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Question of the day

Wednesday, Jun 14, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

General rule of thumb: When a campaign proposes a debate via press release, it’s all for show and an easy press pop. If either side were truly interested in debating, they’d be accepting offers from the 20 or so groups and news organizations that have already been submitted. Or they’d be negotiating with each other. That’s how the Dick Kay debate was handled.

Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s campaign said Tuesday he wants another debate with his GOP opponent, state Treasurer Judy Baar Topinka, before the Fourth of July. But the Topinka camp said any more debates should wait until later when voters are paying more attention.

The Blagojevich campaign said the governor wants to debate Topinka in the next few weeks on ethics and health care, but her campaign said a series of 12 debates should be held between Labor Day and Election Day in November.

Labor Day is the traditional start of the fall campaign season.

“We believe this series of debates should be held when voters are able to focus their greatest attention,” said a statement from Topinka spokesman John McGovern.

But Blagojevich campaign spokesman Sheila Nix said that was too late to get started.

QUESTION: How about y’all propose debate formats, topics, moderators etc. in comments. Get creative. It could be fun.


  1. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 14, 06 @ 7:19 am:

    How about an ultimate fighting, fenced-in, no holds bared wrestling match. She’d whip his ass.

  2. - the Other Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 14, 06 @ 7:21 am:

    Twelve debates is way, way too many. There’s an exhaustion that comes to play by the last debate, and everyone — candidate, moderator, reporters covering the debate — tend to just call in their performance.

    What I would love to see, particularly with these two candidates, is a debate where each of the candidates is given a longer time to speak about an issue. Say, five minutes each to describe their position on the issue, and then three minutes each for rebuttal.

    Blagojevich can’t hold enough information to speak about an issue for five minutes straight, and Topinka hasn’t developed enough plans to talk for five minutes straight. This kind of format will force them to go beyond the sound bites that make up the campaign so far.

  3. - DOWNSTATE - Wednesday, Jun 14, 06 @ 7:26 am:

    He keeps wanting to debate this All-Kids plan no one has the slightest idea how it will work or the final cost.Of course if you are not paying your bills I guess you don’t care what something cost.

  4. - Gregor - Wednesday, Jun 14, 06 @ 7:47 am:

    The extended time limit is I think a good idea, as long as it doesn’t degenerate into just reading a prewritten speech of talking points. Both candidates would get away with that if they could. What I’d really like is for a trained lawyer to cross-examine the candidates in the style of a trial or evidenciary hearing. I think at least for Blago’s side, that day will come sooner or later, campaign notwithstanding.

    Seriously, make them follow high school debate rules and bring their evidence.

    Do one of the debates on Oprah. Blago can pretend he’s Tom Cruise.

  5. - wndycty - Wednesday, Jun 14, 06 @ 7:49 am:

    Well given today’s “Bundled Outrage” it would seem that Judy would want to debate Rod as it relates to All Kids. I mean if it as bad of a program as one is led to believe by today’s postings I doubt Judy will have a hard time dismantling this initiative. Should we assume that Sheila Nix will rescind the offer to debate healthcare? I doubt it and I’m confident that in time the public will see that this program helps families.

    As far as debates I would like to see 2 a month in July, August and September. 3 in October and 1 November. I think it would be great to have a debate in Springfield during the State Fair to coincide with each party’s day at the State Fair (off site of course), I also think the Springfield debates should be part of a series that includes the entire ticket. On one day have both the Treasurer and Comptroller debate. On the next day have AG and Secretary of State debate and on the final day have an undercard of the Lt. Gov’s with the main event being Governor. For excitement we may want to put the Treasurer and Gov debates on the same day.

    I would also like to see 2 debates on college campuses one in Chicago metro and one downstate. One debate for the African American community and one debate for the Hispanic Community and finally one debate focusing on women’s issues.

    I also think having journalists moderate debates outside of their normal markets. Finke and Bernie moderate Chicago debates. Andy Shaw moderates Springfield, John Kass does Metro East, Mark Brown does Quad Cities, etc.

    If yesterday is any indication I’m sure throughout the day I will be called a “troll,” “schmo,” “dummy,” “a Blago plant” and I will be told I’m ruining the blog (thanks Vanilla Man). So have fun! BTW don’t mistake my lake of response to being scared off or as someone said yesterday “in handcuffs,” my lack of response after 8:00 AM is due to the fact that I have a job. . .LOL

  6. - Carl Nyberg - Wednesday, Jun 14, 06 @ 7:51 am:

    I’d like to see someone incarcerated in the Illinois penal system moderate the debate.

  7. - Disgusted - Wednesday, Jun 14, 06 @ 7:54 am:

    I’d like to see them debate in front of a forum of the “Forgotten 9,000″ merit comp. workers who have been ridiculed, insulted and deemed unnecessary to compensate like the rest of state employees. Have an attorney like Don Craven ask the questions, submitted by the forum (limited of course). Would be very interesting to see Blago squirm and try to switch the answers to his ad nauseum talking points.

  8. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jun 14, 06 @ 8:04 am:

    (I posted this elsewhere, but I thought I should put it here, too.)

    ===“wndycty” - good to see you still posting. Just know that you’re always welcome here.

    I hope people get over themselves and stop the personal attacks. Yesterday was too much, and I probably should have shut the entire site down. I’ll be gone much of today, but if it gets bad again, just hang in there.===

  9. - DOWNSTATE - Wednesday, Jun 14, 06 @ 8:07 am:

    Well WNDYCTY since you seem to be a man in the know.How many kids will be enrolled and how much will this cost when it is put together.Real numbers please.Since All-Kids has not started so no one knows just the Blago bunch trying to make headlines.See how senseless it is the argue or debate the unknown.

  10. - Wumpus - Wednesday, Jun 14, 06 @ 8:20 am:

    I say they stop debating about debtates and actually debate about issues of the state.

  11. - BoB - Wednesday, Jun 14, 06 @ 8:20 am:

    A talk show quiz format based on the old Sunday School game “bible swords”, but using the state budget book as the only reference.
    – Ms. Topinka, page 7-21, Department of Human Services: Which programs would you cut to avoid the need for fund transfers? How about page, 8-1, Department of Corrections. What’s that, you say you would increase funding there? Where would the money come from?
    – Governor, page 10-44, Department of Transportation: what specific funding sources will you support to match all of the new federal transportation dollars signed by President Bush last year in Illinois?
    – Governor, page 6-1, State Board of Education — will you be able to administer your ambitious education plan without increasing the 507 staff members you once described as a soviet-style bureaucracy?

  12. - zatoichi - Wednesday, Jun 14, 06 @ 8:24 am:

    I like the idea of debates at the State Fair. Set em up in one of the Ag arenas after the auctions and let anyone come to listen. Broadcast TV, radio, and Internet. Controlling crowd response would be difficult, but that would be the point. Open a mike for crowd questions. Moderators: Roe Cohn and Orin Samuelson.

    Other debates around the state: get local news/talk radio people and do not allow the same statements twice to force the speakers to get off their talking points.

    Do a special budget debate from one of the rooms in the Capital Building. Moderators: Mike Lawrence and Ralph Matire. Special questions from 1 senators/reps, 2 other questions from trade association groups, 2 questions from general public. Let Mike and Ralph handle the rest.

  13. - Ravenswood Right Winger - Wednesday, Jun 14, 06 @ 8:27 am:

    A debate televised from the Governor’s Mansion. It’s not being used right now so we might as well put it to good use. Plus it’s a metaphor for where the candidates want to be in 2007 (well maybe not Blago based on his current residence). This debate will be televised by ABC 7 in Chicago, moderated by Andy Shaw.

    Afterwards, folks can decide who won by calling a 1-800 number (kinda like American Idol). The winning candidate gets a free night’s stay at Andy Shaw’s Windy City Inn. Employees of ABC Channel 7 and relatives/cronies of Alderman Ed Burke are

  14. - Concerned - Wednesday, Jun 14, 06 @ 8:28 am:

    I want to hear each candidates stance on disability issues. None of the Governor’s state of the state or budget addressess has prioritized disability issues.

  15. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 14, 06 @ 8:31 am:

    Good to know that Topinka thinks Illinois residents all suffer from ADD.

    If Illinois is in such bad shape, why won’t she jump on the chance to get a free forum to make her case, especially since she doesn’t have the dough for tv ads.


  16. - Cassandra - Wednesday, Jun 14, 06 @ 8:36 am:

    The format should force each candidate to speak in paragraphs and should require actual formal rebuttal.

    In the Dick Kay debate, Blago occasionally got off a paragraph, but JBT relied almost exclusively on one-liners. I think she can do better than that, but I’d like to see more evidence. One-liners and sound bites do nothing to educate the electorate on what the candidates stand for.

  17. - It is easy being Green - Wednesday, Jun 14, 06 @ 9:36 am:

    If you are looking for a good debate, Rich Whitney, the Green Party Gubernatorial candidate is the most articulate, best informed, logical thinker of the three who will actually be on the ballot in November.

    Although the Illinois Green Party has been flying under the radar for the last three months, they have already exceeded the 25,000 required signatures to be on the ballot and are out there getting more as we speak.

    Rich Whitney is an Illinois version of Ralph Nader. If you want politics to be raised to a higher standard around Illinois, he should be included in all future debates.

  18. - Truthful James - Wednesday, Jun 14, 06 @ 9:44 am:

    Each debate should cover one and only one topic. An independent moderator will set the framework for discussion, narrating a set of facts agreed to by each. (five minutes) For those that have it, this would be made available simultaneously on the internet.

    Each candidate would make a statement as to the policy objectives which are desired to solve the apparent problem (five minutes each) These statements will be placed on the internet.

    Each candidate would then have the opportunity to indicate his/her plan to reach the objective and its cost. Attention will be paid to the source of payment for these costs. Viewgraphs and charts will be permitted. (ten minutes each) Indeed, if the debate is televised, they will be pre provided to the producer and to the panelists (if any) and may be used later for questioning and rebuttal.

    Each candidate will then question the other on the presentation. (five minutes each)

    Two panelists of differing persuasions and the moderators will ask questions of each. (fifteen minutes) Panelist Soliloquys not permitted. The moderator’s questions will be limited to a selection of those collected from the audience. These latter questions will identify the name and affiliation of the submitter.

  19. - Bubs - Wednesday, Jun 14, 06 @ 9:58 am:

    Mud pies at ten paces. Let ‘em rip.

  20. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 14, 06 @ 9:59 am:

    Focused debates on the five key topics of healthcare, education, corruption, budget, and economy are needed.

    A debate for misc issues and a final debate for overarching priorities would also be important to fully inform citizens.

    A general debate with a Libertarian and a Green asking the questions should be both entertaining and educational.

    Compilations of all debates (and questionnaires) should be easily found online!

  21. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Jun 14, 06 @ 10:09 am:

    Blagojevich and friends really believed that proposing give away programs is how they need to get re-elected. These people are stuck in 1974 and believe voters are too.

    So concerning debates, they are still trying to whip this dead horse. Blagojevich wants to trumpet a health care program he proposed and passed that has no funding. He wants us to forget that we are over 1.5 billion behind in health care payments already. He wants us to forget that he is already responsible for providing health care and has muffed it up spectacularly. To believe he can pull off AllKids is asking voters to forget how incompetent his administration is. He wants us to forget that kids had been covered before he was elected.

    Blagojevich wants voters to believe that he invented the wheel when it comes to health care programs. He wants to talk about how wonderful he is and how wonderful his programs are, and how much money he will save us, blah, blah, blah.

    We don’t need to hear it. As Topinka says, no one is interested in what Blagojevich has to say. Rod has talked and talked and failed to deliver so many times, voters are not listening to him anymore.

    I liked the Kay debate. It showed us a lot more about the personalities of the governor and the treasurer. It showed us how quickly they think and what is important to them. It showed us what each thought was the most important campaign point to be made at that time.

    Few things suck as much as a controlled “debate” where each candidate stands behind a lecturn and spouts PR statements. Anything but that!

  22. - M.V. - Wednesday, Jun 14, 06 @ 10:14 am:

    It’s Easy Being Green wrote:

    “If you are looking for a good debate, Rich Whitney, the Green Party Gubernatorial candidate is the most articulate, best informed, logical thinker of the three who will actually be on the ballot in November.”

    That is exactly why Whitney will not be allowed into the debates. While Democrats and Republicans at large are too afraid to debate third party candidates, these too especially want to keep the debate focused on which one is more corrupt than the other, and they don’t want a bunch of ideas — like equal marriage, alternative energy, protecting personal liberties, fiscal responsibility — getting in the way.

  23. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Jun 14, 06 @ 10:15 am:

    Finally, I’d like to propose to Rich that there is a limit on the number of entries a blogger can post within any topic.

    I’m tired of seeing some bloggers hog a QOA and use it as a chat room.

    Blogs are like bars. You have your regulars who have colorful comments. Drop-bys passing through and adding statements. When everyone gets a chance to add their comments, it makes for a better blog. I want to read responses from everyone, not a diatribe.

    So, I propose that we make our statement on the QOA, then let others have their say too. No one wants to read snarky comments between schmos.

  24. - Anon - Wednesday, Jun 14, 06 @ 10:17 am:

    Moderator - Senator Peter Fitzgerald

  25. - NW burbs - Wednesday, Jun 14, 06 @ 10:20 am:

    I’d like to see debates with every single candidate for guv (everyone on the ballot).

    Give those Greens and Constitution and Libertarian folks some limelight.

    I also generally enjoy the town hall styles where citizens can ask questions — but I’d like for them to be able to ask follow-ups &/or point out when candidates don’t actually answer their questions….

  26. - TOPINKA NOW IS THE TIME - Wednesday, Jun 14, 06 @ 10:21 am:

    Why wait, hit him on ETHICS and the how he’s going to pay for all of this healthcare stuff. Hit him on why Healthcare and Family Services name was changed from Public Aid!

  27. - Logical - Wednesday, Jun 14, 06 @ 10:48 am:

    In this era of sound bites, political debates do not reveal much about the candidates. The moderator would need to be either non-partisan or someone from outside IL that could keep the debate on issue without the sound bites. It is time for the intelligence of the candidates to be revealed and not who has the best coaching.

  28. - So-Called "Austin Mayor" - Wednesday, Jun 14, 06 @ 11:05 am:

    I propose a debate built around a game of Quarters:

    * After the moderator asks a question, each candidate tries to bounce a quarter into a shot-glass of booze.
    * If the candidate misses, he or she drinks before answering.
    * If the candidate bounces the quarter into the glass, the opponent drinks before his or her turn to answer.
    * The debate continues until a candidate passes out or until the race becomes interesting.

    It’s not Lincoln-Douglas, but it might get Illinois voters to tune in.

  29. - One Man Can Make A Difference - Wednesday, Jun 14, 06 @ 11:16 am:


  30. - Left Leaner - Wednesday, Jun 14, 06 @ 11:18 am:

    I’d propose a debate in Kankakee about ethics moderated by Patrick Fitzgerald.

  31. - anon - Wednesday, Jun 14, 06 @ 11:23 am:

    can someone tell me what a QOA and a schmo are?

  32. - Jechislo - Wednesday, Jun 14, 06 @ 11:37 am:

    I’d pick one or two of the State Employees that Blago fired. As a backup, I’d pick a couple of current State Employees with over 25 years experience.

    I’m sure this would give us some very interesting insight into the current internals of State Government. I’m sure Rod would prove that he doesn’t have a clue what’s going on in his Departments; or how bad things really are.

    I’d hold the debates downstate in Logan County at the old Lincoln Development Center.

  33. - doubtful - Wednesday, Jun 14, 06 @ 11:47 am:

    Several of the suggestions on here are great. Single issues debates with longer time allotments would be a great way to start off. After a few of those, some town hall style q and a sessions.

    I’d like to see forceful moderators and strictly goverened times. The interuptions during their first debate drove me nuts!

  34. - leigh - Wednesday, Jun 14, 06 @ 11:55 am:

    “Austin Mayor” I believe you have had a stroke of genius. Perhaps if I may modify, audience participation. If your candidate misses you do the shot as well. Bars across Illinois will be flooded with interested voters:)

  35. - Wumpus - Wednesday, Jun 14, 06 @ 12:29 pm:

    Judy with her Accordian, Rod dressed as Elvis, All topics are open.

  36. - Dan Vock - Wednesday, Jun 14, 06 @ 12:43 pm:

    I like the State Fair (could be any public forum) idea. This would never happen, but… You could even make it a bit of a gameshow. Let the regular Joes who ask the questions get to rate their satisfaction with the answers the politicians give. Or have experts ask the questions and a panel of real people (just don’t CALL it a focus group) give out scores. Give candidates a few minutes to respond, so the zingers don’t automatically carry the day.

    You’d keep the crowd entertained because they’d want to see who wins. And you’d make the day-after stories of debate winners and losers a heck of a lot easier. There’d actually be a score.

    It’s kind of cheap, but if a politician saw people were only giving him a 1 out of 10 for reciting phrases like “reform and renewal” or “public official A,” maybe he’d actually try to say something interesting.

    That or we could just go back to the old, old days of hootin’ and hollerin’ at debates. ;)

  37. - quad cities - Wednesday, Jun 14, 06 @ 1:25 pm:

    A debate in every downstate media market — Rockford, Quads, Peoria, Quincy, Springfield, Decatur, Champaign, Bloomington, Marion-Carbondale, Metro East plus Chicago.

    That’s 11. Then, to make a baker’s dozen, do one in Galesburg at the site of the infamous Lincoln-Douglas debate.

    Perfect plan.

  38. - William Jennings Bryan - Wednesday, Jun 14, 06 @ 1:29 pm:

    Mancow should host the debate. It should be held at Lollapalooza. Blago can sing us his responses channeling Elvis. JBT can sing hers channeling Annie Lennox.

  39. - Superfan - Wednesday, Jun 14, 06 @ 1:52 pm:

    Quad Cities: As my good friend Todd Swerski could tell you, we would need a 13th Debate at Ditka’s Restaurant to create a true Bakers Dozen.

  40. - annoyed all the time - Wednesday, Jun 14, 06 @ 2:02 pm:

    WJB that was funny. I think Mancow would be great! Talk about a challenging debate for both candidates. He would fairly go at both of them. I too wish they had more time to answer and would just say what they are or would do… not even be allowed to mention the other candidate or they get zapped with an electric current. By the end of it Gov’s hair would be out of control and JBT’s makeup would be all over her face…

  41. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 14, 06 @ 2:16 pm:


  42. - Establishment Republican - Wednesday, Jun 14, 06 @ 2:18 pm:

    Suggested Moderators:

    1. Mancow
    2. Dick Mell
    3. Coach Ron
    4. Edwin Eisendrath/Jack Roeser
    5. Ditka
    6. Dick Kay Snodgrass (again)
    7. Rich Miller/Rick Pearson/Scott Fornek (beards on parade)
    8. Skippy Jacobson
    9. Terri O’Brien
    10. Randall Sherman/Mark Giangreco
    11. Roe Conn
    12. Ron Santo
    13. Bob Greene/Neil Steinberg
    14. Carol Marin/Jerry Springer
    15. Sister Muhammad
    16. George Ryan

  43. - Lovie's Leather - Wednesday, Jun 14, 06 @ 2:47 pm:

    Hey, Establishment… how about…?
    17. Mike North
    18. Boers and Bernstein

    Or we could have an open debate (over all issues Illinois) with one minute to respond and a thirty second rebuttle… and it could be moderated by Jim Oberweis and Ed Eisendrath. They would take turns asking the questions. Wait til the Roesers (Tom and Jack) hear about this….

  44. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Jun 14, 06 @ 2:57 pm:

    I’d have one general debate in every region of the state between the candidates (Chicago, Rockford, Quad Cities, Springfield, Champaign, Edwardsville, Mt. Vernon). The moderators should all be local political print journalists/columnists, and they should be able to interrupt, rebut, or ask questions on redirection. Rich Miller, John Patterson, Greg Hinz, Kristen McQuery, and Christie Parsons would be on my Chicago panel. Carol Marin, Andy Shaw, and Lynn Sweet would not.

    I’d also have five forums focusing on the top five issues in the upcoming election: Education, Health Care, Job Creation, State Budget/Taxes, and Government Ethics/Corruption. For these forums, I’d either invite leaders from groups with a passion about these issues to be the moderators, or i’d put a representative of those groups up on stage and into the fray. I’d love to see Blagojevich duking it out with Ralph Martire over education funding and the budget or Topinka going head-to-head with Jim Duffett or Lynda Delaforgue on health care. Putting non-politicians up there on stage with nothing to lose would really make the debate interesting.

  45. - Ashur Odishoo - Wednesday, Jun 14, 06 @ 3:24 pm:

    Now I see Kevin White is challenging Rahm Emanuel to a debate on the war. That would be interesting, but Rahm will leap and twirl away from that challenge.

  46. - Common Sense in Illinois - Wednesday, Jun 14, 06 @ 3:59 pm:

    Rich, you had the best idea weeks ago. Whoever hosts a debate should ask Dick Kay to moderate and use the same format as City Desk. Good interaction, appropriate tension and Dick Kay holding both candidates accountable.

  47. - Truthful James - Wednesday, Jun 14, 06 @ 4:15 pm:

    I am confused about the purpose of a debate. Is it to convey information about policies and plans and how to achieve them.

    Or is it full combat, blood sport, designed to make people stutter or blink or fall down bleeding. If the latter, all you jokesters are right about creative moderating and traveling circuses.

    As a straight moderator, the newly retired Dick Kay would be great. His institutional knowledge fills the bill.

  48. - Long Time Reader; First Time Poster - Wednesday, Jun 14, 06 @ 6:23 pm:

    I generally prefer debates where the candidates can banter back and forth, no time limits or things like that. But, what I absolutely HATE are debates where the questions come from the audience. All the questions are planted by the various campaigns, and it’s all a big joke.

    I like it best when a honest, non-biased, reporter asks genuine questions that matter.

  49. - Ignatius J. Reily - Wednesday, Jun 14, 06 @ 8:18 pm:

    James Meeks should moderate an interview format with phone in questions.

  50. - Greensschafer - Wednesday, Jun 14, 06 @ 8:38 pm:

    Regarding “other” parties, see my op-ed piece in the Peoria Journal Star, Sunday June 11th.
    We’re going to be a real contender in the race, and Rich will shake up the polls, based on my “man-on-the-street” polls.
    While many voters won’t sign anything, there is a lot of dissatisfaction with the current candidates and they’re looking for alternatives! It will be more than enough for the others to take notice.
    and, BTW, we WILL make it onto the ballot.

  51. - The More the Merrier - Thursday, Jun 15, 06 @ 7:53 pm:

    Any candidate on the ballot should be in the debates. The Green Party has to collect 25,000 VALID signatures to get our gubernatorial candidate, Rich Whitney, on the ballot. Blagojevich and Topinka had to collect 5,000. For all this work and affirmation from voters, we should be in the debates. If the Constitution Party candidate or anyone else gets on the ballot and overcomes these horrendous ballot access laws, then they should be in the debates as well. It will force Rod and Judy to actually discuss the issues rather than accusing each other of being corrupt (they’re both right).

  52. - Greensschafer - Thursday, Jun 15, 06 @ 8:15 pm:

    I’ve had one media outlet tell me that if there is a Green Party candidate on the ballot, it may not make a difference . Rob and Judy are making the rules, and they will make them to their benefit. If either could arrange a one-party debate, they would. The last thing they’d want to do is suggest that there’s any competition besides the other. So if you want a fair, unbiased debate, you’d better start agitating now or it’s not going to happen.
    My media contact also noted that if it was up to him, he’d cancel the debates alltogether unless the Greens, et al on the ballot, were included, but that it wasn’t likely to play out that way. The corporate parties will pay whatever it takes to make sure they’re the only ones represented.

  53. - GreenieGirl - Tuesday, Jun 20, 06 @ 12:16 am:

    Debates are a waste of time if it’s just the two major parties pointing blame at each other and speaking in sound bites. That’s why we should mix it up and let Whitney debate. I’m also a fan of WndyCty’s suggestion to have the candidates for the other offices debate at the Springfield fair.
    The moderators should be non-partisan, give equal time to all candidates, and field questions from the public (perhaps submitted ahead of time online, to reach a wider audience). Maybe this year the debates could actually be about the issues.

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