Madigan pushing Radogno?
Wednesday, Jun 7, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller
Carol Marin thinks something foul is afoot.
If you’d like to play the political equivalent of “Where’s Waldo,” click on the Web site of the Democratic Party of Illinois. Up will pop the photos and names of the 2006 slate of candidates for statewide office.
Rod Blagojevich for governor. Pat Quinn for lt. governor. Lisa Madigan for attorney general. Jesse White for secretary of state. Dan Hynes for comptroller.
But wait. Where’s Waldo? Where’s Alexi Giannoulias for state treasurer?
Giannoulias, 30, is the guy the party didn’t endorse but who won the March 21 primary anyway. And unless Illinois Dems are just awfully slow in updating their Web site, his absence suggests the continuing antagonism that arose from his candidacy. The chairman of the Illinois Democratic Party, House Speaker Michael Madigan, backed Knox County State’s Attorney Paul Mangieri instead. […]
Madigan, never a good loser, is reportedly not ready to do so again in this race. Though no one will speak on the record, a number of pols say privately that Madigan and Bill Lipinski, scions of the Southwest Side, are quietly planning to throw their weight behind Radogno the Republican, not Giannoulias the Democrat.
Though Giannoulias has strong support from black leaders like Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. and state Sen. James Meeks, it’s not clear whether Barack Obama will go out on another limb for him this time around.
And some, like Paul Green, head of Roosevelt University’s Center For Politics, believes “the suburbs will decide this race.” More than that, he says, “Though [GOP gubernatorial nominee Judy Baar] Topinka has a shot in the governor’s race, Radogno right now is the Republicans’ greatest hope” in November.
I do know that Madigan hasn’t returned any of Alexi’s calls. I think they believe that the kid will be forced out of the race, so it’s best not to get too close. Time will tell.
Also, if you check the state party’s miserable excuse for a website, you’ll see that they don’t appear to have any non-incumbents listed.
- Ray Coleman - Wednesday, Jun 7, 06 @ 7:01 am:
Alexi Giannoulias is a good man, he is a good Democrat, and he will be the next Treasurer of the State of Illinois. I don’t believe the hype about Barack Obama not going out on a limb for him. The Barack I think I know will not turn on a friend. From what I have heard Alexi has done well with the interviews with the Chicago Tribune. Mike Madigan should simply do the right thing. The Democrats have a jewel in Alexi. We need to wrap our arms around him, he is a big part of our future. I will not abandon Alexi Giannoulias. I know his heart is in the right place.
- Leroy - Wednesday, Jun 7, 06 @ 7:02 am:
If Alexi runs a bank and is crooked, why aren’t the Feds all over him?
Or is this just a matter of the voters picking the wrong candidate during the primary?
One thing we don’t need is the balance of power in Illinois state government shaken up by a young outsider. The power brokers will not like that. They will not like that at all.
- Way Northsider - Wednesday, Jun 7, 06 @ 7:35 am:
Alexi scares them because he won without them. The people elected him and he will be accountable to the people.
- Chicago Jason - Wednesday, Jun 7, 06 @ 7:40 am:
Mike Madigan better realize soon that there are a lot of unhappy Democrats in this state, and a lot of them are particularly unhappy with him for making such a mockery of their party’s name. This one certainly is.
- Pete Granata - Wednesday, Jun 7, 06 @ 8:23 am:
Mike Madigan has forgotten more about how to win than Alexi and the amateurs will ever know. Illinois is solid blue in part thanks to Madigan’s strategic ability. Be thankful you have him.
- Wile Coyote - Wednesday, Jun 7, 06 @ 8:36 am:
Ray, I’m certain Alexi feels better today knowing that you won’t dump him! You all can say what you wish, but he’s history.
- Beowulf - Wednesday, Jun 7, 06 @ 8:38 am:
This article by Carol Marin sure explains a lot to me. One of my good friends is a Democrat politician who suggested to me that Radogno would make an excellent state treasurer. I was amazed that he had said this because I always respect his opinion even though I am a Republican. And, he never recommends Republicans for any state or national offices. It was so unlike him that I was taken back by his suggestion.
I am now leaning toward the idea that Mike Madigan is issuing the word to fellow Democrats to back Radogno after reading your and Carol Marin’s column. I didn’t think that I would ever see this political strategy used by any of the Illinois Democrats until (how does that old saying go?)”hell freezes over.”
- HeKnowsBarack - Wednesday, Jun 7, 06 @ 8:56 am:
Rich —- You’ll be happy to know Alexander has just stepped off the basketball court to pledge to completely overhaul the D website when he takes over the state. In fact he plans to use the TomCross&TheSockPuppets site as his model. Talk about a plan for success.
Oh BTW, let’s Google the # of times Alexander and Barack have been together since the announcement day TV spot was taped in December. My count is ZERO. Now back to the hoops
- Just Observing - Wednesday, Jun 7, 06 @ 9:49 am:
I’m a very independent Dem, and generally pretty unlikely to support a Madigan candidate, but Alexi is a goof, Mangieri was a better candidate for the party, and I’m voting for Rodagno in the fall.
- quad cities - Wednesday, Jun 7, 06 @ 9:54 am:
Come on, I highly doubt the state party chairman won’t back the state treasurer candidate. This is likely a case of the campaign not getting its website to the proper staff at the state party.
I think folks are making way too much out of this.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 7, 06 @ 10:07 am:
So, you are a bit too young to remember the 1998 gubernatorial election?
- Dusty - Wednesday, Jun 7, 06 @ 10:10 am:
Oh God, his “heart is in the right place”? I love how that line is always dusted off when a Democrat has ethical trouble. Spare us Ray.
- PalosParkBob - Wednesday, Jun 7, 06 @ 10:17 am:
Republicrat Radogno has been “sleeping with the enemy” for a long time to take advantage of an opportunity like this.
The Dems have “protected” her in previous races by giving her softball “run and hide” opponents, and she’s obliged by trying to knock Democrat irritants, like Tony Peraica, out of positions of power in the Republican Party and voting like a “conservative” Democrat in the Legislature.
If elected, she’ll steer jobs and contracts to the Dems to give them their “fair share”. After all, that’s the CHICAGO way!
- Merlin - Wednesday, Jun 7, 06 @ 10:28 am:
Just wait till we see all the dems covertly and not so covertly going over to JBT. I would watch Lipinski’s ward vote totals for one.
- Pat Hickey - Wednesday, Jun 7, 06 @ 10:31 am:
I voted for Alexi and will in November. Ray Coleman’s can count at least one more for his guy; which is more than the people knocking Ray can add to their candidates - Ray, you should rent out some of that backbone of your’s to the weaker sisters and brothers out there on the sidelines.
- Anon - Wednesday, Jun 7, 06 @ 10:51 am:
My daddy owns a bank. My daddy let’s me “work” in it. My daddy raised lotsa money for the “rock star”, so he did commercials for me ’cause I’m only 29 and don’t know what to do. So what if daddy’s bank lends money to criminals? I didn’t do it! It was my brother! He does everything! Mean old Mr. Madigan!
Then there’s Chrissy “make everybody happy so noone runs against me” Rodogno. Talk about the lesser or two evils!
- Maverick - Wednesday, Jun 7, 06 @ 11:00 am:
The Barack you think you know will step up and be a friend?? Kind of like he did for Claypool. I see what you mean Ray.
It’s too early to tell who will win this election. No one really knows enough about Radogno. Wait until they have some debates and the commercials roll out.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 7, 06 @ 11:24 am:
Are NONE of you the least bit phased by the fact that the Speaker runs this state and the Democratic party as if it was his own private property? The real issue here isn’t Alexi or Rodogno, it’s the Democratic party chair acting like a spoiled kid because something didn’t go his way. The worst part is that people put up with it. It’s a disgrace.
- corvax - Wednesday, Jun 7, 06 @ 12:32 pm:
for all you doubting the junior Senator’s continued meaningful support, please note that some key Obama staffers now have moved into top postions in Alexi’s reorganized campaign. i’m sure that wouldn’t have happened without his blessing. Alexi for Illinois!
- Pat Hickey - Wednesday, Jun 7, 06 @ 1:37 pm:
. . . for the sake of your own Machiavellian maneuvering.
. . .Which has absolutely no place in the life political, for lands sakes.
Speaker Madigan seems to be doing his job and change; you may disagree but you know where he stands. That is why the man is so good at his work - he loves it.
- Ashur Odishoo - Wednesday, Jun 7, 06 @ 1:50 pm:
Alexi bought almost every single billboard in Chicago. Quite impressive.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 7, 06 @ 2:07 pm:
I like the power and the money. The job just gets me there.
- HeKnowsBarack - Wednesday, Jun 7, 06 @ 2:27 pm:
Alexander’s in the hot tub right now working on his webiste plan.
Do those Obamarama top staffers have names?
P.S. Looks like Ray Coleman has 65 Large to spread around. Hopes he sends some Alexander’s way
EAST ST. LOUIS, Ill. (AP) — A former Illinois Department of Natural Resources park supervisor who accused the agency of discrimination in denying him a promotion has settled the federal lawsuit for $65,000, a newspaper says a copy of the settlement shows.
In the lawsuit that also named former DNR chief Joel Brunsvold and his interim successor, Sam Flood, Ray Coleman, who is black, claimed he unfairly was denied a promotion to a supervisory position that later went to Scott Flood, Sam Flood’s son and a former Belleville City Council member.
- Bluefish - Wednesday, Jun 7, 06 @ 2:50 pm:
Gotta vote for the adult in this one. Alexi inspires absolutely no confidence that he is capable of doing the job of treasurer.
- Common Sense in Illinois - Wednesday, Jun 7, 06 @ 3:05 pm:
June is bustin’ out all over…Come on folks, the election is five months away. Let’s not get too overwhelmed just yet. Every candidate has to win his/her own election. Frankly the role and alledged power of the state parties is overblown. In reality, all Michael Madigan or Adnrew McKenna or anyone else can do is deliver their own precinct vote on election day. Madigan throwing an election? Look at his turnout numbers first and then complain. Until then, let’s keep the powder dry.
- BrewCrew - Wednesday, Jun 7, 06 @ 3:16 pm:
The kid’s a disaster…and it’s comical that those who support him are doing so just because he’s got the Apostle Barack Obama’s support…talk about a bunch of stooges.
- Wile Coyote - Wednesday, Jun 7, 06 @ 4:21 pm:
HeKnowsBarack: That’s 65 large is before the lawyer’s cut and Ray can’t say anything bad about the boys or comment, except his quote at the end of the article was very negative. Oops, give that $ back Ray!
- Madigan's Lack of Leadership - Wednesday, Jun 7, 06 @ 4:30 pm:
HeKnowsBarack and all the other Obama bashers reveal just what Madigan is afraid of, not being the top dog in IL politics. Even the potential of “An Obama Machine” is enough to make the speaker crap his pants. He doesn’t care about the party, or anyone else. It’s pretty clear all he cares about is POWER. Kind of like the Emperor from Star Wars. Ok, maybe not, but, seriously, why all the vitriol towards Alexi? It wasn’t enough to go after him on his immaturity, but know, Madigan had to send that message.
I would love to see Obama get elected President, if for no other reason than the Speaker would have to grovel.
- HeKnowsBarack - Wednesday, Jun 7, 06 @ 4:36 pm:
WC — but even after Ray cuts 22K for those scumbag metro east blood sucking legal eagles his still has a nice pile of beans just for claiming someone did not give a promotion — nice gig.
Maybe Alexander can turn him onto one of those Broadway Bank boys and he can parlay the dough into some real $$$$$.
- Anon - Wednesday, Jun 7, 06 @ 4:40 pm:
First I would like to point out that most of these same posters said Giannoulias would lose the primary. He won by 24% and won 52 counties.
Rich, he will be on the ballot in November and he will win. That is a comment from a person who said before the primary that Giannoulias would win and win big. Have a good day.
- anon - Wednesday, Jun 7, 06 @ 10:27 pm:
this nice…..I glad the Dem Party is offering internships with State agencies
- Skeeter - Thursday, Jun 8, 06 @ 12:57 pm:
You want to see a really bad website? Try this one.
Under “events” it has a November 2005 fundraiser.