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Stroger roundup

Thursday, Jun 29, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

· The Sun-Times starts us off:

Ald. Todd Stroger (8th) has the votes among Democratic ward bosses to replace his stroke-stricken father as County Board president, Ald. William Beavers (7th) said Wednesday, predicting the younger Stroger will grow in the pressure-cooker job.

“When your father is a powerful man, you kind of step back. … He’s never been Todd Stroger. He’s always been John Stroger’s son. He’s going to become Todd Stroger,” Beavers said.

· But has Beavers really rounded up all the necessary votes? Tribune:

Chicago Ald. William Beavers (7th), a veteran South Side political power broker who has been making calls on Todd Stroger’s behalf, told reporters “there’s enough votes” for Todd Stroger to succeed his father. But when asked if he had the votes already lined up for Todd Stroger, Beavers said, “We’re working on that right now, OK?”

· What Mark Brown is really saying here is that Todd Stroger has been a back-bencher for his entire political career. And he’s right, that does make a big difference.

Unlike the progeny of some of the other politicians boosted up the ladder, the characteristic so often remarked upon in regards to Todd Stroger is his utter lack of ambition in everything he’s done. A nice guy, they’ve always said, but no fire in the belly. Beavers says he’ll be different now.

· The Sun-Times editorializes:

We have to admit we are not aware of widespread anger over the utter disregard the John Stroger camp has shown the voting public since the Cook County Board president was sidelined by a stroke in March. But we hope people are finally getting mad as heck over the concerted efforts to keep Stroger’s health a secret, to resist interim measures that would actually put someone in charge of county government and to pass on the presidency as a hereditary title.

· As does the Tribune:

By what right do they ordain as Stroger’s successor in this crucial post–the second most important job in local government–a son who has shown no leadership whatsoever in the Illinois legislature or the Chicago City Council?

After John Stroger’s decades of public service, those closest to him want this to be his legacy?

This is a debacle that doesn’t have to be.

· And Mary Mitchell says the deal is unfair to Steele:

But if the scheme to install Ald. Todd Stroger (8th) as Cook County Board president is an indication of the direction black politics is heading, good government is still a long way off. Frankly, the actions black politicians have taken since Todd Stroger’s father, President John Stroger, suffered a stroke in March have made us a laughingstock.

These elected officials aren’t even pretending to be interested in public service.

Steele is speaking at the Union League Club next Thursday morning. Should be interesting


  1. - Gigi - Thursday, Jun 29, 06 @ 8:30 am:

    Does anyone know if Madigan is on board for this deal to install young Stroger? If not it seems MJM could put together a voting bloc in favor of another candidate. I know MJM pretty much controls some suburban committeeman like Landek, Mclaughlin and Simone. However, I don’t know if they have a good sized weighted vote.

  2. - Schiznitz - Thursday, Jun 29, 06 @ 9:06 am:

    Peraica goes from a 35% to 40% chance now. What does Peraica have to do to pick up that extra 10%?

  3. - Niles Township - Thursday, Jun 29, 06 @ 9:19 am:

    If its Stroger, I’m voting for Tony Peraica, just to show my disgust with the party. I’m a dem, and I’m sick of this already. I would have gone for Davis, Evans, anyone alomost but little Todd. Heck, if he can be county board prez, I might announce my write in for guv.

    Remember when Pat Quinn called for sending tea bags to protest the pay increase, how about we have a county tea party!

  4. - Randall Sherman, Secretary/Treasurer, Illinois Committee for Honest Government - Thursday, Jun 29, 06 @ 9:25 am:

    I just want to be in front of my TV set when Tony Peraica debates Todd Stroger. It is not like there will be a lot of suspense, because you know the train wreck is coming, but you have to se it for yourself.

    I know both men, and I have no ill will towards either of them. In Todd’s case, after he gives a concession speech on the night of November 7, perhaps he can move on to a job he cantruly enjoy, like curator of the comic book collection at the Northwestern University Library.

  5. - Randall Sherman, Secretary/Treasurer, Illinois Committee for Honest Government - Thursday, Jun 29, 06 @ 9:25 am:

    I just want to be in front of my TV set when Tony Peraica debates Todd Stroger. It is not like there will be a lot of suspense, because you know the train wreck is coming, but you have to se it for yourself.

    I know both men, and I have no ill will towards either of them. In Todd’s case, after he gives a concession speech on the night of November 7, perhaps he can move on to a job he can truly enjoy, like curator of the comic book collection at the Northwestern University Library.

  6. - Cassandra - Thursday, Jun 29, 06 @ 10:05 am:

    How much would Peraica be able to do if John Daly and other Daly supporters are still on the board. I don’t think either Stroger or Peraica
    would be able to do much without Daly’s approval or at least neutrality. But Peraica’s election would at least suggest that there is a teensy bit of shame left in the electorate.

    Yes, we Cook County dwellers have gotten ourselves into a pickle here.

    Wonder how Chicago’s ultraliberal rich whites are feeling and how they will vote. By looking the other way for a LONG time they’ve played a significant role in getting us into this mess.

  7. - Scat O'Itchy - Thursday, Jun 29, 06 @ 10:09 am:

    Mark Brown put it perfectly, although I think it is the understatement of the year:

    “Peraica deserves a chance to make his case that he’s not the screwball that he so often seems”

    Tony Peraica is more than a screwball. He’d chew off his own arm to beat himself over the head with it to get attention. And his staff will sink him in the end, especially when people learn the truth that the former Mayor of Melrose Park, Mike Monzo, is his Chief of Staff. Here is my prediction, Todd Storger 78%, Peraica 22%. And here is another prediction: Peraica will lose his 16th District seat to an unknown Bill Gomolinski because the “Republicans for Gomolinski” will thrash Tony.

    Tony never should have picked a fight with Commissioner Gorman and former State Rep. Eileen Lyons!

  8. - Bubs - Thursday, Jun 29, 06 @ 10:20 am:

    Before he was President, everyone said Teddy Roosevelt was a screwball.

    They don’t say that now.

  9. - Scat O'Itchy - Thursday, Jun 29, 06 @ 10:28 am:


    I have never heard Teddy Roosevelt referred to as an idiot either.

  10. - Thom Yorke - Thursday, Jun 29, 06 @ 10:35 am:

    Scat - How’s your day job in Maureen Murphy’s office?

  11. - Scat O'Itchy - Thursday, Jun 29, 06 @ 10:44 am:

    Dear Thom:

    Nice try but there are more than just Maureen Murphy that loathe Tony. Unlike probably you, I do not feed at the public trough. I just wish the Democrats would get this appointment done with, irrespective of whoever is the candidate, just so I can get Tony off the TV. He is scaring my child, and he’s 15.

  12. - Thom Yorke - Thursday, Jun 29, 06 @ 10:52 am:

    Guess that apple didn’t fall too far from the perverbial tree.

    Say “hello” to Fast Eddie Vrdolyak for me.

  13. - Scat O'Itchy - Thursday, Jun 29, 06 @ 10:53 am:

    Dear Thom:



  14. - Bubs - Thursday, Jun 29, 06 @ 11:01 am:

    Sounds like you raised the kid wrong, sore loser!

  15. - Scat O'Itchy - Thursday, Jun 29, 06 @ 11:09 am:


    Are you saying my child was switched at birth? Oh my!

    The only loser in this equation is the double loss Tony will experience on election day.

  16. - Uncle Slappy - Thursday, Jun 29, 06 @ 11:10 am:

    Mark Brown is not a legitimate political commentator. He is also an admitted uber-liberal and thus has bias issues. He also once devoted an entire column to bashing Peraica for including a quote from Brown’s column in a piece of his campaign literature (something that is standard practice, and fair game for quoting). So, the guy also has a personal grudge against Peraica. He really should stick to writing about his pets and such.
    P.S. Just how did he get p. 2 of the Sun Times, anyway??? Royko, he isn’t!

  17. - voice of reason - Thursday, Jun 29, 06 @ 11:31 am:

    I don’t think much of Tony Peraica, having sat in on County Board meetings and heard him speak. However, I am steamed that the Cook Count Dems are even considering pulling a fast one on the voters that chose to trust them in spite of Stroger’s illness.

    We deserve better.

    And then there’s the Tribune, which criticized the Dem party for this maneuver, and then suggested a list of only MALE alternative candidates, completely sidestepping a list of qualified FEMALE candidates.

    I guess those of us who live in Cook County are just stuck with a government that insists on remaining a farce of a puppet show.

  18. - Free Press Fred - Thursday, Jun 29, 06 @ 11:43 am:

    Uncle Slappy,

    Mark Brown is the best columnist in Chicago–bar none. His columns are balaned and thoughtful, and he’s an exceptionally clear and precise writer. His prose is smooth, something increasingly important in an era when people resist reading newspapers–especially when they’re talking about politics.

    He lets you know his biases up front, so he’s not trying to fool the reader that he’s approaching every issue like Walter Kronkite.

    But he’s also increasingly the columnist who actually moves people’s opinions, instead of simply reinforcing existing ones (as the Page 2 guy at the Tribune does).

  19. - Cuban - Thursday, Jun 29, 06 @ 11:51 am:

    Hey what ever happened to the hispanic vote in Cook County ??? Did someone forget that there is 9 committeeman in the hispanic cacusus ? Hello ??
    Do you really think Ald. Munoz, Commisioner Maldonado,Sen. Martinez and others are just going to play “lap dogs” on this one ???
    Stroger and Beavers have never shared anything with anyone, except there white bosses. John Stroger does not even have one Latino in a cabinet position. Hispanic firms have not even been given contracts to work in the county, and now they expect Latins to stick with this blatant rascism ???
    I’d love to be in that backroom, when Beavers,Toddie and Daley ask the Latino cacusus for there support. I think Munoz will probably body slam Beavers and Daley, and Maldonado will perform a Nuclear Knee drop on them. Finally , Martinez will back hand toddie and he will cry for forgiveness.And for finishers,just like the scene from Scarface when Tony Montana took out Frank, and his bodyguard thought he was next, but Tony offered him a job instead, Munoz,Maldonado and Martinez will do the same for Toddie, he can work for them.

  20. - 11th ward - Thursday, Jun 29, 06 @ 12:06 pm:

    Hey Cuban, I don’t think your guys will do nothing, but do as there told or else they’ll be targeted in there next election.
    I guess if the latino politicians in Chicago were Cuban or the population of Chicago had a sizeable Cuban Community(Cubans in Chicago live in Lake Forest), then yes I would agree with you,the Cubans would’nt put up with this B.S. The Cubans would have probably already named there own Board President by now, and would have Madigan and Daley fronting for them and would have put Jesse Jackson in Prison for being a Communist.
    But Cuban, your other latino breathens, are weak minded in intellectually, and have no heart. They are sell outs, and are afraid of fighting for priniciples.They only talk up when they know they can’t lose.
    Hey Cuban, I thought all you guys were die hard Republicans ? I heard in Miami that you guys call George Bush the “first Cuban President” ?

  21. - The Obsolete man - Thursday, Jun 29, 06 @ 1:03 pm:

    Last night I was channel surfing and I came upon an episode of The Twilight Zone called The Obsolete Man. As I watched the episode, which stars Burgess Meredith, I began to reflect on what’s hapening in Cook County, with the Strogers,Daleys and the complict media and Cook County Democratic and Republican Party. If Serling was doing the show about Cook County goverment it would go like this:
    “You walk into this room at your own risk, because it leads to the future, not a future that will be but one that might be. This is not a new world, it is simply an extension of what began in the old one. It has patterned itself after every dictator who has ever planted the ripping imprint of a boot on the pages of history since the beginning of time. It has refinements, technological advances, and a more sophisticated approach to the destruction of human freedom. But like every one of the superstates that preceded it, it has one iron rule: logic is an enemy and truth is a menace. This is Commissioner Tony Peraica in his last forty-eight hours on Earth. He’s a citizen of the Cook County but will soon have to be eliminated, because he is built out of flesh and because he has a mind. Commissioner Peraica, who will draw his last breaths in the Twilight Zone.”
    In the world of the future, the harsh and ultra-repressive State controls all aspects of human life. All religion is banned and ownership of a book is punishable by death. But still there are those who will not conform to tyranny. One such man is Tony Peraica, a God-fearing American and Cook County Commissioner who has been judged “obsolete” by the Cook County Democratic Party Bosses and the media and there brain washed voters, who vote as told.
    He is sentenced to die. Peraica is permitted to choose the manner of his own death, which will be televised to the populace as a lesson and a warning. The method of “liquidation” will be a secret known only to Commissioner Peraica and his executioner.
    An hour before the appointed time, Commissioner Peraica invites the leaders of the Democratic Party of Cook County to his apartment to witness the execution. Once inside,Commissioner Peraica locks the door.
    Commissioner Peraica tells the Democratic Leadership(Mayor Daley,Stroger and Madigan) that he instructed the executioner to place a bomb in his apartment, full of his beloved books, and that it’s set to go off at midnight. He explains to them that now they too, will die at midnight. Commissioner Peraica begins to read a bible (a crime punishable by death). He shows the Democratic party leader Bosses and the county, watching on TV, how a spiritual and strong man faces death. Commissioner Peraica will prove whose will is stronger, his or the State’s. The Democratic Leader Bosses are calm at first, but as the minutes tick by they begin to panic. The Democratic Bosses of Cook County finally cry out, “In the name of God, let me out!” Commissioner Peraica hands them the keys, and the Democratic Party bosses run from the room just as it explodes.
    The final scene shows the Democratic Bosses(Daley,Madigan and Stroger), now on trial themselves for being obsolete.
    The final narration sums up the episode nicely:
    “The Democratic Bosses of Cook County - the late Bosses - were only partly correct. They were obsolete. But so was the State and Cook County, the entity they worshipped. Any state, any entity, any ideology that fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of man, that state is obsolete. A case to be filed under ‘M’ for mankind in the Twilight Zone.”

  22. - Left Leaner - Thursday, Jun 29, 06 @ 1:22 pm:

    Mary Mitchell is right on with her column. The African-American community is doing itself a real diservice if it forces through Todd Stroger. Stop listening to Beavers! He has a good point with all of the political nepotism in the white community, but the African-American community have an opportunity to rise above that and show true strength.

    What do they do instead? Play the same game and fall further under Daley’s boot. Stroger Sr. could at least hold his own against Daley. Stroger Jr./Beavers can’t or won’t - and they’ll take the African-American community to the bottom of the boot with them.

    Steele was on Chicago Public Radio’s 848 program yesterday and made the same point as Mitchell - why don’t they look for leadership within the County Board (her)? She has very loyal to Stroger (even when she didn’t agree with him) and this is how he treats her?! She would be a very effective leader. Stroger Jr. will be ineffective at best, completely counter productive at worst.

    If Steele chooses (and I think she should), she could cause a major rift between the West Side and South Side African-American communities over this. Danny Davis passed over and now her! The West Siders have been looking to exert some political muscle lately, and this (in my opinion) would be a good battle to fight towards that end. The only people who benefit from this Stroger/Beavers deal are Stroger, Beavers, Daley and the machine.

    Politically, Steele is also a great move. She would take the fire out of Peraica’s campaign and get the African-American, woman and democratic progressive (non-machine) vote as well as most independents.

  23. - Todd Jong Il aka Wumpus - Thursday, Jun 29, 06 @ 1:52 pm:

    Wow, everything is a faction or a block. Why can’t the dems unify instead of west side, south side, Stroger loyalist, etc?

  24. - Ticked off Westsider - Thursday, Jun 29, 06 @ 2:03 pm:

    I wasn’t originally for Steele, but this is an outrageous insult to not even consider her for interim Prez. Enough has been said about Todd. He’s just not able to “catch up”. Sure he’s been in two chambers for a decade where he could have learned and promoted himself. (His succsessor has Colvin) But facts remain that he has done absolutely NOTHING. We do not need someone who will do on-the-job-training. Even during his fathers illness this guy showed us that he is not ready for primetime. Insert footin mouth
    Shame on the Democratic party if they go for this one. Dems will just stay home it hurts Blago on down.

  25. - Carl Nyberg - Thursday, Jun 29, 06 @ 4:39 pm:

    Tony Peraica is a good guy who actually has a track record of helping “little people” getting jerked around by government.

    Count me among the people who will actively campaign for Peraica if Todd Stroger is the nominee.

    What has John Stroger done for Proviso Township? Promote Eugene Moore to Recorder of Deeds? More evidence Stroger and his camp haven’t done much for people who weren’t on their team.

  26. - Carl Nyberg - Thursday, Jun 29, 06 @ 4:43 pm:

    If Cook County gov’t is a mess, isn’t someone in Peraica’s position supposed to be pissed off?

    What part of county government besides the portions supervised by either Maria Pappas or David Orr can objectively claim to provide quality services?

    Cook County government does a lousy job. The insiders get away with it because most of the people getting jerked around are poor and can’t fight back.

  27. - Johnny Smith - Thursday, Jun 29, 06 @ 5:00 pm:

    Obsolete Man:

    Since you prefer “zone” shows to reality, you should tune into Tony Peraica’s favorite movie, “The Dead Zone”, starring Christopher Walken and Martin Sheen. Tony models himself after the Sheen character who would literally stop at nothing to gain power and rise to the top of the political realm.

    Unfortunately for Tony, I too can see the future. And he loses both his bid for the presidency (in this case of the County Board) and his district 16 seat. And, I see Tony clutching Mike Manzo’s arm on election night as tears stream down Manzo’s face, stricken with the thought that he will now have to get a real job.

  28. - Ignatius J. Reily - Thursday, Jun 29, 06 @ 6:38 pm:

    The “Crusade for Moorish Dignity” at Levy failed because the workers were more concerned, with upgrading their wages than acquiring a hollow “dignity”. And thus began that brief sojourn as an ambulatory vendor of hotdogs— until that cunning, omnipresent Councilman and Chairman of that other most important Finance Committee, the one on the LaSalle Street side, a man of Laws and Letters by training and now a Chemist by avocation, introduced that most distracting canard regarding trans-fatty acids and proper alimentary balance. As if that boorish patrolman and his imaginary federal crimes hadn’t set all the pyloric valves to malfunction, with the uprising at the pants factory, only the intervention of Fortuna herself can preserve the 2 Finance Committees.

  29. - Po'd - Friday, Jun 30, 06 @ 12:39 am:

    Whoever said they are from the 11th ward is full of it. Not only do we respect the Hispanic Community we commend their efforts in our community. i.e. The 2006 Hamburg Athletic Club “good guy” award was given to a fine hispanic member of our neighborhood. The bottom line is that John Daley is the best person for the job, reguadless of his name, family history, or media perception. He understands what needs to be done and has a working relationship with both sides of the asile. If we want the best we need to look beyond newspaper headlines.

  30. - MAGGIE - Friday, Jun 30, 06 @ 7:28 am:

    Where are the courts or the board of elections ? Has anyone besides the group that are putting together this scheme been in to see Stroger? Does the man even know who he is? This is crazy to think the voters are just going to roll over for this.

  31. - Todd Jong Il aka Wumpus - Friday, Jun 30, 06 @ 8:15 am:

    They will roll over, Maggie, because their precinct captian/city employee tells them to. If by some miracle, they don’t and revolt, goodie for Peracia and JBT.

  32. - PalosParkBob - Friday, Jun 30, 06 @ 9:00 am:

    Todd “Stroger lite” as Cook County Board President is an insult to every voter in Cook County. My guess is that the only reason he’s being pushed is that he’s so weak that patronage bosses can plunder the budget with impunity with him at the helm. It’s all about the money, and who can grab it.

    The real question is this; what can the South Side African American camp offer Hizzoner, Lipinski and Madigan to get their support?

    The natural tendency will be for Irish and Polish voters to go for Peraica. He’s someone they can understand, and he knows the rules of their patronage game. It’ll take a lot of arm twisting by Madigan and Daley to get them to support “Stroger Lite”. What price will make it worth their while to do the twisting?

    The Hispanic community would probably fare better under Peraica. They’ve been severely under represented under the South Side African American leadership.

    If Peraica can make a deal with West Side African Americans to reject Stroger Lite next November, they’ve been dissed pretty badly in this gambit, he can pull this off.

    Republicans can get about 40% of the Cook County vote by just being on the ballot. If folks like Maureen Murphy and Liz Gorman hadn’t dismantled the Republican base in Southwest Cook to help the Dems, we might be able to deliver 60-40 margins in Republican Orland and Palos Twp,and 50-50 in Worth Twp.

    If Tony can get 60-40 support from the Irish, Polish and Hispanic Dems, and the West Side African Americans just stay home, he’ll be the next Board President.

    The only question is whether Stroger Lite can meet Daley, Lipinski, and Madigan’s price, whatever that may be, to deliver their vote for him.

  33. - Skeeter - Friday, Jun 30, 06 @ 9:03 am:

    Schiznitz -

    You asked what Peraica needs to do.
    How about:
    1. Abandon his extreme anti-abortion views.
    2. Come out with a real plan to cut the size of government.

    This race looks like a write in. As much as I despise the idea of Todd Stroger as Board Pres., I equally despise the idea of Peraica in any position of authority.

    It is unfortunate that the Republicans could not nominate even a third rate hack for the position. Instead, we are left with Peraica.

    Time to start the movement: Write in Steele. The alternative is to vote for either Todd or Tony and then avoiding looking in the mirror for a few months.

  34. - Scat O'Itchy - Friday, Jun 30, 06 @ 9:07 am:

    Dear PalosParkBob:

    What are you smoking? Can I get some?

  35. - Johnny Smith - Friday, Jun 30, 06 @ 9:35 am:

    All of this talk of a monarchy in Cook County (and Illinois for that matter) really misses the point. Todd Stroger would not be the nominee to replace his Dad if Mayor Daley wasn’t up for re-election to his final term, for which filing begins in December. With the corruption trial of George Ryan and the current trial of four Daley confidants has put politics in a state of flux. The Sun Times is reporting today that Daley is losing his grip on the City Council. That never would have happened 5 years ago. So, in summary, the political establishment is afraid to do anything to enflame a sector of the political base in fear that the delicate balance will be irreparably altered.

    By the way, it was really the Lipinski’s that started this. Madigan and Hynes did not put their children up to replace themselves, they supported their kin for other offices, arguably, in Lisa’s case, a higher office than her Dad’s. Lipinski pulled the wool over everyone’s eyes in the midnight run he pulled. That scenario is more attuned to what John and Todd Stroger are up to. And, as I said in an earlier post, Tony Peraica will lose his bid for the county board presidency AND his district seat.

  36. - Wumpus aka Todd Jong Il - Monday, Jul 3, 06 @ 12:54 am:

    With all this going on, this is they best chance that the GOP ahd to gain some power. Everyone is afraid to run for anything outside of gov. We are left with Stewie Umholtz, Peracia, etc. Poor Rutherford, all tis going on and White has staye dout of the dirt. If these goofs decide to campaign, Steiwe could slam Little Lisa Madigan for not convicting Blago ala they did with Jim Ryan.

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