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Wednesday, May 24, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

There’s word that Gov. Blagojevich refused to appear on CNBC to discuss his education plan if a skeptic from A+ Illinois was also on the show.

UPDATE: Kip Peterson, a lottery industry consultant, had this to say to Chicago Public Radio’s 848 program earlier today when asked whether the state could get $10 billion for the lottery:

“That’s dead in the water. There’s no way… You’re looking at 17 and a half years of revenue… Gaming is not stupid.”

The comment comes about 3:40 into the clip, which can be downloaded here (mp3 file - fixed link).

Peterson also said the only way to get that $10 billion was to allow the new operators to run Keno games and “let them do virtually everything in gaming other than run a casino.”


The potential buyers are few but the potential profits from purchasing the Illinois Lottery are big. ABC7 News has learned that there are only three U.S. companies that could buy the Illinois Lottery — Intralot, G-tech, which already provides the online technology for the Illinois Lottery, or Scientific Games, which has the contract for Illinois’ instant scratch off tickets.

Intralot’s John Pittman says the bidding will be fierce if the Illinois Lottery goes up for sale. He says they are interested in buying the Illinois Lottery. […]

Professor Derek Neal, chairman of the University of Chicago’s Economics Department, says the plan depends on what the private firms are willing to pay.

“Spend it on whatever you want to, but it makes sense if you have an opportunity to sell an asset for more than you can generate from running the asset yourself — to do it,” said Derek Neal, Univ. of Chicago Economics Chair.

Professor Neal and the private firms ABC7 talked with Wednesday say they really want to hear more specific details from the governor’s office before they can say how much the lottery is worth or how much they would be willing to pay.


Rates going up

Wednesday, May 24, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

The governor briefly tried to block these hikes last year, then apparently gave up. It didn’t help that he packed the Illinois Commerice Commission and its staff with pro-utility hacks when he first took office.

ComEd introduced a plan Tuesday that would raise but limit residential electric rates for three years, a move the company says would lessen the impact of rate increases slated to begin next year.

But a utility watchdog group contends the “rate stabilization” proposal actually would be more expensive for customers in the long run.

“Only ComEd could think of a supposed rate mitigation plan that actually costs customers more money,” said David Kolata, executive director of the Citizens Utility Board. “It’s really illusory and it’s based on a false promise.”

The plan filed Tuesday with the Illinois Commerce Commission would restrict average residential increases to 8 percent next year, 7 percent in 2008 and 6 percent in 2009. Costs that go over the caps would be “deferred and recovered” from 2010 to 2012, the company said in a release.


SurveyUSA has Blagojevich ahead 43-37

Wednesday, May 24, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

The pollster’s analysis:

In a general election held in Illinois today, 5/23/06, incumbent Democratic Governor Rod Blagojevich edges Republican challenger Judy Baar Topinka by 6 points, according to a SurveyUSA poll conducted exclusively for KSDK-TV St. Louis. Blagojevich gets 43% to 37% for Topinka. 15% would vote for some other candidate. 4% are undecided. Blagojevich leads 5:1 among Democrats. Topinka, who is Illinois State Treasurer, leads 7:1 among Republicans. Independents are split. Women favor Blagojevich by 17 points. Men favor Topinka by 4 points. Blagojevich wins in Chicago and suburban Cook County. Topinka wins in the Collar Counties and Downstate. The election is on 11/7/06.


Duckworth and Roskam tied?

Wednesday, May 24, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

This just in from the Tammy Duckworth congressional campaign… a new poll has her tied with Peter Roskam.

The following is a tabular report of a telephone survey among 400 registered voters in Illinois’s 6th Congressional District, who are likely to vote in the general election in November. The survey was conducted from May 9 through 11, 2006 by trained, professional interviewers following procedures established by Bennett, Petts & Blumenthal.

All polls are subject to errors caused by interviewing a sample of persons, rather than the entire population. In 95 cases out of 100, the responses to this survey should fall within plus or minus 4.9 percentage points of those that would have been obtained from interviewing the entire population of likely general election voters in the 6th […]

1. Would you say things in the nation today are generally headed in the RIGHT DIRECTION or would you say things are off on the WRONG TRACK?

RIGHT DIRECTION…………………………………… 27%

WRONG TRACK ………………………………………. 58

(DON’T KNOW)………………………………………… 15

Now I’d like to ask you some questions about the elections that will be held this November.

4. If the GENERAL ELECTION for Congress were held today and the candidates were: [RANDOMIZE]

o Peter Roskam, the Republican

o Tammy Duckworth, the Democrat

for whom would you vote? (IF UNDECIDED) Well, toward whom do you lean?

ROSKAM…………………………………………………. 35%

(LEAN ROSKAM) ……………………………………….. 5 >40%

DUCKWORTH………………………………………….. 34

(LEAN DUCKWORTH) ………………………………… 5 >40%

(UNDECIDED)………………………………………….. 20

Krol has some additional thoughts, while also noting that President Bush’s favorables/unfavorables were 34/65 in the poll:

It’s an open-seat election (they’re vying to replace retiring Congressman Henry Hyde), so only 20 percent undecided before Memorial Day seems way low. Voters in the district haven’t been exposed that much to Roskam in this campaign so far. He hasn’t spent much money. Duckworth probably has higher name ID than your typical suburban congressional challenger by her virtue of her immense publicity and primary, but independents and Republicans probably don’t know much about her. Still, this has to be highly encouraging to Duckworth after her dismal-in-victory showing during the primary (she narrowly defeated the vastly under-funded Christine Cegelis of Rolling Meadows and may have lost if third candidate Lindy Scott wasn’t on the ballot). It’ll definitely be encouraging to Duckworth’s national fund-raising abilities. Roskam has to be a bit scared by Bush’s numbers in what’s long been a GOP district. Roskam is more conservative than Hyde on guns and is more conservative than Bush on immigration. If there’s a Democratic tide nationally and in Illinois, and a general throw-the-bums out sentiment, Duckworth could pull off the upset. Roskam has the money and the DuPage County GOP ground troops to take it up a notch any time he chooses and (presumably) create a little distance between himself and Duckworth, who really needs Cegelis to ask her volunteers to back her. Roskam has yet to pull the trigger, however.

Your thoughts?

UPDATE: Sweet has more:

[The poll] shows that 26 percent of the respondents identified the Iraq war and bringing the troops home as the most important problems they wanted their next representative to address.

Issues associated with immigration came in second, at 19 percent. […]

Thought for years to be solidly Republican because of Hyde, the Duckworth survey shows the potential in the district for Democrats, especially if national, rather than local, issues matter the most to voters come November.

Roskam starts off with a stronger GOP base vote. Asked if you “generally think of yourself as a Democrat, Republican or Independent,'’ 24 percent said strong Republican and 15 percent said strong Democrat. When combined with “leaners,'’ the numbers are 49 percent GOP and 36 percent Democrat, with 10 percent Independent.

That means there is a swing vote to be fought over.

President Bush has high negatives in this GOP territory — 49 percent have a somewhat or very unfavorable opinion of the president and 65 percent said he was doing a fair or poor job.


Question of the day

Wednesday, May 24, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

Do you think Illinois should make English its official language? Why or why not?

UPDATE: Um, OK, it turns out that English already is the official language of the state of Illinois.

(5 ILCS 460/20) (from Ch. 1, par. 2901-20). Sec. 20. Official language. The official language of the State of Illinois is English. (Source: PA 87-273.)

So, let’s change the question.

Is this a good law or a bad law? Why or why not?


Lane Evans open thread

Wednesday, May 24, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

Let’s get this started with a story about a recent poll taken in the district.

A poll commissioned by Rock Island Mayor Mark Schwiebert shows likely voters favor four Democrats over Republic candidate Andrea Zinga to replace retiring U.S. Rep. Lane Evans in the 17th Congressional District seat, with state Sen. John Sullivan leading the pack.

Mr. Schwiebert commissioned the poll of 300 likely voters, done May 9-12, before the nominating convention in Galesburg. Personal Marketing Research asked voters if the election were held now, would they choose one of the four leading Democratic contenders or Ms. Zinga.

Mr. Sullivan of Rushville had 49 percent, compared to Ms. Zinga’s 24 percent. Mr. Schwiebert had 45 percent to Ms. Zinga’s 24 percent; state Rep. Mike Boland of East Moline had 41 percent to Ms. Zinga’s 28 percent; and Phil Hare, Rep. Evans’ district director, was favored 39 percent to Ms. Zinga’s 29 percent.

The poll had a margin of error of 5 percent. The pool of respondents was based on 2004 voting data. A fifth candidate, Quincy teacher Rob Mellon, wasn’t included in the poll

Also check out this story and this story.

Now, what have you heard lately?


Morning shorts

Wednesday, May 24, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

· Airport foes seek probe of ad-blitz donations

· “Students now can pray at Kirby District 140 schools — provided that it’s their idea.”

· Medicare drug changes mean some needy Illinois seniors pay more

· Fired city worker says he helped get licenses for connected men

· Editorial: Storm before the Floods

· Daley short on patronage answers

· Funeral protests force free speech debate

· Davis replacements?


Fresh stuff on the guv’s plan

Wednesday, May 24, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

The first thing you should do is check yesterday’s comprehensive coverage at the blog to see if you missed anything, then take a look at these new links.

· Sun-Times: Gov’s $10 billion jackpot for schools

· Sun-Times: Proposal praised by Dems, ripped by Topinka

· Sun-Times: Who would want to buy Illinois lottery?

· Brown: Gov’s lottery jackpot plan looks like bad bet for schools

· Richards: Sale of lottery looks like good bet

· Tribune: State school plan bets on a lottery windfall

· Tribune: Critics have doubts about lottery’s benefit to schools

· Register-Star: Gov: Sell lottery to fund schools

· Copley: $10 billion proposed for schools

· Daily Herald: Long-term costs would come with governor’s plan

· Daily Herald: Effects of lottery-lease plan still unclear

· NW Times: Indiana hasn’t scratched off lottery privatization

· Lee: School officials, lawmakers leery of lottery plan

· Indy Star: Everyone’s talking about our lease

· Chicago Defender Editorial: Meeks’ education plan will force ‘Black leaders’ to put up or shut up

When State Sen. James Meeks delivered a passionate sermon denouncing the Democratic Party on Feb. 26 in his church’s massive worship facility, the House of Hope, it was clear that he was fed up with the empty promises made by a plethora of elected officials.

Unwilling to be another Black elected or civil rights official who spends their time holding news conferences to complain about the problems facing African Americans, Meeks used his political savvy, power base as the head of a 22,000-member church, and solid relations with social conservatives (white Republicans) to plan a third party bid for governor that would have done significant damage to the re-election chances of Gov. Rod Blagojevich.

Clearly, Blagojevich – who has his eyes set on a potential presidential run in the future – didn’t want a South Side pastor to derail his dreams. So he broke down and hammered out a comprehensive education plan that will result in $6 billion in funds for education for the state.

For those of you who think that all Meeks has done is extract a “promise” from Blagojevich, let us be clear: the plan announced yesterday stands a serious chance of getting passed, even if House Speaker Michael Madigan – who was conspicuously absent from the announcement – tries to derail it. The public pressure will be too much for him to even stop this from happening.

Six billion dollars. Six Billion Dollars. SIX BILLION DOLLARS!

It is necessary to trumpet this fact because the player haters have already started their sniping. Some have called Meeks an opportunist while others are saying he’s lusting for power. Others are simply jealous because he had the temerity to look the governor in the eye and threaten to pull Black voters away from the party if he didn’t acquiesce. No longer satisfied with threatening the party, Meeks did it – effectively.


More controversy for fund sweeps

Wednesday, May 24, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

Another lawsuit has been filed over the governor’s fund sweeps.

A national insurers association has sued Gov. Rod Blagojevich and other state officials for diverting more than $7 million from a trust fund designed to finance auto theft-prevention programs to the general revenue fund that’s used to pay most state bills.

Money has been taken from Illinois’ Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Fund since fiscal 2003, according to the Property Casualty Insurers Association of America, which filed the suit Monday in Sangamon County Circuit Court. For fiscal 2007, which begins July 1, $2 million will be diverted to the general fund, said Joseph Annotti, the association’s senior vice president of public affairs.

“We were hopeful that it was kind of a one-time deal and that the funds would be replenished or reimbursed, but clearly this is becoming a pattern,” Annotti said. “We think this is a dangerous pattern because since these funds have been siphoned off, the types of proven, effective programs that have cut auto thefts have been eliminated or severely cut. And that to us means that there’s going to be an increase in auto theft. It’s not a matter of if, but when.”

Annotti said the prevention fund supports educational programs on stopping auto theft, law enforcement initiatives for tracking stolen vehicles, and a task force in high-theft cities, especially those in Cook County. […]

Annotti believes the association, headquartered in Des Plaines, has “solid legal ground” in moving forward with its complaint.

“On principle alone, if a law exists that said funds are to be dedicated to a specific program, the governor or any other state officials should not be allowed to divert them for other purposes,” he said.


Is the “clout list” fake?

Wednesday, May 24, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

Late yesterday, I told you that the governor’s office was claiming that the “clout list,” which has been reported on by several news organizations, but posted in full for the first time yesterday right here on my blog, was a fake.

Both NBC5 and ABC7 did stories last night about the list being posted on this site.

What some call a “clout list” or a “favors list” or even a “personal tracking list” was supposedly made public Tuesday.

It’s a list that kept track of state hires tied to hundreds of politically-connected friends of the governor’s office and NBC5’s Phil Rogers reported that now we know who’s on it.

The governor’s list has been in the news for the last week, but until Tuesday, it had not actually been seen by anyone in the media.

Not to quibble, but the AP published excerpts from the list, including names of political sponsors, last week, so I’m pretty sure they saw the whole thing. I assume the Sun-Times saw it as well, since they’re the ones who broke the story. Lee Newspapers claims to have obtained the complete list last Friday.

Strangely enough, though, the governor’s people maintain that no reporters would share the list with them and they didn’t see it until yesterday, when I put the whole thing online.

Governor Blagojevich and his staffers say they never saw the actual list until Tuesday, because the newspapers that had it refused to show them. […]

But late Tuesday afternoon, the list was denounced as concocted by a top Blagojevich aide, spokeswoman Abby Ottenhoff, who told the I-Team the list “didn’t come from our office.” She claims “somebody created a document” and that the somebodys were “terminated employees making wild allegations” after being fired following allegations of corruption.

Even weirder, none of the media outlets which originally reported on the list last week have reported today on the governor’s office claims that the list is a fake. Lee ran a story on the list this morning, but nothing about the denials was mentioned.

Most, but not all, of the information on the list has already been confirmed by the media outlets which ran the original stories, so I’m not quite sure what’s going on here. I do know that there’s a lot more coming from the original source of this list, and that the list is supposedly just the tip of the iceberg.

Stay tuned.


Running late…

Wednesday, May 24, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

Back in a few minutes….

Use this as an open thread until I can get back to the blog.


* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* Robert Crimo III pleads guilty to Highland Park parade shooting
* Question of the day
* Tribune editorial board: 'Nevermind'
* Judge tosses bribery convictions in ComEd Four case, prosecutors indicate a new trial may not be necessary
* Fair hit?
* When RETAIL Succeeds, Illinois Succeeds
* It’s just a bill
* State finally making major progress on funding 'four core services'
* Intoxicating Hemp: No safety? No thanks!
* Isabel’s morning briefing
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today's edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
* Selected press releases (Live updates)
* Yesterday's stories

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