Tuesday, Jun 27, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller The Tribune finally gets around to reporting a story that it held last week. Some supporters of Democratic Gov. Rod Blagojevich last week embarked on a last-ditch effort to try to help Stufflebeam by soliciting people to pass petitions for his Constitution Party. The move was viewed as an effort to try to take away votes from Blagojevich’s main challenger, Republican state Treasurer Judy Baar Topinka. Those “supporters” were reportedly state employees who were ordered to the Springfield headquarters to pick up petitions. Meanwhile, Stufflebeam, as expected, came up way short. Among the third-party candidates to file with the State Board of Elections was Randy Stufflebeam of Belleville and his Constitution Party. Stufflebeam, a conservative candidate for governor, filed only 4,300 signatures, far below the 25,000 needed to appear on the ballot. I wouldn’t bet on that.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 27, 06 @ 9:01 am:
Clearly, a mere 5,000 signature requirement for state office would still prevent most third-party access.
However, a lower requirement would allow both parties to shed some of their extremists, who could then be clearly rejected in elections, instead of controlling our lives and tax dollars.
- B Hicks - Tuesday, Jun 27, 06 @ 9:14 am:
This is nothing new when it comes to Illinois politicks. I’m quite sure that Judy’s people were ready to collect signatures for Meeks, had he decided to take a shot at the title.
BTW, Blagojevich doesn’t need Stufflebeam on the ballet to take conservative votes away from pretty; they’re not voting for her as it is. Hell, they’re more likely to throw a vote his way.
- VanillaMan - Tuesday, Jun 27, 06 @ 9:46 am:
Saying it is not new, doesn’t make it right. Blagojevich promised to be a different governor, and he has fallen flat on his promise. He is using state workers illegally. His campaign should be fined for this ethical violation.
- DOWNSTATE - Tuesday, Jun 27, 06 @ 10:36 am:
Sounds like they are running scared.Hicks re-read the story Blago’s people are doing it.If you have proof that JBT’s people were going to do it then share with us.What they know is this the only people paying close attention now is the people that are close to this.The bloggers, election workers and special interest.Come November Mr. and Mrs. Public will vote and I think Blago’s people are worried after 4 years of screw-ups and lies that the real voters will send him packing.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Jun 27, 06 @ 11:49 am:
Rich, please post a list of the Constitution Party petition circulators names as soon as you can.
Trackback ArchPundit - Tuesday, Jun 27, 06 @ 12:11 pm:
Gray Davis Like
Some of the Blagojevich supporters (apparently state employees) were gathering signatures for Stufflebeam. Most disturbingly, it didn’t help….
- Still Laughing - Tuesday, Jun 27, 06 @ 1:01 pm:
I just could not go without laughing publicly at Stufflebeam’s quote about staying under the radar.
Does he really think he HAS BEEN under the radar?! Too funny. Poor me one of whatever it is he’s having!
- Carl Nyberg - Tuesday, Jun 27, 06 @ 1:36 pm:
If state employees are out passing petitions for the Constitution Party, doesn’t this suggest Blagojevich really is as fast-and-loose with the rules as his critics claim?
I second YDD’s request to see the names of the circulators.
Rich, if you’re not going to get the names, let us know so we can send someone to get the names.
- Ashur Odishoo - Tuesday, Jun 27, 06 @ 2:01 pm:
I don’t think Stufflebeam will affect the election either way. Of the 4,300 signatures, I don’t think he would get more than 300 people voting for him.
Ashur Odishoo
State Representative 11th District
- Mike - Tuesday, Jul 25, 06 @ 1:08 pm:
meant to say that these conservative voters will with-hold their votes from the moderates and liberals like Tom Cross and Mike Madigan and any so-called incumbant claiming to be conservative should they not be supporting Randy Stufflebeam. The fact that Judy and the current Governor are so willingly supportive of at least part of the gay community political agenda for getting same-sex marriage or same-sex civil unions and pressuring employers to give them same-sex domestic partner benefits makes them like the Green Party candidate. Again, i would rather cast a write-in vote vote Randy Stufflebeam for Governor and next Spring elections has candidates lining up now too who need their neighbors votes for School board, Mayoral races, Library Board, and even Park District Board. Today’s voter’s are smarter about wher most candidates stand on these important issues to them as well.