Political protection rackets
Friday, Jun 23, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller My latest Sun-Times column came from this blog post a couple of weeks ago. Back in the day, business owners in a neighborhood controlled by the Mafia would have to cough up weekly cash tributes. The money was for “protection,” except they weren’t really “protected” from anything except the mobsters themselves. If they didn’t pay up, very bad things would happen. I’d say “read the whole thing,” but that would be kinda presumptious of me. Ah, what the heck, do it anyway.
- Schiznitz - Friday, Jun 23, 06 @ 9:39 am:
There is a different way to “torch” a store. The Democrats in Cook County send “inspectors”. These “inspectors” will pass or fine the store based on their political activity - for or against. It is institutional terrorism. Thank God for Patrick Fitzgerald. I hope he puts all these miscreants in jail.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Jun 23, 06 @ 9:58 am:
Burt Natarus, Micky Segal, Near North Insurance, $140,000.
Of course, that’s not the only way to shake them down. Last year, Natarus threatened to jump off a bridge onto the decks of Chicago River Tour boats if they didn’t turn down their music. Shortly thereafter, Natarus collected nearly $10,000 in contributions from tour boat companies.
I wonder how much we would’ve had to pay him to jump?
- norm - Friday, Jun 23, 06 @ 10:25 am:
Thnx you for the revealing and enlightening article on insurance “clout” schemes in around Chicago.
I never knew, until this article, why alderman Lewis was killed.
- Anon - Friday, Jun 23, 06 @ 9:01 pm:
The most effective legislative “protection racket” is the “fetcher bill” that would devistate some industry or group if passed. The sponsor, through an agent, offers to kill the bill for s consideration. The frightened victim pays up and the bill is killed.
- So True - Saturday, Jun 24, 06 @ 11:03 am:
I totally agree with you on your article today.For way to long politicians and insiders have benifited from politicalcontracts and insurance deals.
In Proviso township,a bastion of Democratic power and control, the Township goverment gave the insurance contract to none other than the 19th ward Republican Committeeman Jim Peralli.
Mr. Peralli,eventhough he states to be a Republican has never voted for a Republican and has only contributed money to Democrats!
Mr. Peralli is associated to Melrose Park’s Democratic Machine,and associated with there Mayor and there Police Chief, who you properly mentioned in your article.Melrose Park’s machine along with Mr. Peralli, are also close poltical and bussiness associates of Liz Gorman and Her Husband,with Maureen Murphy,Tom Walsh(ex-state Senator and new lobbyist for Proviso Township and Melrose Park), Al Ronan, as well as Eugene Moore,the Dolton twins,the Shaw brothers,state Rep. Jim Durkin and Christie Radagno and her husband.
Sounds confusing, but it is really not, since all these people are really part of the Ed Vrdolak regime.While there communities are being destroyed by bad schools, high crime rates,crumbling infrastructure and middle class flight, these people feel entitled to continue holding political power and getting rich!!
Thanks Rich for exposing the truth.