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Release the records, Governor

Friday, Jul 21, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

Attorney General Lisa Madigan ought to force the governor’s office to release all of this information.

Gov. Blagojevich’s administration has been hit with new subpoenas in a federal probe of its hiring practices but is concealing them from its own department heads and voters as election season heats up.

After the new subpoenas began arriving in late June, the governor’s top lawyer, William Quinlan, sent internal memos asking agency chiefs and other top officials for lists of all human resources employees and computer equipment they used. He also ordered them to preserve a wide range of computer backup devices that “must not be deleted, overwritten, destroyed or modified in any manner.” […]

…Attorney General Lisa Madigan’s office has repeatedly indicated subpoenas should be treated as public records, accessible in many cases through the Freedom of Information Act. Subpoenas can be kept secret, however, if law enforcement officials request it.

I wrote a column about this topic a few weeks ago, but without the Lisa Madigan stuff. So, let me say this now:

Lisa, it’s time to step in to this mess and let the public know what’s going on!


  1. - Team Sleep - Friday, Jul 21, 06 @ 11:18 am:

    I agree. I know Mike Madigan is Blago’s co-campaign chair, and I know the Dems want to show a united front, but these are legal issues…not campaign and political ones. What happens if Patrick Fitzgerald’s office decides to target Lisa Madigan’s operations? He could reason that Lisa’s failure to release info and act on her investigations are hurting the state and leading to voter manipulation. And if anyone thinks that Lisa moving out of the way in Fitz’s investigation would be reason enough for Fitz to ignore this issue, remember that Fitz had the stones to indict Scooter Libby and could just as easily have indicted more Bush Administration officials. Also, keep in mind that Fitz could work with the other U.S. Attorneys in Illinois to pressure Lisa into releasing info. There are so many angles to this story that it’s starting to shape up like a Tom Clancy novel.

  2. - Left Leaner - Friday, Jul 21, 06 @ 11:23 am:

    So, let me see if I understand this right. Unless law enforcement has requested that these subpoenas remain private, it would only take one person to request these records under the FOIA.

    Any takers?

  3. - Cook Dem - Friday, Jul 21, 06 @ 11:24 am:

    How about we just let investigators decide when to release info instead of reporters?

  4. - HANKSTER - Friday, Jul 21, 06 @ 11:30 am:

    Fitzgerald loves power. Instead of finding a crime and going after who is at fault, he goes after people and then tries to find a crime. He is a disgrace as a prosecutor. About the only good thing one could say about him is that he seems to enjoy going after everyone equally.

  5. - T$ - Friday, Jul 21, 06 @ 11:31 am:

    “Fitz had the stones to indict Scooter Libby”, give me a break. Stones would have been indicting Rove not throwing Scooter Libby under the bus in the name of bi-partisianship.

  6. - T$ - Friday, Jul 21, 06 @ 11:32 am:

    I agree with you Hankster except for the last part. He doesn’t go after people equally, otherwise, Karl Rove, Cheney, et al would be on their way to jail.

  7. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jul 21, 06 @ 11:34 am:

    OK, people, let’s try to keep this on state politics, shall we?

  8. - DOWNSTATE - Friday, Jul 21, 06 @ 11:43 am:

    I will ask again.Why is Blago and his top people tryind to hide this subpoenas from his agencies heads.

  9. - Shelbyville - Friday, Jul 21, 06 @ 11:46 am:

    Maybe Maynard will request them. He’s the only one with any gumption, so far.

  10. - BigBog - Friday, Jul 21, 06 @ 11:58 am:

    Why are news outlets not in court over this issue? Seems like an easy win. What am I missing?

  11. - Timbuktu - Friday, Jul 21, 06 @ 12:03 pm:

    Blago and his top people trying to buy precious time to find a way out or figure out who they are going to sacrifice.
    Lisa, Rod isn’t worth it !
    What would Rod do if the situations were reversed?
    Answer: He’d be the first in line to throw dirt on your coffin.

  12. - scoot - Friday, Jul 21, 06 @ 12:10 pm:

    I agree with updating the voters on this. I believe that several lawmakers should demand this as well. If Lisa wants her office in the limelight, nows the time to shine.

  13. - blue - Friday, Jul 21, 06 @ 12:11 pm:

    Won’t even suggest that the subpoenas do or don’t have merit. Just that they can have an enormous influence on an election. Holding them helped George Ryan and releasing them will hurt Blagojevich. Frankly while not satisfied with my options, it seems to me that we have to go along with whatever the powers that be work out and we just have to remember that people (or administrations) are innocent until proved guilty. My sour grapes meter jumps toward red everytime I think about republican investigators that kept quiet and helped a Republican governor and now seems willing to be “more open” for us little people when there’s a Democrat governor.

    I keep hearing all this “Fitz is Wonderful” stuff but frankly haven’t seen any reason to believe he’s anything more than just another partisan politician. (What’s he done, 4 years investigating the Plame affair and Rove’s as safe as he’s ever been? Don’t know if it’s a rat, but it has the smell of a small furry rodent)

  14. - Anyone but Rod - Friday, Jul 21, 06 @ 12:41 pm:

    It’s a sorry state we live in. I do believe certain democrats will vote for this guy even when he’s under indictment. You guys are pitiful. Blagojevich and Daley are counting on your ignorance. I know you won’t disappoint.

  15. - Bubs - Friday, Jul 21, 06 @ 12:55 pm:

    These subpoenas are not the only thing Blago wants to hide. There appears to be a VERY concerted effort underway.

    There are plaintiffs in federal court in Chicago seeking to demonstrate misconduct by the Blagojevich Administration, the shredding of key records, and violation of federal consent decrees. The Governor’s office is pressing to “seal the record” (i.e., put the entire case behind a curtain) in these cases.

    I hear the press and the Cook GOP are prepared to oppose these blatant attempts to keep matters from the voters.

  16. - Big Mike - Friday, Jul 21, 06 @ 12:57 pm:

    Anyone but Rod - I know you republicans think you know everything but it is about time you and other ignorant people stop pretending like the Governor is going to be indicted. I guess when you have a candidate who still has not plan for Illinois you have to come up with lies to help her win.

  17. - Anon. - Friday, Jul 21, 06 @ 12:58 pm:

    Hiding this information from the public just “ain’t” right. Voters have a right to know.

  18. - Anon. - Friday, Jul 21, 06 @ 1:08 pm:

    Big Mike - have you forgotten that the Goobernur has been labeled “Public Official A?” No one assumes this label unless there is evidence of wrong doing.

  19. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jul 21, 06 @ 1:25 pm:

    Several have asked, so I checked with the governor’s office. FOIAs have been filed.

  20. - OneMan - Friday, Jul 21, 06 @ 1:28 pm:

    They have a week to respond to an FOIA right, then if they say no you have to go to court if I recall.

    Why do I suspect this will end up in court.

  21. - Anyone but Rod - Friday, Jul 21, 06 @ 1:31 pm:

    Big Mike - You can take it to the bank. This guy is headed toward indictment. Name calling is not going to stop that train.

  22. - Big Mike - Friday, Jul 21, 06 @ 1:36 pm:

    Anon - Since you know so much about the inter workings of the U.S. Attorney’s Office, tell us what actual evidence they have that is going to bring charges against the Governor. The fact you or anyone else outside of Fitz’s office knows so for anyone to state as fact someone is going to be indicted is wrong and shows what a weak candidate the republican really is.

  23. - Timbuktu - Friday, Jul 21, 06 @ 1:37 pm:

    Why hasn’t Dick Mel, Mayor Daley, Mike & Lisa Madigan, Emil Jones, Barack Obama, Jessie White, Dan Hynes, etc. come out and publicly defend Governor Blagojevich and his administration of all the allegations swirling around?

  24. - Big Mike - Friday, Jul 21, 06 @ 1:39 pm:

    Anyone but Rod - The only thing I am taking to the bank is a reelection in Novemeber. You can count on that one and none of your arrogant scare tactics are going to work.

  25. - Justice - Friday, Jul 21, 06 @ 1:41 pm:

    Like was said before, “the wheels on the bus go thump, thump, thump!!” I can name six who will look swell in orange jump suits, four guys and two gals!! He’ll throw them under so fast they won’t have time to finish their song of “nearer my Rod to thee.” Justice served cold is served best!!

  26. - BigBob - Friday, Jul 21, 06 @ 1:43 pm:

    Timbuktu 1:37 Dick Mel, Mayor Daley, Mike & Lisa Madigan, Emil Jones, Barack Obama, Jessie White, Dan Hynes, etc are not stupid.

  27. - BigBob - Friday, Jul 21, 06 @ 1:46 pm:

    Justice 1:41. Who are they and what specifically has each done? Easy to say I can name six, but not do it. Time to show your cards.

  28. - Timbuktu - Friday, Jul 21, 06 @ 1:50 pm:

    BigBob 1:43pm - Guess their message is pretty clear then.

  29. - DOWNSTATE - Friday, Jul 21, 06 @ 1:51 pm:

    I said it about the Preacher Man who was going to run for govrnor that he would not run.Now I predict Blago will be INDICTED.As far as Lisa she would not indorse Blago for re-election uummmm she must know more than she is telling.

  30. - Anyone but Rod - Friday, Jul 21, 06 @ 1:56 pm:

    Big Mike - Sorry if I scared you, that was not my intent. Only stating the facts.

  31. - Big Mike - Friday, Jul 21, 06 @ 1:58 pm:

    Anyone but Rod - if you stated facts and stopped pretending your desires were facts I would have no problems.

  32. - El Conquistador - Friday, Jul 21, 06 @ 2:00 pm:

    Without regard for the election or its outcome, I think it’s important to keep in mind that the Governor’s administration is in deep, deep legal trouble. There will undoubtedly be indictments, numerous job discharges due to misconduct, numerous job forfeitures due to improper hiring, restitution payed by wrong-doers to the state, and prison sentences for some. I guess we’ll see whether the Gov gets indicted or only his entire Office staff. When either or both happen the effect will be the same. It’s over.

    Forget the election. The indictments are going to happen. Whether it’s this year or next, it will be unavoidable and ugly. And this only reflects the hiring scandals. Don’t forget the enumerable contract/pay-to-play illegalities.

    It is time for people to remove the partisan blinders and consider what kind of future they think they are supporting.

  33. - Justice - Friday, Jul 21, 06 @ 2:11 pm:

    Big Bob, I named three the other day and my post was denied. Take it as the truth, I can name six and they are guilty of circumventing Rutan, Veterans Preference, putting family members in over more qualified candidates, intimidation, and threatening other’s jobs if they didn’t do as told. They were under investigation by the Inspector general and are now under investigation by the Feds. They will soon be puking up their shorts and turning on each other as the bus rounds the corner, all for stepping on good, gracious, hardworking citizens. The hammer will come down hard and square on the rod. It is we who permit this crap to go on. It is we who stand by and watch our fellow worker be intimidated, threatened, and bullied while remaining silent. We allow this to happen. Well no more Mr. Nice guy. Be it republican or democrat, this crap ends because we say it ends. Stay tuned!!

  34. - BigBob - Friday, Jul 21, 06 @ 2:13 pm:

    This republican vs democrat chit-chat arguing who will win the election is good fun, but it misses serious issues. Regardless of who wins, Blago’s refusal to release legally public information to the public is a serious problem.

    The names of job applicants. The existence of subpoenas. Contract and bid information. And other examples weaken the accountability of government. Even if Blago is doing nothing wrong, as he says, it is a serious problem that we, the public, should not allow his refusals to stand.

    As individuals, most of us don’t have to means to fight this fight. However, major news outlets and the Attorney General’s Office does. They need to aggressively take these issues on and protect the public interest. Then, us simple minded citizens can decide for ourselves whether we think Blago is lying or the hero he says he is.

  35. - Big Mike - Friday, Jul 21, 06 @ 2:18 pm:

    Big Bob….they all seem to know all the inter workings of the U.S. Attorneys Office and know who will be indicted before even a Grand Jury knows! Its amazing how smart these guys are.

  36. - chinman - Friday, Jul 21, 06 @ 2:18 pm:

    Rich said it a couple weeks ago, it’s a new world with a new sheriff. I didn’t think it would change so quickly but it has. So for all the r’s who got away with it all those years, congadulations, to you poor suckers involved in this mess now, so sorry. Patronage has changed and you are not adapting.

  37. - DOWNSTATE - Friday, Jul 21, 06 @ 2:46 pm:

    Is it true that Dawn D. that was fired was wearing a wire before she got canned and she made copies of everything she done or saw done?

  38. - steve schnorf - Friday, Jul 21, 06 @ 2:55 pm:


    I think you just said it well. It may not be fair, we may not even agree with the direction patronage is being taken, but people still need to adapt (and quickly) or some relatively innocent folks are going to have big trouble.

  39. - Former Ryan Guy - Friday, Jul 21, 06 @ 2:57 pm:

    The only people that really know when, where, who, and why indictments are coming down, are those in the US Attorney’s Office, but make no mistake, they are coming. The US Attorney’s Office would not be spending this much time, money and energy if they didn’t have some end game, and their end game is not some mid level bureaucrat. They want another trophy for their wall.

    Also let me tell you that when you receive that subpeona, it pretty much makes you want to puke. These guys can and will make your life miserable if they want to, so there will be an awfull lot of people willing to talk to save their own skin.

    George Ryan had people turning on him that knew him for the better part of 30 years. Most of the people in this administration have only known Blago for a few years, so they will probably never lose a nights sleep over throwing him under the bus.

    I am not saying Blagojevich will be indicted, but what I am saying is that these guys don’t stop unless they lose (ie. MSI) or until they nail their ultimate target (ie. George Ryan).

  40. - Timbuktu - Friday, Jul 21, 06 @ 3:02 pm:

    Maybe we all just misunderstood Governor Blagojevich’s campaign promise to end business-as-usual. He just meant he and his administration were going to take it to new heights.

  41. - Anyone but Rod - Friday, Jul 21, 06 @ 3:07 pm:

    People have very short memories. Rod Blagojevich would not have been elected if not for disgusted Republican voters. Many Republicans voted for Rod believing he would clean up Illinois Government. We were not the enemy. Most people love this state and truly wanted change. It really is heartbreaking to see what absolute power does to a person. But he’s a big boy that went into politics with his eyes wide open. He did the crime, now he’ll do the time.

  42. - Reddbyrd - Friday, Jul 21, 06 @ 3:48 pm:

    All hands please remember that Judy Bore is asking Illinois voters to make Brickhead the Executioner a statewide official. That is a lot to ask.
    Even Fitzgerald cannot overcome that request.

  43. - scoot - Friday, Jul 21, 06 @ 4:00 pm:

    A bi-partisan combo of State Senators Bill Brady and Jack Franks lead the way to getting this info to the public.

    Have a good weekend–38th annual sheffield garden walk…good times

  44. - Larry McKeon - Friday, Jul 21, 06 @ 4:35 pm:

    I don’t know the answer. Will the legal eagles help educate me.

    If the subpoenas were served on the Gov’s office would the AG even have copies of them or know what is contained in them?

  45. - Anonymous - Friday, Jul 21, 06 @ 4:46 pm:

    If they were issued regarding acts done in official capacity, procedure would dictate that as the state’s lawyer, the AG would be quickly apprised. If this wasn’t done, it raises other questions.

  46. - Anonymous - Friday, Jul 21, 06 @ 4:48 pm:

    and the previous posters are right about upcoming indictments in the near future, but they won’t be related to this particular investigation.

  47. - BigBob - Friday, Jul 21, 06 @ 5:08 pm:

    Well Anonymous 4:48, what particular investigations will they be related to?

  48. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jul 21, 06 @ 5:33 pm:

    OK, let’s stop that right now. Thankyou.

  49. - Concerned Voter - Friday, Jul 21, 06 @ 11:00 pm:

    I had the exact same thought as you, Former Ryan Guy - Friday, Jul 21, 06 @ 2:57 pm:

    “George Ryan had people turning on him that knew him for the better part of 30 years. Most of the people in this administration have only known Blago for a few years, so they will probably never lose a nights sleep over throwing him under the bus.”

    After reading about some of the alledged hiring practices under Blago, contracts being awarded to friends and contributors, I guess it’s not business as usual in the guvs office, where it used to say republican on the nameplate, they replaced it with democrat.

    Seriously, if there are any indictments, I hope they come out before the election.

    For those defending Blago right now, innocent until proven guilty is true, but don’t drink too much of the Blago cool-aid, many Ryan defenders also said that before his trial too, and look what happened.

  50. - Anonymous - Saturday, Jul 22, 06 @ 6:47 am:

    Hey, I’m a Dem too .. but law breaking is law breaking .. Its as shameful when a Democrat does it as when a Republican does. Ryan was brought down .. so then does Blagojevich deserve to go .. and this from someone who dreamed of the Democrats gaining power. Take it from this downstate Dem .. whats been happening is disgraceful.

  51. - This brother says - Monday, Jul 24, 06 @ 5:02 am:

    both parties do the same illegal things when it comes to jobs and contracs WAKE Up! we liv in Illinois.

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