Serious drama
Wednesday, Jun 7, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller
Well, it turns out the “Cook County coup” never got off the ground.
Ailing Cook County Board President John Stroger delivered a message Tuesday to those with their eyes on his job:
“I’m still the president.”
Reportedly unhappy with moves to replace him — temporarily or permanently — Stroger met with ministers Larry Trotter and Al Sampson and Ald. William Beavers, who said Stroger “understands everything.”
The three painted a picture of Stroger being on the road to eventually reclaiming his seat — if that’s what he wants. The group prayed together, with Stroger tightly squeezing a hand. […]
Commissioners Larry Suffredin and Bobbie Steele told the Sun-Times on Monday that they expected Steele to have the votes to serve as interim board president for the rest of Stroger’s term.
The two didn’t abandon those plans Tuesday, but faced quiet criticism from colleagues who felt it was still too soon to talk of succession.
Some commissioners felt blindsided by the publicity, while others said any deals quietly being cut were hampered by Steele’s disclosure in the newspaper.
But Steele insisted that “if it’s done right and President Stroger is unable to serve. . . . I believe the board members will support me” to take over.
Mark Brown thinks otherwise, however.
But the Beavers meetings (he saw Stroger on Monday and brought the ministers with him for a second session Tuesday) certainly changed the landscape, especially politically. Beavers’ pronouncements will make it especially hard for African-American elected officials to campaign for Stroger’s job.
The first victim of that was Commissioner Bobbie Steele, who had been lining up support to finish out Stroger’s term, that being a separate question from who would replace him on the ballot.
I’m afraid that contrary to the impression created by a headline in our newspaper, the County Board was never “set to replace Stroger” Tuesday with Steele. She’s savvy enough not to attempt a coup, at least not yet, and found herself scrambling to distance herself as much as possible from a move by Peraica to forcibly oust Stroger.
But the damage was done, reopening some old wounds between South Side and West Side politicians. Stroger and Beavers are South Siders. Steele is a West Sider. State Sen. Rickey Hendon, another West Sider, hovered near her during Tuesday’s County Board meeting to offer counsel.
And the Daily Herald adds this twist.
The maneuvering has left endless crossed signals, including published reports Commissioner Larry Suffredin, an Evanston Democrat, had secured the nine votes necessary to install Commissioner Bobbie Steele, a Chicago Democrat, as Stroger’s replacement.
Suffredin denied that Tuesday.
“I haven’t talked to one commissioner (about Steele),†Suffredin said. “What I have talked to people about is a process.â€
Suffredin said he’ll introduce an ordinance June 20 to set up a process for temporary replacement of a president should he become incapacitated.
Steele’s name came up, he said, because he was estimating that on party lines, there would be 11 votes for an agreed-upon Democrat and Steele would be a likely choice.
And Peraica’s resolution went nowhere.
The resolution, introduced by Tony Peraica (R-Riverside), Stroger’s opponent in the Nov. 7 election, called for a hearing within 10 days to gather evidence about Stroger’s fitness to serve as president.
On a 10-5 vote, the board refused to send Peraica’s proposal to committee for discussion. The board’s other four Republicans sided with Peraica, saying past practice has been to allow issues to be sent to committee to die.
John Daley (D-Chicago), a close political ally of Stroger, said Peraica’s proposal was a “damn disgrace.”
Elizabeth Gorman (R-Orland Park) said the proposal would “get buried either way.”
Peraica said his candidacy for Stroger’s job was unrelated to the proposal.
“I take no pleasure in doing this. I really don’t, regardless of what other people may think and roll their eyes here,” Peraica told commissioners. “I would ask President Stroger and I would ask his team to take down this wall of silence.”
After this blowup yesterday, it’s doubtful we’ll see any moves until Stroger makes up his mind what he wants to do. But the time to level with the voters is long overdue. Yes, Democratic voters knew he had a serious health problem when they nominated him for another term. But, in political terms, the primary was a long time ago. It’s time for some openness.
- disgruntled dem - Wednesday, Jun 7, 06 @ 7:45 am:
If these ministers and Ald. Bill Beavers are right, and President Stroger is so much better, why hasn’t ANYONE ELSE heard from him? He could put all of this to rest with one phone call to Andy Shaw (or any other reporter).
No, the more logical explanation is that Beavers et al are grossly exaggerating about the president’s condition. Seeing as Beavers was caught in a lie during his own press conference, why should we believe anything he says? Mark Brown reports:
“He laughed. He smiled. He asked for some strawberries,” Beavers said, later asserting, “He can walk. He can talk.”
When challenged, Beavers conceded Stroger was in a wheelchair and that he hadn’t seen him walk.
Where I come from that’s called lying.
- Schiznitz - Wednesday, Jun 7, 06 @ 8:38 am:
“Take down this wall of silence” - great line.
John Daley is full of himself. Stroger has been absent as CEO for over 2 months of a $3 billion operation.
The only responsible thing to do is figure out who is running things. WHO IS? I still don’t know. If Stroger isn’t a vegetable, why hasn’t he sent a handwritten message, made a phone call, or invited some other Commissioners like Steele, Sims, or Collins to meet him.
This is the nuttiest thing I have seen.
- Pat Hickey - Wednesday, Jun 7, 06 @ 10:04 am:
. . . when asked to grab his butt with both hands,Commissioner Peraica removed his glasses.
- Anon - Wednesday, Jun 7, 06 @ 10:48 am:
The fiasco was not about Stroger,Steele,Peraica or Cook County. It is about preparations for the Big Event to Come. The Daley and Jackson camps are each jockeying to insure that they have their loyalist at the County helm. The infidels seek a foothold in the provinces and the royalists need the Counts and Dukes to defend the Crown. The Church was deployed yesterday. Next up: The Merceneries and then the Minstrels. An epic indeed.
- Bubs - Wednesday, Jun 7, 06 @ 11:19 am:
President Stroger is just fine and joyfully recovering, happily grazing on strawberries? Ridiculous! Alderman Beavers is obviously a loyal friend, but he is also full of it.
For Commissioner Daley to call replacement a “damned disgrace” just shows that he wants his strong ally, John Stroger, to stay in power, even in abstentia, so The Machine can hum along. To deride the issue of replacement after the President’s complete absence for two and one half months, and no date for return in sight, is just plain irresponsible, and putting your own political interests above the interests of the public. But why should that shock anyone in this city or county?
That obviously was a rough stroke. It will take years to make as full a recovery as can be had, and it is certainly possible that President Stroger will never regain full use of parts of his body. Plus, strokes, being an injury to the brain, frequently affect the cognitive ability of the patient, especially in the early recovery period. He’s NOT “fine,” unfortunately, and won’t be for a long time, if ever.
Absolute nonsense from our supposed “leaders”.
That these people would try and pull the wool over the people’s eyes is sad, but certainly not surprising. They’ve been doing it for decades.
- Anon - Wednesday, Jun 7, 06 @ 11:39 am:
I think it’s a safe bet that John Daley is actually running the county right now, and I’m sure he’d like to keep it that way.
- Anon - Wednesday, Jun 7, 06 @ 11:41 am:
“. . . when asked to grab his butt with both hands,Commissioner Peraica removed his glasses.”
Wasn’t he sitting down at the time? Wouldn’t he have suffocated?
- Anon - Wednesday, Jun 7, 06 @ 12:01 pm:
And pity poor Commissioner Daley. He stoically endures while all about him like friends, family and associates bring about disgrace. He is in fact uniquely qualified to recognize disgrace when he sees it. Can we please fall on the swords a little faster?
- Can't understand it! - Wednesday, Jun 7, 06 @ 12:06 pm:
What a disgrace both Pat Hickey is and anon 11:41 are. Why attack Peraica who is trying to make Cook County goverment be responsiable for there actions? Is’nt the Federal trials now going on in Chicago about hirings and the George Ryan trial,not enough to embarasament for you and our state City and County? Not even in Iraq,or Nigeria,or any other corrupt regime, is as obvious as our county goverment!
Don’t you two have shame? Don’t we as voters and tax payers have any shame with the way the Democratic party is acting?? How can we change conress and the white house to democrats, when they show no leadership and show no differance in there corrupt ways here in Chicago and Cook County! What both of you need to do is GROW UP!
- good source - Wednesday, Jun 7, 06 @ 12:14 pm:
Rumors are swirling at Mike Madigan’s office today along at John Daley’s headquarters that a replacement for Storger is coming soon. A short list of Canididates are on the list, with names such as, Michael Scott,Terry Peterson,Roberto Maldonado,Iris Martinez,Lobbyist Marty Russo,Attorney Gerry Chico,Eugene Moore,Dorothy Brown,Karen Yarbrough,Pete Sivestri and Melrose Park Mayor Ron Serpico.
Can somebody tell me if this is true?
- Bubs - Wednesday, Jun 7, 06 @ 12:40 pm:
An ailing leader is kept behind doors, with positive messages about his health, and assertions that he is in total control of the government.
Rumor fly of other strongmen in the Party negotiating over a replacement, since the bit about the ailing leader being fine is nonsense, but they don’t want the public to know that until a new Fearless Leader can be seamlessly introduced.
More evidence that Chicago has changed from “Beruit by the Lake” to “Moscow by the Lake.”
- Ambulance chaser - Wednesday, Jun 7, 06 @ 12:42 pm:
Don’t know about any o’ that. What I do know is that the needs of 1 are outweighing the needs of many. (Sorry to sound like Mr. Spock) There is such a sense of entitlement among elected officials, Stroger being an example here. Angry aldermen complaining about federal investigations is another example. A true leader would encourage his replacement if it would benefit his constituency. And if Stroger being out of action this long DOESN’T make a difference, then what does that say? Unless the Party starts making some sense, I’ll be bringing as many Dems as possible with me to Peraica. This is out of hand!
- anon - Wednesday, Jun 7, 06 @ 12:55 pm:
Hey “Good Source”
Is that the list of merceneries that Anon 10:48 was talking about or are they the minstrels? BTW at least one name is complete %^&&*@#*! Sivestri [sic] is an (R).
- Pat Hickey - Wednesday, Jun 7, 06 @ 2:57 pm:
What a disgrace both Pat Hickey is and anon 11:41 are.
I R Sorry an he am two.
- ktown - Wednesday, Jun 7, 06 @ 3:17 pm:
I understand all the talk revloving around the Cook County Board President seat, but I just bought my Chicago city sticker from an office with no leader (didnt Laski resign back in the winter?). I would like to know why hasnt this been made an issue as well. How can anyone back Mr. Perecia, when he was the one giving money to hurt folks in Kosovo.
Honestly I say leave President Stroger alone, the county board has one more meeting before their summer break and they can discuss the issue when they come back in September. I dont think the county will fall apart between now and then. The funny part about it is that newspapers never tell the real story, how can they publish things from unnamed sources if the source isnt credible. Lastly I am sick of all the negative talk about Todd Stroger, I wonder how many people actually know him well enough to say all the negative remarks that are sprewed. Although I am not a big fan of how they do things, I do respect the family, and the fact the President Stroger has done alot for the county.
- Chicago taxpayer - Wednesday, Jun 7, 06 @ 3:43 pm:
Hey Ktown–
The difference between the vacant office of City Clerk and Cook County Board President? Come on! How about $3 billion in spending and jurisdiction over life and death decisions like the pending nurses strike, which could literally affect the lives of thousands of patients, and operation of the jail system (where a bunch of murderers escaped last year because Stroger didn’t hire enough guards!) Quite a difference from issuing dog licenses!
So who’s in charge? Even the Washington Post today compared Cook County to the old Soviet Union. An embarassment–but just the latest in Chicago and Cook County’s long and sordid political history.
- Lovie's Leather - Wednesday, Jun 7, 06 @ 3:47 pm:
Everyone is saying how well Stroger is, he must be in horrible shape…. I just wonder how long they are going to keep lying. I know they’re lying, you know they are lying. The only people who don’t know they are lying are the least intellegent. There, now don’t you feel stupid….
- Bubs - Wednesday, Jun 7, 06 @ 4:03 pm:
Ktown - Todd Stroger?!?!?
There’s already so much blatant nepotism in this state that we might as well hold elections on Fathers Day.
It took the people of Europe and this country all sorts of wars, oceans of blood, and huge destruction to GET RID OF dynastic rulers, and we are now bringing it BACK in Illinois, and “out of respect for the family”????
What a bunch of lame-a**ed mopes we are. We deserve all this corruption, we really do.
- Bobby Douglas - Wednesday, Jun 7, 06 @ 5:05 pm:
“. . . when asked to grab his butt with both hands,Commissioner Peraica removed his glasses.â€
So that all the corrupt people, cronies and liars could kiss his ass.
- Snidely Whiplash - Wednesday, Jun 7, 06 @ 8:54 pm:
With all this rampant Democratic nepotism going around, do we really need anymore: Strogers? Daleys? Burkes? Joyces? Madigans? Lipinskis? Hynes’? (You getting the picture?). We need Rufus T. Firefly! Hail, Hail Freedonia! (Hell, on second thought, maybe Groucho actually IS running Cook County!)
- Reality Check - Thursday, Jun 8, 06 @ 10:51 am:
Senator Prescott Bush, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, Jeb Bush
Senator Strom Thurmond, Federal Prosecutor Strom Thurmond III
President William Howard Taft, Senator Robert Taft, Governor Robert Taft Jr.
Senator Robert Dole, Senator Elizabeth Dole
Senator Frank Murkowski, Governor Lisa Murkowski
Hardly a one-party practice, it seems.
- Bubs - Thursday, Jun 8, 06 @ 12:09 pm:
Poor comparison. They are not all from one city, one machine and one generation.
- NoGiftsPlease - Thursday, Jun 8, 06 @ 9:28 pm:
The Chairman has a cold. Where have I heard that before?
- Reality Check - Thursday, Jun 8, 06 @ 11:13 pm:
As if Russia is a good comparison? Please, you all make stuff up as you see fit.
- Uncle Slappy - Friday, Jun 9, 06 @ 11:25 am:
Seems Reality Check needs a reality check. You haven’t named a single ILLINOIS
- Uncle Slappy - Friday, Jun 9, 06 @ 11:26 am:
… family. What does Strom Thurmond have to do with Illinois and Cook County? In your fantasy world, is Blago NOT the son-in-law of Dick Mell???
- Wow - Friday, Jun 9, 06 @ 12:22 pm:
You’re all reaching. This is not Russia. And Democrats are hardly the only ones who ply connections to get ahead in government, related to one another or not.
There was a primary. The voters decided the nominee. If that nominee cannot run, he will indicate so. As the incumbent, if he is not able to serve, he will indicate so.
The process to replace the nominee is in the law. The process to replace the incumbent is in the law. but the process does not start until the nominee or incumbent activates it, no matter what pie-in-the-sky theories you all may have about “how it should be.”
If there was another way to do it, don’t you think it would have been attempted by now?
Place a political layer over all this decisionmaking, and the process must STILL be activated by the nominee/incumbent.
So the short answer to all the calls for “Glasnost” is “no.” This is a partisan election and a party nominee is chosen, first by the voters, and replaced, if necessary, by the party leaders (also elected by the voters).
If you don’t like the nominee of the party (and remember that the person is a candidate of the party, not the people) then vote against him or her. Simple.
As for the government, name the day-to-day service that has not been provided as a result of the President’s illness. You can’t name one.
As for the bigger issues of budget and labor negotiations, a decision will be forthcoming before those issues get to the plate. And even some of the “big” issues have been decided in the President’s absence (JTDC, for example). In other words, the government is running smoothly.
Even Bobbie Steele said so on the radio.