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Monday, Aug 7, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

The Stu Levine flip could turn out to be the biggest state politics story of the year.

A man at the center of two corruption probes involving Gov. Blagojevich’s administration has been cooperating with federal authorities for some time, sources told the Chicago Sun-Times. […]

Levine in May 2005 was indicted on fraud charges alleging kickbacks, influence-peddling and insider dealing in his role with the health board. But a more high-profile indictment against him came down several weeks later, when Levine was accused of steering pension-fund investments to firms that hired certain consultants whom Levine knew.

In September 2005, another man indicted in the TRS case, lawyer Joseph Cari, pleaded guilty and dropped a bombshell on Blagojevich: He alleged that Levine told him Blagojevich and his top fund-raisers, Christopher Kelly and Antoin “Tony” Rezko, schemed to steer state pension deals to investment firms and consultants who agreed to donate to Blagojevich’s campaign.

The plea identified Blagojevich as “Public Official A” and Kelly and Rezko as “associates,” but the Sun-Times confirmed their identities with sources who spoke on condition of anonymity.

If Levine and the feds are able to confirm Cari’s story, then the governor is in a world of hurt. Forget politics, I’m talking about personally.

A few helpful links:

· Former Health Facilities Board Member Among 3 Indicted

· Corruption Allegations Shake Illinois Government, Health Care Market

· From a July, 2004 column: “The scandal of the year is not about Jack Ryan’s sex life. It’s about an obscure little state board that appears to have gotten completely out of hand. ”

· “Federal investigators have asked the state teachers’ pension system for records involving a cadre of political insiders, ranging from prominent GOP fundraisers to a close adviser to Democratic Gov. Rod Blagojevich. The breadth of a federal grand jury subpoena delivered to the pension fund, and obtained by the Tribune, shows that authorities are curious whether any ties exist between the pension fund, Blagojevich supporters and the state’s old-line Republican guard. ”

· “It was probably a two-second decision,” the governor said [of Levine’s appointments]. “When it came to Republican positions, they were pretty quick in terms of yes or no. If they were in positions, for the most part, they stayed.”

· “A Glenview businessman who federal investigators believe received a $250,000 kickback in a state teacher pension scheme has had past business dealings with gubernatorial fund-raiser Antoin “Tony” Rezko, the Chicago Sun-Times has found… Aramanda… received $250,000 of a $375,000 finder’s fee that prosecutors say was illegally arranged by indicted former TRS board member Stuart Levine, who was reappointed to that board by Blagojevich months before his July 2004 resignation.”

UPDATE: I forgot to post my syndicated column. Here’s a brief excerpt:

Every day for four years, I got down on my knees and thanked God for sending me Gov. George Ryan. I knew that no matter how slow the news day was, I could always count on Ryan’s various scandals and antics to provide enough interesting fodder to fill up sufficient white space. […]

I’ve certainly felt blessed these past three and a half years as Gov. Rod Blagojevich has picked up where Ryan left off — even doing him better on occasion. For instance, there now are more individual state, federal and local investigations of Blagojevich’s administration than Ryan ever faced. That’s quite something.


  1. - 'The Gay Governor' - Monday, Aug 7, 06 @ 8:59 am:

    So what happens Wedensday at the state fair?

    I bet he is suddenly surrounded by twice as many guards (so about 10 as opposed to five). Oh, and the entire press staff (all taking the day off, of course), will be on him like velcro.

  2. - Lovie's Leather - Monday, Aug 7, 06 @ 9:03 am:

    If you’ve been following the corruption of our governor for the last 3 years, you have the same attitude that I do, “Yeah, this was news to me 2 1/2 years ago.” Until an indictment… I am not crapping my pants…

  3. - Schiznitz - Monday, Aug 7, 06 @ 9:07 am:

    The indictments are 4-5 years away.

    *sighs deeply and wonders how much damage will be done*

  4. - Big Al - Monday, Aug 7, 06 @ 9:23 am:

    if the indictments don’t come soon and/or Blago losses the election, it will be a tragedy and make Ill a laughing stock.

  5. - North of I-80 - Monday, Aug 7, 06 @ 9:25 am:

    What kind of Governor would Pat Quinn be?

  6. - Walking Wounded - Monday, Aug 7, 06 @ 9:31 am:

    North of I-80-
    My guess is better than what choices we have now.

  7. - Pride in Illinois - Monday, Aug 7, 06 @ 9:37 am:

    Responses to this topic and others on this site refer to our State and some activities of our Governor “embarassing” our State and us as citizens.

    I don’t feel that way at all. The actions of scumbag politicians don’t make me embarassed of our State or of being a citizens of Illinois.

    If I were somehow responsible for putting Blago where he is, then maybe I’d be embarrassed that I voted for him, but I wouldb’t be ashamed of my State.

    I am interested in the thoughts of others on this topic.

    Are you really embarrased or ashamed of your State because of the actions of the bums in office here?

  8. - HANKSTER - Monday, Aug 7, 06 @ 9:45 am:

    So let me get this staight…a man who is in jeapardy of going away is willing to say things against someone else to save himself some time? Im shocked!!!

  9. - paper bag over my head - Monday, Aug 7, 06 @ 10:03 am:

    Dear Pride in Illinois, Yes I am embarrassed by our state officials. When traveling outside the state I have found that most folks know us for Al Capone and our crooked government. They miss the beauty and the integrity of the average folk. In California, they are in love with George Ryan for his stance on the death penalty and willing to overlook all else. Obviously somebody out there likes Blago as well, but the other midwestern states think we are a joke.

  10. - Anonymous - Monday, Aug 7, 06 @ 10:29 am:

    People are assuming a lot. Who can say the Levine case won’t hurt Topinka more?

    In a huge scandal involving bond deals being directed to certain consultants, the biggest beneficiary of all was consultant Bob Kjellander, probably Topinka’s biggest backer. Kjellander received a fee of $809,000 just for one deal under Blago in early 2003. Plus he made millions more in pension related deals with the Carlyle group after that. Topinka has always refused to criticize Kjellander and he remains a key part of her campaign.

    It has already been widely reported that records pertaining to Kjellander’s dealings have already been obtained by the Feds.

    Oh, and Tony Rezko is a former lobbying partner of Kjellander’s.

    Bottom line, Topinka’s got more to worry about than Blago.

  11. - Walking Wounded - Monday, Aug 7, 06 @ 10:30 am:

    Anybody else wonder what’s going through Dick Mell’s mind right about now?

  12. - WARDOG - Monday, Aug 7, 06 @ 10:56 am:

    I don’t like to say “I told you so, But I told you so.” Ole George Ryan is starting to look more like a boy scout as each day goes by. Sources close in to Blago are saying they would not at all be surprised if indictments don’t come soon. If and when they happen, you’ll see and hear more canarys than you can count. This administrations people are not near as loyal as Blago thinks they are. Have a nice day.

  13. - chinman - Monday, Aug 7, 06 @ 10:59 am:

    I believe in a variation of the costanza theory when it comes to the guv’s responses. 2 second decision means we talked about how to best work this guy for as much cash as possible for weeks. I just assume the direct opposite and then 2 days later am proved correct.
    Rich is there an official line on indictments in illinois anywhere? etc..

  14. - Big Mike - Monday, Aug 7, 06 @ 11:17 am:

    WARDOG: either name your “sources,” name yourself or anyone with half a brain isnt going to take you seriously.

  15. - DOWNSTATE - Monday, Aug 7, 06 @ 11:36 am:

    Well as usual when something like this comes up we have the Blago operitives on under running the Anonymous trying to throw this onto JBT.The answer is Blago is the one being investigated not Topinka so he is the one that is in trouble.

  16. - chinman - Monday, Aug 7, 06 @ 11:54 am:

    oh god.
    I get it. wow. I knew but didn’t think anyone would go there.
    Rich, I think when it breaks you should raise your ad rates.

  17. - Chinaman - Monday, Aug 7, 06 @ 11:56 am:

    Sounds like Big Mike is getting a little testy. Does this guy actally think he can bully anyone into naming “sources”. Don’t tell them anything. Just let them sweat.

  18. - Anonymous - Monday, Aug 7, 06 @ 12:04 pm:

    DOWNSTATE, how do you know Topinka’s not being investigated? Answer, you don’t.

    The Feds don’t talk about that stuff, and Topinka would be the last person to be honest about it. And she likely wouldn’t know what’s going on. A target is likely the last to know, for obvious reasons.

    She runs her office the same way Blago does (and she’s been doing it a lot onger) so why wouldn’t she be under investigation?

    And as noted above, it’s HER close ally Bob Kjellander who is right at the center of this Stu Levine thing. Good lord, Levine was a major Republican insider way before he started sniffing around in Blago’s administration for deals.

  19. - Ron Burgundy - Monday, Aug 7, 06 @ 12:12 pm:

    Well since that “we don’t know if she’s being investigated or not” logic could apply to everyone under the sun, including you and I, we’d better all get lawyers. Also, if you may be the target of an investigation, you can ask, and the Feds will usually tell you. There are things called Target Letters and Non-Target Letters.

  20. - Wigand - Monday, Aug 7, 06 @ 12:16 pm:

    Anon 12:04, I am a hardcore Dem, but let me tell you a couple things: 1 - the Justice Dept. made had no qualms about outing the Governor as POA, so you are incorrect on that count. 2 - if JBT were under the same heat that the Governor is, she would have similar legal expenses, she doesn’t. 3. The Levine cooperation will tar and feather the Governor’s administration, not Judy’s.

    And Big Mike, wardog may just be a lucky guesser, but he/she is very correct. And no I’m not naming my sources either, but I’d willing to put them up against anybody else’s here.

    The next round will be big news but won’t hit the Gov head-on; the rounds after that are another story. And people will be amazed (hopefully in a good way) at the level and amount of cooperation that is ongoing.

    That’s all you get for today.

  21. - state worker - Monday, Aug 7, 06 @ 12:19 pm:

    I bet the Republicans who were fired got a good laugh from this line in item 5 of the blog from above
    “the governor said [of Levine’s appointments]. “When it came to Republican positions, they were pretty quick in terms of yes or no. If they were in positions, for the most part, they stayed.”

    Yeah , they stayed on earth but not employed in that position. Don’t get me wrong, what Ryan did at the end of his term was wrong (re-appointing people). I’m referring to career, professional employees (the ones I knew were professional engineers) who had been with the state 20 – 30 years.

  22. - HANKSTER - Monday, Aug 7, 06 @ 12:21 pm:

    DOWNSTATE: Yes since everyone uses their real names on here except for those who post under anonymous they must be working for the Guv. Just so I know, is Downstate your first or last name?

  23. - Truthful James - Monday, Aug 7, 06 @ 12:23 pm:

    How about Judy and Blago waltz off together into the gloaming and we let Pat run against Joe?

  24. - Anonymous - Monday, Aug 7, 06 @ 12:35 pm:

    Thanks Rich for risking your livelihood to call out corruption.

    Would you be willing to really risk your news supply by going so far as to call for serious reform?

  25. - state worker - Monday, Aug 7, 06 @ 12:41 pm:

    To “Pride in Illinois” (9:37 post), I have always looked at the issues and leaned towards the democratic side. I supported Blagojevich because I believed in what I thought he stood for and I detested the ‘pay-to-play’ politics of Ryan’s administration. Well, guess what, I am totally disgusted by what I have seen (first hand) and read. I am ashamed that I supported this Governor. I thought he would ride in on a white horse and help our great state rise out of the pit to which it had started to sink. He fooled me good!!!! Instead of rising, we are on a steady decline down to shake hands with the devil.

  26. - Rich Miller - Monday, Aug 7, 06 @ 1:04 pm:

    People, leave the Hankster and others like him alone, please. Everyone has a right to say what they want without being personally attacked. Thanks.

  27. - Bubs - Monday, Aug 7, 06 @ 1:21 pm:

    What a vicious, self-serving smear! According to “Annonymous,” since we can’t “prove” that no federal investigation exists about Topinka, then one must exist, and all of the Wingnut conspiracy theories about Kjellander and Topinka, no matter how fantastic, can be vomited all over this blog.


    P.S. The tactics, subject matter and low nature of the reasoning employed by Annonymous gives a strong clue as to origin.

    Let’s see, someone who blogs constantly, but annonymously, hits below the belt with smears, deeply hates both Kjellander and Topinka to the point of obsession, and has a personal interest in maintaining the fiction that the feds are still investigating Topinka since the previous smear campaign against her in 2003.

    Hmmmm, now who, oh WHO, could that be??? ;)

    I think I’ll ask Charlie Johnston. I bet he could give us an accurate forecast, since he’s been the target of the same mud cannon on occasion.

    Clue: I hear a Chihuahua barking . . .

  28. - Rich Miller - Monday, Aug 7, 06 @ 1:24 pm:

    I agree with Bubs. If there’s any evidence (legal bills, name mentioned in guilty pleas, administration mentioned in letters to the attorney general, etc.) for this claim, out with it. If not, drop it because you look like an idiot.

  29. - Bubs - Monday, Aug 7, 06 @ 1:31 pm:

    Getting back to the subject, after reading the Sun Times article, and its references to the fact that Levine has been cooperating for a “long time”, was identified in the Cari plea agreement, and is cooperating in the face of a stiff prison sentence, I have one word for the Governor:


  30. - HANKSTER - Monday, Aug 7, 06 @ 1:33 pm:

    Rich: I agree with you in the Topinka claims BUT you must also then say the same thing for those who postclaims that their “sources” say this and that or that this or that it true. This is an annonymous blog, even if thats not your posting name, and there is a lot of of BS being made up or stated as fact by both sides.

  31. - Juice - Monday, Aug 7, 06 @ 2:47 pm:

    Lisa Madigan is sucha hypocrite. She is all over Blagojevich! Yet her father who is already investigated gets a PASS. She said she wuold investigate him….. IS SHE?

  32. - Fed Up - Monday, Aug 7, 06 @ 2:51 pm:

    That’s some proclamation you made Lovie. I can hardly wait for the day those indictments do come down. Just make sure your down wind of me.

  33. - Anonymous - Monday, Aug 7, 06 @ 2:51 pm:

    Will anyone really deny that Topinka doesn’t do political hiring in her State Treasurer’s office? As just one example, what about Topinka’s hiring of Congressman Bobby Rush’s wife for a state job immediately after the 2002 campaign where Bobby Rush had endorsed Topinka?

    Why is it a “smear” to assume Topinka would be held to the same standard as Blago by law enforcement?

    And why isn’t it a “smear” to say Blagojevich is under investigation, when you have no idea if it’s true. It could very well just be one or more of the tens of thousands of people who work for the Gov. Being referred to as “Official A” isn’t the same as being a target.

    Consider that no one said Bush couldn’t be reelected in 2004 just because senior staff like Rove and Libby were under investigation.

    My point is, don’t lecture on speculation, if you’re going to do it yourself.

  34. - BigBob - Monday, Aug 7, 06 @ 3:20 pm:

    Can you say: “Good morning Governor Quinn!”

  35. - Ron Burgundy - Monday, Aug 7, 06 @ 3:38 pm:

    I remember seeing here or somewhere else that no one who’s been “named” in a document as “Official A” or by a similar tag in a Fitzgerald public corruption indictment to date has escaped indictment themselves. Doesn’t mean it couldn’t happen here, but I thought that was interesting.

  36. - B Hicks - Monday, Aug 7, 06 @ 3:48 pm:

    I’m not going to get into a big back and forth, but save the, my source is as inside as you can get, BS. I have a very strong feeling that there are some very inside people that monitor and post here; probably as inside as you can get. They know what’s being said, and what’s being worried about.

    For the last 10 months people have posted that the indictments are coming, get ready! They were coming before the primary, and then it was late spring to early summer. Then it was late spring to mid-summer. Now it’s, any day now.

    Ron: what about Karl Rove?

  37. - Bubs - Monday, Aug 7, 06 @ 3:55 pm:

    Anonymous, this is now officially entering the realm of “goofy.” You really should have taken Rich’s warning about looking like an idiot.

    When the U.S. Attorney says he is investigating the Administration; a phone book full of subpoenas are running around the Administration; the Sun-Times publicly identifies Blago as “Public Official A” and nobody, anywhere contests it; a fundraiser for the Governor has pleaded guilty to federal charges; and Blago has over $700,000 in legal bills with the same firm that defended George Ryan on criminal charges, I do think we have moved a bit beyond “speculation,” don’t you?

    On the other hand, what do you have on Topinka? Trumped up allegations in 2003 by a disgruntled employee and wannabe political operative, that resulted in one subpoena, for which Topinka produced her records, and that was the end of it (except in certain areas of Carpentersville and Canal St., but Truth has never had a good day in those places.) No major attorneys fees on any Topinka D-2s. No statements by the U.S. Attorney. No subpoenas. No press coverage. Nothing but your conjecture, insinuation, and obvious hatred.

    Yep, I’d call it a smear.

  38. - Rich Miller - Monday, Aug 7, 06 @ 3:58 pm:

    I also agree with B Hicks. Nobody but PFitz knows when or if there will be indictments. And since I doubt Mr. Fitzgerald is posting here, cut out the nonsense.

  39. - Patrick Fitzgerald - Monday, Aug 7, 06 @ 4:00 pm:

    Have some indictments to announce. When do you all think would be a good time?

  40. - Hal - Monday, Aug 7, 06 @ 4:17 pm:

    My bumper sticker reads: Blagojevich ‘06 Quinn ‘07

  41. - Bubs - Monday, Aug 7, 06 @ 4:18 pm:

    Quite true, Rich - for all we currently know, Levine could have been lying to Cari. He really could have. Only time will tell.

    Like the Tribune Editorial Board, I just hope that if there is something to say, it gets said before November, not after.

  42. - Still Anon - Monday, Aug 7, 06 @ 4:36 pm:

    Not everything that can be said should be said, Honest Abe, and this comment falls into that category. Gratuitously snarky and seriously below the belt - and most of all, nobody’s business.

  43. - Rich Miller - Monday, Aug 7, 06 @ 4:51 pm:

    I’m closing comments on this one cuz some of y’all just can’t contain yourselves.

Sorry, comments for this post are now closed.

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