What’s in the plan?
Friday, May 19, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller The governor has locked down info about next week’s school funding announcement, but here are a few details that have leaked out so far: · It will reportedly be funded in large part by a long-term lease of the tollway system · Underperforming schools (based on testing) will reportedly be targeted. They will have to apply for new infusions of money, but then agree to improve performance or be taken over by the state within two years. · Some sort of pilot project for vouchers is also reportedly in the mix. · Lots and lots of rumors about some sort of pension bond plan, but I haven’t been able to confirm anything. UPDATE: A different source “familiar with the plan” says the tollway sale is not the funding source. Stay tuned.
Meeks at the mic
Friday, May 19, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller The campaign fly-around, scheduled for tomorrow, is on hold… More later. UPDATE: Tribune: State Sen. James Meeks said today that he was abandoning any thoughts of a third-party bid to run for governor, saying he received assurances from incumbent Democratic Gov. Rod Blagojevich that a comprehensive school-funding reform plan will be considered by lawmakers. State Sen. James Meeks abandoned his third-party run for governor on Friday, saying he was satisfied with Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s new, still unreleased plan for Illinois’ schools. UPDATE: From the governor’s office: “Next week, Governor Blagojevich will announce the next steps in his vision for the future of education in Illinois. His plan reflects bold new ideas for helping our children learn and succeed. The plan was developed working closely with Senator Meeks, and he will be an integral part of its implementation. UPDATE: Sun-Times: Meeks and Odelson were mum on the governor’s plan, which is scheduled to be presented Tuesday to members of the education committees of both the state house and Senate, as well as to various teachers union.
While I’m waiting around to hear what Meeks has to say…
Friday, May 19, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller SurveyUSA has new monthly tracking numbers for Gov. Blagojevich. All those TV ads didn’t work. His approval dropped and his disapproval rose (albeit by small amounts). 45 percent approval (down 2)
Supplemental to this morning’s vacation-interrupting “Extra”
Friday, May 19, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller Sen. James Meeks has an 11:30 press conference scheduled at the Union League Club today. The ULC’s dress code has apparently been waived for the working press. I obviously chose the wrong week to go on vacation.