí, un idioma nacional oficial significaría más gobierno??? ¿Así que en vez de eso, nosotros debemos tener menos gobierno y proporcionar todos papeles del gobierno disponibles en cuántos idiomas? ¿10? ¿20? ¿El gobierno debe gastar nuestro dinero del impuesto para hacer esto? Entonces usted dice, bien, inglés puede ser el idioma oficial del gobierno. ¿Así que cuando las personas no-ingleses de la lectura no pagan sus impuestos, qué hace usted??? Es eso su defecto?… no es no… porque inglés es no el idioma requerido… menos el gobierno. ¿Así son requeridos todavía, personas a saber inglés aunque no sea el idioma nacional? Es un comp fuera y fuera la mierda total.

  34. - Pat Welch - Wednesday, May 24, 06 @ 7:17 pm:

    Rich: There was a group about 15 years ago pushing for legislation to make English the official language of Illinois. They were lobbying the Senate to pass a law to do so. When they came to me, I showed them the law on the books from 1923 that already did this. Their response: We didn’t know that.
    It was probably an isolationist response after World War I.

  35. - Beowulf - Wednesday, May 24, 06 @ 7:45 pm:

    Is there a third option besides Good Law or Bad Law? How about option #3 being Stupid Law? I will vote for Stupid Law if that option is available.

    People in Illinois are “bent out of shape” about the illegal immigrant issue and this sham (or diversion) of making English the “official” language is the the way Illinois politicians choose to pat us on the head and show us that they are right on top of this hot button political issue. It is simply another insult to our intelligence. But, then again, we keep reelecting these same guys so maybe they have us sized up correctly. They do need to dumb down issues for the simple minded voters of Illinois.

    All I know is that now I wish I had voted for Jim Oberweis last March. He was simply too early with his illegal immigrant platform. I apologize Mr. Oberweis. It was my mistake.

  36. - Skeeter - Thursday, May 25, 06 @ 12:42 pm:

    No support for Greek?
    That’s too bad.
    How about French? That language is very nice.

    Lovie’s Leather will have to learn a new language either way. Greek and French are much easier to pick up than English.

  37. - Brit - Friday, May 26, 06 @ 9:13 am:

    You don’t speak English anyway in this country - you speak a bastardization of it.

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