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This just in, Nick Blase arrested

Thursday, Jun 8, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller


Longtime Niles Mayor Nicholas B. Blase was arrested today on federal corruption charges for accepting kickbacks in a scheme that authorities alleged went back at least 17 years.

In a criminal complaint unsealed this morning, Blase—whose 78th birthday is today—was charged with one count of mail fraud for allegedly steering local businesses to buy insurance from Ralph Weiner & Associates, which kicked back bribes to the mayor.

Steven Weiner, president and co-owner of the Wheeling insurance agency, was also charged today with one count of mail fraud.

The U.S. attorney’s office has scheduled a press conference for 1 p.m. today. Blase, of Niles and Weiner, 53, of Northbrook are scheduled to appear in U.S. District Court at 2 p.m.

In interviews with the Tribune on Tuesday, Blase, mayor of the north suburb since 1961, denied wrongdoing and Weiner declined to comment.

The Tribune, citing an FBI sworn statement since sealed by court order, reported Wednesday that federal agents raided Weiner’s insurance agency on Tuesday as part of a probe into the alleged kickback scheme.

According to the charges, Blase used his position as mayor since at least 1989 to influence business owners in Niles to buy insurance through the Weiner agency.

In return, Weiner and the agency paid bribes and kickbacks to Blase by secretly funneling a percentage of the premiums and fees collected from clients who owned businesses in Niles.


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Thursday, Jun 8, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Question of the day

Thursday, Jun 8, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

Do you think we have too many gun laws, not enough, or just about right? Explain.


Another paper demands answers

Thursday, Jun 8, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

Yet another newspaper editorializes in favor of Sen. Bill Brady’s demand that Attorney General Lisa Madigan tell us what’s what before the November election. Earlier, it was the Pantagraph, today it’s the Herald & Review.

While the administration claims nothing is wrong, something is clearly amiss. The apparent practice since Blagojevich took office was for the governor’s staff to review and approve the hiring of state employees - often by name - for hundreds of routine jobs such as highway workers and plumbers. And when the investigations came to light, the practice stopped.

On its face, this is nothing more than old-fashioned political patronage. And there is no justification, legal or otherwise, for handing out nonpolitical, civil service jobs on a political basis.

Blagojevich repeatedly said before he took the oath of office that it would no longer be business as usual. Sad to say, little has changed in the culture of government, except the political party of the occupant of the governor’s office.

Press on, Sen. Brady.


Munoz gives national radio address, lays groundwork for congress bid

Thursday, Jun 8, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

Ald. Munoz prepares for the bigtime.

Ald. Ricardo Munoz (22nd) is mulling a 2008 run for Congress and caught a break when the Democratic National Committee gave him a national stage on Saturday, asking him to deliver the weekly Hispanic radio address.

Munoz is looking at the 4th Congressional District seat that will be vacated by Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.), who in December announced that he was thinking of running for mayor and would step down after one more term. […]

Munoz, 41, has been methodically laying the groundwork for the day when Gutierrez would step down. Munoz ran and won a seat as a state central committeeman, a political position that makes him part of the Democratic Party of Illinois. […]

Munoz has signed up a pollster, Global Strategies out of New York, and hired a fund-raiser, Scott Gales, who will start looking for federal money once the aldermanic election is out of the way.

Any thoughts?


Gay marriage update

Thursday, Jun 8, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

Buried under all the human interest stuff are these noteworthy aspects of an AP story:

Last month gay marriage opponents submitted 345,199 signatures to get the measure on Illinois ballots this fall. They need 283,111 valid signatures from registered Illinois voters to meet the state’s requirements.

That group, Protect Marriage Illinois, is monitoring the state’s verification process and raising money for any challenges to the petition.

“We want to ensure that the residents of Illinois aren’t disenfranchised because they forgot to put a middle initial in, or their ‘T’ looks a little different or their handwriting is shaky because they signed on a bus,” said David E. Smith, project director for Protect Marriage Illinois.

State Board of Elections officials already have thrown out about 10,000 of the signatures submitted. Many weren’t filed under the correct election jurisdiction, said Steve Sturm, legal counsel at the state board.

Election authorities in 110 jurisdictions are checking about 19 percent, or 64,519, of the remaining signatures, Sturm said.

The authorities will make sure the signers are registered to vote in their jurisdictions. Most will verify information of about 500 signers.

About 11 election authorities have reported back to the State Board of Elections so far, but state board officials wouldn’t say how many signatures were valid until all jurisdictions were finished.

Jurisdictions are supposed to report to the board by Tuesday, but most will be asking for extensions, Sturm said.

Rick Garcia, political director of the gay rights group Equality Illinois, said he doubts Protect Marriage Illinois will meet the state’s requirement.

“There is no way that they’re going to come up with that number because we’re finding so many invalid (signatures),” said Garcia, who’s group is spearheading the Fair Illinois Committee’s campaign.

Smith said he didn’t have any reason to be concerned about meeting the requirements.

I’ve seen bold predictions on both sides, but we’ll just have to wait and see if they make it.

I did hear several days ago that some gay activists were disappointed that they weren’t getting significant financial support from Gov. Blagojevich, but I haven’t checked back lately.


Morning shorts

Thursday, Jun 8, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

· “A former Illinois state park superintendent, who reportedly got a cash settlement after suing over alleged job discrimination, said Wednesday that the FBI has interviewed him about the hiring practices of Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s administration.”

· Pork by any name

· Editorial: County Board presidency remains the public’s business

· Sneed has a long, involved scenario on Stroger’s replacement

· Ryan lawyers make fresh request for hearing on jury room documents

· Evans puts finishing touches on nearly 24-year career in Congress

· Medicaid Mess

· Tillman to Daley: Let blacks, Hispanics vie for city clerk job

· Airport TV ad blitz takes aim at Blagojevich

· Editorial: Sell the tollway?

· Editorial: Bethany’s blues

· Giuliani kicks off fundraising efforts for McSweeney’s run

· Grain producer to build ethanol plant outside of Springfield

· Rutherford calls for technology upgrade


* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* The Republican Party's problem in the suburbs summed up by one article
* Caption contest! (Updated x3)
* Millions of Illinois election records were exposed by contractor’s unsecured databases
* Energy Storage Now!
* Today's quotable
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* Isabel’s morning briefing
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