It’s all one thing
Tuesday, Jun 13, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller
Congressman Bobby Rush snags some summer jobs.
Nearly 1,200 low-income teenagers and young adults in Chicago and around Illinois will be hired by the state this summer for jobs on neighborhood projects, with community groups and at museums, Gov. Blagojevich announced Monday.
Two hundred fifty of the jobs — part of the Summer Youth Works Project — will go to residents of violence-plagued Englewood. They will focus on sprucing up that area, including painting murals and building park benches.
“There are no factories in the area, or other places where kids can get jobs,” Blagojevich said during a news conference at an arts center in the South Side neighborhood. “We have to give kids a chance to work so they don’t end up in trouble.”
Englewood’s violence was spotlighted in March, when 10-year-old Siretha White and 14-year-old Starkesia Reed were murdered within days of each other. Those deaths prompted U.S. Rep. Bobby Rush to put together a “working group” that came up with corporate commitments that will cover 750 more summer jobs for Englewood youths, the congressman said. This is in addition to the state program, he said.
Not mentioned in any stories I’ve seen so far is that Rush endorsed Judy Baar Topinka four years ago. Topinka put Rush’s wife on the payroll. Giving him these patronage… um… summer jobs may trump that.
- Marta Elena - Tuesday, Jun 13, 06 @ 5:45 am:
Don’t forget Bobby Rush headed Blair Hull’s campaign a few years ago. Didn’t he forclose on a house last year? There are always some issue that raises my eyebrows when Bobby Rush is involved.
As far as the summer jobs goes, the youth in this community need these summer jobs. The opportunity for them to get state summer jobs have been limited in the past.
- wndycty - Tuesday, Jun 13, 06 @ 6:32 am:
Rush endorses Topinka and his wife gets a job, no problem. Rod, in an effort to to help the youth of Englewood with summer jobs, works with Congressman Rush, merits a “Giving him these patronage… um… summer jobs may trump that.”
So should Rod have frozen out the people of Englewood because Rush endorsed Topinka in a different race and his primary opponent in ‘02?
It seems Rod can’t win on this one, ignore Englewood get accused of exacting revenge or do something for Englewood and get accused of trying to buy Rush off.
But no eyebrows are raised when a Republican may have rewarded a Democrat for his endorsement with a job for his wife.
I can’t wait until someone alleges all of the kids who get these jobs are on some kind of clout list. We should start a pool to see how long it will take for someone to make up those allegations.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 13, 06 @ 7:11 am:
I applaud the effort of the Governor’s ofice in this endeavor…if it helps kids in Englewood, it helps the community at large as well. Sometimes the Gov gets it right–as he has done here. Kudos!
- Two yoots? - Tuesday, Jun 13, 06 @ 7:33 am:
These summer jobs have been awarded since forever. Thing is, they were always a city program. Rod kicking in the money is just a cynical attempt to buy P.R.
Rebecca, I mean “Wyndycity”, you can take it down a notch, nobody here is buying it.
- wndycty - Tuesday, Jun 13, 06 @ 7:38 am:
Who is Rebecca?
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 13, 06 @ 7:43 am:
windycty - did the governor of ILLINOIS dish out any jobs to East St. Louis, Carbondale, Cairo, anyplace south of I-80?
Of course with a moniker like wndycty you are like the rest of the Blah-Blah campaign team and couldn’t care less about the majority of Illinois.
- Truthful James - Tuesday, Jun 13, 06 @ 8:19 am:
Having seen first hand over many years the desolation in East St. Louis and environs, I would hope that some governor might devise some method aside from a gambling boat to bring work to this depressed area. There is truly where a Honda Plant is needed. Problem is, the St. Louis bridges would deliver Missouri workers too.
The Maywood kids deserve the summer jobs — that dole used to come from the alderman, don’t know why the Governor was needed.
- Wumpus - Tuesday, Jun 13, 06 @ 10:21 am:
Everything is political, even is it is a good thing. Why do you thing Blago governs via press conference. Good for the kids of Englewood…it is a start.
- Bondi Girl - Tuesday, Jun 13, 06 @ 10:54 am:
hey anon 7:43 am try reading the press release with your glasses on–Pembroke, Venice, and Cairo aren’t in Cook County–DOH!
- Left Leaner - Tuesday, Jun 13, 06 @ 11:36 am:
This is simple politics, and it sounds like politics actually working FOR the people this time around. The kids in Englewood could legitimately benefit from these jobs, and if it buys Rod an endorsement from Rush, so be it. It isn’t going to ensure his re-election or really hurt Topinka’s campaign.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 13, 06 @ 11:47 am:
The real point to take out is this is that Rod’s credibility is SO bad that there is NOTHING that he can do that won’t be looked at suspiciously. And he brought it all on himself.
- Levois - Tuesday, Jun 13, 06 @ 12:30 pm:
Well I can at least say that the governor did one decent thing. Of course as with most of his moves there always seem to be something to be gained by it from him.
- Merlin - Tuesday, Jun 13, 06 @ 1:32 pm:
Yeh, the Englewood kids can all sleep well tonight because they are getting a job for a month. Thank goodness the governor has solved the problems in Englewood.
- One Man Can Make A Difference - Tuesday, Jun 13, 06 @ 1:39 pm:
Rod Blagojevich is attempting to appease the African American community. First, it was Jame Meeks, now it’s Bobby Rush and the Englewood community.
All of this is good, but let’s get to the real issues that need reform.
I applaud the summer jobs for youth in Englewood.
- outsider - Tuesday, Jun 13, 06 @ 2:40 pm:
Mary aka “Two yoots?” you got it wrong on Jennifer. I’m Jennifer. And nobody here is buying anything. Judy will get less than 30% of the vote. I’ll send you a box of tissues so you can wipe your tears.
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jun 13, 06 @ 2:45 pm:
You really are an outsider, “Outsder,” because nobody involved with politics would boldly predict that JBT will receive less than 30 percent. I have no idea whether she can win, but even Alan Keyes got 27 percent. Perhaps you should calm down and let the blood flow back to your brain.
And a quick note to everyone else: Please try to be a little nicer to each other. Thanks.
Now let’s move on.
- DOWNSTATE - Tuesday, Jun 13, 06 @ 3:43 pm:
I am not a Blago fan but up until the shootings in Englewood I never knew we had cease fire zones in America.Something more than summer jobs need to be done but that is a step in the right direction.
- Big Al - Tuesday, Jun 13, 06 @ 5:51 pm:
I agree with Truthful James. How is it that the gov is dooling out summer jobs for kids. is this another program that has always been in place that the good gracious gov is trying to take credit for. why is it that these jobs come up only as the election is around the corner. didn’t the kids in Englewood need jobs last year and the year before. what about the parents? what band aid is Blago going to put on this?
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 14, 06 @ 12:13 pm:
Park benches and murals are nice, but wouldn’t cleaning up vacant lots to use as community gardens bring more people together, reduce grocery bills, and improve diets?