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Question of the day

Friday, Jun 2, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

If there was just one person you could ban from Illinois politics forever, who would that be? Why?


  1. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 4:32 am:

    Rich, do you want to spend all day monitoring comments? Because this is an invitation for some real nastiness.

    Can we have separate catagories for elected officials, operatives/activists/lobbyists, and pundits?

    My first thought was political “activist” Matt Hale, but because Illnois’ top bigot is currently behind bars, I don’t want to waste my vote.

    I’m going to have to say Joe Birkett. I find his continued defense of the death penalty indefensible, and his lack of contrition over his involvement in the wrongful death penalty prosecution of an innocent man appalling. I’m pretty much for open warfare when it comes to politics, but sending innocent men to death row to advance your political career, or keeping them there, or refusing to acknowledge the system screwed up royally — that’s the nuclear option as far as I see it.

    I know alot of Democrats who would consider voting for Topinka if not for Birkett, and if I were Pulitzer Prize winner Cornelia Grumman and the Chicago Tribune editorial board, I would feel the same way.

  2. - Anonymous - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 5:54 am:

    How about New York boy Brad Tusk. He has done everything he can to ruin the future of Illinoisans.

    I didn’t want to nominate his boss because his boss does not have a brain and gets his ideas from from people who don’t care about Illinois.

    Like Brad Tusk.

  3. - 2nd City Boy - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 6:19 am:

    Aurora Mayor Tom Weisner. Talks like a Democrat, yet owned by the GOP. Loves to raise taxes, and reward his cronies. Oh, and he wants to destroy the oldest Drive in in Illinois to build a Strip Mall.

  4. - NoMilkForMe - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 6:32 am:

    Oberweis, and a low-rent member of his campaign.

  5. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 6:33 am:

    It’s easy to blame Brad Tusk, but give the guy a break, and lets not say the guy doesn’t care about Illinois, because I doubt that’s true.

    The fact is, the buck stops at the Governor’s desk.

    Sure, there may be alot of people around the Governor who only tell him what he wants to hear. But from what I can tell, the Governor has pushed away or ignored people who tell him what he doesn’t want to hear. I know for certain that some of his closest allies in the legislature warned the governor that renewing his no new taxes pledge was a bad idea. That’s especially true in light of the Tribune poll which found 80% of voters believe the next Governor is going to have to raise taxes. But did the Governor listen? Of course not.

    So, does Brad Tusk only tell the Governor what he wants to hear, does the Governor only hear what he wants to hear, or has Brad Tusk tried to tell the Governor things he doesn’t want to hear and just given up because the Governor doesn’t listen?

    Who knows. But one things for certain, the buck — and the blame — rests with the Governor.

  6. - anon - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 6:37 am:

    Jim Oberweis. No contest.

  7. - Marta Elena - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 6:51 am:

    The Shaw brothers! The Dolton mayor just appointed his twin brother for a $70,000 inspector position for the village. And get this, the inspector cannot investigate his own brother.

    There are so many other instances and frankly I don’t have time to list them all here.

  8. - DOWNSATE - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 7:16 am:


  9. - the Patriot - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 7:29 am:

    Hands, Down, the Guvoich. He has shown he has no respect for process or law. All of the others, even those I strongly disagree with can respect the fundamental idea of the rule of Law. Rod has his own rules and is second to none in corrpution and bankrupting this state.

    Time will show he has been the worst politician of our time and one I can only hope we can fix the problems of in my generation.

  10. - scoot - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 7:46 am:

    Rod R. Blagojevich: Because he promised to clean up state government and in return has done nothing but tell lies since taking office.

  11. - Not that hard - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 7:52 am:

    YDD, answer the question or move on, geez, maybe you’re not as smart as you think, which isn’t surprising.

  12. - Lance W - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 7:55 am:

    Barack Obama.

    He is doing absolutely nothing to get us out of the Iraq quagmire, where thousands of Americans have died for cheap oil. Not to mnention tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis.

    70% percent of the population favors pulling out of Iraq. And yet Obama won’t sponsor any legislation to advance this goal.

    He’s as big a part of the problem as Bush is.

  13. - Reddbyrd - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 8:00 am:

    Getting Brickhead The Executioner into voting early was a great move. Saves people a lot of time trying to create reasons to nominate others who are really not in his league.

    AND if you want to dismiss The Brick’s claims of non involvement in Cruz case, remember the “Get of Jail Free” Cards to the attorney/contributors, “loans” from tollway suspects and of cours the Hired Trucks guys who wander through DuPage no questions asked. The Brick remains the reason Judy Bore Topinka will get clobbered in November

  14. - =bubba - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 8:01 am:

    Banning just one would be like,well only swatting one fly when the door has been open all day.

  15. - mateo - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 8:03 am:

    Hands down the so-called Governor who would sell the state of Illinois if he could, to get his goofy face in the media. Followed closely by Emil Jones (does anyone understand a word he says?) and the other 3 “flops” who run this state. Find some balls you guys and just say “no” to Bloggo!

  16. - Snidely Whiplash - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 8:05 am:

    I second the nomination of “the Rock Star.” What a joke.

  17. - Dan Curry - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 8:10 am:

    Yellow Dog, as a Madigan acolyte you have an absolute right to dislike, even hate Joe Birkett if that’s what gets you revved up. But you have no right to continue spewing lies about him “putting an innocent man on death row” and “keeping him there.” Birkett did neither. Here’s what hyper critic Eric Zorn, no booster of Birkett’s, said a few years ago before Birkett indicted Brian Dugan: And while Birkett has voiced support for the original prosecutors and failed to bring charges against the man whom new DNA testing links to the crime, he was not in charge during any of the trials and he played a minor role as an assistant in only one of them. Yet during the campaign, Madigan repeatedly thundered at him for not having done more to set right the scales of justice.

    As for the death penalty, millions of people in Illinois favor it. As for editorial boards, why don’t you read the Daily Herald, who has followed Birkett’s career closest. They have endorsed him in every race he’s been in — strongly praising his integrity and reform-mindedness on the death penalty.

  18. - 105th Blues - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 8:14 am:

    Alan Keyes. Ever hear the guy answer a question? He virtually levitates when giving his response and 30 minutes later you might be able to ask question #2. Ban him..

  19. - zinged again - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 8:18 am:

    All newscasters running for Congress from the 17th District.

  20. - The Conservative - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 8:22 am:

    Ban Senator Durbin, the worst Senator in history. Hisrecords speaks for it’s self.

  21. - Ravenswood Right Winger - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 8:30 am:

    Chicago Alderman Joe Moore of the 49th Ward. While crime, drugs, unemployment, homelessness and general malaise run rampant in Rogers Park, he does nothing to help his constituents. Unless you count supporting a resolution opposing the Iraq War and leading the charge to ban foie gras as meaningful acts to improve the lives of his ward’s residents.

  22. - Reddbyrd - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 8:47 am:

    Ah, wasn’t that a sweet repeat of all the claims of non involvement from The Brickhead Camp? Daily Herald coverage of The Brick not much considering cheer leaders on that beat over the years. Eric Krol readily confirms that fact
    AND anyone else notice no effort the beat back the “other issues” that should earn The Brick his exit visa.
    Hmmmmmm TTFN

  23. - Ken Dunkin - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 8:48 am:

    I vote for Ken Dun…uh, never mind.

  24. - moderate - half way between crazy and crazy. - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 8:52 am:

    Lisa Madigan, sure she is cute but why do I have to wait till the pharmacy opens to get medicine that makes me feel better?

  25. - moderate - half way between crazy and crazy. - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 8:52 am:

    Lisa Madigan, sure she is cute but why do I have to wait till the pharmacy opens to get medicine that makes me feel better?

  26. - the Patriot - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 8:59 am:

    Can’t believe I would defend two people I do not like, but here goes,

    Obama will not support legislation to pull out of Iraq because he passed constitutional law. Such legislation would be worth the same as the guvs promise to clean up state government. The president is the Commander in Chief and Congress cannot force him to pull out of Iraq by resolution.

    Birkett, come on, Lisa Madigan has once again failed to address a problem she beratted past politicians for. Last time I checked we still have the death penalty in IL, and Lisa Madigan may have some two bit commission or committee working on it, but has presented no viable solutions. Again she can really hammer away during a campaign behind Daddy, but has proven time and again an inability to get it done as an office holder. Second to the gov she is the biggest joke in politics today.

  27. - kdruben - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 9:13 am:

    I would vote for Leslie Pinney from the District 214 School Board in Buffalo Grove. Her narrow minded views and transparent support and agenda from the Illinois Family Institute make me ill.

  28. - Thomas Paine - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 9:19 am:

    None of the above. What would us junkies do all day without the crazies? Politics reflects the best and worst of humanity, and that’s why I love it. It’s kind of like golf … incredibly frustrating, but with enough exhilirating moments to keep me coming back again and again. “Banning” anybody would diminish democracy and bring us closer to totalitarianism.

  29. - Skeeter - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 9:30 am:

    70% of the population is wrong.
    Sen. Obama is smart enough to know that the easy way out will lead to a disaster beyond anything we can imagine.

    Further, I love the sexist comments about Lisa Madigan. Nothing quite reminds me of why I am a Democrat that seeing comments like that from Republicans.

    To get to the merits:

    YDD got it right: Joe Birkett. Anyone who sends innocents to death row should be forever disqualified from holding any public office. Like YDD, Birkett on that ticket makes my vote easy. As much as I dislike Blago, I can’t vote for a ticket that includes Birkett. I note that if the ticket included some right wing extremist like Rauschenberger at Lt. Gov., I might have considered it. No way with Birkett though.

  30. - Skeeter - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 9:36 am:


    You raise a good point about Moore. The man is a genuine dingbat who ignores real problems in his ward and instead concentrates on the irrelevant.

    I hope nobody shows him any photos of how chickens are raised. He is going to close down every KFC in Chicago.

    If an alderman is going to be strange, he better do the right thing for his ward. Ald. Natarus is an interesting guy known for bizarre statements and questionable dealings, but he takes care of the 42nd. Moore should watch Natarus to see how it is done.

  31. - ZC - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 9:37 am:

    Jim Oberweis, as a bipartisan compromise.

    Patriot, whether or not Congress has the power to order an end to operations in Iraq (and I strongly disagree with your position), I think even Justice Roberts would agree that Congress has another weapon at its disposal: power of the purse. If Congress wants us out of Iraq, it has a check on an unfettered executive: threaten to stop funding operations there. Not politically possible yet, but it eventually happened for Vietnam, and it may occur someday for Iraq.

  32. - Linkslady - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 9:46 am:

    Governor Bla—— After him no one should complain about Ryan.

  33. - Woe is us - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 9:54 am:

    Brad tusk gets my vote. Balgo’s decline in the polls can be traced to the exact date that Doug Scofield left and Brad showed up. Send him back to New Yawk City.

  34. - Ronnie - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 9:56 am:

    Mike Boland is my state rep and has wanted to hold that office, as well as state senator, state treasurer, and us congressman just in the last year. He is so wishy-washy and busy campaigning that he can’t be effective. He only got state money for the pork plant here (16 MIL in state incentives) because he needs financial support from big business to run for congress when his wife gets done counting the precinct committeemen votes. He doesn’t care about the smell of pigs as he and the missus will be living in Washington.

  35. - 23eyes - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 9:58 am:

    My vote: Obie. Go make your ice cream and leave us alone.

  36. - Madison County Watcher - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 10:04 am:

    Tom Lakin, the dean of the Madison County trial lawyers.

    Isn’t it time for everyone who’s received his tainted money to give that money back?

  37. - babs - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 10:08 am:

    Anyone who hasn’t won a race in 10 years should consider themselves done. And everyone else must accept it - the time has passed; not one more time do I want to hear the names Roland, Dawn, Edgar mentioned with any type of longing.

  38. - SenorAnon - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 10:12 am:

    We’re 35 comments in and no one has suggested Tom Roeser? The guy who rankles both parties, without actually being constructive. Raises large sums of money to muck up the process tilting at 1950’s fantasy windmills of an Ozzie and Harriet state that never really existed. Is the push behind the bad, acerbic, candidates who are heavy on cash but run absolutely horrible, ameteurish campaigns every cycle. Come on.

    Dan Proft - close second. Negative politics can be good sport for all, but this guy is the prince of scorched earth, negative, duplicitous campaigning.

    I’d add Peter LaBarbara, but man, that guy’s just too funny to leave out of the picture. Research…sure.

  39. - Conservative Republican - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 10:12 am:

    Jim Edgar.

    The only reason good conservative Republicans do not perform better politically in this state is that has-been Governor Jim Edgar keeps repeating the mantra “conservatives can’t win” which plays to the media and chills contributions.

    Add to that his back-stabbing of Peter Fitzgerald, his lie-down in 04 as state chairman for Bush, his additional back-stabbing of Jack Ryan, and his coyness about running for Governor, just to allow Judy Topinka to run a successful, last minute “rose garden” campaign, and you have the makings of the most insidious saboteur in Illinois politics. Just as I nominate him as no. 1 for eradication from Illinois politics, I am sure that in a hypothetical private dinner with Blagojevich, Mike Madigan, and Rich Daley, the three would toast Edgar as the best Republican friend the Illinois Democrats ever had.

    He is the mirror image of his nemesis Jack Roeser. Whereas Roeser’s position is “a conservative or no one”, Edgar’s has consistently been “a moderate or no one.”

  40. - Conservative Republican - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 10:15 am:

    Senor Anon, since I cannot call you stupid given Miller’s rules on posting, let me just point out to you that you have confused columnist Tom Roeser with businessman Jack Roeser. You obviously cannot tell which one is which.

  41. - Col. Sanders - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 10:16 am:

    I’d say Jim Oberweis, but that would be too obvious.
    How about my own state senator, Chris Lauzen, who has done nothing for the people of his district. The only issues he seems to care about are little “pet issues of the day” that get newspaper headlines. But when it comes to the big issues, he tends to magically disappear. His idea to implement a Kentucky-like honorary colonels program was one of his entertaining low points.

  42. - Bluefish - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 10:29 am:

    So the top three choices are Birkett, Blago or Oberweis? Eliminate Obie from the list since no one will ever take him seriously again after his long string of spending lots of money to get not a lot of votes. He’s done already, no sense wasting this one opportunity on his sorry corpse.

    Down to Blago or Birkett? Birkett - tainted with the death penalty stench of Jim Ryan’s false prosecution of Rolando Cruz merely to forward their political careers, wants to keep wasting my tax dollars to try Dugan for murder (even though he already is in jail for the rest of his life), and covers up for his currupt DuPage friends. Should make the top of this list if not for our winner…

    Blago!!! Has done such a terrible job as governor that it will take a long time for this state to recover. Makes the JRyan/Birkett stench smell like roses. Has alienated loyal Dems such as myself so that we’re voting for JBT in Nov (even GOP’ers remain loyal to Birkett). Hands down, no contest, this guy needs a one-way ticket to elsewhere.

  43. - Go JBT - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 10:31 am:

    Did anyone hear Tusk on At Issue this weekend w/Craig Dellimore talking about Hairdo’s education plan? When asked about how we’re going to continue to fund all of these glorious programs started with lottery money, he responded that it would be a tough challenge but that it would be left up to the next governor and GA. He actually said, “No one forces you to run for gov!” Was that the party line? At least he’s honest.

  44. - obscure fm - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 10:33 am:

    Victor Reyes. ‘Nuff said.

  45. - Levois - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 10:33 am:

    The governor because he is useless and dishonest.

  46. - danproft - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 10:33 am:


    I demand a recount.


    Dan Proft

  47. - Go JBT - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 10:35 am:

    And my vote would be for the guv, if not for the BLATANT hypocrisy, then for the numerous $$ sweeps from public trust funds into his GR pot.

  48. - Skeeter - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 10:35 am:


    Although I understand your dislike for Blago, do you really feel that he ranks at the top of the corruption ladder? He seems to me like business as usual. One more bad gov. Big deal. We’ve had a series of them. I don’t give the guy enough credit to rank him with the really foul. He’s not that smart.

    Birkett is a different matter. Having a role — even a minor role — in knowingly send an innocent to death row is personal corruption beyond anything that Blago could consider. Blago is a bad guy, but I don’t think even he would stoop that low.

  49. - Anon - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 10:36 am:

    Most everyone who posts here has or has had some kind of connection to the government trough.
    This includes Rich who thrives on the ability to provide insider information for payment.
    The reason so many people oppose Oberweis is that they fear him knowing that he is the only one who, if he ever got a chance, would blow up the culture of corruption in Illinois.

  50. - anonymous - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 10:39 am:

    I cannot let the Patriot’s comment go without a retort.

    Obama will not support legislation to pull out of Iraq because he passed constitutional law. Such legislation would be worth the same as the guvs promise to clean up state government. The president is the Commander in Chief and Congress cannot force him to pull out of Iraq by resolution.

    Oh yes, they can! The Congress has something call the power of the purse. It can cut any military operation off at any time, if it so wishes.

    You seem to be under the mistaken assumption that the president’s role as Commander in Chief of the armed forces–NOT C-in-C of the country–gives him unlimited authority in national defense and foreign policy. Wrong. This is false on its face–the Constitution specifically gives the sole power to declare war to the Congress. Seems to me that they’re quite heavily involved in defense and foreign policy after all.

    We are a nation of laws; no man is above the law, even the president (which is why he should be impeached for repeatedly, brazenly, openly violating the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act and the Fourth Amendment, to say nothing of the laws against torture, lying to Congress, and illegally reappropriating funds without Congressional approval).

  51. - The Watcher - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 10:40 am:

    Doug Idendahl, hands down. He’s even worse when he’s right then he is when he’s wrong, because he’s so nasty about everything he drives people away from whatever he supports.

  52. - Bubs - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 10:43 am:

    Michael Madigan.

    His choke hold on Machine power in this state is completely intentional.

    Anyone who craves power as much as he does should never have it.

  53. - Anonymous - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 10:48 am:

    jeff berkowitz, oberweis, and Dierson—

  54. - SenorAnon - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 10:49 am:

    Mr. Proft,

    I was indeed reluctant to put your name. In fact, I think I’ll cede to your recount and voluntarily pull your name.

    Heaven knows if your clients didn’t want you turning your sights on their opponents, they wouldn’t call you.

    And I can’t argue that, at least from what I know, Larry Dominick and the crew in Cicero have one of the most interesting, don’t-care-what-party-you’re-with-just-care-if-you’re-good-for-Cicero dynamic going on there.

    And if politics didn’t have a little nastiness in it, would we even be commenting here?

  55. - Yawn - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 11:10 am:

    Give us a break Skeeter….love how Liberals like you always say republicans are sexist if they question a female politicans motives…it’s the same excuse you use when people question Duckworth on an issue….you’re rants are as tired as your posts.

  56. - Walking Wounded - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 11:13 am:

    I like Bubs’ nominee. Myself, I would pick that silly Mayor Daley. Those of us downstate want him to quit trying to get gun control laws passed to solve problems he can’t control in Chicago. Use the laws we already have on the books.

  57. - No Ibendahl fan - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 11:22 am:

    Senor Anon must be a plant for Proft’s Urquhardt Media. Mentioning a political consultant is free advertisement, but in Illinois, the term “prince of scorched earth” is like winning “Miss America” for gosh sakes.

    The most obsessive/compulsive and generally hypocritical as well as obnoxious and self-righteous person in Illinois politics is Doug Ibendahl, with his co-hort Cathy Santos.

  58. - Skeeter - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 11:25 am:


    Do you refer to a lot of male elected officials as “cute”?

    Why did the person have to include a reference to her physical appearance?

    Crawl out of your cave. Feel free to attack Lisa Madigan for what she has done (or try to, since she has done a great job) but when you make sexist comments I am going to point them out.

    And you all wonder why there is a gender gap.

    Great. Now your ranting have made ME tired. Thanks.

  59. - pickles!! - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 11:44 am:

    John Cox, the guy brings nothing to the table. He’s annoying, has no grasp on the issues, and wears bad ties.

  60. - Carl Nyberg - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 11:45 am:

    If I banned the people I dislike, I’d be deprived of the pleasure of seeing them lose.

  61. - Joe - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 11:52 am:

    Rammy Emmanuel by a nose over Birkett, Durbin, and Oberweis. There is plenty of entertainment value with Hot Rod, none with these four losers.

  62. - the Patriot - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 11:56 am:

    Oh anonymous, why must you go on, the issue was Obama and why he was not supporting legislation to stop the war. My Comment was Congress has no power to unilarally stop the war. Since WWII several wars have been fought without a declaration from Congress.

    Noting Ann Coulter was correct, the democrat will always change the subject when their point is proven false, Obama knows there is no way for Congress to force the end of the war. From a pure theoretical standpoint congress can pull the $ and pass a resolution, but they cannot force the president to bring home troops. Furthermore my astute friend, Obama with his vast intellect can still count. With a majority in both houses, no way does a republican congress pass a resolution with a clear majority hamstringing the president on the war effort.

    Obama is a hack and his views are way too liberal, but my original point is made, he is smart enough to know legislation is pointless.

  63. - Skeeter - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 11:56 am:

    Interesting that “Joe” would refer to Rahm Emmanuel as a “loser”.

    Please point out anything that the man has ever lost? Simon, Daley, Clinton, his own House seat, recruiting House candidates. . .

    He’s won every time.

    He’s a winner, and that is what bothers you Joe, isn’t it?

  64. - Charlie Johnston - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 12:04 pm:

    Actually, Skeeter, I think Lisa Madigan is kind of cute, too. One of her redeeming qualities. Of course, I’m a mean, rotten, old conservative Republican so in your worldview I am by definition a racist, sexist, homophobe, who probably spends his weekend maiming small woodland creatures.

    I can’t say I have ever said a male candidate is “cute” but I know a lot of women who have said that about various male candidates. (oops, must be the homophobe in me coming out.)

    Been nice talking to you Skeeter, but I gotta go: the weekend’s coming and I hear the call of small, woodland creatures. (Unless, of course, you can get some cute female official to persuade me to otherwise occupy myself this weekend). Oooo, tough choice for a leftie; be sexist and save the critters or be pc and sacrifice the critters.

  65. - Swami - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 12:16 pm:


  66. - Yawn - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 12:36 pm:

    I’m sorry Skeeter, did you say something interesting? I must have missed that. When you do say something of interest (God only knows when that will be) I’ll jump into the debate.

  67. - Boone Logan Square - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 12:53 pm:

    Roeser has done as much as anyone to make the state GOP unelectable.

  68. - Pow Pow - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 1:37 pm:

    The thing about Obama…I am on a daily basis bombarded by:

    1. How wrong the attack on Iraq is.
    2. How corrupt Chicago is.
    3. How corrupt Illinois is.
    4. How great Obama is.

    Where is his legendary leadership? A senator of his stature should be leading.

    Or is he above and beyond all these petty problems?

    As far as I can tell, he’s in it for himself.

  69. - ChicagoCynic - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 1:38 pm:

    Boone, you’re confusing Tom Roeser and Jack Roeser.

    Kiang, WOW, surprising to see such blatant racism in this day and age. Glad to see that rather than hiding under a rock, you’re willing to come out and show everyone what an ass looks like.

  70. - ChicagoCynic - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 1:39 pm:

    Oh, and ghetto is spelled with an “h” and Meeks is spelled with an “s”…

  71. - ChicagoCynic - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 1:41 pm:

    Forgot to answer the question - I nominate Alderman Bernie “I deserve a $20,000 raise even though I’m little more than Rich Daley’s sock puppet” Stone.

  72. - Barbeque - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 1:43 pm:

    I would ban Rich Miller. all he does is tell us negative things, instead of focusing on the positive, like Blago’s beautiful hair.

  73. - anon - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 1:44 pm:

    anon 10:36

    People don’t like Oberweis because he’s a horrible candidate with a toxic personality.

    He has run several pretty-badly executed campaigns, this latest one netting him fewer votes than his first run for congress. If he and his supporters really want conservatives to have a chance at any success in Illinois, they will hang it up and find a better candidate. He ain’t happenin’…. it’s that simple.

    Do you all really think the Brady people would have voted for Oberweis?! I tend to believe had most of them not had Brady to vote for, they would have stayed home or voted for JBT. The reason they voted AGAINST Oberweis to begin with is because he’s such a horrible candidate.

    I’m all for rockin’ the system. You overgeneralize here, because I’ll be the vast majority here would like some serious changes in how this state works as well - more than just party changes. But to “rock the system” you first have to win, and THEN you have to be able to work within the system to make real change. Oberweis could NEVER have done that even if you’re dilluted enough to believe he could have beaten the looney in there now. He would have probably done more to propel Blago to the national stage than Blago will ever be able to do on his own by way of a huge re-election win.

    Your persistence in believing that anyone not for Oberweis is FOR corruption is simply ridiculous. Maybe eventually you’ll learn that insulting all who don’t agree with you is not a key to winning votes and elections. Your fearless leader certainly hasn’t learned that.

  74. - Frustrated GOP - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 1:49 pm:

    Tough choice. Jack Roeser of Gov Hair-Job. HMMMM
    gotta go with Gov. Hair-Job, he’s done far worse then Jack, I don’t think Jack can dot the damage Blago’s done.
    So my vote Gov. Hair-Job

  75. - Establishment Republican - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 2:00 pm:

    I would ban anybody who is silly and baldheaded.

  76. - Team Sleep - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 2:02 pm:

    I can’t pick just one. It’s impossible to select someone to kick out. Maybe we could have an Illinois Political Survivor show with the 20 most annoying politicians, 10 Dems and 10 Repubs. It would be interesting to see Jack Roeser run a three-legged race with Brad Tusk or to watch Jim Oberweis try to tackle John Simmons with a Fuji Armbar. The possibilities are endless…

  77. - Norseman - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 2:12 pm:

    Roeser gets my vote.

  78. - SenorAnon - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 2:14 pm:

    I too, so long ago, meant Jack, of the family taxpayers network, not Tom, hilariously off-base conservative of the Chicago Sun-Times.

    Mea Culpa.

  79. - Bondi Girl - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 2:30 pm:

    I agree with the choice of Ald. Stone…what a blow hard! You didn’t help your cause one iota last night on Chicago Tonight…now, go in the corner and sulk…next time you try to overstate your case, try some T-A-C-T!!

  80. - watching illinois - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 2:35 pm:

    Send do nothing Lt. Governor Patrick Quinn packing; he has no real duties and……

    Of course everyone is right about Deputy Governor Bradley Tusk. He is part of the screw-ups in the Governor’s Office, but like my manz pointed out above, it ultimately lies on Rod Blagojevich he gave him the job as his right hand man and he came from New York!

    Was there not anyone capable or qualified to be Deputy Governor in Illinois?

  81. - Yawn - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 2:52 pm:

    Chicago cynic…do you feel better pointing out those spelling errors? What a waste of time, but whatever makes you feel more intelligent.

  82. - Just a thought.. - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 2:55 pm:

    Hey about a future QOTD polling which Illinois bureaucrat the readers would like to see banished to the purgatory of a file room forever?

  83. - Goodbye Napoleon - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 2:55 pm:

    YDD - you’re dead on about Birkett keeping Dems from voting for Topinka. Anon 10:48 Jeff Berkowitz doesn’t need to be banned from IL politics completely, just keep him off the microphone at City Club luncheons.

    Obie doesn’t need to be banned either, he’s never won, nor done, anything. The voters have banned him.

    People who should be banned are obstructionists to progress in government and in the business only to enrich themselves, like the Shaws, Chicago Aldermen Matlak and Burke and for good measure throw in Congressman Jerry Weller.

  84. - 23eyes - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 3:05 pm:

    Maybe Anon 10:36 was ACTUALLY the Ice-Cream Man himself disguising himself? Hmmm, who else could it be? No one really thinks that Obie could end the slime of sleaze–do they? Megalo-maniac that he is, maybe he follows Rich’s blog looking for tidbits about himself? Otherwise, who else could be writing nice thigns about Obie? Maybe it’s one of his cows from his dairy? BAN OBIE!

  85. - Forrest - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 3:07 pm:

    Mike Quigley

  86. - Anon - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 3:10 pm:

    Make that Goobernor Badjobovich

  87. - Carlito's way - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 3:19 pm:

    Luis Gutierrez for not being truthful and allowing his district to have the worst schools,worst funded hospitals and highest crime rate in the state! In stead of wanting to run for Mayor,he should focus on trying to fix up his district!
    Gutierrez’s motto for his Mayoral race will be,”See what I’ve done for my District and that’s what I want to do for Chicago!”

  88. - the Other Anonymous - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 3:30 pm:

    I kind of like our oddballs; it make life interesting.

    But if if I had to vote someone off the Island of Illinois Politics, my choices are:

    1) Rosemary Mulligan — good on some issues, but the most vindictive and petty person under the dome;
    2) Both Roesers — they would have been great politicians during the Spanish Inquisition;
    3) Bernie Stone and Burt Natarus — I’ll refrain from making jokes about senility;
    4) Brad Tusk — the guy’s smart, but come one: put any 30-year-old from out of town in that position, and you’ll have a real problem with arrogance and unwillingness to reach out.

  89. - the old republican - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 3:35 pm:

    Our “”NOT BY ME”" governor & for about a million reasons. Need something for a reason ?? …just pick-up any local newspaper & start there. Oby-Won as a tied 2nd or 1st runner–up . Two absolute political problems of biblical proportions !!!!

  90. - Jeff Trigg - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 3:41 pm:

    Speaker Michael Madigan, ILDEM Chair Michael Madigan, Nepotistic kingmaker Michael Madigan. Michael Madigan, Michael Madigan, Michael Madgian. And then probably whoever replaces him.

    If you want to find the biggest source for why many schools are getting worse, wages are stagnant, unemployment is still too high, businesses are moving out of the state, prison populations are soaring, elections are anti-democratic, pensions are out of control and bankrupting our children, mental health sufferers’ only option is prison, we have Blagojevich as the supposed best Democrat to lead us as Governor, and no hope it sight to get rid of the patronage protection and corruption running rampant, look no further than Michael Madigan’s stranglehold on his party and Illinois. Michael Madigan should be a no-brainer for everyone who wouldn’t vote for a yellow dog on the ballot as long as the dog were a Democrat.

    2nd would be Jim Edgar just so they’ll shut up about running him every time their other choices are again horrible.

  91. - latin man - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 3:42 pm:

    Luis Guttierrez gets my vote. As an hispanic I am appalled to see his vindictive ways against anyone who even dares disagree’s with him.He reminds me of those prison movies who the warden finds an inmate to be the “barnyard boss” and he’s given crumbs(Cub tickets,golf outings), to keep the hispanic community divided and fighting with one another.He crys his old lines of being progressive,independent, but he is a real part of the Democratic Machine,beniffitng himself handsomely, while pulling the wool over poltical pundits who think he represents our community and that he is our boss!!!
    Prediction:Guttierrez will not run for congress , not because he wants to retire, but because the majority of the hispanic community is on to him and his double talk about representing us, but truely just pimping for the developers and selling out his community to gentrification!!!

  92. - VanillaMan - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 3:50 pm:

    Dick Durbin. He is the walking incarnation of Neville Chamberlain after the Prime Minister had his nads handed to him by Hitler. Dubin whines and whimpers about how unfair life is, all the while selling us out with his creepy big-hug utopian dreams.

    Durbin makes Pelozi look like John Wayne.

    My vote: Taliban Dick

  93. - Papa Legba - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 3:53 pm:

    Dick Mell. Because he gave us Blagozo. Nuff said, but I hate to beat on Mell because it would seem GRod has given him enough pain already.

  94. - The Conservative - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 4:00 pm:

    - anon - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 1:44 pm:

    anon 10:36

    “People don’t like Oberweis because he’s a horrible candidate with a toxic personality”.

    I couldn’t agree with you more. As a Christian Conservative, there is no way I would have supported NObeone. He is a horrible candidate.He does not represent the real christian conservatives.

  95. - ChicagoCynic - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 4:01 pm:


    Actually I do feel better showing up ugly racists for the ignorant morons they are. His post was so offensive, in fact, that Rich removed it. So thanks.

  96. - Beowulf - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 4:05 pm:

    I am surprised that Bob Kjellander’s name has not been mentioned? Maybe all has been forgiven (but I doubt it).

    Nobody mentioned George Ryan either? Probably because they are counting on him making the vanity plates that they have always wanted while he is away on his vacation.

  97. - aidanquinn - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 4:21 pm:

    Emil Jones, bought and paid for by the big X, shameful to think what he might do for them.

  98. - Anonymous - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 4:27 pm:

    My vote, though I’m sure I will be chastised for it, goes to Jesse Jackson Jr. In this case the sins of the father are passed onto the son, and I really can’t deal with his grandstanding much longer, even as an ardent democrat who would support William Jefferson for re-election if it meant we took back the House. Jackson can stay there, just don’t run for mayor.

  99. - James T Kirk - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 4:51 pm:

    David Axelrod, who Stanley Kusper once called “the Prince of Darkness” He should be banned. He is nothing but a phony liberal who behind the scenes cuts deals and makes millions

    beam me up Scotty

  100. - anon - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 5:00 pm:

    YDD: If Birkett is to be held accountable for his minor involvement in sending an innocent man to death row, how about the Cook County State’s Attorneys, past and present, who are responsible for dozens of cases of innocents sent to death row. Remember the Ford Heights Four, for example?

    No Ibendahl Fan: How about Jon Zahm?

  101. - bardo - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 5:14 pm:

    Who is Pelozi???

    Vanilla — you have no credibility.

  102. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 5:15 pm:

    Dan Curry — I didn’t mean that Joe Birkett was guilty of all three mortal political sins, only he knows that, but I think we can squarely peg him with one. Former Will County States Attorney Jeff Tomczak’s case for malicious persecution awaits to be heard, and, lord willing we’ll some day get to the bottom of the John Burge trial.

    Trigg - I don’t know why you want to blame Mike Madigan for everything, but you obviously know nothing about the man. He’s only been state party chairman for 7 years, and quite frankly, there wasn’t really anybody else competing for the job. You can’t blame him for Blagojevich, either. Madigan’s only mistake there was not getting involved in the Governor’s race in the primary. He certainly had nothing to do with the fact that Blagojevich beat Vallas.

    And the reason that wages are stagnant and manufacturing has left Illinois, is corporate greed, George Bush and GOP trade policies, not Mike Madigan. Mike Madigan didn’t force Whirlpool to close it’s doors in Herrin and put 1000 factory workers on the curb, it was their unwillingness to pay a fair living wage for a fair days work that did that.

  103. - ChicagoCynic - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 5:22 pm:

    Just had to push this thread to 100 posts. Wow Rich, I guess we really like to vent our spleens over people we don’t like!

  104. - Keep the status quo - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 5:32 pm:

    I’m fearful that banishing any current public official would upset Illinois’ model, yet fragile, political system, and could potentially taint our proud political hertitage.

  105. - Screw the Status Quo - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 5:38 pm:

    I’m fearful that keeping any current public official would upset Illinois’ model, yet fragile, political system, and could potentially taint our proud political hertitage.

  106. - D. Katalanic - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 6:04 pm:

    Victor Reyes BUT Patrick Fitzgerald may get him out of politics for all of us.

  107. - Long Time Reader, First Time Poster - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 8:11 pm:

    Jim Oberweis without a doubt. That man is not a respectable politician, he is just full of hate. He disgusts me.

  108. - JohnR - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 9:10 pm:

    I just realized why everyone hates Bradley Tusk:

    “4) Brad Tusk — the guy’s smart, but come one: put any 30-year-old from out of town in that position, and you’ll have a real problem with arrogance and unwillingness to reach out.”

    The age-old problem: OLDER arrogant folks who don’t like the younger arrogant folks.

    By the way - when you mention Bradley Tusk, you out yourself as an insider. You lose your objectivity in my mind.

    That’s just an FYI.

  109. - Lovie's Leather - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 10:17 pm:

    Amazingly, I decided to go with a Republican… I know he was not really a serious candidate and never will be… Arthur “the neo-nazi” Jones. If his nickname doesn’t convince you, then go here… For some seriously awesome Nazi rants, just go to “articles,” all of which were written by Mr Jones…. You think there is a Mrs Jones?

  110. - anon - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 10:34 pm:

    YDD: What’s the reason that wages aren’t as stagnant in 48 other states? Illinois ranks 49th, second only to Michigan, in the decline of median income over the last 6 years. It’s hard to believe that Bush is the reason that Illinois ranks behind every other state except one!

  111. - meeks watcher - Friday, Jun 2, 06 @ 11:04 pm:

    Meeks gets my vote. Window dresser and a Jesse Jackson clone. Go to church.

  112. - Lt. Guv - Saturday, Jun 3, 06 @ 7:03 pm:

    Birkett - the guy’s just wound too tight.

  113. - Bitter Betty - Saturday, Jun 3, 06 @ 8:42 pm:

    Pat Quinn!!!!!! 177 to 118 made all of these guys lemmings

  114. - Lincoln Lounger - Saturday, Jun 3, 06 @ 10:15 pm:

    God Lord, I can’t believe I am the first to mention Mike Tristano!

  115. - the Other Anonymous - Monday, Jun 5, 06 @ 3:25 pm:


    OMG, I’m an insider!! I’m sure that it’s shocking that readers of this blog are also involved in state government in some fashion.

    As for your suggestion that I’m an arrogant older insider . . . well, I’m not that old, but I am old enough to know that power would go to my head at age 30.

    I’m also old enough to recognize youthful arrogance when I see it.

  116. - mc - Tuesday, Jun 6, 06 @ 12:27 am:

    Dick Durbin, and Rahm Emanuel

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