Another paper demands answers
Thursday, Jun 8, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller Yet another newspaper editorializes in favor of Sen. Bill Brady’s demand that Attorney General Lisa Madigan tell us what’s what before the November election. Earlier, it was the Pantagraph, today it’s the Herald & Review. While the administration claims nothing is wrong, something is clearly amiss. The apparent practice since Blagojevich took office was for the governor’s staff to review and approve the hiring of state employees - often by name - for hundreds of routine jobs such as highway workers and plumbers. And when the investigations came to light, the practice stopped.
- wndycty - Thursday, Jun 8, 06 @ 6:58 am:
Question for the anti Rod forces. If Lisa does take up this issue and finds in favor of Rod, will you accept that or would you dismiss is it as her protecting him? Are any of you who do not like Rod willing to go on the record to say if Lisa reviews it, you will accept her opinion regardless of her findings? Its a legit question, I’d appreciate some answers.
- DOWNSTATE - Thursday, Jun 8, 06 @ 7:04 am:
We already know that the minute they found out they were being investigated they changed the hiring policy so that tells me something was wrong.All she has to prove or disprove is was there any laws broken.The evidence and people are there.SHE WILL NOT MAKE A MOVE.Because her Daady told her to ride it out.
- wndycty - Thursday, Jun 8, 06 @ 7:14 am:
And if she makes a move and finds no wrong doing would you accept that? Realistically, I believe many on this blog expect her to find something and would be unwilling to accept anything but a finding of wrong doing. I DON’T KNOW what she will find, but I do know that MANY of the people asking for her to look into this are not willing to accept anything less than a finding of wrong doing.
- Disgusted - Thursday, Jun 8, 06 @ 7:15 am:
wndycty: Why do you think that this dislike of the governor is personal? It’s because the things he is doing are going to financially ruin this state and will not become a problem for him, only those who follow. It’s because we know that we are only a stepping stone to “bigger and better things” for him and he makes it painfully obvious.
Voters don’t like being used. It’s because he tells lies to the people who voted for him and to his own appointees. It’s because he will use and misuse anyone to further himself personally. It’s because we don’t think he believes any of the things he says about improving healthcare, children’s education, etc. It’s a mantra to get him re-elected. And it’s because he forgets where he came from, using it only to get votes from the descendents of Eastern European immigrants. I’m sure he was not raised to be the way he is.
Mr. Blagojevich may be a great guy to have a beer with, as long as you don’t take what he says seriously and as long as he’s not paying your salary or managing your 401K or pension.
Or do you just ignore these problems because you, also, will not be around or will not have to pay the financial price in the future for his grandiose schemes?
- Anonymous - Thursday, Jun 8, 06 @ 7:19 am:
wndycty would appreciate some answers.
So would the Pantagraph, the Herald and Review and certainly many more media outlets in the near future.
You Democrats sure got on Jim Ryan’s ass for doing nothing about George Ryan. Now Lisa is doing exactly NOTHING to bring justice to this governor and, apparently, you must think that’s okay. Why the duplicity wndycty?
But these are only downstate newspapers wanting the opportunity to appreciate some answers, so who cares?
Right wndycty?
- wndycty - Thursday, Jun 8, 06 @ 7:27 am:
Disgusted, I’m not ignoring anything, HOWEVER you do realize if Lisa investigates there is LEGITIMATE possibility she will find no wrong doing. My question to you is, COULD YOU ACCEPT a finding of no wrong doing?
Anon 7:19, I have no doubt that sooner or later the Chicago Tribune and Sun-Times will sooner or later call for investigations, so please don’t imply on only dismiss downstate newspapers. And as I asked Disgusted, COULD YOU accept a finding of no wrong doing if Lisa investigates the issue or would you dismiss it as politics? Its a legitimate and fair question, don’t you think?
- Beowulf - Thursday, Jun 8, 06 @ 7:37 am:
Many of us will accept Lisa’s findings on Blagojevich. Honest wndycty! But that doesn’t mean that I will then choose to vote for him. There are too many other reasons that I can think of as to why I feel there are better qualified individuals out there to lead our state of Illinois as governor.
I feel that Blago is looking our for Blago and his political career. The citizens of Illinois are an “afterthought” for Rod. He has aspirations for a higher national office. Does this make him an evil guy? Nope, just a guy who is self-centered.
Bill Brady is speaking out when others are too timid. That is what got us in trouble with George Ryan. Few politicians in Springfield (JBT, Jim Ryan, etc.)were willing to hold George Ryan accountable for his actions for fear of hurting their political careers. My prediction is that Bill Brady will be the standard bearer for the Illinois GOP in four years after JBT falls on her face and becomes yesterday’s newspaper. Brady simply needed a few more years of experience and media exposure to get the needed name recognition that JBT offered the GOP for this election. He is the future of the Illinois GOP.
- DOWNSTATE - Thursday, Jun 8, 06 @ 7:41 am:
wndycty you need to switch to de-caf.What some of us are asking is for her to investigate and she won’t.Why? Is it because there is something there or because she is a Democrat.One is as bad as another.If there is nothing then the papers will be silenced and people will accept the truth.NOW if they do find wrong doing are you a pro-Blago Democrat still goin to vote for him.
- wndycty - Thursday, Jun 8, 06 @ 7:44 am:
I’m not a know it all so I ask the following question: Isn’t Lisa, as well as Dick Devine, already investigating Blago based on the accusations of Ald. Mell? If that is the case, wouldn’t the recent allegations actually be part of her ongoing investigation, if there is one? I would assume that while the recent allegations may have just come to light in the media, they may have already been know in law enforcement circles. Can anyone answer that for me?
Beowulf, I definately would not expect those who do not like Rod to all of sudden vote for him if Lisa found nothing, I just wanted to know if they would accept it. I appreciate you being the first one to answer the question and go on record and say you will accept her findings. I would not expect it to change your vote.
- leigh - Thursday, Jun 8, 06 @ 7:45 am:
I won’t accept Madigan’s findings, I think the only thing I would believe at this point is a Federal investigation. Illinois has been so corrupt for so long that those on the inside don’t seem to be able to recognize it as corruption. If the hiring practices were cleared by the Fed’s, then it would be good for Blago and quiet the naysayers. I think very few people would believe Madigan if she “cleared” them.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Jun 8, 06 @ 7:46 am:
Downstate, perhaps you should switch to decaf. AG Madigan has at least two probes of the administration that I can think of off the top of my head.
Now, let’s move on, please.
- Reddbyrd - Thursday, Jun 8, 06 @ 8:26 am:
Good point Rich
And let’s remember sports fans that the Lee Enterprise empire owns both papers
p.s. Nice poll results
- JohnR - Thursday, Jun 8, 06 @ 9:05 am:
I think it is interesting that two papers now have made a pretty glaring error, and nobody has called it out.
Both the Pantagraph and the Herald & Review have both now said in their editorials that the AP reported that the Gov Office approved hiring by name (The Pantagraph even claimed the story reported that the Gov’s Office approved hiring based only on name, not merit).
While I know many have already jumped to the conclusion that decisions were based only on names (and that very well may be the case), but that isn’t what the AP reported.
The AP merely reported that the forms that they used included a space for a name.
Now… I am not claiming anything about the Gov staff’s guilt or innocence, but two papers now have incorrectly described the AP story. And it isn’t a minor difference, that is a BIG difference.
That seems quite irresponsible to me. I am just surprised nobody has called them on it yet.
- OneMan - Thursday, Jun 8, 06 @ 9:16 am:
Yeah I would accept the fact that if Lisa says there was nothing that she feels there was in fact nothing. She stood up to him on the T center so I have some faith that she would do what was right. ALso politically if she comes back and says there was nothing and then we have a parade of people in court like with the Ryan administration she will be toast.
That being said, just because she didn’t find anything will not stop the feds if they find something.
- VanillaMan - Thursday, Jun 8, 06 @ 9:19 am:
This entire scenario is a political statement by Brady. It is entirely undoable. There is no way that the AG could issue any kind of statement at this point.
We know enough. Blagojevich promised, didn’t or wouldn’t follow through, didn’t take his own promises seriously until legal action demanded it, then attacked us for questioning him.
If you think that is how any governor should be, then re-elect him. The rest of us demand a governor who won’t turn his promises into lies.
- Anon - Thursday, Jun 8, 06 @ 9:49 am:
Where were these papers over the last 20+ years as the Repubs did this? I worked in state govt and saw the “most qualified” (LOL) hired. I always found it amazing that the Republicans usually had the most qualified people and the Dems were unqualified. Anyone who thinks that Rutan scores can’t be manipulated, and havent been, or believes that the Republicans like Brady are not being two-faced are smoking something. Is it right to do…absolutely not. But dont get the rightousness banner out now when your party has done the same for 20+ years and excluded Democrats from positions that they rightly deserved.
- Ravenswood Right Winger - Thursday, Jun 8, 06 @ 9:56 am:
Why not have the US Attorney investigate if there is some possible violation of federal law here? It takes Daddy’s Girl out of the equation, not to mention accusations of political favoritism.
- the Patriot - Thursday, Jun 8, 06 @ 11:15 am:
Brady is brilliant here. It is a position that puts him in the governors mansion in 2010. He knows lisa doesn’t have the moxy to prosecute Rod. If she does nothing, feds indict, she looks like an incompetent hack.
If she clears him, feds indict, she looks like an incompetent hack.
She has to indict him or take two steps back in her 2010 bid. It is a pretty good gamble for brady considering she is the D frontrunner. The only way he loses here is she indicts him and it sticks. This means she would have to prove she has the ability to act free of party pressure or direction of daddy. There is a first time for everything, but a good bet for Brady.
Even is she goes after him, she alienates donors who have given 16 mil to the party which is now wasted on Rod.
Brady cannot lose here.
- Cassandra - Thursday, Jun 8, 06 @ 12:38 pm:
Again, I am most emphatically not a Blago fan, but I’m not at all sure this issue is worth the Repubs pursuing in a big way. A lot of higher-level state jobs aren’t Rutan-protected (not enough, in my opion. Most of the state work force is far too complacent, resulting in widespread laziness and shoddy work). And there are a few loopholes that may violate the intent of Rutan and that result in political hiring at the lower levels. And Blago can always claim that crooked or overzealous subordinates got carried away. Some of the potential accusers look a little squiffy themselves.
If the electorate really wanted to de-politicize state hiring, the hiring would be done by a separate entity and based only on qualifications.
But that entity would also be susceptible to political pressures over time.
There’s no way out. And the taxpayers aren’t that interested anyway. All we can do is try to prevent the government from hiring too many state employees and from overpaying them. Ensure that more of them have 21st century qualifications including licensure. And hold them accountable….now, from reading some of those AG reports, they don’t even get evaluated!
- angry and outraged - Thursday, Jun 8, 06 @ 2:39 pm:
I beg your pardon Cassandra most state employees are not even remotely close to being overpaid and I am really tired of hearing that from people who have never even attempted to find out if that allegation was true. Blago’s people have been brought into Rutan jobs that if they were posted (like they should be) should have been posted for agency employees FIRST! When this administration took office they claimed they were going to prove a point at the Tollway and eliminate the fat-HUH! They released 25 employees for no reason (some with as much as 25 years of good service and Cassandra not lazy people as if you would know!)most of them no one ever took the time out to find out what their jobs were and they were RUTAN employees; at a time when most departments were understaffed. Most of them begged to be demoted into positions that were understaffed and in the very bowels of the Authority (I-Pass, Mail Room etc) and were denied. After that the administration proceeded to fill the vacant positions and a whole alot of new positions with their hacks (19th century qualifications & shoddy)starting at salaries a whole lot higher than long term employees. This is not unique to the Tollway this has happened to other State Agencies and if the Automaton taxpayers aren’t interested in where their money is going then they deserve what they get. I believe Lisa Madigan is aware of everything that is going on and that is why this was brought to the Feds attention so that something would get done about it. If Madigan wants to save face she needs to come forward and agree to Brady’s demand-if she doesn’t than to me she looks as guilty as Blago!
- Anon - Thursday, Jun 8, 06 @ 2:50 pm:
angry and outraged:
Aagin, did you say anything before when the repugs did the same? I heard a conversation between a supervisor and the “mystery caller” telling him who would be hired BEFORE the interviews began. My supervisor even told me that he felt bad interviewing people that he knew would not be hired. Blago is doing nothing more than Ryan, Edgar, Thompson and thier cronies did during their terms. I am tired of hearing all the complaining NOW. It is wrong now but it was also wrong then. It seems to me that now the whiners are not getting the good treatment and all at once it is unfair. The term Sour Grapes comes to mind.
- Tessa - Thursday, Jun 8, 06 @ 4:27 pm:
Like I indicated elsewhere, I think it’s quite interesting that this years Ethics training for state employees focuses on political ethics. The people who need it most are the ones who aren’t going to pay attention to it and the lowest on the totem pole in the state system will continue to pay the price.
I don’t much care for Brady, but I hope he keeps the pressure on and something gets done about this. Somebody needs to crack the system wide open and get changes made so that the people who try to do right can do it.
- Six Degrees of Separation - Thursday, Jun 8, 06 @ 7:51 pm:
Your comments are spot-on as usual, and point to the idea that there are partisan Republicans, partisan Democrats, and People Who Want To Do The Right Thing. The first 2 groups are not mutually exclusive of the 3rd, but might be pretty close to it considering what we see, hear and otherwise experience in our daily lives.
And Cassandra, if we are to expect state employees to be competent, licensed and all, we might have to pay them competitive wages to keep them, especially if we eliminate all those fat benefits…and protect them somehow from political whims. Look at what has happened to IDOT in the Chicago area. You can swing a dead cat around the office and not hit a licensed engineer (not that I have anything against dead cats). Many were forced out, many more have left for the more lucrative private sector, and some have been replaced with “19th century types” who somebody sent, who are making good bucks (for a 19th century type, anyway) but not earning them.
- NW burbs - Thursday, Jun 8, 06 @ 11:21 pm:
Isn’t the investigation ongoing?
How can an attorney general comment on an ongoing investigation?
If it smells like a cheap political stunt (by Brady) then it probably is… Why isn’t he demanding to know the truth about the CIA Leak investigation — that actually has national security implications for us all…
- Criminal Enterprise Called Illinois - Friday, Jun 9, 06 @ 1:46 am:
Angry and Outraged: I hope that the Tollway people are singing to the Feds. They should be. Let the investigations proceed. It should be fun to watch. Blago will be indicted.