Budget updates
Thursday, May 4, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller UPDATE (4:45 pm): The House just adjourned the spring session. And it’s still daylight. Wow. The party will start around 6pm. ANOTHER UPDATE (3:45 pm): Sen. del Valle just emerged from the governor’s office and told reporters that he didn’t think there was a need for an amendment to the budget. He implied, but did not say explicitly, that he was speaking for all the Latinos. He was reportedly promised that there would be much improved communication with the governor’s office and some other stuff. Details later. VERY IMPORTANT UPDATE: Rumors are running wild today, so let’s try to clear up a couple of them. 1) Nobody got punched. Apparently there was a loud argument during the Senate Democratic caucus (over the Latinos’ refusal to vote for the budget) and two members took it outside. They were eventually separated and things have cooled off a bit. 2) No Latino legislators have been “escorted from the building” by security. The person rumored to have been hauled out of the governor’s office hasn’t even been to the governor’s office today and is on the Senate floor right now. Now, back to the fun. And, please, don’t expound on those untrue rumors in comments. I’ll ban you from posting forever and hunt you down. UPDATE: Sen. Miguel del Valle is in the governor’s office now (3:20 pm). Madigan and Jones were both in there earlier. From the AP: Senate President Emil Jones says he’s not worried that last-minute demands from some senators are stalling a budget vote.
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Audio of Madigan vs. Cross (Use all upper-case in password)
Thursday, May 4, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller
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Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Budget; Madigan vs. Cross; Martinez; Meeks (Use all upper-case in password)
Thursday, May 4, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller
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Question of the day
Thursday, May 4, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller Do you think Gov. Blagojevich’s TV ads are working yet? I’m told his own polling now shows him ahead of Judy Baar Topinka. James Meeks’ poll also showed Blagojevich leading. Also, should Topinka respond now if she has the money or wait until the election is closer?
Ryan juror complains
Thursday, May 4, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller This is interesting spin. “Don’t investigate others because I could get dragged into it.” One of the jurors who convicted former Gov. George Ryan of racketeering and fraud jumped into the tormented aftermath of his trial Wednesday, telling a federal judge that the proceedings “are degenerating into a tug of war with the jury as the rope.”
Claypool wonders who’s in charge
Thursday, May 4, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller I wondered if he’d ever get around to this. After weeks of whispering about who is actually running Cook County government since Board President John Stroger suffered a stroke, a prominent Democrat raised the question in a public setting Wednesday. How long do you think should John Stroger should be given before he has to decide whether he returns to work? Meanwhile, Sneed has this to say: Sneed hears Ald. Todd Stroger (8th), son of ailing Cook County Board President John Stroger, is a shoo-in for his father’s job.
I-Pass chief resigns
Thursday, May 4, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller More reform and renewal. A state employee embroiled in a criminal investigation linked to a firm whose owners have been big political donors to Gov. Blagojevich quietly has left his $87,000-a-year post overseeing the state tollway’s popular I-Pass program.
Morning shorts
Thursday, May 4, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller · Police in most DuPage County towns stopped a higher percentage of minority motorists last year than reflected in the racial makeup of their communities. · Soda distributors to end most school sales · Ryan juror wants her life back · Illinois seeks experimental coal power plant · Tuition, fees rise at both SIU campuses · Senate passes tax cap reform · The president of the Illinois Road & Transportation Builders Association has concerns about a longterm tollway lease · NY Times favors “net neutrality.” So do I. · Pretend pandemic: Crews practice for crisis in suburbs · Feds sue firms selling phone records · Program could bring jobs to East St. Louis · Cook Co. may lose its 7% cap on taxes · Topinka stumps in Shorewood · How to pay for a new Mississippi bridge? A few ideas · State submits site proposals for FutureGen · Bill would boost court costs for tickets