Question of the day
Friday, Jun 16, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller
Let’s go back to my syndicated column about that recent poll. It was not only about corruption, but about Judy Baar Topinka’s troubles with Republicans.
The survey also shows big trouble for Topinka with Republicans since the last Glengariff Group poll was taken in April, when 81 percent of Republican voters supported her candidacy. Now just 65 percent back their party’s standard-bearer, a likely result of the governor’s TV ads, which appear to be a lot better done than most of the ads run by her primary opponents. The good news for Topinka is that her support among independents is still the same — 39 percent.
Back in November, Glengariff had Blagojevich at 39 percent, and he was at 41 percent in April, so he hasn’t moved much at all. “While the challenger’s numbers have taken a hit,” pollster Czuba said in a news release, “Rod Blagojevich appears to be stuck at 41 percent of the vote and unable to translate undecided voters into his camp.” Right now, though, the main task at hand is to drive Topinka’s negatives up so high that she can’t recover. However, an incumbent whose administration is unfavorably likened to a convicted former governor and who is stuck at 41 percent is not in the greatest shape, no matter how much money he has.
Blagojevich leads in Chicago 60 to 17 and in suburban Cook County 43 to 28, according to Glengariff. Back in April, Topinka had a big lead in suburban Cook, 50 to 33, so this is another ominous development for her. The Democratic governor even has a slight lead in the Republican collar counties, 36 to 34 — a likely result of Topinka’s big drop in GOP support and strikingly bad news. In April, Topinka had a 51-to-35 lead over Blagojevich in the collars. Topinka leads in all downstate regions.
What do you think Topinka has to do to win back Republican voters? Also, what do you think of the guv’s numbers?
- Anonymous - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 6:52 am:
JBT needs to get a Capitol Fax subscription for everybody. What’s the group rate, Rich?
- Disgusted - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 6:57 am:
Do the voters in Chicago and burbs not read or hear the same news as us down-staters? Do they not realize that his feel-good programs designed to get him re-elected will become fiscal liabilities to them as well. It’s not only the people below I-80 who will have to pay back the loans and bonds and pension funds, it’s everyone in the state who pays taxes!!!
I understand their backlash against the Ryan and Republican stronghold on state government but don’t be foolish with your money and you children’s future.
Milarod is thinking only of himself, not you or anyone else. He wants a national office, particularly the top one. His ego is insatiable.
It’s not about the hair, folks, it’s about what’s going on underneath it.
- Bill Baar - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 7:21 am:
I think she needs to get Birkett out there more.
- DOWNSTATE - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 7:23 am:
About August she needs to start and Bill Baar you’re right.
- B Hicks - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 7:32 am:
Yeah, great plan. Get Birkett out there more. Also, she needs to get Brady and Edgar out more. Maybe a few more letters to the paper complaing about Rod’s plans and policies. Get anyone out there other than herself.
On second thought, maybe if Topinka would come up with a plan, an idea, possibly even a thought, it might help her.
She sure is easy on the eyes.
- Gregor - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 7:33 am:
I think her party is waiting to get activated by more good debate performances and the release of some position papers, commercials and plans from her side; from there she should start to get the same bandwagon effect that Rod has been getting from his massive commercial campaigns.
Everybody seems to be itching to take her campaign to the next level. But with limited resources, she has to time her big push carefully so it peaks just before the polls open.
- Big Red - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 7:35 am:
I noticed in the poll your quoting they polled 10% more democrats. Seems to me that would have a negative effect in Judy’s numbers.
- Anonymous - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 7:36 am:
Incredibly, JBT needs to be very concerned about the male vote and needs to drive as many men as possible to the voting booth. Women love the ‘kid issues’: free school, free healthcare, free etc. Men are more attuned to fiscal matters and anyone paying attention knows this administration is fiscally corrupt.
- Big Red - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 7:45 am:
If I read those numbers right the other day in the poll you put up. Rod Blagojevich is in big trouble.
- PalosParkBob - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 7:57 am:
It certainly wouldn’t hurt for her to actually develop a PLATFORM and VISION for Illinois, instead of limiting her campaign to one liner pot shots at Rod.
What will she do about school funding, income tax increases, selling off state assets to cronies at “fire sale” rates, tort reform to end the exodus of top doctors from our state, medicaid clean up, limiting the ponderous costs of serving illegal aliens in our communities, dealing with the massive cost of crime by illegal aliens in Illinois, limiting “pork” spending by the legislature, minimization of skyrocketing public employee pension costs, and the massive increase of unneeded entitlements created by Rod and the State Dems?
She also needs to provide some solid reasons for Republicans to believe she wasn’t part of the corrupt cabal of George Ryan. “I haven’t been indicted yet” simply isn’t a good enough justification to believe she’s clean in all this.
Leadership requires strong beliefs and core values. Strong leaders have a vision and a plan of action that they’ll push at every opportunity, and stay on that message. Topinka fails at every level of this test of leadership.
Why should serious Republicans and independents support her, when we have no idea what we’d be supporting?
- Big Red - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 8:05 am:
She is supporting clean government and not being a shallow hypocrite. Clean as a hounds tooth. Remember that statement.
- wndycty - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 8:14 am:
Yeah put Birkett out there and it will help Rod. Can anyone say Rolando Cruz? Let’s not forget his moving speech on primary night bragging about how he will work to stop 14 year olds from getting abortions. LOL Birkett is the type of running mate that stands to alienate Democrats and Democratic friendly independents who may vote for Judy. As a Rod fan I say put Birkett out there, he would be the gift that keeps giving.
- Beowulf - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 8:20 am:
Judy simply needs to offer some “concrete fixes” or proposals as to what she plans to fix and how she plans to fix it. She has been losing previous supporters because the voters are slowly realizing that “she has no plan.” She has been simply “all fluff” so far.
Illinois voters don’t want to bite into a lemon merangue pie which is mostly just air. We want to bite into something solid. Judy needs to get some of her previous GOP Primary opponents to help her in her campaign or she will be standing at the train station as the train pulls away in November. Get Steve Rauschenberger to be her “policy wonk” to help her put together some cohesive financial plans for her future administration. Then, have Judy study them so she can go out to the Illinois voters and sell them and herself. She needs a numbers guy to put together a plan for the financial mess that the state is in (thanks to George and Rod-both men guilty of prostituting the state’s financial situation in order to be please everybody to secure their votes).
Judy can still pull it off but she better get out there quickly with something solid to pitch. Get rid of the lemon merangue pie and start baking Dutch apple pies instead!
- Say What? - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 8:35 am:
Who answers these polls? Do a poll right now: Do you take calls that show on the Caller ID as blocked or out of the area? Do you answer personal questions about who you would vote for? DO you ever give bogus answers? I am thinking most people don’t even answer, anymore. Plus, I know 4 families that only use cell phones, now. I know that group isn’t getting polled. Polls are so behind the times.
- Big Red - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 8:37 am:
Why do you think Rod has been running non-stop negative commericals against Judy. They know it is a very risky strategy but they have no choice. Rod’s numbers are not favorable and no matter what he does that is not changing.
In the end Judy’s Republicans will come home. Unless Judy gets indicted(more likely Rod) she will have this won.
- Cassandra - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 9:01 am:
She needs to win the suburbs.
This means she has to come up with a solid plan for property tax relief and for school funding and improvement. She needs to come out against selling the tollway and the lotto and come up with a credible plan for financial reform which does not include an automatic increase in taxes.
And she needs to do something that takes government money and gives it back to the people.
Universal health care, building on Mitt
Romney’s Massachusetts victory, would be a good start, as it stresses public-private partnership. The Blago plan, for all the hype, when you control for the applicants who were already eligible for existing programs, only extends the program to a few more uninsured, mostly illegals, to attract the Hispanic vote.
Illinois needs universal health insurance…and the money is there.
No more smirking and one-liners in the debates, please. She smirks as much as Blago. It’s an insult to the viewers.
- DOWNSTATE - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 9:13 am:
JBT is doing just what she needs to do and that is let the reporters keep reporting all the corruption on Blago save her money and wait until fall when people in the real world,not the blog-o-sphere ,are listening.
- Anonymous - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 9:13 am:
Topinka is incapable of winning back those Republicans with more than a pea brain. All of the trust is gone. Some empty promises now, after 24 years in government, will only snare the most gullible.
Topinka’s done nothing her entire career but work against good Republicans and their issues. Having an “R” by one’s name doesn’t mean you are a Republican.
- Wumpus - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 9:14 am:
wndycty said it, more abortions for 14 year olds, yeehaw! Judy needs to stop being like the national democrats and come up with something more than criticism. Get a plan, it doesn’t have to be a great plan, but just a plan. She is in a pickle because Rod is giving errthing away and she knows that his policies cannot be done. Anything she says wil make her look like a scrooge, while as we see with is lotto plan, his stuff won’t work. How is that Tollway plan, any details out on AllKids yet? His promises have put her in a bad position, any bit of realism by JBT, he will say “she doesn’t care”.
- Big Al - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 9:17 am:
Is it only an African American issue or did any one hear the snipit that Gov Blago is going to contribute another $1.0 million to UNCF (United Negro College Fund). Where is this possibly coming from? It seems that not even his budget department can acknowledge where the funding is coming from. Polls or no polls people have to do the math. You can’t make aimless promises to various ethnic groups to stew emotions and expect it to work longterm.
- Big Red - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 9:20 am:
Most of you make this more complicated than it is.
Either the voters trust you and if they don’t your out. Judy just needs to sit back and let Rod selfdestruct.
- Political Hack - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 9:28 am:
Topinka just needs to give her base about 2 weeks worth of flag waving republican BS. They will come home, trust me. Consultants think they can move base voters off a candidate and generally do in early polling with negatives–but 95% of them come home–(why do you think so many times 2 weeks out the dems or reps say they are going to win a targeted race, but in the end they don’t –Coulson comes to mind–it’s because the base comes home). It will happen here. The real question is, if the base comes home and she holds independents can she win? Has anyone done the math?
- ZC - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 9:32 am:
If the Democratic base comes home to Blago, Judy is up a creek.
- What is She Thinking? - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 9:38 am:
What is she thinking?
- Schiznitz - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 9:49 am:
These numbers will reverse when the election gets nearer and she starts with the media.
People aren’t as dumb as that poll would have you believe.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 9:57 am:
Rich, if the gubernatorial poll was piggybacking on the gay marriage amendment poll, isn’t it possible that’s why we see Judy’s numbers sagging among Republicans in the Glengariff poll?
I can’t remember all the other poll results out there, but before we debate this particular poll and what it means, I think we need to know whether it’s consistent with other results, an outlyer, or an anamoly.
ZC is right though. 44% of Illinois voters call themselves Democrats. If Rod consolidates his numbers, Judy is up a creek. Fortunately for Judy, if the Glengariff poll is accurate, it shows that Rod’s support has actually fallen among Democrats.
- Anon - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 10:00 am:
You mean Judy is still running?! Wow, haven’t seen a thing from her campaign. I would say to answer your question, to win back GOP voters she needs to do one thing: DROP OUT! Oh, and the Guv’s numbers are very bad. It appears he’ll have to take the GWB route and keep driving those numbers, knowing that he’ll never get his positives above 50.
- Cook Dem - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 10:05 am:
Here’s the plan.
1. Bring in the most unpopular president since Nixon into one of the bluest states in the country and have him raise money for you. Don’t forget the picture.
2. Keep nagging, nagging, nagging about everything that is wrong (which was real successful for Kerry).
3. Keep blathering in debates about things most voters don’t quite grasp like, “he’s public official A, vote for me, he’s public official A!”
4. Cut some radio ads with that marvelous voice of yours. Run them on WYLL about your positions on abortion and gay rights.
5. Finally, put on the big red nose and prove once and for all that Bozo could be running this campaign about as well.
- DOWNSTATE - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 10:19 am:
To begin with Bush’s number are rising with the turn around in Iraq which is not happening to this Gov.Then you got the corner that the Dems have painted themselves into on this Cut and Run vote in Congress which will spread to the state level by election time.The fact remain JBT can pick the time and place to fight which is something this 41% governor can’t afford to do.
- What is She Thinking? - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 10:28 am:
Apparently the “time” to fight will be November 8th. Seriously, watch the video. He asks her four times, FOUR TIMES, the softball of all softball questions, what’s your plan and she literally has no plan. How can you be a candidate for Governor of one of the largest states in the country and have not a single idea of what you want to do? How do you even get through the primary, how do you win an election with no ideas?
My honest to god question for the Republicans who read this is how did you vote someone through your primary who offered no ideas and to this day still has none and has no plans to come up with any anytime soon? She’s “focused on fundraising”? Who give money to a candidate with no ideas?
- Tim - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 10:30 am:
- Tom B - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 10:58 am:
Thanks Tim, I needed my daily dose of the pill popping coward.
- Wumpus - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 10:58 am:
Well Cook Dem, nagging and nagging did work for Kerry in IL…maybe JBT is on to something.
- PalosParkBob - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 11:37 am:
The numbers seem to show that an “Independent” gubernatorial candidate could step in and steal about 15% from the “Madigan” wing of the Dem Party (anybody with a good Irish name can fill that bill), pick up most of the downstate independents, grab the 20% of the “conservative base” that hate Topinka, and pick up most of the Cook suburban and Collar County votes by property tax relief, protecting the tollways, public transportation, and pledging not to raise income taxes.
That would kill Topinka, and make the “Independent” neck and neck with Blago.
The next Governor could win with just under 40% of the popular vote, which is an attainable number for a conservative, Irish candidate.
Are you listening, Pat O’Malley?
When is the latest an independent candidate could file?
- Tom B - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 11:37 am:
One more for you Tim, this your kinda gal?
- Merlin - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 11:39 am:
Show the president a little respect and let him raise her a few million and the repubs will come back. Pretty simple, huh.
The key for her is to make sure she doesn’t tick off over 30% of the dems that are going to vote for her by parading with the prez.
- SilverBackDemocrat - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 11:59 am:
Bush might be able to rally the right-wingers for “Nopinka’s” base. Ok, alright, bring it on… Big brother Bill, you’ve probably heard of him, President Clinton can swoop into Illinois with one swing of his club and put Ole’ girl and the right wing back in check and rally the Democratic base. In addition, Al Gore and all of our leaders can have a big impact on the election. All’s the Democrats in this state need to do is pick up the phone and ask our folks to come in and help a brother out; Democrats are “team players.” I do not think there is much for “Nopinka” to do to win this election. She probably can make it close but that is about it.
- Wumpus - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 12:13 pm:
Al Gore, lol. Perhaps Manbearpig can hit the stump too.
Is Pat O’Malley listening? Please, he is a tool and someone with the Ryan Ryan stands a better chance than Pat O.
- Jechislo - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 12:23 pm:
A lot of people will vote AGAINST Blago. JBT will be the beneficiary. The loathing people have for our current governor is very, very high.
- Paul Powell - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 12:34 pm:
Silver Back:
Interesting thought about bringing out some big guns for Blago. They have the same problem though that Lisa, Dan, Jesse, Alexi, Durbin, & Obama have, nobody, but nobody wants to be around this guv as long as the feds have him in their site. How awful that would be having a photo op with the guv and some reporter asks you about the indictment that was just handed down. Everybody is scared to be around Blago right down to the local guys. Our local reps and senators are running as far away from Blago as they can, especially those in races this fall.
- zatoichi - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 12:34 pm:
She simply needs to get a message out that includes actual plans that she can defend and stick to. Not “developing”, “working on”, “in the process of”, or “will present”. Like a poor sales rep at your company: “I got a great product but don’t have a sample right now, just trust me.” Sorry. Come back with something we can talk about and that I care about.
- DOWNSTATE - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 12:35 pm:
Silverback I hate to bust your bubble but Bill C. isn’t coming to Illinois for this nickle and dime operator.As far as team players most of the time yes but with a guy who has tons of corruption baggage the name-brand people are going the other direction.
- MIDSTATE - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 12:37 pm:
What is She Thinking? Said “He asks her four times, FOUR TIMES, the softball of all softball questions, what’s your plan and she literally has no plan.”
That is no softball question, that is a loaded question. She has no reason to answer until she can spread her own ideas, not give BAGofHAIRovich 5 months to spend that 20 million bashing her plans. Use that time to bash his.
- NW burbs - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 12:48 pm:
Why is that “MIDSTATE” and other conservatives are all so ready to defend a gubernatorial candidate’s lack of ideas and plans (when she truly hasn’t revealed any plans) but then turn around as a clan and constantly attack liberals for what they claim is a lack of ideas (which essentially means they are wilfully ignoring the plethora of ideas, plans and commitments Democrats and liberals have stated repeatedly over the past several weeks and years)?
Let me get this straight: GOP candidate has no ideas but it’s ok, the right will defend her. On the other hand, the left has plenty of proven ideas but gets attacked as not having any because the right chooses to ignore the plans.
Huh? …Hypocrisy? More of the same ol’ “It’s OK If You’re a Republican”?
- NW burbs - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 12:50 pm:
To answer the QOTD: Topinka has roughly the same amount of hair as Blago, but it’s red instead of black. She’s also lacking testicular virility, which apparently is something governor’s need in Illinois.
Other than that… there’s a reason there’s no breakaways in these polls. They’re virtually the same.
- Anonymous - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 1:13 pm:
The story about Hastert making millions flipping real estate with Dallas Ingemunson has legs, and another big scandal in the IL GOP may end up dragging down Topinka too.
Stay tuned.
- SilverBackDemocrat - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 1:42 pm:
It is hillarious to read comments from people who didn’t even support President Clinton during his time in the White House. Like you right-wingers have any more credibility with regards to “integrity.” You folks are the ones that were trying to kick President Clinton out of the White House through “impeachment.” Believe you me, Bill Clinton will always “be there” for his “loyal Democratic and independent minded brothers and sisters.” He was in the trenches of hell and his brothers and sisters were there for him, not like the right wing “Hypocrites!” Put that on somethin’.
- Lovie's Leather - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 1:52 pm:
just wait… get your platform together… and then when something terrible about Blago’s administration comes out (something always does… and I mean something big… like maybe an indictment or another serious investigation)… then you come out with almost everything all at once. He wouldn’t know what hit him…. He won’t know what hit him…. He will just be dead and buried by the end of October. People will be saying, “Governor Bla-who?-avich….”
- bored now - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 1:59 pm:
i can’t remember, but has chris cillizza ever put the illinois governor’s race in his ranking of gubernatorial races?
i suppose it’s possible that illinois is the 13th or 14th most competitive race out there…
- doubtful - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 2:06 pm:
Topinka’s visibility seems to have hurt her. As she makes more public appearances, she slides more in the polls.
I think the independents are key to the race, and courting them requires a plan. They aren’t going to listen to her until she tells them what she wants to do.
I know this is unpopular with the right leaning commentors, but I think it is one way to raise poll numbers.
As far a Blagojevich’s numbers, stable is not a bad thing for a sitting Governor, but I’m sure he’d like to pick up some of the slack Judy is dropping.
Obviously, a significant number of people are missing something from both of these candidates. It was said earlier, and I would agree, a significant third party could shape the outcome of this race.
- ron - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 2:41 pm:
no matter how you interpet this poll or other polls blago can’t seem to get above the low 40’s in support. not a good sign for a democrat in a SOLIDLY blue state. most political analyst from either party will confirm this.
- SilverBackDemocrat - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 3:58 pm:
47% of Americans polled say they would definately be less likely to vote for a Republican who was campaigning with good ole’ “W” in congressional, while an additional 20% say it would be a factor in their decision in whom to vote for. Go ahead “Nopinka” and right wingers, bring “dubya” in to help yall’. You all will figure it out. One last thing, what does the new Rasmussen poll numbers indicate? If anyone has seen them, please post them. They are in but not posted on Rasmussens site yet…. If I were a gambler, which I am, I would say that even Rasmussens poll shows Blagojevich with a “sturdy” lead at this point. In modern day elections, except total blow-outs, like in Wyoming (where there are no Democrats) 40 some % is actually pretty good at this point in the campaign. Trends, Trends, Trends. Numbers are a-a-a moving, even though all, and I mean all of the “propoganda” that is being spewed by disgruntled ex-workers and those who are using the media as a “stealth” propoganda machine. Talk about “Biased Media” in Illinois. Where are the “stories” in the media about Topinka’s “ethical” dilemna’s? Topinka is getting nothing but “free” media from the Illinois newspapers.
- Carl Nyberg - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 4:29 pm:
Blagojevich’s ads have been very successful because they will hurt JBT with potential donors.
Potential donors will worry about a couple things. First, Blagojevich seems to have an infinite supply of money, so there isn’t much point in giving to JBT. Second, JBT’s negatives are up and she has to win Dem votes to win the race.
I predict it will be hard for JBT to raise money.
Of course, if the national GOP fails to get her money, JBT might come out criticizing Bush. It would make her look independent and hard-nosed to slam Bush herself.
I talked to someone yesterday who has ties to many parts Illinois who thought Blagojevich hasn’t got a chance–too many people dislike him.
But I kinda think JBT is vulnerable to having her negatives driven up and getting voters to vote partyline. November is going to be a tough cycle for Republicans. JBT may be a victim of being in the wrong election at the wrong time.
- Carl Nyberg - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 4:32 pm:
Independents loathe Bush at this point. So, I think JBT will trouble winning independents by a dominant margin.
I think she’s got a better chance making inroads with Dems that have grievances against Blagojevich.
Topinka could invite the Green candidate to be part of the debate process.
- Ashur Odishoo - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 6:03 pm:
It is too early for the voters to care about the substance of the issues. The poll reflects the negative ads running unopposed, but they will certainly drift back to where they were before election season gets hot.
Blago’s strategy is like trying to hold a beach ball underwater. It works but takes a lot to keep it down. And usually doesn’t work for long.
- Ignatius J. Reily - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 9:42 pm:
Since the televised Kennedy/Nixon debates, American political science has steadfastly maintained that the average voter is irrational on issues and ultimately votes according to personal factors such as likeability.
The trend in lower voter turnout over the same period is not surprising as the handlers focus everyone’s attention to the other candidate’s most unattractive personal attributes—excepting of course those special sympathy cases where unintended backlash could result— leaving the voters confused, conflicted and repulsed. Apathy– a real bum steer– has served as a convenient device for blaming the voters.
As a result, both the formal and informal schools of the modern political craft have churned out decades of cynical practitioners and a uniquely American political culture that maintains a very low opinion of the voting public. Aspirants get the total political mold-over and the refashioned universal candidates replete in their game-show personas and hairstyles dance the Waltz of the Eliminators. Least negatives takes it.
Ironically, the same medium that gave rise to the personal attractiveness factor in politics is now indicating signs of a counter wave. The reality elimination shows are increasingly presenting pretty people that also happen to be mean, shallow and incompetent.
JBT needs to be herself– which is the way that Blago’s ads are already portraying her. Embrace the image and capitalize on it. She will not have the $30 million entry fee and it would take at least twice as much to make her into someone she isn’t. Ignore the handlers and cut against the grain. The voters will be receptive to the real Aunt Judy if she shows up with an apron, a mop and an attitude that belies the foul mess that the administration has created.
First, declare him to be fearfully irresponsible. Next, denounce him as a liar and a phony and then let the voters banish him to the corner– with the rest of the dunces.
- Disgusted - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 10:17 pm:
Cook Dem: If people don’t know by now who Public Official A is, they should not be voting. You have a very sanctimonious attitude about voters and a very casual approach to the Governor’s problems. So I guess it’s OK to have a governor like the last one, who puts his pals in top spots whether they know how to run the show or not, who takes big contributions from unsavory characters and gives their pals jobs during a supposed job freeze in the state and who is caught in lie after lie after lie. Shame on you. I would have thought from the tone of your comments that you knew better than that.
- cynically anonymous - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 11:02 pm:
I agree - right now all JBT needs to do is sit back and let the media shine some light on Rod’s playmates and sycophants. Did anyone see the article in the Kanakee paper about Team Illinois and how it is - or isn’t - operating? Between that and Rezko and Ceja and Public Official A, one would hope the voters of Illinois might begin to see that you are indeed known by the company you keep.
- Anonymous - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 11:24 pm:
You mean Tony Rezko, the former lobbying partner of Bob Kjellander - Topinka’s chief puppetmaster?
- Josh - Friday, Jun 16, 06 @ 11:40 pm:
Oh, yes, how I love the conspiracy theorizing that comes out late at night!
- El Conquistador - Saturday, Jun 17, 06 @ 3:21 am:
Frankly, very few voters care what is said here. Everyone of you needs to chill until mid to late August. Take a vacation, please… If you’re over 35, you know the election season starts after Labor Day. No (voters of any significant number) one cares about any of this until it is relevant.
BTW, a potential or actual indictment is relevant. Poorly planned and funded programs tend to explode or conveniently disappear. As always, time will tell. Squeeze, pinch , grunt, struggle, mask, defend, or counter. It simply does not matter (unless really significant) until after Labor Day.
- The Conservative - Saturday, Jun 17, 06 @ 6:32 am:
There is one issue that just might bring the conservative base back for Judy. She would have to take a hardline on immigration.
- insider - Saturday, Jun 17, 06 @ 8:07 am:
I attended a JBT fundraiser earlier this week and was shocked by the low attendance. I have been around the capitol for twenty years and could not believe the low numbers for a party standard bearer. Worse, was that JBT’s speech to the crowd was barely longer than the introduction and consisted of one liners about “pay to play” and putting “an adult in the mansion.” No vision. Basically, it was remember to vote and I am not the other candidate. In side discusions with some business folks she did not really deliver a business friendly message and left some of the Republicans walking away saying “is this the best we can do.” I like JBT and this she would be a better manager of state Gov than RB but she needs to have a better message and some talking points down. She is very friendly, personable, and has a good sense of humor. Nonetheless, her event was not impressive. I heard this from several others that attended the event as well and they were still talking about it yesterday.
- Reddbyrd - Saturday, Jun 17, 06 @ 8:16 am:
After totaling the votes it looks like “More Brickhead the Executioner” it the big winner. Congrats contributors.
Maybe Judy Bore can roll him out to try to save apparently doomed Gay Marriage/Revive Witch Burning petitions.
After that tanks the AccordianGal can announce The Brick will head a special thought police squad at the ISP.
The coup de grace will be sending the LoserCorp (Brickhead, Brady, Edgar, Whinenburger and RonnieG) on a statewide buscapade using a slightly modified Oscar Mayer Wiener Mobile — just make one of the ends bend 90 degrees rather than 45ish to form the reclining L)
The results — AccordiOnGal get the whole GOP (as in MOPE) base and loses 60-40 tee hee.
- Lovie's Leather - Saturday, Jun 17, 06 @ 8:59 am:
All this is a vast centrist conspiracy!
- bored now - Saturday, Jun 17, 06 @ 9:57 am:
If people don’t know by now who Public Official A is, they should not be voting.
all the air went out of the Public Official A argument when fitzpatrick sent his letter to karl rove. a *large* part of the Public Official A argument was that fitzpatrick had never NOT indicted someone he named as Public Official A. that’s no longer true. the rest amounts to speculation.
i agree with ashur that it’s too early for the voters to care about the issues. but i disagree about how effective the gov’s strategy is; i can’t think of a campaign that employed it and failed. can you? in fact, insider suggests that it is working, although i think i’ll wait for the reports to be filed…
- Mad as hell - Saturday, Jun 17, 06 @ 11:44 am:
Stay away from Radagno, who is trying to undermine her campaign for Governor along with Radagno’s supporters, such as Eddie Vrdolak,Lipinski,Madigan,Durkin and Maureen Murphy.
Also show us a vision about where she wants to take the state.
Also stay away from Rich Miller!
- Papa Legba - Saturday, Jun 17, 06 @ 6:40 pm:
You know what ReddByrd? If your comments weren’t so idiotic you would just be an annoying noise. Your support and worship of Governor Blagojevich only shows why your comments are so completly ridiculous.
- Dem Voting R - Monday, Jun 19, 06 @ 1:19 pm:
Read the Tribune these days. There is no news. They have nothing to write about, and readers are already checking out the food section and tossing the rest into the recycling blue bag. This is no time to roll out major policy initiatives just cause Rodo has the bucks to sling some mud at the accordian. Got a long way to go folks. Yes, I agree that Judy needs to be clear, concise and present a vision for the future. She can’t simply rely upon ‘I’m not him’ as an election strategy. But we have the summer to get ready, raise some money, start building foundations and, above all, listening to the voters and what they care about, then giving it to them. So, the negative ads drove down her numbers. Who didn’t think they wouldn’t? But announcing a major educational policy 10 days before the 4th of July? Who would do that other than Al Gore? (love em, but he never knew timing). So - we’re in this for the long haul. Stay tuned. Or, better yet, go on vacation!
- Not So Fast - Monday, Jun 19, 06 @ 1:32 pm:
I agree that once voters observe the demeanor of JBT and her lack of substance, they become alienated. She lacks the gravitas to be governor; she is a cross between Phyllis Diller, Judy Tenuta, and an oversized Troll doll. She screeches and nags, and her one-liners are painful. People may not love Blago, but compared to her, they’ll settle for him.
- Carl Nyberg - Tuesday, Jun 20, 06 @ 4:36 pm:
How many of JBT’s supporters calling for “clean government” in Illinois are calling for “clean government” in Washington, DC.
Blagojevich’s scams are pretty minor compared to Bush and the GOP Congress.
If JBT and her supporters can’t bring themselves to criticize Bush and the DC GOP, they seem kinda opportunistic to rail against Blagojevich.
If JBT isn’t sincere about changing the political culture, why should voters elect her? And if she’s sincere about her opposition to corruption, why isn’t she opposed to Republican corruption?
JBT has a credibility problem on the anti-corruption themes. She could make the debate about policy. But on policy, would she really be much different than Blagojevich?