Question of the day
Monday, Jun 12, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller Greg Blankenship has a good post here, but I’ll summarize. · One of Jack Roeser’s websites slammed Topinka yet again and then published this line: “Four more years of Blagojevich is a big price to pay for future victory, but at least we can build with that Democrat as a foil.” · When called on it, they responded thusly: “We’re accused of ‘pushing for four more years of Rod Blagojevich.’ Well, no, not quite” · However, Bernie interviewed Roeser yesterday and got this nugget: Does all that mean Roeser would rather see Blagojevich win instead of Topinka? “Yes,” he told me. QUESTION: Do you think the posturing by people like Roeser will mean anything in the end? Or is this background noise?
- East Central IL - Monday, Jun 12, 06 @ 5:58 am:
Roeser is right, only with Topinka out of power can the Republican party be returned to real Republicans. JBT has a right to her views and i respect that, but she should be a Dem not a Republican. As to weather or not Roeser’s talk will make a difference i say no but in the end enough conservatives will abstain from voteing for Governor that we will have more years of finance shifting to hide budget problems, and the GOP will once again have a chance at having a platform it adhears to.
- annon. in central illinois - Monday, Jun 12, 06 @ 6:34 am:
The GOP has had plenty of time, chances, platforms & blown it many times. This “”We’re just about ready..hang on..give us a minute”" attitude is going to have to stop. It’s been going on for far to long & there isn’t any real reason for it ! They need to join together {hold their nose if they have too} & get behind our candidates from the top down. This attitude of who is real & not real ect. is &#@^%. The public elected JBT, wasn’t “their guy” so too bad, get over it. My guy didn’t get elected either but I’ll support my Republican candidate. GOP Party leaders {if you can find some} need to sit down & figure this out ,delivering a clear message & stay on message. It’s their “team” like it or not. Some may say it’s not “right guy” (or gal) but they’re our guys or gals … so let’s support them !! They ran & they won !! If you can’t don’t “muddy the water” & run someone else in 4 years (anybody but Oby-Won). But if these “experts” think 4 more years of Bladgo is the answer … Geeezzzz !!! Not only do I question their loyalty but also their sanity. This stuff is serious & no longer just “issues” for pols. JBT will probably only be around one term anyway. Come on GOP folks & wake up. This devisive attitude is why we don’t & won’t win and our influence is provisional at best. At least with a Republican we can get some things done…without , nothing & certain financial peril & problems for this state. These are serious times so send a Republican governor to Spfld, Republican legislators to the General assy. & replace these other constituionals that have screwed this state up. There will be plenty of time to start the name calling after November. Keep your eye on the ball GOP … it’s yours to loose !!!!
- Snidely Whiplash - Monday, Jun 12, 06 @ 6:36 am:
If Roeser and his small group of militant right wing loons have their way, Illinois will never again elect a Republican statewide. This is a solidly “blue” state, Mr. Roeser, and the 90% (probably higher) of Illinoisans who are moderate-to-liberal on social issues do not share your radical right agenda. Please, pack up your group of right wing radicals and move them to Wyoming, where you’ll be welcomed with open arms; if you and your loonies keep working against the 75-80% of Illinois Republicans you accuse of not being “real Republicans”, what’s left of the party will be destroyed. What am I saying? That’s precisely what you’re trying to do, isn’t it? BTW, this is hardly the first time Roeser has stated that we’re better off with Blago than JBT on his site. If you can get past all the bible passages and religious meanderings there, you’ll see that.
- Anonymous - Monday, Jun 12, 06 @ 7:08 am:
“One of Jack Roeser’s websites…”
You mean plural? That idiotic egomaniac has multiple websites to spread his delusional bs? And now it looks like the ‘arch conservative’ is going to vote for one of the most liberal people on Illinois soil.
Crazy, man. Crazy.
- The Conservative - Monday, Jun 12, 06 @ 7:09 am:
Whiplash, me think you have one to many whip lashes. Not sure where you are getting your figures. If you check last election the majority of counties voted RED. That being said, Jack and his organization do not represent the majority of conservatives in Illinois. The first two postings have some truth in them. The conservatives have held our noses for many years through, Edgar, Thompson and Ryan for the unity of the party. What have we gotten for this loyalty? Nothing but abuse and ridicule. The Liberal wing of the party is being tested this time. You say everyone is liberal? prove it, elect Miss Liberal with out us!Eneough is enough. We will be working and voting for those representatives and State office holders that we can work with. Sorry JBT has said she dosen’t want us so that just means we can spend more time working on the Marriage ammendment.
- DOWNSTATE - Monday, Jun 12, 06 @ 7:32 am:
I thought we got rid of the nut cases when we sent the milkman packing
- Snidely Whiplash - Monday, Jun 12, 06 @ 7:35 am:
Conservative” What part of MODERATE-to-liberal do you not understand? Classic, right wing word twisting. Keep trying to justify your self-destructive actions to yourself. Maybe after some counseling, you’ll realize that reality dictates that a “conservative” can’t win statewide in Illinois. Smuck.
- Snidely Whiplash - Monday, Jun 12, 06 @ 7:37 am:
P.S. “Joe’s County and Video”, population 374 (Saaaaalute!), means nothing in overall vote totals. Also, let’s not forget that voting “Republican” in Illinois generally means MODERATE. schmuckity-schmuck!
- The Conservative - Monday, Jun 12, 06 @ 7:40 am:
Moderate and Liberal are the same. We have worked with the Liberal wing of the party for many years. What do you not understand. If the Liberals are so good prove it. You don’t need us, right? Our 50% of the party are still working for those that want us to work with them. Judy has said she can win without us. We are just affording her the opportunity to prove it. I would think you would be happy with that. No go walk in the Gay parade with her.
- Snidely Whiplash - Monday, Jun 12, 06 @ 7:50 am:
Even if we were to take your silly 50% figure as accurate, on what planet can you win statewide with those numbers? Self-descructive, selfish morons. “If we can’t elect a ‘conservative’ Republican governor, then we’ll stay home and let the whole state get stuck with a liberal Democratic governor.” Boy, you’re sure gonna show us! You people are like little kids: “If I don’t get to be the boss, I’m taking my ball and going home!”
- The Conservative - Monday, Jun 12, 06 @ 7:57 am:
No different than a Blue flu to get someone’s attention. You are ignoring the fact we are not going home. We are “very” involved in the party, you might just be surprised as to how much. As I said earlier we suffered through Thonpson, Edgar and Ryan. Our numbers are growing in the party, we are rising in leadership and while you are aborting we are breeding replacements for the future.
- Bill Baar - Monday, Jun 12, 06 @ 7:58 am:
Roeser is background noise. I enjoy his blog, but he’s background when this really get’s rolling in a few months.
- PalosParkBob - Monday, Jun 12, 06 @ 8:05 am:
The problem with the Republican party in Illinois isn’t that it has a “liberal” wing, it’s that too much of the Republican leadership is bought and paid for by the Daley machine Dems. Kristen McQuery of the Daily Southtown has been putting together a great expose’ on how “Republican” Maureen Murphy and Liz Gorman are blocking Republican candidates from the ballot to give a “pass” to their Dem friends, and how so many Cook Republican Committeemen are actually Dem “payrollers” under Dem bosses in public jobs.
It’s not ideology so much that separates the Republicans. It’s Dem contributions and “cooperation” to protect Republican leader office holders in exchange for selling out the Republican constituency.
- Beowulf - Monday, Jun 12, 06 @ 8:11 am:
Wow! Sure is a lot of venom dripping from the words used by Roesser. Will it hurt Judy? Nope. Will it negatively impact Bill Brady regarding future elections where Bill Brady is a candidate?Yep! At least with those voters who dislike JBT. Brady was being groomed by the Illinois GOP Party leaders to eventually replace JBT. They were hoping Brady would represent that “middle ground” or “compromise material” for the Illinois Republican Party sometime down the road.
History “is” doomed to repeat itself come the next gubernatorial election. Lemmings that we GOP are, we will once again cast our votes exactly the same way. Background noise is correct but background noise that will negatively impact Brady’s chances in a minor way come his next campaign.
- Anonymous - Monday, Jun 12, 06 @ 8:26 am:
“Our numbers are growing in the party, we are rising in leadership and while you are aborting we are breeding replacements for the future.”
Does this rhetoric disturb anyone else, or is it just me? This kind of language conjures visions of the Third Reich.
- The Conservative - Monday, Jun 12, 06 @ 8:32 am:
What it means is we are teaching Christian values and teaching our children Right from wrong. Train a child and he/she will return as an adult. Try reading the “Word” and perhaps you will understand.
- NW burbs - Monday, Jun 12, 06 @ 8:49 am:
Now if only Roeser would stop sticking his ‘good-looking’ nose in our local high schools…
- The original Bill - Monday, Jun 12, 06 @ 9:02 am:
This is the most amusing comments section I have ever read on this blog.
We have already won!
Hey Palos,
Let’s see how many votes you get in the next election.
- disgusted - Monday, Jun 12, 06 @ 9:04 am:
Let’s see if I understand correctly: If Roeser gets his way, then Republicans will be shut out of governance in this state for another four years. He prefers total Democrat dominance through 2010 to a moderate Republican becoming governor.
The fact that Roeser joins the abortion rights crowd in preferring Rod doesn’t matter to him. The fact that Jesse White is far more liberal than Dan Rutherford also doesn’t matter. After all, Roeser prefers liberal Dems to moderate Republicans. Which should finally shred any of his GOP credentials.
- VanillaMan - Monday, Jun 12, 06 @ 9:12 am:
Roeser doesn’t matter because he is a loon.
- OneMan - Monday, Jun 12, 06 @ 9:14 am:
Unfortuantly, you don’t win statewide elections by winning counties, you win them by winning the popular vote.
- Anonymous - Monday, Jun 12, 06 @ 9:16 am:
Jack Roeser is absolutely right. And noting the obvious that Topinka would be worse for the GOP than Blagojevich isn’t “pushing for Blagojevich.” That’s what Bill Brady did when he made up poll results, attacked Oberweis constantly during the Primary - and basically helped ensure the GOP nominated a candidate who can’t beat Blago.
I love that
Finally some decent political analysis in this state.
- Anonymous - Monday, Jun 12, 06 @ 9:20 am:
Wing nuts unite! You have nothing to lose but election after election after election . . ..
- The Conservative - Monday, Jun 12, 06 @ 9:27 am:
The Brady bashers are hung up that Brady ran. Brady is a class act. For Nobieone to win he would have had to get all the Republican votes. That would not have happened. May of us that know him would not have voted for him if he was the only candidate. Not because of bitterness, but because we know the candidate!
- Josh - Monday, Jun 12, 06 @ 9:31 am:
Jack and FTN are background noise. But with very deep pockets.
Jack has become a caricature of himself. His staff has a full-time job making excuses for the octagenarian’s paradoxical and contradictory statements.
- The Conservative - Monday, Jun 12, 06 @ 9:40 am:
Since NobieOne is such a great Republican has he announced he is supporting Topinka, the winner of the primary?
- Wumpus - Monday, Jun 12, 06 @ 9:47 am:
Roesser does matte rbecause he has a message, money and a willingness to spend it. The scary part is that people actually listen to him, thus further validating and embiggening ™ him. The fact that Bipolarweis ™ let the little imp get into his ear is very worrisome, but at least th emilkman is irrelevant now. He will smear anyone and anything who does not agree 100% with him.
I do enjoy the FTN teacher salary look-up. But he starts a new group every few years that disentigrates into a Roesser puppet group.
Brady did not attack Bi-Polarweis constantly, he merely defended himself.
Got Straws? Quote of the YEar. Bipolarweis to Brady-If God wanted you to win, it wouldn’t matter how many straws you got! That is offensive to me on so many levels.
- Right Wing Republican - Monday, Jun 12, 06 @ 10:01 am:
Conservative is right, after 25 years of Thompson, Edgar, Ryan, I’m staying home. Screw “Blago Light” (Topinka). When a candidate like Peter Fitzgerald appears, then we’ll be back.
As for the lose “election after election” comments by whomever said it above; you have an extremely short attention span. We’ll see if this election will make you sit up and take notice. It is impossible for Republicans to win w/o conservatives - watch.
BTW, if “Blago Light” loses, name someone the Party will coalesce around. Only name I see on the Horizon is Brady. Maybe we should make sure she loses.
- Anonymous - Monday, Jun 12, 06 @ 10:24 am:
I’m sure Oberweis is giving at least as much support to phony-baloney Republican Topinka that she gave to real Republicans like Peter Fitzgerald, Jim Nalepa, Gary MacDougal, Jack Ryan, and of course the choice of the committee she chaired, Alan Keyes.
Actually that’s not the best anoulogy, because Topinka actively stabbed and worked against all of those Republicans.
- Paul Simon Museum Guy - Monday, Jun 12, 06 @ 10:37 am:
“you are aborting and we are breeding replacements for the future”? Boys from Brazil?
- Bluefish - Monday, Jun 12, 06 @ 10:39 am:
Quote The Conservative: “What it means is we are teaching Christian values and teaching our children Right from wrong.”
Are you saying that only hardcore right-wingers are teaching their children “Christian values”? That would be news in my family. I believe I have taught my children right from wrong - my teenagers are active in our church, don’t do drugs or have sex, do charity work, pray, etc. Good kids basically.
Oh, and I also taught them you don’t were your moral values on your sleeve to shove in everyone else’s faces. Neither would ever consider having a abortion, but both believe it is not their right to make that decision for someone else (unlike the Conservative and his ilk). But since the Conservative is trying to claim the moral high ground, let’s ask the question - What Would Jesus Do? I sincerely doubt He would have starving the poor, fouling the environment, waging war in other nations where we have no business, and giving tax cuts to the rich (didn’t he overturn the money changers tables in the temple) on his list of things to do.
I am so sick and tired of you quote-unquote conservatives fouling up the politics in our state and nation. The mere fact that you prefer Blago over anyone is proof you people are not in your right minds.
- Wumpus - Monday, Jun 12, 06 @ 10:44 am:
RWW, we already know that a lot of the Oberwies supporters won’t back Brady because of theor looney conspiracy theories.
- Conservative Republican - Monday, Jun 12, 06 @ 10:47 am:
I seem to recall that “posturing” by Jack Roeser and his ilk in 2002, between the primary and the general election”, about the “inadequacies” of Jim Ryan and their laments about O’Malley’s primary loss did seem to mean something by election day. Jim Ryan lost to Blagojevich by a hair.
The dynamics of the Blag-Topinka race are different: Topinka pitches to the female voter and has ties into the disgruntled Democratic party, while Blago now has a record, a bad one.
However, as a race nearly everyone is claiming as too close to call, Jack Roeser’s declared opposition to Topinka’s election is an item that will get around the state and provide cover to other conservative Republicans looking for an excuse not to vote for Topinka. It could be another Jim Ryan-style close run again, and with Roeser’s public position (now, apparently even more “public” than it was in 2002), Roeser might be its harbinger.
- Anonymous - Monday, Jun 12, 06 @ 10:50 am:
I really admire Jack Roeser and his organization FTN. While most everyone else just whines about how corrupt Illinois is, they actually have the courage to stand up and push for positive reforms. And it takes 10 times the courage to push for change in one’s own Party. Anyone can carp about Blagojevich.
- NW burbs - Monday, Jun 12, 06 @ 10:53 am:
The Conservative - Monday, Jun 12, 06 @ 8:32 am - writes:
What it means is we are teaching Christian values and teaching our children Right from wrong. Train a child and he/she will return as an adult. Try reading the “Word†and perhaps you will understand.”
Conservative, do these Christian values include gunning down people with whom fundamentalist hard-line conservative Christians disagree?
See: Christian Videogame Killers Scandal and Indoctinrinating Militaristic Anti-Gay Youth
- steve schnorf - Monday, Jun 12, 06 @ 11:05 am:
Rich, you run an excellent site. I fear letting it be used for this sort of drivel will harm it. You asked a legitimate question and got these lame substitutes for thoughtful dialogue. Do you do this just to torment the rational people who read your site?
- NW burbs - Monday, Jun 12, 06 @ 11:17 am:
While I can’t be sure which posts Steve is referring to (since he didn’t list any with which he takes issue), I will say that “The Conservative” took the comments off-topic and I felt his/her comment from 8:32am required a response given the hypocritical nature of his/her original post.
As for Rich’s QOTD: my reply is here, from earlier in the day. Perhaps you couldn’t tell, but my implied answer was “Roeser and their cohorts are background noise.”
Ask a question about a lemon and you’ll get lemonade.
- Lee - Monday, Jun 12, 06 @ 11:20 am:
comments by roeser will help topinka. it points out to the general public she is not one of the “right wing nuts”. just like clinton and the sister solja moment in 92.
- Pete Granata - Monday, Jun 12, 06 @ 11:48 am:
Conservative- All I ask is keep your nut case haters away from military funerals.
- Lovie's Leather - Monday, Jun 12, 06 @ 11:55 am:
Hold on there, Republicans. You say you will sell out the party because Topinka is too liberal. I admit, she wasn’t my pick. But she is a better alternative. If you don’t get behind her, you will see democratic control of the governorship for the next 12 years… 4 more of Blago, and then 8 of Miss Lisa. And who knows after that? Do you really want that? Do you want democratic patronage for the next 12 years??? Do you want Illinois to be all Chicago??? Come on GOP, things can get better. Don’t sell us out!!! PS, Roeser means nothing unless he starts running commercials….
- The Conservative - Monday, Jun 12, 06 @ 12:56 pm:
Pete I think you are confused: I support the war.
- Team Sleep - Monday, Jun 12, 06 @ 1:02 pm:
Although I’m fairly conservative, I’m more interested in winning elections than making a statement. If you win, you actually get to be in power, pass laws, change spending policies and make a national impact with your respective national committee. If you lose most of the time, what can you accomplish? People like Jack Roeser and their policy of not backing someone who votes with them 80% of the time are a detriment to politics in general. All they do is whine and dwell in the past. Knocking a nice guy like Bill Brady because he has higher aspirations is a shame. Then again, this is about what I’ve come to expect from the FTN.
- Team Sleep - Monday, Jun 12, 06 @ 1:11 pm:
And I realize that it’s tough to swallow one’s pride and beliefs after a difficult primary. But that’s what politics (for the most part) is all about. A fragmented party, such as the Missouri Democrats after Claire McKaskill beat Bob Holden in 2004, leads to more of the same or it leads to an outcome that most people don’t want to see. This state is not ideologically-driven like a Tennessee, Indiana or Wisconsin; we really are given a choice between the lesser of two evils. So if you are a conservative and you support less government and a pro-business atmosphere, why would you not vote for JBT? If you are concerned about our job and educational situations in Illinois, put your vote to good work.
- Bubs - Monday, Jun 12, 06 @ 3:13 pm:
Anyone else notice that the praise for FTN’s attacks is always coming from “Anonymous”?
Anonymous, Anonymous, let’s see . . . that’s a over place on Canal St. in Chicago, isn’t it? Over near the Kinko’s, as I recall?
- Merlin - Monday, Jun 12, 06 @ 3:14 pm:
I wonder if Republicans in this state realize that the Democratic heavy hitters laugh at them. To quote a certan chairman, “they never fail to @#$# it up”
Keep up the fine work guys.
- Benedict Arnold Would Love Them - Monday, Jun 12, 06 @ 3:47 pm:
The FTN people flatter themselves with the self-appellation of “reformers.” But their proposed “reforms” are always aimed to assist their egotistical ambitions for power and control.
The term “self-serving traitors” fits the FTN crowd much better.
- Limerick - Monday, Jun 12, 06 @ 5:06 pm:
The Tattler writes like a thug.
So could that be you out there, Doug?
It demeans the Right
To use venom and spite.
His piehole could sure use a plug.
- Daniel Darling - Monday, Jun 12, 06 @ 5:13 pm:
I think that the “we’d be better with Blago” mentality is not just restricted to purists like Roeser, but reflects a broad view held by mainstream conservatives.
I’m not a conservative disappointed by Bush and yet I still feel that Judy’s positions are so far outside the mainstream that it would be very difficult to vote for her. I have to say that most conservatives I talk to feel the same way. They’d rather see Rod win.
Rod winning may actually unite the IL GOP, which is sorely needed. It may actually unite conservatives who tend to eat each other for lunch.
I’m not sure what will happen, but we really don’t have two good choices for gov.
- Rich Miller - Monday, Jun 12, 06 @ 5:19 pm:
Some of these comments remind me of 1984, when the hard-right turned against US Sen. Chuck Percy, figuring that electing an ultra-liberal Democrat like Paul Simon would unite the party and they’d easily dump Simon in 6 years. 22 years later, that seat is still held by a Democrat.
- B Hicks - Monday, Jun 12, 06 @ 5:23 pm:
This isn’t going to hurt Judy, nothing is going to hurt Judy. It’s going to backfire on Roeser. Just like everything is going to backfire on Rod. This is just what team Topinka wanted. She doesn’t need the right wing nut-jobs. It’s not like ole’ Obie got any real votes in March.
The Illinois Republican party isn’t splintered, they’re united, and ready to win. Remember?
You guys are a mess.
- taxs man - Monday, Jun 12, 06 @ 5:58 pm:
as a repulican am voting for rod. yes it mit be wrong, but hes better than the red head. who, after 3 months cant tell us what she going to do for me and my family its preety sad. Sorry judy.
- anonimo - Monday, Jun 12, 06 @ 6:41 pm:
Gov. Blago appears to recycle old ideas which did not work in the past. For example, the “new” spend down enrollment for medicaid. Currently if I owe a hospital bill of say $10,000 and while employed I have no coverage, I could apply spend down and get some state relief on this bill. Is he going back to enrolling prior to a need? Basante! Enough of the socialismo. Why does no one point out that socialism is very “old country”? We come to the US to avoid this(and to avoid bribes. I worked a short time for Illinois about 20 years ago, but try to keep up as I still live here, at least for a while.
- Tony Soprano - Monday, Jun 12, 06 @ 6:48 pm:
Roeser endorsing Blago??? Thats reason enough to vote for Topinka!
- Anonymous - Monday, Jun 12, 06 @ 7:04 pm:
Jack Roeser and FTN actually seem to get it. The same people behind Topinka are the same people who destroyed the GOP with George Ryan.
Some people will never learn.
- steve schnorf - Monday, Jun 12, 06 @ 7:33 pm:
All the brave, anonymous citizens, heard from again and again. I will give Roeser the credit for at least doing his carping under his own name.
- Top Ten - Monday, Jun 12, 06 @ 7:38 pm:
Top 10 reasons FTN will be ignored:
10. Can’t spell “Topinka.”
9. Mystified why the Reagan White House is not returning phone calls.
8. Chuck Percy’s ghost – 22 years of Democrats since 1984.
7. Kinko’s jacked up the rates to access the internet at their stores.
6. FTN’s losing streak makes the Cubs look good.
5. The people at Illinois Review have a nicer website . . . and brains.
4. 68% of Illinois Republicans surveyed would rather be forced to read the lyrics to “Achy Breaky Heart” than an FTN political article.
3. Teachers union pension funds to mount hostile takeover of Otto Engineering.
2. Suicide pacts are illegal in Illinois, even political ones.
- Six Degrees of Separation - Monday, Jun 12, 06 @ 10:10 pm:
If I were MM, I’d put Roeser on the payroll. Not that he needs the money.
- Gregor Samsa - Monday, Jun 12, 06 @ 10:19 pm:
All Roeser proves is that his ilk are kooks with money. At the end of the day, they are still kooks. To outright declare they need to destroy the villiage (um, party) to save it… well, that’s just out and out nuts, American Taliban style.
The damage they do will never be in proportion to how loud they are. And their line of argument sounds better in the original German.
Indeed, the louder and more spiteful their blathering, the more they turn off undecideds and moderates that were on the fence. Illinois is a state of rather practical and pragmatic people. Fringe issue appeals are never going to make a significant dent. Obie had every chance to get the big conservative vote, trouble is, there wasn’t one to be had here. But they can’t live with accepting that. It’s really a fringe, and one that’s dying off from old age. That’s what you get from reading too much of your own P.R.
I’m a liberal on some issues, surprisingly conservative on others. Mostly fiscally conservative, but occasionally socially too. I make my mind up one issue at a time, after I see the facts and apply my knowledge, upbringing, religion and value system. Mostly, I’m a “new testament” type of person. Obie and Roeser and their followers are definitely hard-core old-school eye-for-an-eye Old Testament types. Even Jesus told them they were obsolete in their thinking. He didn’t get their vote either.
Sometimes, though born and raised a Dem, I agree with Republicans, and even conservatives, believe it or not. Hell, I’m crossing over from the dem side as far as voting for Governor. Some day I may even “waste” my vote on a respectable third party. But these Roeser and Obie type guys are smearing the term, “conservative”, bending it into something it never was.
I’m waiting to hear from actual conservative thinkers what they’d do, and what they want for our state. Not a bunch of hard headed spiteful old men yelling at all the kids to get off their lawn.
- Anonymous - Monday, Jun 12, 06 @ 10:27 pm:
Jack Roeser must be getting a good laugh watching Topinka’s poll numbers crash. All of the haters on this thing must have pretty miserable lives. Try actually doing something with your time on earth like Mr. Roeser has.
- steve schnorf - Tuesday, Jun 13, 06 @ 12:08 pm:
anon 10:27
I think “try” is the operative word. Do you know of anyone who Roeser has actually succeeded in electin?g. I take it he is pretty successful in his personal life, but to have spent so much money to so little effect in politics might mean he needs to find something else to do with his time on earth.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 14, 06 @ 7:43 am:
Hey Schnorf, how about Ronald Reagan, Peter Fitzgerald, Gary Dahl, there have been lots.
Who have his detractors ever helped elect - George Ryan/Topinka? That’s just wonderful. You must be very proud.
- NW burbs - Wednesday, Jun 14, 06 @ 10:51 am:
I know of only one person Roeser has elected, District 214 school board member Leslie Pinney, after literally buying her a seat by donating more than all the other candidates combined. (None of the other candidates even hit the $3000 filing threshold…)
Anon 6/14 7:43am: You really think Reagan’s election was Roeser’s doing? And Fitz’ too? You’re kidding, right?