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Gubernatorial crime fighter strikes again

Friday, Jul 14, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

I have to give a speech in a few minutes, so you’ll just have to chew on this one post until I get back around 10 or so this morning.

The governor once again demonstrated his overriding concern for rooting out corruption in his administration yesterday.

Gov. Rod Blagojevich says new claims of political hiring and firing by his office are “absurd,” even though they come from one of his former agency directors. […]

“I have a one-word answer for you: absurd. Here’s another word: ridiculous, ludicrous,” he said after an appearance in Chicago.

Asked if that meant the claims were false, Blagojevich again called them “ridiculous” but refused to answer further questions.

The governor’s staff also demonstrated that they won’t tolerate corruption anywhere and immediately jumped to the defense of the whistleblower.

Late in the afternoon, administration officials attacked Crossland’s case.

“Since Gov. Blagojevich took office, the agency has terminated only three employees, and all three were not terminated for political reasons,” said Dave Blanchette, a Historic Preservation Agency spokesman.

“Here it is, two years after he left the agency, and we’re hearing these accusations for the first time,” Blagojevich spokeswoman Abby Ottenhoff said. “It just makes you wonder.”

The governor’s campaign also helpfully pointed out that the whistleblower had given $200 to Judy Baar Topinka’s campaign.


  1. - from my cold dead hands - Friday, Jul 14, 06 @ 7:49 am:

    Anyone notice how Sam Flood seems to be the common denominator in stories like this one?

  2. - Eye4anEye - Friday, Jul 14, 06 @ 7:50 am:

    Of course, nothing is Rod’s fault. I can’t vote for either of these two mopes.

  3. - Leroy - Friday, Jul 14, 06 @ 7:53 am:

    Wow…a politician acting like a politician.

    What do you expect out of elected leaders? For them to act like Nobel Prize winning laureates?

  4. - bored now - Friday, Jul 14, 06 @ 7:55 am:

    The governor’s campaign also helpfully pointed out that the whistleblower had given $200 to Judy Baar Topinka’s campaign.

    hmmmm, i wonder if he’s inferring there’s a quid pro quo for *his* contributors…

  5. - Shelbyville - Friday, Jul 14, 06 @ 8:12 am:

    How did the governor’s campaign know how much was donated to Topinka, so quickly? Can they pull that off of the top of their head for just anyone? Who cares about $200.00, anyway?

    What I care about is people showing up in a director’s office with red x’s drawn through people names that they thought might be Republican. I hope someone has a graphic of that.

  6. - Dr. Yan - Friday, Jul 14, 06 @ 8:21 am:

    How did all these people get a job before Hot Rod got there? They were politically connected. Now thier connection is gone, and their getting run out of what they percieve to be thier position. Didn’t any of the Repubs ever learn: live by the sword, die by the sword; or to the victor go the spoils? Or did all of that change? The guv ain’t without his problems but doesn’t he deserve to have his own posse?

  7. - basic ISBE info - Friday, Jul 14, 06 @ 8:23 am:

    The money he gave Topinka was after he left. He also gave Bomke $50. What a horrible evil guy. I’d probably work against the guy who canned me too

  8. - DOWNSTATE - Friday, Jul 14, 06 @ 8:33 am:

    DRIP DRIP DRIP this is just more for JBT to use to balance the scales and now we are hearing there is more to come from other places.After this hit do you think this guy was treated to a lunch or late breakfast by the feds?Maybe it’s true one of his appointees gave a speech and said if re-elected Blago would get rid of rest of the Republicans.I think we need to elect a mature person who cares more about jobs and work related health benefits than welfare and getting even.

  9. - Anonymous - Friday, Jul 14, 06 @ 8:50 am:

    wow, a whole $200, big pay to play guy there.

  10. - Timbuktu - Friday, Jul 14, 06 @ 9:02 am:

    Blagojevich spokeswoman Abby Ottenhoff better get her facts straight the pending lawsuits and investigations are at least three years old or better. Abby what you going to do when your boss goes to jail ?

  11. - Anon - Friday, Jul 14, 06 @ 9:13 am:

    Crossland was a political patronage hire, and the other people let go were also patronage hires. We’re talking about people from the Springfield GOP organization and George Ryan’s niece for example. Patronage hires whining about patronage hiring is truly the most absurd thing ever.

    This is backfiring on Topinka in a big way. This looks a lot like a desperate effort to misuse the legal system for political purposes. Let’s stay tuned.

  12. - Shelbyville - Friday, Jul 14, 06 @ 9:19 am:

    It just doesn’t matter when they were hired or their politics. The people Blago tried to fire are protected by law.

  13. - SouthernILRepub - Friday, Jul 14, 06 @ 9:22 am:


    Awesome article for today’s Sun Times. Nice work! Political puffery at its finest…..

  14. - Randall Sherman, Secretary/Treasurer, Illinois Committee for Honest Government - Friday, Jul 14, 06 @ 9:23 am:

    Hey Governor, if your intent with you statement was to make everyone laugh non-stop until the Statute of Limitations runs out on all the stuff you and your cohorts may have pulled, you have another guess coming!

    Secretary/Treasurer, Illinois Committee for Honest Government

  15. - Timbuktu - Friday, Jul 14, 06 @ 9:24 am:

    Maybe you could shed some light on this subject ?
    Why does there even exist a state law allowing the veil of secrecy in certain corruption investigations? Who are we protecting?

  16. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Jul 14, 06 @ 9:28 am:

    Timbuktu — Abby Ottenhoff didn’t create these scandal stories, so let’s not get distracted from the heart of the issue. Abby is just the messenger, and unlike some of the other messengers in this administration, Abby can deliver her message without belittling or berating reporters, or lying to them. Her statement was also 100% factual: “We’re hearing these allegations for the first time.”

    One of my all-time favorite quotes in politics came in 1995, when James Carville appeared before the Washington Book Club. Clinton was beating a rapid retreat to the middle ground after Congressional Democrats had their hats handed to them in the midterm elections, and reporters were peppering Carville with all kinds of questions about Clinton abandoning liberal policies with his tail between his legs. After responding to this question and that, and then having them all rephrased in every-which way, Carville finally interrupted and forcefully said: “Look: you’re awl tryin’ to get me to badmouth the President, an I’m not gonna do it. He’s myyyy President.” Case closed.

    You may not like the guy Ottenhoff’s defending, but just like our criminal justice system, our political system depends on people like Abby Ottenhoff who are willing to step into the breach and defend their client. Abby’s earned atleast a couple Purple Hearts and a Bronze Star, and when she decides to leave the Blagojevich administration, alot of smart folks will be asking for her resume.

  17. - Logical - Friday, Jul 14, 06 @ 9:30 am:

    It would be great if this State (any government) could elect individuals that cared for their constituents more than themselves and/or their friends. I realize there would need to be some upper management changes so as to have everyone on the same team, but beyond that the process should be concerned with the taxpayer. If an employee is only drawing a paycheck and nothing more, then follow the same precedures the rest of us follow. With the proper documentation there would not be these sorts of accusations three years later (although he probably has a case over his firing).

  18. - VanillaMan - Friday, Jul 14, 06 @ 9:31 am:

    Blagojevich is under serious investigation by Fitzgerald. While these individual stories look like nothing to his supporters, they add up to the case which will be unveiled later.

    Each little story is like another drop of water. Supporters will be supporters and deny the big picture. They will demand that we scoff at each lawsuit and each news article.

    It is up to the rest of us to ignor these bloggers and lackeys. His supporters will continue to find excuses for each embarrassment, shout insults at Topinka, and sign their comments as “anonymous”.

  19. - I dont know about this... - Friday, Jul 14, 06 @ 9:40 am:

    The fact that he gave any money at all to Topinka discredits him to me and makes this seem a political attack - especially the timing. Mark my words, I bet Topinka has promised this guy his old Directorship back if she wins.

    Plus, he is represented by the same lawyer who is representing the 20 or so employees that Ryan tried to re-appoint 30 days before he left office that then sued the state when they got fired! The governor won that case.

    I for one am getting sick of hearing political hacks whine about getting let go. Thats all this is.

  20. - Jaded - Friday, Jul 14, 06 @ 9:42 am:

    Does anyone who has ever dealt with the administration doubt the truth of this story?! If Crossland had said that he received several vague phone calls suggesting he fire a bunch of Republicans, I would call BS, but showing up with a list full of names with red lines drawn through them…that is exactly how these guys operate.

    Also is Rod now taking his speech lessons from the Mayor “I have a one word answer: absurd. Here’s another word: ridiculous, ludicrous. Ludicrous. It’s just ridiculous.” I know he got a C in constitutional law, but by the way he counts words and balances budgets, I guess he flunked math!

    I know Crossland, and he cared about one thing when he was director…running the agency. I also know for a fact the A-Rod made it a point to approach him and his staff at an event in 2003 to tell him how great of a job he was doing. I guess things can change in a year.

    I don’t have one problem with “to the victor go the spoils”, or “those who live by the sword die by the sword”, what I have a problem with is a lying, two faced politician who never keeps his word and will turn on anyone in a heartbeat if it is the politically popular thing to do. Mr. say one thing and do another has to go.

  21. - SilverBackDemocrat - Friday, Jul 14, 06 @ 9:54 am:

    What happened to all of Bill Clintion’s appointees’ to all of the Federal boards, agencies, commissions, etc. when George “dubya” became President? They got fired! Imagine that. That is what happens when a “new” administration takes over-they hire people that can be “trusted” to impliment their policies, who actually believe in them. Political hacks complaining about political hacks is in one word, “absurd.” I would like to point out one thing another commenter made, it is a fact that “most” state employee’s do go to work and do their job (albeit, they most likely had help through “networking” when they got their job if it was in the 80’s or 90’s). Nevertheless, they just want to do their job, and they do. They are not caught up in all the “upper-level” stuff. They are just good ole’ fashioned “line-staff.” Nothing wrong with that.

  22. - LeastWeForget - Friday, Jul 14, 06 @ 10:00 am:

    Keep in mind folks….Rutan…as in Rutan v. The Republican Party of Illinois

  23. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Jul 14, 06 @ 10:02 am:

    I find myself in the awkward position of agreeing with VanillaMan.

    The Blagojevich campaign realized in 2002 what a powerful message “Reform and Renewal” can be. If they’d spent as much energy actually reforming government as they have creating the illusion of reform and defending corruption, Illinois would be a model state.

    Fortunately for Blagojevich, 44% of Illinois voters call themselves Democrats and Topinka continues to ignore advice to refine her message (everything from cleaning up her appearance to cleaning up her language). Blagojevich is going to have to spend so much money defending himself from the mainstream media stories, I’d call the money even, and this race is definitely going down to the wire.

  24. - Anonymous - Friday, Jul 14, 06 @ 10:04 am:

    “to the victor goes the spoils” when out with Rutan and Shakman. For exempt positions, yes. For everyone else, no. Even if they originally got their jobs through politics. Period. That’s the law. U.S. Supreme Court has heard it, decided it, it’s over.

  25. - Little Egypt - Friday, Jul 14, 06 @ 10:13 am:

    Yello Dog, I am usually a huge supporter of you but I do not believe that “this is the first time we’ve heard these allegations” that came out of Abby Ottenhoff’s mouth. It is the first time they have read them publicly in print but I will never believe that the Blogo administration didn’t know this would come back and bite them in the hind end. And I won’t fire on you too hard for your analogy of the Purple Heart and Bronze Star because it was just that. But let’s save those comments for our folks in Iraq who are sweating it out in 125+ temperatures wearing an extra 30-40 pounds of body armor - my son being one of them. No offense taken at your comment - I know what you meant.

    Topinka doesn’t have to promise Crossland anything. If he wins his lawsuit, he will at least be restored to a position somewhat equal to what he was fired from. It just may not be the same exact position.

    And I would have donated more than $200 to Judy. Obviously the money Crossland HAD to pay Blogo didn’t get him anywhere. Carl Draper is a great attorney and by representing other State employees, is much more knowledgeable about how the system works and how you get the necessary information out of it. You go to the attorney with the experience and track record. I don’t fault Crossland for that. If you are having to pay big bucks for an attorney, you don’t want to pay for his learning curve.

    Governor Hairdo is going to defend his administration until Uncle Fitz has him so backed into a corner that Blogo has to shut up. I’m looking forward to that day.

  26. - chinman - Friday, Jul 14, 06 @ 10:18 am:

    Maynard’s story is true.

  27. - Timbuktu - Friday, Jul 14, 06 @ 10:27 am:

    - Yellow Dog Democrat
    It’s wonderful that Ms.Ottenhoff and Mr. Carville would take and have taken a bullet(s) for their bosses regardless of the consequences.
    Bottom line, all politics aside, do you believe our Governor and his administration are telling the truth, aren’t trying to mislead the public or have not tried to hide evidence ?

  28. - SilverBackDemocrat - Friday, Jul 14, 06 @ 10:30 am:

    Don’t ever hear Republican’s bad mouth Bush and his “cronies” for “outing” Valerie Plame’s (a career civil servant) “CIA” identity. Talk about hypocrisy, and double-speak, look in the mirror. Mrs. Plame is not a disgruntled ex-employee, her life and family’s life could be in jeopardy because of what occured to her. The opposite is the case in Illinois-disgruntled ex-state employee’s crying foul because their services are not required because…. It does not matter when you work at the will of the Governor, especially if you consistently bad mouth the policies, views, and direction taken. I think it could be called “insubordination” and even “insolent attitude.” Have a great day!

  29. - Bubs - Friday, Jul 14, 06 @ 10:30 am:

    It’s disturbing.

    He’s corrupt. He’s a liar. He’s a fraud on “reform.” I agree on all three. But he’s also up 11 points in the last poll.

    Welcome to Illinois! We deserve to be cheated, and defrauded, and lied to, because we keep electing these crooks.

    “The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars but in ourselves.”

    – Julius Caesar” (Act 1, Scene 2)

  30. - Ethical & Electable & GREEN - Friday, Jul 14, 06 @ 10:36 am:

    Wow, maybe Rod should check out what his very expensive lawyers are doing on his behalf with the ridiculous petition challenges. With all the money he paid for that lawyer (Bill Clinton’s lawyer, really - check it out)
    you’d think he’d have been smarter than to challenge a voting registrar’s signature, the gov candidate, SIU’s chancellor and the list goes on in a comical, nonsense way - Is it humor or corruption or just politics as ususual, Illinois style….
    LET’S ALL VOTE GREEN. Illinois can have a corruption-free state house, it’s possible

  31. - Mr. Ethics - Friday, Jul 14, 06 @ 10:45 am:

    The State must be financially doing great with all our taxpayer money spent on lawyers to defend this administration.

  32. - DOWNSATE - Friday, Jul 14, 06 @ 10:49 am:

    For starters Valerie’s husband put it in the Who’s Who book and made sure everyone at the coctail parties in Washington knew.She was a desk clerk not under cover so she was never in any danger.The scandals on Blago are getting so bad that some of his people will come up with anything to cover him.

  33. - Ashur Odishoo - Friday, Jul 14, 06 @ 10:55 am:

    The Blago campaign can push as much puffery and blatant lies out the door all they want, but at least the US Attorney won’t be fooled.

    It is sad that the public has to endure this nonsense until karma kicks in. Imagine what the national press would do to him.

    How is it possible to have 9 corruption investigations at once. I don’t think many politicians could even be this corrupt if they actually tried.

    Ashur Odishoo
    State Representative 11th District

  34. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jul 14, 06 @ 10:56 am:

    ENOUGH with the Plame stuff, please. If you want to talk about that, kindly go to a national blog. Thanks.


  35. - Little Egypt - Friday, Jul 14, 06 @ 10:59 am:

    Bubs, I don’t believe ANY poll, for or against Blogo, for or against JBT.

  36. - Hard Working Taxpayer - Friday, Jul 14, 06 @ 11:20 am:

    So am I to understand that since Mr. Crossland gave $200 to Topinka’s campaign, that Ms. Ottenhoff has to wonder his motives? Does she mean that if someone donates to a campaign, that they will lie and make up accusations against the other party? Hmmmm, I guess that then would apply to anyone donating to Blago’s campaign also.

    Also, I guess she is giving all state employees the green light to contact the Inspector General regarding any wrongdoing they see - in fact, she says it is their obligation - so folks, call up the Inspector General, I am sure you will not have to worry about the future of your employment with the State as this is your duty….

    One of the things I am most frustrated with is that Blago supporters constantly say the Republican’s have been doing this for years….I have no problems with political appointments in exempt positions, however, those protected by Rutan are to be exempt from hiring and firing for political reasons….AND our Governor was the one riding in on the white horse accusing the Republican’s of their deporable behavior and how he was going to change things, and now we find he is as bad or worse….That should be what bothers people, he is a liar and treated state worker’s as criminals because they worked for an administration led by a corrupt Governor….Well, these are his employees now, and they are dealing with the same problem….I cannot respect anyone, no matter what political party that lives in a glass house and throws stones….Democrats should be concerned that his man is representing their party….

    Okay, that’s it.

  37. - Bill - Friday, Jul 14, 06 @ 11:23 am:

    vanilla man
    If anyone should be ignored it is you with your pathetic broken record whining about federal investigations. Do you have a source somwewhere in Fitz’s office who tells you how “serious” these so-called investigations are or are you just lying, as usual?
    Maybe you could get your source to tell you how much Tristano ratted out Judy and Lee.
    It is pretty sad that your only hope of victory is some mythical indictment that will never happen. Sit back, relax and get ready to enjoy 4 more years of Rod.

  38. - Truthful James - Friday, Jul 14, 06 @ 11:24 am:

    The remainder of the Shakespeare quote needs to have been included

    “The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars but in ourselves….THAT WE ARE UNDERLINGS”

    – Julius Caesar” (Act 1, Scene 2)

    Cassius was trying to inveigle Brutus into the plot to assassinate Julius Caesar. It worked.

    The political system in Illinois creates underlings of us all. For small beer paid for by the taxpayers we find ourselves loyal subjects to the Leaders. That, and a tree cut down on our property by the Dept. of Forestry and we are happy to ignore the featherbedding and corruption. We may make noise on blogs but that is just about the limit.

  39. - Ridiculous! - Friday, Jul 14, 06 @ 11:44 am:


    “Abby’s earned atleast a couple Purple Hearts and a Bronze Star, and when she decides to leave the Blagojevich administration, alot of smart folks will be asking for her resume.”

    What, Enron is hiring again?

  40. - Anon. - Friday, Jul 14, 06 @ 12:13 pm:

    There are many more whistleblowers who reported corruption and have been retaliated against within many state agencies. Some can’t talk because of the confidentiality of the investigation with the Inspector General’s Office.

  41. - just watching - Friday, Jul 14, 06 @ 12:16 pm:

    Bill, my my, getting a little personal here huh, Maybe Vanilla’s source was the letter from fitz to lisa that talks about the SEVERAL CREDIBLE WITNESSES or maybe it just all those sun-times and trib reporters I guess there sources are just a bunch of political hacks too. If you think these “so called” investigations aren’t serious your kidding yourself.

    it’s pretty sad when your only hope of victory is to spend tens of millions of dollars of pay to play money bashing your opponent for several months hoping to get her negatives as high yours are. Rod can’t break out of the mid 40’s and Judy hasn’t spent a dime yet. I wouldn’t bet the farm on your 4 more for rod theory

  42. - Ridiculous! - Friday, Jul 14, 06 @ 12:36 pm:

    Bill and Reddbyrd are this blog’s version of Statler & Waldorf.

    Meanwhile, the Blagojevich adminsitration keeps rolling downhill like a snowball, gathering more and more scandals and proof of malfeasance. How much more must we stand before something is done? What’s involved in starting a recall anyhow?

  43. - Anonymous - Friday, Jul 14, 06 @ 12:37 pm:

    “This is backfiring on Topinka in a big way.”

    If so, the exhaust soot is all over Blah-Blah, et al. What a horribly inane comment. Wow.

    And the rest of you B-B sycophants, quit trying to change the subject. It isn’t working.

  44. - Bill - Friday, Jul 14, 06 @ 1:05 pm:

    Judy hasn’t spent a dime because she doesn’t have one. The governor was never mentioned in Fitz’s letter to Lisa. Several credible witnesses to what? Maybe the attempted sabatoge of the governor’s administration by repub holdovers hiding behind their Rutan protection?
    Whatever! This guy is obviously a disgruntled repub former employee with an axe to grind. Just the type of employee the Edgar,Ryan, Cellini, KJ, Phillip, Tristano, Daniels, Topinka combine handed out jobs to for decades.
    Just keep waiting for the indictments. It is your only hope.

  45. - One Man Can Make A Difference - Friday, Jul 14, 06 @ 1:41 pm:

    Business as usual, business as usual! This is not the first lawsuit pending that includes aids to the Governor.

    There are more whistlblowers out there than you can imagine. They only generally surface when they are personally messed with; fired, demoted, suspended.

    However, with all of the alleged improprieties of the Governor’s Office and government officials unveiling themselves, you’ll see more and more people come forward and blow the whistle on what they know.

    In defense of whistleblowers, TRUST ME THEY SUFFER and it aint an easy job!

    So when you read about a government whistleblower, think about the courage, strength of character and all of the ememies that he or she may have created as a result of exerting their firstamendment right to petition the govenment for a redress of grievance by exposing wrongdoing for the betterment of the company or in this case government. It takes a lot of self motivation and determination to blow the whistle. Whistleblowers don’t know what they are getting into when they blow the whistle. They don’t know how long the “fight” is going to be. Some have to endure for a year, some longer than ten years.

    To sacrifice yourself and livelihood to expose corruption in government should not only be applauded by the government but the whistleblower should also be protected by the government without having to file a lawsuit.

    The government has whistleblower protections. It’s just a matter of getting them to enforce them.

    Question: Can anyone name a government whistleblower that obtained whistleblower protections from the government?

  46. - Anon - Friday, Jul 14, 06 @ 1:59 pm:

    Some of the people involved sound like do-nothing hacks who should have stopped sucking from the public teat a long time ago. There is no “protection” for someone not doing a good job, or doing a job that’s not needed.

    This whole thing smells like a scam being run in a desperate attempt to prop-up Topinka. The lawyer on this case is going to have a lot of questions to answer.

  47. - One Man Can Make A Difference - Friday, Jul 14, 06 @ 2:09 pm:

    - Anon - Friday, Jul 14, 06 @ 1:59 pm:

    “The lawyer on this case is going to have a lot of questions to answer”.

    I disagree! I have read the complaint as it is attached to the State Journal Register’s website and it appears to have simple allegations with only a need for minimal support. After all, the feds are already investigation the important aspects of the allegations in the complaint. What’s left to prove is that the Governor’s office gave him the instructions, he refused to do as ordered due to his ethical since that it wasn’t right and his termination was a direct result for informing government officials and or petitioning the government for a redress of grievances.

    Now you read the complaint, if you at all understand the law and know the questions that you think the attorney will have to answer.

    In addition, if the allegations in the complaint are true and they fall in conjunction with the feds investigation, shouldn’t the federal government administer whistleblower protections?

  48. - bored now - Friday, Jul 14, 06 @ 2:16 pm:

    July 14, 2006
    Poll Update: Illinois

    A new poll out today from Garin/Hart/Yang (D) conducted for IL Gov. Rod Blagojevich (D) gives the incumbent a double-digit lead over challenger Judy Baar Topinka. 604 likely voters were surveyed; the margin of error is +/- 4.1 percnt. 22 percent of the electorate remains undecided.

    22% seems high for a partisan poll (they probably didn’t push people to choose), but the fact that this confirms a double-digit difference between the guv’nor and the lady indicates his strategy of defining judy early has been sound…

  49. - YDD - Friday, Jul 14, 06 @ 2:31 pm:

    A new poll out today from Garin/Hart/Yang (D) conducted for IL Gov. Rod Blagojevich (D) gives the incumbent what he pays for.

  50. - DOWNSTATE - Friday, Jul 14, 06 @ 2:47 pm:

    Did you really think a poll paid for by the governor is going to tell him he’s a loser.I just took a poll for myself and I am the greatest guy in the world.Please don’t ask my neigbors for thier opinion.The poll on Nov.7 will be the real one and it might have surprises for both parties.

  51. - Truthful James - Friday, Jul 14, 06 @ 2:51 pm:

    bored now and YDD –

    22% undecided — those must have been the the writers in this Blog and Tom Roeser’s Republican conservatives who are on the fence waiting fior Judy B to invite them in. The great glob of undecided makes the “double digit (numbers unspecified)” difference almost worthless.

    I read the Crossland complaint and was shocked by its straight ahead terseness. Ought to be quickly decided and does not yet involve the Governor.

  52. - bored now - Friday, Jul 14, 06 @ 3:47 pm:

    actually, tj, 22% undecided is fairly normal for a statewide candidate 6 months out in a non-presidential year. you see, tons of voters don’t even pay attention (even if they are polled), and there will be a significant number of voters who won’t decide until the last moment.

    what this should tell you is that blagojevich is not as divisive a candidate as many people (gop’ers) here assume. if he was, then you would expect to see abrb voters in significant numbers, and the poll numbers i’ve seen suggest that this is just a normal democratic-republican divide. *you* may despise the guv intensely, but that intensity is not shared by most voters (something that our issues canvassing confirms).

    personally, i just don’t get the impression that illinois voters really care about corruption charges for underlings. if blagojevich is indicted before the election, i think you’ll see movement away from him. but short of that, i see nothing (yet) that gives judy hope for victory…

  53. - B Hicks - Friday, Jul 14, 06 @ 3:50 pm:

    When was it; late 2003 when the feds subpoenaed personnel records as part of an investigation into whether state workers in the Treasurers Office were misused for political purposes? Was this case ever officially closed?

    Didn’t Mike Tristano recently get sentenced to prison for the exact same thing?

    I hear that Tristano stated earlier this week that he is cooperating with the G on a number of ongoing investigations. Hmmm, one must wonder.

    Maybe there are a few indictments on their way.

  54. - Little Egypt - Friday, Jul 14, 06 @ 3:58 pm:

    YDD - NOW I agree perfectly with you.

    Bill - to exile you must return. It’s just a hunch but I think you’re a democrat.

  55. - values matter - Friday, Jul 14, 06 @ 4:50 pm:

    GOPers have been doing this kind of hiring stuff for the past 26 years in Springfield, prior to Blagojevich. They just did it better — more quietly, more efficiently, without internal folks yakking to the press. They are massive hypocrites to be screaming bloody murder about this issue now, when it was their party that perfected this whole hiring process. Amazing.

  56. - Anon. - Friday, Jul 14, 06 @ 5:12 pm:

    One Man Can Make a Difference - 1:41 The government has whistleblower protections. It’s just a matter of getting them to enforce them.

    I couldn’t of said it better. Great post.

    After seeing what happens to employees who report questionable activity, why would anyone want to report corruption? Hmmmm! Do I report this fraudulent billing activity and get fired or transfered, or do I just keep it to myself and go home - with a paycheck every two weeks?

  57. - Budget Watcher - Friday, Jul 14, 06 @ 6:05 pm:

    I personally witnessed some serious unethical behavior in this administration in the months prior to leaving state employment, a decision that was entirely my own. I too contemplated blowing the whistle, but chose instead to quietly move on to another professional opportunity because I knew that I’d be labeled as a disgruntled employee with politically motivations who was trying to undermine the Governor. In other words, I knew that I’d be the one who had to defend himself. It was a battle I didn’t want to fight.

  58. - I’m disappointed – not appointed - Friday, Jul 14, 06 @ 6:22 pm:

    I believe Maynard Crossland. At IDOT there have been several people who were outright fired or force to resign and their only fault was being republican. I personally knew of three professional engineers, who were good at their jobs, got great yearly evaluations and were hard workers. One had been employed at IDOT for over 30 years, another one close to 20 years (I don’t know how long the third had been employed – but it was over 10 years). I found out after the fact that the three were active in the republican community, (i.e. participating in fund raising).

  59. - Anonymous - Friday, Jul 14, 06 @ 7:51 pm:

    Values 4:50 -

    The laws have changed dramtically in the last 25 years. Since the last democrat governor was in office well before that, just exactly who did the repubs screw? You don’t have a clue, you’re just childishly bloviating.

    The massive hypocite is you.

  60. - Walking Wounded - Friday, Jul 14, 06 @ 7:53 pm:

    OMCMAD, Yes, I can name two whistleblowers who received some protection from the government: Tammy Raynor and Tony Berlin. Both brought information to the Feds, which eventually resulted in bringing down George Ryan. They both still hold positions in the Secretary of State’s Office. All the Blago apologists’ postings reminds me of George’s cronies, who mocked the issue there was corruption in the Secretary of State’s office.
    This is a different day for all Democrat and Republican Politicians. Saying “it’s been done for 27 years and they got away with it” is not a viable excuse. Indictments will come up the food chain and I expect ARod will be named.
    I wish this State could come up with a halfway clean elected official just once.

  61. - values matter - Monday, Jul 17, 06 @ 2:34 pm:

    Republicans did this for the past 25 years. They did it quietly and without press. They moved in partisan Republicans in every state agency and did it much more quietly and effectively than the Democrats.

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