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Maybe Thompson will become a Republican again

Tuesday, Aug 1, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

[Bumped to the top and updated twice thrice below.]

The fundraising totals are covered in another post. This “mystery debt” to Winston & Strawn needs its own space.

…the Democratic incumbent has headaches of his own, specifically a whopping $687,839 in legal fees that his spokeswoman declined to detail beyond saying that the “vast majority” goes toward “making sure we do everything right.” […]

But Blagojevich is facing other problems. He reported paying $151,816 to Winston & Strawn and owed the law firm run by former GOP Gov. Jim Thompson another $536,022. […]

Blagojevich spokeswoman Sheila Nix declined to say how much, if any, of the Winston & Strawn fees involved the investigations, saying “it’s a whole bunch of things,” including various lawsuits and “double-checking and triple-checking” fund-raising to ensure all laws are followed.

Excuse me, but that’s complete bull. Winston & Strawn charges a lot of money, but you don’t run up $722,000 in bills since December of 2005 just for “double-checking and triple-checking” fund-raising.

Turns out, the campaign had a different story for the Tribune.

A campaign spokeswoman said the debt represented charges the campaign is questioning, but she declined to say if any of the law firm’s work was related to state and federal investigations into hiring, contracting and fundraising in the administration. […]

Blagojevich campaign spokeswoman Sheila Nix declined to discuss the specific work Winston & Strawn did. Instead, she said the firm was retained to examine a variety of “systems,” including questions regarding fundraising. Still, she said, the campaign was contesting more than half a million dollars in fees the law firm billed and reported it as a debt.

Like I said in today’s Capitol Fax, a dispute over a few thousand dollars is one thing, but I cannot believe that there’s a disagreement over half million dollars in charges.

UPDATE: The plot thickens. The governor’s campaign originally reported a $687,839.59 debt to Winston & Strawn, then revised the report 14 minutes later to a $536,022 debt.

UPDATE 2: Topinka press release:

…State Treasurer Judy Baar Topinka and running mate Joe Birkett, the DuPage County State’s Attorney said Blagojevich owes the people of Illinois a straight answer about the nature of the legal bills and scope of the state and federal investigations his administration is engulfed in. […]

In addition, Topinka and Birkett also demanded that Blagojevich give an accounting on how much money state government under his watch has spent in legal fees since he took office defending against the corruption charges from federal and state subpoenas.

In the seven months from December 2005 through June this year, Blagojevich’s campaign has incurred legal fees of $722,000, a rate of nearly $1.5 million per year…

I think it’s reasonable to know how much the state has spent to defend the governor and his top staff. This story deserves much more play than it’s getting. The governor’s campaign spent a fortune on legal bills and he won’t say what it was for. It’s time for a little truth.

UPDATE 3: AP finally has a story up.

Spokeswoman Sheila Nix says the legal work includes compliance with election law, defending the campaign against nuisance lawsuits and reviewing state hiring procedures.

But Nix won’t say whether it also covers criminal matters related to a federal investigation.

All reasonable explanations, except that last part. They can’t have it both ways. You can’t explain what some of the expenses are for, but refuse to say what the rest is for.

Also, the reason for the discrepancy in Update 1 could be a simple math error on the part of the campaign. That’s the way it was described and it seems rational.


  1. - the stykes - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 6:35 am:

    Nothing new. As I’ve said here many, many times ! What do you expect ??? ….but just more of the same from this guy & his tribe!

  2. - Jack Blades - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 6:55 am:

    When is someone who truly has testicular virility gonna call Blago’s bunch out in the press and demand they fess up, face facts and stop the bull-sugar?

    Are we, the people, that happy to be blind and ignorant by choice that we don’t really want to see justice because it would require actually doing something about it rather than simply complaining all the time?

    If the governor has nothing to hide, why is he obviously hiding so much? Somebody should grow some tezzies and hungrily go after this administration.

    Sadly, it almost seems like when Blago bought all that media time/space for campaigning, perhaps a chunk of that went to ensuring the media look the other way.

    If I were still in the business, I’d be knocking doors asking questions of everyone I could. If they gave me info, I’d report it; if they didn’t, I’d report that. If they BS-ed me and tried to shove manure down my throat, I’d report that.

    And you can bet, I’d cross-check every claim a hundred ways and report any discrepancy. Where’s your hunger today, journalists? Where???

  3. - Early riser - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 6:58 am:

    Blago’s campaign filed three reports, and the first two don’t include the debts. They say they are debts, but the link doesn’t work. You’d have to wait for the second amendment to see who the fund says they owe money to, and even then, you have to wade through a bunch of small fry stuff, that’s all been paid off, to get to the W’s on the second page and find the Winston charge. Were they trying to hide it?

  4. - Anon - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 7:25 am:

    That’s not true. The first report listed the debt at $687K. Then the final amended report knocked the debt down to $536K.

  5. - Al Pachino. - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 7:45 am:

    I’m out of order!?!?! YOU’re out of order!!!

    This whole administration is out of order!!!

  6. - TomD - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 8:52 am:

    At some point, someone will tell the Governor that he does not want a reputation as a deadbeat on legal bills. For example, he might consider nurturing a good relationship with law firms that have a substantial criminal defense practice.

  7. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 8:53 am:

    Off by half mil? Thats close by Blagojevichian standards.

  8. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 9:26 am:

    TomD, I think he already has a relationship with a criminal practice lawfirm.

  9. - Chinaman - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 9:27 am:

    If I were Blago I wouldn’t have much faith in this law firm. They don’t seem to have helped the Ryan Group. But when you’re guilty you’re guilty. So keep that in mind Rod. Your best bet would be to hire an excellent jury consultant. Perhaps the women that did the O.J. case will be available. You could probably find enough fools for a jury that will believe that slick spin. But if the glove fits, it fits.

  10. - Truthful James - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 9:59 am:

    Well, perhaps the former republican and former Governor Jim Thompson will offer up Dan Webb as pro bono again. They have made a ton’o'money off the State

  11. - one of the 35 - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 11:05 am:

    Remember that these are only the Winston & Strawn debts payed by the campaign fund, and does not include the rather substantial amounts previously payed by CMS and other executive agencies for legal services related to employment disputes which the governor initiated his very first day in office. It would be interesting to add up Winston & Strawn’s total receipts from both sources.

  12. - Pat Hickey - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 11:06 am:

    Naught + Naught + Naught Garnny but dang do them critters add up when naughts line up behind them figgers!

  13. - a friend - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 11:33 am:

    more much ado about nothing. anyone who’s actually been on a campaign or has had to file d2s knows that if you have contested fees/bills of any kind, and they’re being disputed, you must file them as debt. also, I believe it’s already been reported in the press that blago was going to hire w&s to evaluate their own fundraising processes as well as contracting systems at the state to ensure things are being done by the book (or so they say). I think this story ran in the sjr. and as for anyone questioning 500k in legal fees…have you ever hired a law firm before or worked at one? for what the campaign says w&s is working on, the cost seems logical. s staff of lawyers, paralegals, and other resources cost a boatload of money. if I were at w&s and had a client with 15 million in the bank, I’d be nickle and diming them for every xerox copy too.

    what I also think will be just as intriguing is looking at which individuals and orgs gave money to both candidates (i haven’t had a chance to evaluate that yet). also, did anyone notice how many financial and banking related contributions topinka got? wow.

  14. - Chinaman - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 11:35 am:

    This story deserves the front page. The problem is everyone knows this whole state is corrupt. But that’s old news and nobody cares. Blago has succeeded is desensitizing the voters on sleaze. They’ve (Blago people) got it figured out. The people will put up with anything as long as there are more social programs. What have you done for me today. The people of Illinois get just what they want. Blago can keep spending money the state doesn’t have and put future generations in further debt. A prime example of this mentality is social security. Do not touch my social security, in fact give me more, throw in some free medicine. To hell with my grandchildren they can fend for themselves. I may be getting a little off track here, but my point is the Blago people have figured this out. It is very easy to buy votes. In Chicago we will sell our votes for an extra garbage can.
    Voters do not want to hear the truth.

  15. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 11:39 am:

    “a friend,” You don’t get $722,000 in legal bills in seven months to keep the T’s crossed and the I’s dotted. I don’t care how many campaigns you’ve been on, this isn’t the FEC we’re talking about.

  16. - a friend - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 12:06 pm:

    rich…it doesn’t sound like mere t’s and i’s being crossed, but what does it matter anyway? they filed what they’re supposed to file and neither they nor other campaigns are required to do anything more. is it a surprise to anyone that they have legal bills? besides, they’ve already acknowledged that they’s be hiring w&s in past news stories. again, so what?

  17. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 12:20 pm:

    It matters, “a friend” because they have put out two different stories and can’t account for either of them.

    They’re on a George Ryan pace here vis a vis their legal spending. I don’t see how reporters can ignore that.

  18. - Friend of a friend - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 12:25 pm:

    Rich, have you ever paid a bill from Winston & Strawn or any other huge law firm? Is it possible that the campaign actually got a deal? Now that might be a bigger story…

  19. - MagicDragon - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 12:43 pm:

    Off by $500k…he must have had Filan and OMB run the numbers.

  20. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 12:45 pm:

    Friend of a friend, I’ve been billed by one of the biggest firms in Chicago. I dout they got a deal if there’s any criminal stuff involved because of the bath W&S took on George Ryan.

  21. - (618) Democrat - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 12:47 pm:

    Topika says that the people of Illinois are owed a straight answer. The Governors Campaign gave an answer but not the answer that the Topinka campaign wanted, this is all about politics.

    There is no requirement by law that obligates a campaign to give their apponents information about their campaign spending other than what has already been filed.

    While we are asking for truthfulness from campaigns many of us are wondering if the hundreds of thousands of dollars that came into the Topinka campaign at the end of June was in response to the Bush fund raiser held in early July and had to be reported in the semi annual report?

    The Topinka campaign seems to be claiming that there is an additional 1.2 million from the July Bush fund raiser not yet reported.

  22. - a friend - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 12:53 pm:

    rich…I might agree with you most of the time, but not this time. first, this issue wasn’t given more than a line or two in each story. it’s more than likely that the reporters either didn’t work every point in or their editors cut something out.

  23. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 1:05 pm:

    “A friend,” go back and read those stories. There was more than a line or two. It was the off-lede in both chicago newspaper stories.

  24. - Chinaman - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 1:06 pm:

    You Blago people are so predictable. Just turn it around on Judy. The problem is Judy not the one under investigation. Judy’s not the one spending over a million a year trying to keep the feds at bay. Fitzgerald is going to kick down that door. Heeeeeeeere’s Pat.

  25. - Pat Hickey - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 1:18 pm:

    The is much in public life to be thankful for . . .

    A classical guitarist of some reknown recently lost one of his arms and went into a fit of depression.

    What could be worse? He thought of killing himself.

    And then one day, he saw a man with no arms at all - skipping down Western Ave for all it was worth.

    The one-armed guitarist caught up with the man and said to ‘Sir, you have changed my life - here am I ready to kill myself and I have one good arm. There are you with No arms at all - Skipping with Joy.’

    The armless man’s eyes recoiled in horror! Skipping with Joy? are you nuts? My Ass Itches! Now get out of my Way!’

  26. - Bubs - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 1:48 pm:

    He is under criminal investigation on multiple fronts.

    His press spokemen are regarded as compusive liars, and his administration can’t keep its stories straight.

    Now, his legal bills are staggering, wihtout explanation, and those are just the external, campaign billings. We haven’t even seen the cost to the Illinois taxpayer as he tries to save his corrupt neck.


    Answer: Everything.

  27. - Little Egypt - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 1:58 pm:

    Perhaps GoverNOT Hairdo is beginning to contest bills from W&S considering how unsuccessful this firm was with GRyan. Blogo will look for any excuse not to pay bills - either his or those incurred by the State. I do believe that these bills are for more than just making sure he is making the correct hiring choices.

  28. - Lovie's Leather - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 2:53 pm:

    It is one thing to be bad governor… and it is one thing to be corrupt. I would rather have a good governor that was corrupt than an idiot governor that was clean. But Blagojevich is a bad, corrupt governor. I don’t think it is wrong of the governor to hire people close to him and democrats in general for state jobs. But it is wrong to fire people because they are Republicans. It is not wrong to incure legal fees for the good of the state of Illinois. But it is wrong to charge the citizens of Illinois for your own corruption. When will the newspapers from all over the state start printing this? When will all the five o’clock newscasts carry this governor’s blatant falsehoods? If the media sits by and lets George Ryan Jr happen again, it is nobody’s fault but theirs!!!!!

  29. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 2:58 pm:

    Between 7/2/1999 and 4/26/2004 George Ryan’s campaign spent $2,491,303.99 on legal expenses. Food for thought.

  30. - illrino - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 3:31 pm:

    And still, sadly, the public will neither pay attention nor care. Unless Judy can make some big-time waves with this once she gets on the air after Labor Day, this will, sadly again, be nothing more than fodder for bloggers.

  31. - Disgusted Democrat - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 3:51 pm:

    Many years ago I worked for an elected head of a large public entity who taught me many good principles:

    ‘Inegrity means telling the truth and keeping your word.’

    ‘You are only as good as the people you surround yourself with.’

    Lessons that the Guv has never learned.

  32. - Bubs - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 4:00 pm:

    “You can’t explain what some of the expenses are for, but refuse to say what the rest is for.”

    Rich, welcome to “BLAGOWORLD.”

    In Blagoworld:

    -Reality bends like a rubberband to suit the needs of “The Governor”;

    -Truth is a sometimes thing;

    -Deficits disappear magically through slight of hand;

    -Programs all get paid for, whether there is money to do it or not; and,

    -Federal investigations are commenced, but not by the U.S. Attorney, and instead by “Junior G-Man” to root out corruption. (Except for the man in the Gov’s bathroom mirror, of course. Everyone else, however, right down to The Sheila and Abby Comedy Show, is available to throw under a bus as needed).

  33. - the Other Anonymous - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 4:39 pm:

    Why would a campaign fund be paying to review state hiring procedures?

    And, yes, that is a rhetorical question.

  34. - Buck Flagojevich - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 5:09 pm:

    (618) Democrat -

    I may be wrong, but I believe campaigns/candidates are required to file their contibutions received quarterly. A new quarter would start July 1st. So, if you are claiming JBT did something wrong by not listing money taken in from a July fund raising event (even though you state there were receipts in June???) it won’t show up until the next filing. But keep trying to make GovPutz look cleaner than JBT. That and looking at him through those kool-aid goggles will keep you will go crazy.

  35. - Buck Flagojevich - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 5:13 pm:

    Disgusted Democrat -

    That would fall into the “You can tell the quality of a general by his captains” catagory.

  36. - B Hicks - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 5:19 pm:

    Huge news, campers, absolutely huge. That legal bill is surely the final nail in Rod’s coffin. More blah, blah, blah.

    Well, imagine that, the Topinka lovers have spun this whole money thing into good news for the Judy/Joe campaign. She can’t come up with a million bucks; she’s 11-16 points behind in polls, she has Dean Vernon Wormer as a running mate, the right wing of her own party is doing as much damage to her campaign as her opponent, and she is still going to win hands down. Toot-toot; look out for the Topinka express.

    You know, she needs more than her good looks to win this thing.

  37. - Check the numbers - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 6:26 pm:

    B Hicks,

    Does your guy make you proud? Does the administration’s lack of honesty and intregity elevate him in your eyes? Seriously, I don’t understand the gloating over his ethical shortcomings. At least most of the Rerpublicans I knew had the decency to be ashamed of George Ryan. You seem to revel in the fact that there’s muck all around him.

  38. - Southern Illinois Democrat - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 6:50 pm:

    Check the numbers,

    I’m glad that most of the Republicans you know were ashamed of Ryan. Thats not the same in my case. In fact, if I remember correctly, Ryan beat one of the most honest and hard working politicians in this state (Poshard). Obviously, most Republicans did not care about the concerns raised about him and were not ashamed of him. They sure gave him lots of money and voted for him. I personally don’t like either choice but Republicans have been knee deep in this stuff in the past which is really no different than the position the Dems are in now.

  39. - Check the numbers - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 6:54 pm:

    So. Il Dem,
    I’m sorry - Was that an excuse? The Republican got away with it for an election cycle, so now it’s OK for my guy? Kind of lame reasoning.

  40. - OneMan - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 6:57 pm:

    Southern Illinois Democrat,

    Remeber George did not exactly win in a landslide and we did have A US Attorney saying that George was not a target of an investigation.

  41. - OneMan - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 6:58 pm:

    Now here is a question. If one of the things Winston is looking at is hiring, are they being shown documents and information that is not available to the general public or media? Can a capiagn make such materials available to a law firm and not the AP?

    Just wondering.

  42. - Southern Illinois Democrat - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 7:03 pm:

    Check the numbers,

    It’s not an excuse. I was pointing out that your dream world of halo wearing Repubs is nonexistant. And, you might want to get some glasses because I dont see the word Excuse in mt statements. Of course, if it makes you feel better attacking with sarcasm rather than admitting your wrong then make yourself feel better and go for it.

  43. - B Hicks - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 7:07 pm:

    “At least most of the Republicans I knew had the decency to be ashamed of George Ryan.”

    I’m curious, did you support and vote for George Ryan. It’s not like he was squeaky clean going into the 1998 election. There were several accusations surrounding his handling of State Government…. again, accusations.

    You kind of sound like one of those recovering Republicans that recently discovered that political hiring, political firing, and campaign work on state time is wrong. Are you a reformed hack? Do you work for the state? Is your name Ray? Can you assure me that Judy has never contracted with a political contributor? Can you assure me that Judy has never hired or fired anyone based on politics? Can you assure me that she will not reward any of her campaign workers with jobs or contracts?

    To answer your question; I like the Governor. I like the Governor’s staff. I think that he does a good job with what he was left with. It’s as simple as that.

    What do you find appealing about Judy? Do you think she is a hypocrite?

  44. - Southern Illinois Democrat - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 7:15 pm:

    Thanks B Hicks.. You said it much better than me.

  45. - Buck Flagojevich - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 7:17 pm:

    Southern Illinois Democrat -

    You just proved that all this mess really is Ryan’s fault! Ryan beat Poshard. Ryan went down in flames and it lead to GovPutz being elected. Now the state is chin deep in the old crapola and GovPutz is leading in the polls. Shame, shame, shame on old George.

  46. - B Hicks - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 7:19 pm:

    We’re on the same team, SID. I’ll buy you a beer in the tent after the parade.

  47. - Check the numbers - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 7:19 pm:

    So. Il. Dem,
    I asked two simple questions - Does your guy make you proud? Does the administration’s lack of honesty and intregity elevate him in your eyes? Your response was to attack the questioner. A typical non-answer, one that my adolescent kids might use.

    BTW, you may have a future as a public information officer for the Governor.

  48. - B Hicks - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 7:25 pm:

    Check the numbers:

    You directed your questions towards me. I am proud of the work this Governor has done, and I’m proud of his administration. However, I would have gotten rid of a few more of the holdovers.

    Now, can you kindly answer the questions I directed at you?

  49. - Tessa - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 7:28 pm:

    I just can’t wait for this to be over with. Another day of news stories with the Gov in it, and it doesn’t look favorably on him. Why should it?

    I didn’t vote for Ryan because I didn’t trust him. I voted for Poshard. I know I won’t vote for Blago again, because I’ve realized I can’t trust what he says. Can I trust Judy? Well, she’s spoken to groups I’ve been in before and she didn’t lie to me then, but I’ll have to take it with a grain of salt. But Blago, never, ever again.

    And no, I don’t trust him, what with him paying out this much so far this year in legal fees. I don’t think what his staff is saying they’re for jives. There’s more to it. For once, he needs to be a stand up guy and tell the people he works for (us, the people of the state of Illinois), the truth. And he can’t and won’t do it, because I don’t think he even knows what that is anymore.

    It’s something he likes to remind everyone else to use - ethics. He should try it.

  50. - Truthful James - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 7:28 pm:

    What work has this governor done of which you are so proud?

  51. - Lovie's Leather - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 7:31 pm:

    Coming from a Republican: We were wrong in ‘98. There, you have it. George Ryan decieved us and you have every right to call us fools. Yet, you fall into the same trap….

  52. - Disgusted - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 7:32 pm:

    Besides wondering what the governor is paying W & S for that we dumb hicks aren’t privy to, I also want to know how much each flight to Springfield costs, what it costs to fly and house the staff that shows up Tuesday thru Thursday and then go back to Chicago each week. And especially how much it costs the various agencies involved in printing the AllKids propaganda, which is FILLED with the governor’s name, in a larger font size than the title of the program. His name appears 11 times in the application and 4 times in a small postcard and that’s just two pieces of print material. There’s much more out there or in the pipe. I am amazed by the hutzpah of this group. They think we are all stupid out here and that we can’t put two and two together. Wrong, again.

  53. - Southern Illinois Democrat - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 7:38 pm:

    B Hicks…Thanks for the offer but I cant make it to the parade. Check the numbers… Its funny but I thought you stated the attacks. And, as B Hicks stated, you didnt direct the questins towards me. Again, you really need to look into that glasses thing. By the way, how much does that job with Rod pay?

  54. - Walking Wounded - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 7:39 pm:

    O.k., I’ll admit, in my Republican eye I was really ashamed of George Ryan. I couldn’t stand the old b*****d when he was Secretay of State and hated to see him beat Poshard. Funny, though, how ARod’s and Ryan’s *ahem* ethical standards keep being compared. I’ll wager SID and B Hicks a beer that ARod’s corruption will be his falling, just like Ryan’s.

  55. - Check the numbers - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 7:54 pm:

    So Il Dem,
    I know I didn’t ask you the questions, but that didn’t stop you from answering. The job with Rod costs $1,000 per $10,000 in salary, so a $80,000 job will set you back $8,000.

    B Hicks,
    Thanks - at least the second post is an answer that isn’t an indictment of the questioner. I voted Poshard in 98 because Ryan was a DuPage machine guy who I didn’t trust. Grew up Dem, but drifted right as soon as I could read about Chicago-style politics. Have friends in both parties. Not a Topinka supporter but the other choice is worse. I’d rather have JBT for four years warming up the spot for Lisa than 4 more years of ineptness and corruption. I don’t work for the state - money’s better in the private sector.

  56. - B Hicks - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 7:55 pm:

    I strongly disagree with your prediction, my injured friend. But, if I do lose, you’ll be happy to know that I only drink Coors Light beer.

  57. - Anon - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 8:04 pm:

    “Nuisance lawsuits” would be public record. Anyone know of any nuisance lawsuits? How many could there be? And how in the world could a campaign’s lawyers be involved in state hiring process matters? That sounds highly irregular. If it’s just a “review”, how could that chew up much more than $10 or 20 grand?

  58. - Ignatius J. Reily - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 8:06 pm:

    One more time with emphasis!

    Gellius, Noctes Atticae XX, I 13:

    “There was a certain L. Veratius [Rod Blagojevich], a terrible nuisance and fearfully irresponsible. He used to take delight in slapping the faces of free men with the palm of his hand, and he went around followed by a servant [lawyer] with a purse of asses, and when he had slapped a man he would order twenty-five asses to be paid out on the spot.”

    Seems like there’s a lot of servants with a lot purses dispensing a lot of payments for a lot of injuries.

  59. - Long Time Reader; First Time Poster - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 8:27 pm:

    I’m beginning to feel sorry for Abby and the rest of the Blago PR-Spin-Machine. She is losing all credibility. Nobody will ever hire her again. She should get out now.

  60. - Navin Johnson - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 8:39 pm:

    “Also, the reason for the discrepancy in Update 1 could be a simple math error on the part of the campaign. That’s the way it was described and it seems rational.”

    I find that to be an odd explanation. Ms. Nix described the legal expenditures as payment for a variety of legal services including “double-checking and triple-checking” fund-raising to ensure all laws are followed. Accurate disclosure is the only significant rule in Illinois in terms of fundraising.

    Apparently ensuring the math was correct in the first D2 filing was not part of that vigorous legal process Ms. Nix was referring to. I’ve given up hope that the Governor or his team will tell the truth in terms of his fundraising. It would be nice however if the spin occassionally matched the facts.

  61. - Anon - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 8:42 pm:

    Math error? Sounds like the brain trust at OMB had their hands on that number.

  62. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 8:57 pm:

    Really, why would a campaign fund pay to review state hiring procedures?

    Is it easier to follow the money if state paid? Harder to follow the money if campaign paid?

    There has to be a shifty reason if Rod is not asking taxpayers to pay.

    Where’s Sheila?

  63. - El Conquistador - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 9:05 pm:

    For JBT, November is too close. For the Gov., it’s way too far away.

  64. - steve schnorf - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 9:35 pm:

    Hey, guys, fair is fair. Blagojevich in fact has a history of not asking taxpayers to pay for things that he could legitimately ask them to; best example is transition, an expense paid by taxpayer funds in the past. He paid for his out of his campaign fund.

  65. - Walking Wounded - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 10:12 pm:

    B Hicks,
    As you wish. Coors light it is.

  66. - Downstate Observer - Tuesday, Aug 1, 06 @ 11:53 pm:

    Fair is fair. Applause to the governor for the transition team costs. But, how about some of the costs that have been pushed onto the taxpayers. Does the cost of the transition team compare to the cost of all the free campaign materials/tollway signs/fly-arounds/transportation between Chicago and Springfield/state trooper 24 hours a day sitting in a car outside his house/renting an apartment for the ISP by his house/relocating security to Chicago, California, Boston (and any place else deemed necessary)/his name plastered on anything that doesn’t move. It also would be interesting to find out how many of the transition team members were appointed to positions/received state contracts at some later time.

  67. - Justice - Wednesday, Aug 2, 06 @ 5:50 pm:

    The bus is coming, it’s big, it has really big tires, and the sound of the bus goes THUMP, THUMP, THUMP! Just a bit more time and his staff will be knawing off their legs trying to get out of the trap of “justice being served.” They will then turn on themselves. The bus is coming, it’s big, it has really big tires, and the sound of the bus goes THUMP, THUMP, THUMP! Yep…..he’s gonna need good legal representation and lots of it!! Hold yer breath as the wind is starting to blow up a storm!!

  68. - chinman - Wednesday, Aug 2, 06 @ 10:02 pm:

    thank you justice.

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