Question of the day
Tuesday, Jun 20, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller Dog bites man… …and the governor’s job approval numbers still pretty much suck, even though they’ve improved over this time a year ago. Take a look at the poll and discuss.
- Proud American - Tuesday, Jun 20, 06 @ 6:18 am:
If Bush, the most incompetent excuse for a President since Carter could get reelected in 2004, there’s no reason to believe that the Illinois version, Roddy B, won’t also be given a mandate to continue failure from the voters
- DOWNSTATE - Tuesday, Jun 20, 06 @ 7:14 am:
You mean after all the money they have spent plus all the signs,at taxpayer expense,and his numbers are still in the toilet.UUMMMM just think JBT has not had to spend any money and 51% of her job is done.
- ron - Tuesday, Jun 20, 06 @ 8:00 am:
democratic blue state incumbant democratic governor. he can’t get past low 40’s on approval and in the polls. this after spending millions on attack ads designed to weaken topinka and make him look better. good-bye blago.
- 105th Blues - Tuesday, Jun 20, 06 @ 8:07 am:
I don’t pay attention to polls until we’re about 90 days out from the election. What are Topinka’s approve/disapprove numbers?
- PalosParkBob - Tuesday, Jun 20, 06 @ 8:26 am:
Perhaps a bigger question, not answered by this poll, but I’m sure measured by SOME poll, is the cause of voters disapproval.
Is it general “leadership” issues?
Is it that Blago’s poorly planned and bloated entitlement programs are creating a resounding “thud” with voters?
Is it his “mortgage the future and let the next guvs deal with the problem” approach to finance?
How about people just being sick in general of the blatant patronage, criminal activity, and cronyism in Springfield?
In the end it makes no difference because JBT has yet to define herself as anything more than a less competent “Blago Lite”.
- DOWNSTATE - Tuesday, Jun 20, 06 @ 8:49 am:
You mean even with all the money they have spent and all those signs with his name on them,at taxpayer expense,he sits at 51%.UUUMMMM just think JBT hasn’t started spending money and 51% of her job is done.
- Lovie's Leather - Tuesday, Jun 20, 06 @ 9:02 am:
Still less than 1/2 of the people are fooled by Blago…. I am suprised that anybody is…. But this doesn’t look good for reelection….
- VanillaMan - Tuesday, Jun 20, 06 @ 9:17 am:
He has spent millions parading his successes before television audiences. So, after two months of this, his poll ticks up.
Big deal.
- Team Sleep - Tuesday, Jun 20, 06 @ 9:28 am:
Wow. Only 3 out of every 7 Illinoisans approve of Blago. Yet somehow he is beating Topinka by nearly ten points in the gubernatorial polls. I’m stunned, although the month-by-month increases often spike when one of Blago’s new programs comes out. Interesting. Imagine where Blago would be polling in the race if he didn’t have $20+ million!
- Hair - Tuesday, Jun 20, 06 @ 10:28 am:
He’ll still get elected, unless he gets indicted.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 20, 06 @ 12:15 pm:
If keeping with your prose Rich, when you have a Governor who sucks, his approval numbers suck as well. It is very telling that despite being on TV since the Election, his approves are down and disapproves up since the primary.
- Common Sense in Illinois - Tuesday, Jun 20, 06 @ 12:57 pm:
Okay, I’ll be first. First, welcome back, Rich. SFO is a great town. With respect to the polling, it appears the governor’s apparent stragegy thus far, to focus most of his reelection in Cook County, is working. His approval rating is growing in Cook, particularly among minority voters. If he can hold a 550 to 600 thousand vote plurality, there won’t be much to stop his reelection. JBT really needs to start tarnishing the as yet unchallenged perceptions of the governor in Cook and Chicago if she is to have any chance. At this rate, the election could be pretty much over by Labor Day.
- Downstater - Tuesday, Jun 20, 06 @ 1:28 pm:
This poll should be cause for concern for the Blago camp. He has been running TV ads over the last several months worth millions of dollars and his approval ratings have risen only 7 points from a miserable 36% since May of last year. This should be especially alarming since JBT has not yet started her ad campaign. Most people realize that he is not a good steward of our tax dollars and is inept as anyone who has previously held the governor’s office. If indictments should come down from one or more of the many ongoing investigations before the election he is in deep trouble.
- Anony - Tuesday, Jun 20, 06 @ 3:03 pm:
This seems to be a sign of general ambivalence on the part of Illinois voters. Moderate voters simply do not feel overly confident about Illinois; despite some good sounding ideas, the information behind them has been lacking, and hurts the gov’s numbers.
- statehouse shark - Tuesday, Jun 20, 06 @ 3:38 pm:
This Governor needs to get out of his northside retreat and hit the streets sooner than later.
He needs to start hitting the downstate media markets like a bad piece of meat. He’ll hang in there and win if he does. It’s all about downstate, the big swing region.
- NW burbs - Tuesday, Jun 20, 06 @ 3:43 pm:
Bush kinda had the same trendlines going into ‘04.
Buyer’s remorse set in a year later.
…By the by, Rich I thought you’d be interested to know Eric Wallace, State Senate candidate, thinks I and all other Dems are racists.
That, and Truthful James claims CapFax is a left-wing blog…
(Yes, this is off-topic. Feel free to remove if you like, for that reason.)
- Ashur Odishoo - Tuesday, Jun 20, 06 @ 3:55 pm:
Those look like George Bush’s approval ratings. That is not a good sign when you don’t start a war.
- Southern Illinois Democrat - Tuesday, Jun 20, 06 @ 4:10 pm:
He is still doing poorly in my part of Illinois. I am not sure he can even get a third in this area. But, I still believe he will pull it out by two or three percentage points statewide over Topinka. She is not well liked around here either.
- Pat Hickey - Tuesday, Jun 20, 06 @ 6:28 pm:
‘Frisco - Sourdough; steam beer; seafood & etc.
Welcome back to corn, controversy and calumny!
- anon - Tuesday, Jun 20, 06 @ 9:02 pm:
Hmmm..The Governoris ahead in every poll. His numbers would only suck if he wasn’t winning by ten points — in spite of the fact he’s been hammered by the media and this blog site since being elected. Topinka is toast….We don’t even know at she plans to do other than build government back up again and give state employees pay raises. I do not think anyone is taking her seriously anymore.
- Disgusted - Tuesday, Jun 20, 06 @ 9:11 pm:
PalosParkBob: It’s all of the above - IN SPADES!!!
- Disgusted - Tuesday, Jun 20, 06 @ 9:16 pm:
Sorry to be a blog hog but I have to say this - do the voters in Cook County get a different kind of news in the papers, through the radio and on cable news??? How can they not know what he is doing to the state and to taxpayers? Do they think only downstaters will be affected by his pitiful idea of leadership and governing? I just don’t understand it. But I guess with Chicago City Hall as an example, it just means more of the same to Cook County voters.
- Papa Legba - Tuesday, Jun 20, 06 @ 10:17 pm:
Voters in Cook County don’t care who the politician is as long as they think they are going to to get theirs. I guess they think Blago will deliver for them. Poor fools.
- NW burbs - Wednesday, Jun 21, 06 @ 9:40 am:
Disgusted and Papa — why so cynical?
Decades of GOP rule in the gov’s mansion were no different. What is our choice as voters (whether left or right)?
PS, Disgusted, City Hall works for Chicago… not Oak Park or Park Ridge or Orland Park…
I don’t consider Champagin to be the same as Springfield or Cairo… why do you lump all of Cook in with Chicago?
- Papa Legba - Wednesday, Jun 21, 06 @ 5:43 pm:
Why am I so cynical NW Burbs? I am not cynical. I can just notice a pattern when it forms. Blago hoses many people, over and over. Why do you think his own party makes him sign MOU’s?