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The perception of corruption

Monday, Jun 12, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

I forgot to post my syndicated newspaper column. Here it is.

Is Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s administration just as corrupt or even more corrupt than former Gov. George Ryan’s crew? A new poll finds a plurality of Illinoisans would answer “yes” to that question.

A poll by the Glengariff Group found that 43 percent of Illinoisans believe the Blagojevich administration is as corrupt or more corrupt than George Ryan’s government, while 41 percent said there is less corruption. The findings are surprising because Ryan was recently convicted of all charges in a federal criminal trial, while no officials of Blagojevich’s administration have even been indicted […]

Blagojevich leads Topinka by seven points in the poll, 41 to 34. That represents a 10-point drop for Topinka from an early April poll, when Glengariff had the Republican challenger leading the Democratic incumbent 44 to 41. Since then, the governor let loose with a barrage of negative TV ads that have done what they were intended to do — drive Topinka’s numbers down.

However, Topinka is ahead 53 to 25 among voters who believe Blagojevich’s administration is as corrupt or more corrupt than Ryan’s. Those who think there has been less corruption prefer Blagojevich over Topinka 60 to 23. “The corruption factor appears to be the great divide in this race,” claims Glengariff president Richard Czuba. […]

The survey also shows big trouble for Topinka with Republicans since the last Glengariff Group poll was taken in April, when 81 percent of Republican voters supported her candidacy. Now just 65 percent back their party’s standard-bearer, a likely result of the governor’s TV ads, which appear to be a lot better done than most of the ads run by her primary opponents. The good news for Topinka is that her support among independents is still the same — 39 percent.

The entire poll can be found here. The press release is here. (pdf files)


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Monday, Jun 12, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Question of the day

Monday, Jun 12, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

Greg Blankenship has a good post here, but I’ll summarize.

· One of Jack Roeser’s websites slammed Topinka yet again and then published this line: “Four more years of Blagojevich is a big price to pay for future victory, but at least we can build with that Democrat as a foil.”

· When called on it, they responded thusly: “We’re accused of ‘pushing for four more years of Rod Blagojevich.’ Well, no, not quite”

· However, Bernie interviewed Roeser yesterday and got this nugget: Does all that mean Roeser would rather see Blagojevich win instead of Topinka? “Yes,” he told me.

QUESTION: Do you think the posturing by people like Roeser will mean anything in the end? Or is this background noise?


Campaign roundup

Monday, Jun 12, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

Let’s start off with a debate challenge:

Gov. Rod Blagojevich has challenged his Republican opponent, state Treasurer Judy Baar Topinka, to a televised debate focused on health care. Soon after the governor’s challenge Sunday, Topinka’s campaign responded that she’ll debate him, but on ethics and integrity.

And move to more allegations about corruption.

Treasurer Judy Baar Topinka said Saturday a “pattern of intimidation” exists in Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s administration and said the governor has to take responsibility for it.

Topinka, Republican candidate for governor, cited lawsuits filed recently by two former state workers, both of whom said they suffered retaliation after refusing to carry out orders they thought were illegal.

“I think you see a pattern of intimidation, a pattern of `you will even break the law if we tell you to and you will do it or you will be fired or you will be hurt,”‘ Topinka said.

And the AP did a piece about how both Blagojevich and Topinka are about the same when it comes to gay rights except for maybe this one item.

When it comes to gay rights, where Blagojevich and Topinka diverge is in offering health benefits to partners of the nonunion gay employees under their control. Thousands of unionized state employees already were entitled to them.

Blagojevich issued an administrative order in May extending the benefits as of July 1 to the employees he oversees and encouraged the state’s other constitutional officers to do the same. They all have except for Topinka, said Department of Central Management Services spokesman Justin DeJong.

Topinka said the state can’t afford the benefits or “anything else right now.” The Blagojevich campaign hopes that shows how the two are different.

It does, says Kara Borden, a gay 29-year-old graduate student from Chicago.

“That’s actually something, an action that has been taken,” said Borden, who doesn’t identify with either party and votes solely based on a candidate’s platform.

And Erickson/Adrian had a piece on dueling fax campaigns:

With a mere five months to go before Election Day, the candidates for governor are slugging it out via fax machine.

The Blagojevich campaign has created a near-daily fax alert called “Topinka Watch,” which is aimed at feeding questions to reporters about Topinka’s latest actions — or inactions.

Similarly, Topinka backers have unveiled something called “Rod Squad.” It includes a logo of the governor out for a jog and is designed as a sort of “truth squad” for all things Blagojevich.

· Topinka’s inspector general defends himself.


The Stroger beat

Monday, Jun 12, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

The Daily Herald claims another showdown is looming.

As Cook County Board President John Stroger’s health remains a mystery after a second hospital stay this week, county leaders say it is clear his long stroke recovery warrants the installation of a temporary replacement.

Cook County Commissioner Bobbie Steele, a Chicago Democrat close to Stroger, says she plans to make a show of force at a Monday news conference, flanked by Chicago politicians, to bolster her bid to fill the power vacuum.

Meanwhile, Commissioner Larry Suffredin, an Evanston Democrat, is drafting new board rules that would allow Stroger to authorize an acting president but allow him to retain his salary, benefits and status as president.

The measure would be a much-tamer rule than those that would either force Stroger to step down or call for a hearing into his health status, proposals that have met strong resistance on the county board.

“This will give President Stroger total control,” Suffredin said. “I’m hopeful this would be a compromise.”

The last time a showdown loomed, Stroger’s allies shot it down. We’ll see how this one goes.

Meanwhile, the Tribune publishes a piece entitled, “Eagerness to succeed Stroger risky”



Monday, Jun 12, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

Take a look at this profile of Republican attorney general candidate Stu Umholtz and tell me if you notice anything missing.

Don’t worry. I’ll wait. Take your time.

Did you catch it? Not a single criticism of his Democratic opponent Lisa Madigan.

He talks about applying the Open Meetings Act to the General Assembly.

He criticizes Rod Blagojevich.

He mentions the pension raids.

He talks about the lottery sale.

And he closes with this never-before uttered line:

“I believe if the folks in Illinois want to see change in how the people’s business is being conducted, then my candidacy will be seen as the best opportunity for change,” he said.

Not a word about Lisa.

I’m starting to wonder if the Speaker had something to do with Stu’s candidacy.


Morning shorts

Monday, Jun 12, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

· Um, Dan? It’s June 12th, dude. Isn’t it time to get your website online? (Hat tip: Larry)

· Steinberg reminds us that the governor’s Hate Crimes Commission problem hasn’t gone away.

· Chambers: Health-care providers wait months for the state to pay them for serving poor folks. At least when they finally get paid, they’re supposed to get a bonus for the wait. They would if the state obeyed the law.

· Constable: “If you wonder why Vice President Dick Cheney’s approval ratings dipped below 20 percent — making him less than half as popular as gay marriage — his visit to a suburban fundraiser this week provided clues.” Cheney snubbed Sen. Geo-Karis. As you can see, the columnist is not pleased.

· Take the money and leave

· Crain’s: As the Metra board prepares to choose its first new chairman in more than 20 years, two contenders have surfaced as potential replacements for Jeffrey Ladd, who has dominated the commuter rail agency since its inception.

· Governor says new ethanol research center would be waste of money

· What he said.

· Immigration Compared To Civil Rights Movement

· I forgot to post this last week: The United Republican Fund announced Wednesday that State Senator Steve Rauschenberger (R-Elgin) was elected Chairman of its Board of Directors.

· 7th Circuit Ballot Access Hearing “Goes Well”

· One of the scarier ledes I’ve seen in a while: When Exelon upped power output by nearly 18 percent at its Quad Cities plant in 2002, key components began shaking so badly that vibration monitors were thrown from their mounts and insulation fell from steam lines.

· Quote of the day: “I wear a lot of dark suits. We keep a roller with the sticky tape in the van so I don’t look like a hairy beast,” Topinka said.

· Runner-up: “I certainly don’t think it’s a coincidence that the first known consumer advocate ever appointed to the [Illinois Commerce] commission became the first commissioner ever rejected by the Senate.”

· Maybe we should just invade and be done with it.


* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* The Republican Party's problem in the suburbs summed up by one article
* Caption contest! (Updated x3)
* Millions of Illinois election records were exposed by contractor’s unsecured databases
* Energy Storage Now!
* Today's quotable
* Open thread
* Isabel’s morning briefing
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition and the fundraiser list
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