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“Mooch” Daley?

Tuesday, Jun 13, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller


Three times this year, federal prosecutors have questioned a high-ranking city official and prominent member of the 11th Ward Democratic Organization about Mayor Richard Daley’s brother, John Daley, it was revealed in court Monday.

Witness Christopher Kozicki, a former managing deputy in the Buildings Deparment, did not detail what prosecutors wanted to know about Cook County Commissioner John Daley as he testified in the trial of the mayor’s former patronage chief, Robert Sorich.

But Sorich’s attorney, Thomas Anthony Durkin, suggested to Kozicki that prosecutors “wanted to try to indict Mayor Daley and his brother John.” U.S. District Judge David Coar sustained prosecutors’ objections to that and similar questions. […]

John Daley’s name surfaced as prosecutors sought to treat Kozicki, whom they called to the stand, as a hostile witness. […]

Prosecutors suggested that Kozicki’s political allegiances colored his testimony. Assistant U.S. Atty. Philip Guentert asked Kozicki about those connections on the stand, particularly his work as secretary to the Democratic organization in the Daley family’s traditional 11th Ward power base. John Daley leads the 11th Ward Democratic Organization, whose members include Sorich and McCarthy, a co-defendant.

Kozicki acknowledged that, like Sorich, he used to drive John Daley from his home in the Bridgeport neighborhood to his office downtown.

“While you were working for John Daley, that was also one of your responsibilities?” Guentert asked.

“It was not a responsibility, but I did it,” Kozicki responded.

On cross-examination, Kozicki said he would give John Daley a ride whenever he asked and Kozicki happened to be leaving for work at the same time.

“John Daley’s kind of a mooch in that regard?” Durkin asked.

“Yes,” Kozicki said.

Not sure what this means, but it’s never good when your name comes up during a federal criminal trial.

Meanwhile, Commissioner Daley made himself available yesterday.

Amid increased jockeying over replacing the ailing John Stroger, Cook County Commissioner John Daley said Monday he would consider serving as interim County Board president but said the post should go to an African-American in the fall.

The move by Daley, the brother of Mayor Richard Daley, underscored a behind-the-scenes effort to impose order in county government while various factions maneuver to get Stroger’s job if he is unable to return from a serious stroke three months ago.

Daley’s offer added a new twist to the political intrigue that has intensified as Stroger’s relatives and allies refuse to offer any details about his health, particularly since his latest return to the hospital last week.


  1. - Bill Baar - Tuesday, Jun 13, 06 @ 6:50 am:

    Like I’ve said, Daley needs Rove’s lawyers.

  2. - SenorAnon - Tuesday, Jun 13, 06 @ 7:00 am:

    Bill B., you may be right, but that announcement today puts a wide chasm between the perception of Patrick Fitzgerald’s credibility and the actuality of Patrick Fitzgerald’s credibility.

    And now I’m a little worried. I once gave someone a lift somewhere. Is carpooling illegal now?

  3. - Fed-Up Democrat - Tuesday, Jun 13, 06 @ 8:05 am:

    I can’t believe anyone would be so stupid as to believe Rove’s lawyer without any independent verification (which Fitzgerald’s office won’t be providing, as they don’t comment).

  4. - Prez of the FTPC - Tuesday, Jun 13, 06 @ 10:14 am:

    We’ll get to the John Daley thing when we need to. For now, there are other rather rancid fish to fry.

    I am not a Commissioner, State Senator, Reverend, State Representative, Alderman, Mayor, community acitivist, union official, non-profit big wig, business owner – small or large - or anyone with any real interest in who the hell gets the County Board Presidency after Stroger.

    I am, however, an interested onlooker. And I haven’t said much til now.

    Haven’t bothered with a whole bunch of blogging. A bit, but not a lot.

    But now, its time for some truth-tellin’. It will be ugly. But it will be true.

    These people are all f#*^&n’ pathetic…the whole godd*amned (props to John Daley) lot of em.

    And now for Sideshow Bob’s Cast of Misfits, Nincompoops and Incompetents. Jesus on the cross, where shall I begin?

    Maybe with Chicago’s best Gary-Coleman-In-Drag impersonator, Bobbie “Somebody Buy That Woman A Clue” Steele.

    Good Lord in Heaven, who believes for a hot second that she would rate as well as, say, a BAD Board President? Bad would be okay for her…like, above expectation. She has spent 20 years of being worthless – 12 of em carrying Stroger’s balls like a quality jock strap – and now this? SHE’S HORRIBLE!! SHE HAS THE NERVE TO COMPLAIN THAT NOBODY TELLS HER ANYTHING? LISTEN, AS IT STANDS, SHE FAILS TO CALL COMMITTEE MEETINGS, BLOWS OFF OTHER IMPORTANT MEETINGS AND OFTEN, DURING DISCUSSION ON THE BOARD FLOOR, LOOKS AS LOST AS AN AMISH VIRGIN IN A PORN SHOP. WHY, YOU ASK?

    Because she’s just dumb, that’s why. She was a teacher way back when. Great. We can see what quality students (some of the region’s best dope dealers!) were turned out in her community. She should’ve retired and moved on, but, Sweet Jesus in Heaven, she found politics. Great salary, part time job and nobody knew what the hell County government did any damned way, besides the courts, the jails and the hospitals.

    And now, she believes, the gods favor her.


    I believe northside millionaire lobbyist Suffredin – and his snot-nosed North Side
    buddies – really, genuinely care about you being Board President, Bobs. You believe
    that don’t you? I mean, this is a Claypool dude, you WERE a Stroger woman and
    now…Ebony and Ivory? Um…no.

    You, like your equally stupid County Cohort Earlean, are being used. Big Suff can bitch-slap John Stroger through you because you are blinded by your own opportunism. He’s using you, Steelie. Wake up and smell the Edna’s.

    That land mine that you were said to be pushed on by the Tribune? Turns out, yesterday, you grabbed it and shoved it straight up your own plus-sized rear.

    And the little press conference? Is it me or did that look like the press conference opening the 2006 Regional Convention of the National Fat Black Women’s Brigade?

    Good going, Dipsh**!

    Next up, the Good Reverend Doctor Pimp Daddy himself, Jesse Jackson, Sr. – America’s favorite just-too-damned-old-to-be-cheatin’-on-his-wife baby’s daddy. Mr. Corruption-and-Greed-In-The-Name-Of-Civil-Rights (I actually stole that from an online article about you. Loved it!).

    Dude, why are you here? I mean, really, this has not a damned thing to do with you, but you saw cameras and reporters and microphones and damn near wet yourself, didn’t you? I read that Stroger’s family wouldn’t let you see him in the hospital. Are your wittle feewins hurt? You want some new fweends? Awwww.

    Seriously, just go away. Sit this one out. Go help your kids get another liquor distributorship and pay your child support. Just go away. Free some hostages. You’re great at that!

    And tell Junior that (a) the primary results show that he should clearly remove himself from EVERYONE ELSE’s billboard because he is still basically irrelevant (just ask Claypool) and (b) stop trying to play pretty with the Glamour Shots on his web site. He looks like an idiot. For a good laugh, go here: . Smug mug, my ass. Smug gastric bypass surgery. Snip snip all you want, dude, you will never be Barack Obama (who still has a lot to prove, despite the fact that everyone loves a happy, shiny Negro from Harvard).

    And now, straight out of Mr. K’s pimp shop, Rickey Hendon.

    I mean, come on people, Rickey Hendon? Rickey mother*$%(#$* Hendon?!?!?! Exactly whose a$$hole did we whip him out of? You’re a state senator, man! Go sit down, you worthless hack! Stop talking about race and John Daley and whatever else comes to your Tourette’s stricken mind.

    Rick dog, this whole “you can’t trust most of what you are hearing” thing? Have you seen Stroger post-stroke? Talked to him? Had a real conversation with anybody with no vested interests? Of course not, because you are Slick Rickey! Just keep talking about Eugene Sawyer and the Harold Days (give me a break!) and maybe somebody will buy your garbage, right? Go away, little ghetto boy, you aren’t needed here. You want to help Steele? Really? Here’s what you do. Buy her:

    1) A Curves membership. Yes, I know she’s old, but…damn. Hattie McDaniels had better days.
    2) A breath mint. Nuff said.
    3) A clue. Now, I know you don’t have one, but look hard and split yours with her when you get it.

    This is typically the point where I would give it to Claypool (MR. F’N BUREAUCRAT – NAME THREE JOBS HE DIDN’T NEED A POLITICIAN TO GET), Tony the Toilet (IT’S THE AMAZING PERAICA DOLL – WIND HIM UP AND LISTEN TO HIM SPEW AN INCESSANT AMOUNT OF BULLSH*T!) and the rest of them. But, I’m too tired. Just sick of em all. Especially Peraica, with his “Soviet-style”, “Kremlin”, “Politburo”, blahblahgodd*mnedblah.

    Go back to Croatia, Mr. Lemonhead.

    You aren’t self made.

    You inherited money and chase ambulances.

    Too bad you needed John Stroger to have a stroke to get any real press coverage (it must’ve chapped your a$$ for the past four years watching everyone BUT you on the faux-reform side get taken seriously EXCEPT you. Its okay, though. You are proof-positive that having a law degree doesn’t mean you’re smart. After July, you’ll once again just be a really funny, bomb-throwing joke.

    All these people…all of them…just f’n tiring.

  5. - Ashur Odishoo - Tuesday, Jun 13, 06 @ 6:56 pm:

    The Daley’s need more than that…

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