Morning shorts
Wednesday, Jul 12, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller · Green Party to fight ballot challenges · Editorial: Green Party deserves crack at governor’s race · Editorial: Madigan wise to hand hiring probe to feds · ‘Historic’ school test results · Swanson avoids prison despite role in Ryan scandal · Retailers say Big Box wage illegal · “Stop arguing and start building roads, especially in Winnebago County. That’s the message of Rock River Valley business and political leaders who launched a petition drive Tuesday to put an advisory referendum on the Nov. 7 ballot. The measure urges Gov. Rod Blagojevich and legislators to pass a capital spending budget in the November session to build roads.” · “Illinois racing watchdogs may add another veterinarian at Arlington Park to keep a closer eye on the horses following a high number of on-track injuries this year, officials said Tuesday.” · Missouri wants private investors in bridge. Invading the state might be easier. · Grizzlies doing just fine without Major League affiliation · ComEd Tuesday announced a plan it says will ease the impact of higher electricity rates that could go into effect in January.
- TestMe - Wednesday, Jul 12, 06 @ 7:16 am:
Someone needs to look at last years test and this years test. I believe they are written differently. Significantly easier.
- Niles Township - Wednesday, Jul 12, 06 @ 10:42 am:
The Republican Jewish Coalition Illinois Chapter is having a big event with JBT in Skokie. Looks like Judy is making a big push to get these votes in light of the Rod’s hate crimes commission debacle.
- Rico Shakman aka Wumpus - Wednesday, Jul 12, 06 @ 12:15 pm:
Testme, you are not addressing the real issue of increased test scores! Who cares if the standards were lowered and the test is easier! Scores are better. They used to say that a current college degree is worth a HS diploma from years back. Now is a HS diploma worth a pre-school certificate? I really don’t see how making the test easier will prepare these kids for a life in the real world, let alone college. Bring on the reports that say these kids are unprepared for college and how the colleges need funding to do what high school should have done. More games from Rod
- Maroon - Wednesday, Jul 12, 06 @ 1:12 pm:
Agree with TestMe. An unfortunate consequence of the The No Child Left Behind Act is the dumbing down of state accountability exams to meet annual progress goals. That looks like the case here.
At the end of the day, the gold standard assessment is the fed’s NAEP exam. In some states, like North Carolina, the difference between the pass rates of a state exam vs. NAEP is large. Illinois has a gap as well, and I imagine that’s grown.
Skepticism on these results is necessary. I wouldn’t go popping champagne corks if I were Mayor Daley, Arne Duncan, etc.
- Squideshi - Wednesday, Jul 12, 06 @ 6:24 pm:
I agree with Cal Skinner. If the Democrats are going to try to prevent the voters from having the option of voting for Rich Whitney, perhaps we should start calling them the anti-democrats!