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Friday, Jun 9, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

Talk at you Monday. Head to Illinoize for your weekend blogging enjoyment.

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Friday music blogging… The Townsmen

Friday, Jun 9, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

Most of us have had the experience of immediately “connecting” with a song at one time or another. It’s an inexplicable feeling, totally unexpected, a sudden knowing that somehow this song fits with our lives, or at least with our mood at that very moment.

And so it was for me several weeks ago, kicking back in the “great room” at my house, relaxing on a weekend afternoon, listening to the radio and the wind on the lake, thinking about how summer was just around the corner and contemplating the inherent goodness of life.

Then a song came on the local community radio station that just stopped me in my tracks. It was an indy tune, with loud, slow slide guitar, sweet harmony and mellow lyrics about… summertime. It seemed to me at that moment the perfect summer song and I knew it would be a song that I had to have and play over and over again. The DJ eventually announced the name of the band, The Townsmen, and the album name, Dim as a Glimmer.

I dragged out the laptop and a few Google clicks later I had found the band’s website. They did have a couple of songs to download, but the song I had heard on the radio wasn’t there. After searching in vain for a way to buy and download the CD online, I sent the band an e-mail and they shipped me their two latest CDs, Dim as a Glimmer and Townsmen: II. I discovered during my search that the two albums were recorded at the same time, but were issued separately.

As one reviewer wrote, you may have heard these chords before, but their music is delivered with “honest sentiment that doesn’t re-invent the wheel, but improves upon it.”

After a few e-mail exchanges, I was able to persuade the band to post the song I fell in love with so that you could listen to it today. So, kick back in your chair, pour yourself a lemonade or other beverage and crank up the sound all the way. Ready? Allright, here’s Spend Another Night.

While you’re listening to Spend Another Night, you might want to read through one of the very few reviews of the CD that I’ve been able to find.

This is a record that could only be made by a group rooted firmly in the history of rock and pop. Sure, a lot of bands live and breathe rock and pop, but it’s the rare band indeed that can revel in their understanding of the musical past and draw upon it at will without pointing fingers to an obvious source.

And the Townsmen, made up of four longtime friends who have played together in different area bands for years, make that past, both musical and personal, work for them in ways that can escape many a band. Guitarists and lead singers David Holm and Jeff Clowdus, bassist Ed Mann and drummer Brad Swiniarski have a musical understanding, - the near mythical “swing” sought after by all musicians, if you will - that propels Dim as a Glimmer along and adds to its near perfection as a pop record.

I couldn’t agree more. They definitely got that swing.

I also found a video of one of their tunes, Oakland Park, recorded live at Workbook Studios. Workbook is putting together a regular TV show, featuring three bands at a time and The Townsmen were on the first show. You can find the video and a short interview here. (If that page doesn’t load, the file’s direct link is posted in the comments section). The Townsmen are the last of the three featured artists, so it’s around 10 minutes or so into the program.

The Townsmen posted another song on their site at my request. “Hello Waitress” is a rollicking punkish tune that I’m sure gets the heads banging and the beers spilling every time they play it. I gotta see these guys.

And that brings us to the bad news. The Townsmen are based in Columbus, Ohio. I was convinced when I heard them the first time that they must be from Chicago, but apparently Columbus has a thriving indy music scene. I wish I had known that when my parents were stationed there several years ago.

Anyone up for a road trip? I’m serious about this. The band’s schedule will supposedly be updated on their site this weekend, so check it here. Let’s do it. I’ll buy the first two rounds, at least.

In the meantime, you can now purchase both Dim as a Glimmer and Townsmen: II online right here. At ten bucks each you can’t go wrong. Send ‘em some love.

If we go we’ll never know what secrets might reside inside tonight

· Spend Another Night
· Hello Waitress
· Oakland Park video
· Purchase CDs here.


Politicians and the insurance business

Friday, Jun 9, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

I was just on WBEZ talking about Mayor Nick Blase’s surprising arrest and the attraction of the insurance business for Cook County politicians. We only had five minutes, but here are some things I pulled up on my computer that I could only touch on during the spot.

· 24th Ward Alderman Ben Lewis was “manacled to his chair and shot in the head three times” in 1963 - likely because of a fight over who had the right to peddle insurance to businesses in the Douglas Park ward.

· Just about every ward and township organization in Chicago and Cook County had its own insurance business at one time. When George Dunne took over as 42nd Ward Democratic Committeeman in 1961, he automatically inherited the right to sell insurance in the Loop ward. That insurance agency was Near North Insurance, which collapsed a few years ago after Mickey Segal was busted.

· Congressman Frank Annunzio was once a partner in the notorious 1st Ward’s insurance business.

Ah, Illinois. Don’t you just love this place?


Question of the day

Friday, Jun 9, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

My Sun-Times column this week is about Bill Brady’s demand that Lisa Madigan release the results of her 18-month investigation of the Blagojevich administration within the next 90 days.

Richard Nixon once said, “The people have to know whether their president is a crook. Well, I am not a crook.” Actually, he was. But that’s not the point. The point is he was right that we needed to know whether he was a crook. And right now, before Election Day, we should at least have some indication one way or another of whether our governor is a crook or if these allegations that regularly explode across the front pages of the state’s newspapers are some sort of bizarre, politically motivated dead ends.

A new statewide poll by the Glengariff Group found that 43 percent of Illinoisans believe Blagojevich’s administration is either just as corrupt or more corrupt than George Ryan’s crew, while only 41 percent think there is less corruption now. That’s quite something, considering that many of Ryan’s pals are either behind bars or are, like Ryan himself, on their way to prison, while nobody from Blagojevich’s inner circle has even been indicted yet.

I fully understand that it’s impossible and even unreasonable to impose an arbitrary deadline on a criminal investigation. Frankly, I’m not sure what the answer is here. But I do know that those poll results mean the corruption question will take center stage in the fall campaign.

This issue is far too important to leave to the people who will produce the negative TV ads. The public needs some real direction about what and whom to believe, and Lisa Madigan is in the best position to provide it.

Do you think AG Madigan has an obligation to tell the citizens of this state what’s going on in the governor’s office before election day?


Oy, Part 346,936

Friday, Jun 9, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

More reform and renewal.

The former head of the state Gaming Board has filed a federal lawsuit against Gov. Rod Blagojevich, claiming he and his aides retaliated against her when she refused to carry out orders she considered illegal. […]

The lawsuit accuses the Blagojevich administration of docking Tamayo’s pay and taking away her job duties when she questioned the hiring of the Gaming Board’s legislative liaison and when she refused to break state law and turn over confidential documents relating to casino profits. […]

Tamayo’s suit alleges that Blagojevich’s office hired Linda Freveletti, a sister-in-law of former state Democratic Party chief Gary LaPaille, as the Gaming Board’s legislative liaison in 2005 without the board’s authorization.

When Tamayo expressed concern that Freveletti never reported to her and was a “ghost employee,” her suit alleges that Hamer transferred oversight of Freveletti’s time records to his office.

Tamayo’s suit also says she was warned of “dire personal consequences” if she didn’t release secret casino profit information to the Blagojevich administration as it was looking to add slot machines at casinos.

We haven’t done this in a while and I’ve lost count again, so let’s use this thread to list the number of federal, state and local investigations of the Blagojevich administration.



Friday, Jun 9, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

Topinka rules out tollway sale, but won’t rule out tax hikes.

Republican Judy Baar Topinka said Thursday she will not lease the tollway system if elected governor, but instead raised the potential for higher taxes if the state needs money.

“I’m not going to say it will be popular,” Topinka said of the tax increase option without elaborating on her state budgeting ideas.

Unlike her Democratic rival Gov. Rod Blagojevich, the three-term state treasurer has refused to take an election-year vow not to raise taxes. On Thursday she repeated that such tax increases would be a last resort for her administration.

At the same time, Topinka blistered Blagojevich’s interest in other money-raising proposals, namely the idea of selling or leasing off the state lottery or tollway system to get billions of dollars for state spending.

“It is irresponsible,” Topinka said of the Democratic-led idea of leasing the 274-mile system to a private company for more than $15 billion. “What is going to be next? Lincoln’s Tomb?”

Topinka and some suburban lawmakers view the prospective tollway deal as a raid on the suburbs to bail out Chicago and downstate.

She really needs to come up with something that she’s for.


The rest of the story

Friday, Jun 9, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

UPDATE: Grand Old Partisan has an interesting take at Illinoize.

First, let’s go to the usual he-said, she-said from the AP:

Gov. Rod Blagojevich said Thursday that Illinois added more jobs - 23,100 - in April than any other state in the nation, but his opponent in the fall gubernatorial election questioned the numbers, charging the governor has released misleading figures before.

According to a statement issued by Blagojevich, state and federal figures show that April was the first month since January 1995 in which Illinois led the nation in monthly job growth and bring to 43,600 the number of new jobs in the state in the past three months. […]

But state Treasurer Judy Baar Topinka, the GOP nominee for governor, questioned the figures. Earlier this year, Illinois Auditor General William Holland contended that a count of jobs by the administration’s Commerce Department was filled with errors, missing information and had questionable definitions of what to count as a job as well as figures contradicted by other documents.

Said Topinka: “This particular administration just has a problem with numbers.”

But there’s nothing in the story to indicate which side is telling the truth. For any discussion of that we have to go to blogger Greg Blankenship of the Illinois Policy Institute:

I have to say though, the Governor’s numbers are consistent with the Bureau of Labor Statistic’s April numbers on regional and state employment (.pdf). Illinois did create 23,100 jobs in April. For the Topinka campaign to question these numbers is misguided. These aren’t Gov. Blagojevich’s numbers, they are the Federal Government’s.

Still, Blankenship continues…

The Illinois’ economy has only improved .8% on the job’s front since a year ago April and unemployment in Illinois is still over 5% at 5.1%. Nationally, the unemployment rate is hovering at 4.7%. 8 states enjoyed higher growth statistically — many more with 1% growth or more — than Illinois including Iowa which added a full percantage point.

And blogger Dan Curry adds this to the mix:

Rod Blagojevich’s Illinois is 45th in the nation creating jobs since he took office in 2003. Today, he bragged about having one month where he created more raw jobs than [any] state in the country. That’s not a big accomplishment because Illinois is the sixth largest state in the country and statistically it ought to lead the nation occasionally in monthly raw statistics.

Overall, it’s like a baseball team bragging after a three-run inning that it scored more runs than anyone in that inning even though it is now behind 12-3.


Morning shorts

Friday, Jun 9, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

· What he said.

· Illinois Ballot Access Laws On Trial

· Friday Beer Blogging

· More people ought to ask for this: “The FBI has conducted more than 1,000 interviews during its investigation of Mayor Richard Daley’s administration, but Daley alone had a court reporter present to transcribe his statement to investigators, an FBI agent testified Thursday.”

· Radogno: State finances are ‘a mess’

· More on Mayor Blase’s arrest:

Federal agents Tuesday executed a search warrant at the insurance agency, based in Wheeling, and found a series of memos indicating at least 10 Niles business clients received various favors performed by Blase from the local government in return for their insurance business, the affidavit said.

One note mentioned helping a customer “in getting 4:00 a.m. liquor license,” adding “will give us the chance to get back the account.” A file marked with the customer’s name contained a copy of a business card of an FBI agent who interviewed the customer in 2003 about the mayor’s dealings, records show. Another note discussed problems one of the insurance company’s customers was having with the Niles Fire Department. The note said, “failed fire inspection,” adding “mayor had (illegible) intervene.”

· The Nation publishes a long, thoughtful piece about Obama, talks about his involvement with Duckworth but doesn’t print a word about Alexi. I thought Obama was proud of that one?


* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* The Republican Party's problem in the suburbs summed up by one article
* Caption contest! (Updated x3)
* Millions of Illinois election records were exposed by contractor’s unsecured databases
* Energy Storage Now!
* Today's quotable
* Open thread
* Isabel’s morning briefing
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition and the fundraiser list
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today's edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
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* Selected press releases (Live updates)
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