The Stroger beat goes on
Wednesday, Jul 12, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller · Todd Stroger wants to run Cook County, but he’s having trouble figuring out state campaign laws. Fox 32 has run some reports about how Stroger sent a fundraising letter to county employees from his aldermanic office. Stroger claimed his campaign fund paid for part of his aldermanic office and the phones, but the Better Government Association couldn’t find any record of that. Oops. Zorn has more, and you can find video links here. · Ald. Beavers, who’s been shepherding the deal to replace John Stroger on the ballot and on the Cook County Board has apparently ticked off some of his future colleagues. The 7th Ward alderman says he wants the 4th District commissioner’s job so he can do “less work.” · Meanwhile, Mark Brown writes that Congressman Jackson’s wife could throw Beavers a curve and run for alderman next year against his daughter. Beavers, as you already know, wants to appoint his daughter to his council seat when he moves to the county board.
- Snidely Whiplash - Wednesday, Jul 12, 06 @ 7:04 am:
Way to go, Jesse! Answer nepotism with your own brand of it! Daddy taught you well. Now, go sit back with little Danny Lipinski and continue your argument over who’s dad can beat up the other … or maybe it was who’s wife could beat up who’s daughter? Think the Mrs. could beat up Ann Burke? Or Lisa Madigan?
Man, is it even POSSIBLE anymore for someone to get elected to office without being related to someone already in??? Way to go, voters!
- Lovie's Leather - Wednesday, Jul 12, 06 @ 7:06 am:
What is it with politicians wanting their kids to take over for them? Hey, if you love your kids, make them work the same way you had to. Don’t make them spoiled!!! It’s called building character. Try it sometime, politicians!
- wndycty - Wednesday, Jul 12, 06 @ 7:33 am:
Snidely, there is a huge difference between appointing one’s daughter and having the wife of a US Rep. collect signatures, get on a ballot and win an election.
- Patrick C. Kansoer - Wednesday, Jul 12, 06 @ 7:43 am:
“Ald. Beavers, who’s been shepherding the deal to replace John Stroger on the ballot and on the Cook County Board has apparently ticked off some of his future colleagues.
The 7th Ward alderman says he wants the 4th District commissioner’s job so he can do “less work.â€
Maybe the problem is that the party who has held a 50 year majority on the board is just angry because Beavers slipped and let out a dirty little secret.
Even the “reform” commissioners (Claypool, Suffredin) with their Demo machine background and training treat the position as a minimal work annuity.The new Cook County Demo slogan should be an old idea from the late, great Mike Royko; “Ubi est Mia” (where’s mine?)
I think I’ll change my campaign slogan in my race against Mr. Suffredin and modify the one used by Kinky Friedman in Texas; “Elect Pat Kansoer to the job of Cook County Commissioner in the 13th. district…how hard can it be?”
- Pat Hickey - Wednesday, Jul 12, 06 @ 8:08 am:
“Ubi est Miaâ€
Mia est in NY cum Silvanni Allenis
- anon - Wednesday, Jul 12, 06 @ 8:21 am:
Snidley, what would rather have… a beavers appointment or a jackson win? Give me the jackson win anyday over more years of the same. By the way, there’s a bunch of elected officials Jackson has helped get into office. None related.
- Rico Shakman aka Wumpus - Wednesday, Jul 12, 06 @ 8:50 am:
anon, they have taken an oath to Jackson…kinda like blood brothers.
And what trouble is Todd having with the campaign laws? Using one office for multiple purposes/races, that soulnds ike business as usual in Chicago.
- Bondi Girl - Wednesday, Jul 12, 06 @ 10:54 am:
I hope regular voters in Cook County crash the little coronation party next week and let Beavers know that they think he is a poltical tool/hack/ suck up, and current board members continue to bash him in the press…he has no right to expect cooperation from the current board…he’s taking the job because it’s less work than being an alderman? Says who? When the County is facing a massive debt?…Too bad his brain resides within the realm of his ever expanding ego…someone stick a pin in it PLEASE…
- Levois - Wednesday, Jul 12, 06 @ 11:04 am:
Haha, this’ll reverse right into the face of Ald. Beavers. Perhaps Todd Stroger will get about the same treatment. lol
- Sammy Esposito - Wednesday, Jul 12, 06 @ 12:05 pm:
Interesting Brown column about Jesse Jr.’s wife running for alderman. The Jackson forces should really be able to exploit the nepotism issue… er…wait…nevermind.
Seriously, Sandi Jackson is actually a pretty impressive woman, but I don’t think she could find the corner of 79th and Yates without a street map. She’s a Beltway gal, and for that reason, I don’t think she’ll run. There’s nothing glamorous about being a Chicago alderman, particularly to a person who has never spent more than a handful of weekends a year actually living in Chicago.
Seriously, Jesse wife
- strongvoiceclearchoice - Wednesday, Jul 12, 06 @ 12:54 pm:
Nicely played. Suffredin and Claypool are clearly EXACTLY like Beavers and Stroger. That is a very credible and well reasoned comparison. I guess that you do need a new slogan since you have decided that “No Baloney” isn’t getting the job done. Saying that those two are treating the job like a “minimal work annuity” is simply not accurate or borne out by the facts. You are painting with an awfully broad brush, my friend.
- Niles Township - Wednesday, Jul 12, 06 @ 2:54 pm:
Doesn’t this just say it all: U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis wrote in his ruling on Whitney v. California (1927): “The greatest menace to freedom and justice is an inert people.” Maybe some day we will all wake up and revolt against this type of behavior. Anyone for sending tea bags to the county board?
- Marta Elena - Wednesday, Jul 12, 06 @ 4:53 pm:
79th & Yates - Good luck!!!!!! - Traffic is backed up so bad on Stoney Island Drive due to the Dan Ryan expressway reconstruction.
However, Congressman Jackson does have a district office near 71st and Yates.
I also would prefer a Jackson win over a Beavers appointment, Lipinsky appointment and any other family appointment.
- Prez of the FTPC - Wednesday, Jul 12, 06 @ 5:38 pm:
A Jackson win? Ugh.
Listen, of the 10’s of thousands of people that could possibly run for 7th Ward Alderman, Little Jesse “Glamour Shots” Jackson, Jr. (big shout to his gastric surgeon!) comes up with his wife?
HIS WIFE?!?!!?
And we are supposed to take his rhetoric seriously.
Know the difference between the Jacksons and Bill Beavers? Beavers has yet to lie. He said he had the votes and he appears to have them. He said he believes in patronage…and he does. He said he intends to get at the little fake reformers on the Board…and I believe him.
What is UNBELIEVEABLE is a dude who is where he is because of Daddy Jackson, has what he has because of the family name and, finally, now wants to interject Wifey Jackson, Jr. into the fray to make a statement.
Well, two things are for sure. Beavers is loved in his ward…and Wifey will lose.
I hope she does run. And I hope Beavers rains down all his rhetorical thuggery upon her.
NOTE: Go to his website to see his little glamour shots. Hilarious. Will someone please beat this guy back into private life?
- Silas - the assassin opus dei monk - Wednesday, Jul 12, 06 @ 11:20 pm:
Nepotism at its best. Blacks immediately turn it into a race issue and quite frankly im sick of hearing that point of view. Bottom line there are 2 issues at hand. 1. Todd is unqualified for the job period. Beavers is doing the talking for him, how pathetic. 2. The voters of cook county are getting the shaft. I don’t this is racism but it is defending the democratic principle period. So black people stop using the race card, it is sickening! I voted for Claypool and would do so again if i could but that right is being taken away by the pathetic committeemen. We might as well be called Cubans!
- Anon - Thursday, Jul 13, 06 @ 2:47 am:
beavers is loved by his ward? more like tolerated. just look at the push back he is getting from his stroger arrangement from just about eveyone. you don’t think that will translate over to the daughter. out the gate, beavers daughters negatives will be higher then mrs. jackson’s
- Former House D Staffer - Thursday, Jul 13, 06 @ 9:51 am:
Todd Stroger is clearly Mr. Nice Guy. As a member of the House he was known and “legislator lite”, even by members of the Black caucus.
When Beavers came to Springfield heading the city aldermanic delegation he was a real embarrasment to the Mayor and the city.
Beavers is one of the most arrogant and divisive politians I have ever encountered. The voters should put a muzzle on this crack pot.
- Anon - Thursday, Jul 13, 06 @ 9:57 am:
If Stroger is appointed to run as President (without a vote) and Beavers to represent the 4th district seat the Cook County Board has one more commissioner than it currently has. What will this cost the taxpayers? About $500,000 a year is support costs, offices, staff, etc. Does anyone know
- pengie - Friday, Oct 27, 06 @ 9:29 pm:
Bill Beavers days are numbered. The citizens of the 7th ward deserve much better than the beaver is offering. He has had ample time to get it right,but, did’nt. Now he wants us to give his kid a turn. I dont think so. Mrs.Jackson appears to be just what this ward needs,cultured,smart,family based,and desiring a change for us all in 7. I will do all that I can to help stop the mess that Beavers has created.