Chamber ad for Bean deemed “misleading”
Friday, Aug 11, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller Apparently, the Chamber couldn’t just come out and say they were backing Bean because of CAFTA, so they came up with this. A $400,000 television advertising campaign supporting the re-election of northwest suburban U.S. Rep. Melissa Bean (D-Ill.) has been branded as misleading by, a non-partisan consumer advocacy group. You can read the analysis here. Consider this an 8th District open thread.
- 8th District Democrat - Friday, Aug 11, 06 @ 9:24 am:
I attended a Democratic meeting on Wednesday and Bean showed up. I was stunned to see her and was knocked over by her presentation. She took questions, presented her record and beat back any assualt on her record with a great deal of skill.
Several at the meeting where upset with her voting record and when they claimed that the “facts” (read talking points) where on their side, Bean refuted each one, nicely.
She was congratulated for her Chamber endorsement by several. I should note that this meeting was of a lot of progressives - 50 in the room.
I thought she was in for a tough race this year, with Democrats hitting her on the left and McSweeny hit her from the right. But after seeing her in action, I think she maybe a big winner in November.
- Todd Castro(ger) aka Wumpus - Friday, Aug 11, 06 @ 9:46 am:
This will be a tough race for her and McSweeney. This ad, regardless of how big a lie it is, is still $400,000 in free pub. Hopefully, it will backfire.
- moderate - half way between crazy and crazy. - Friday, Aug 11, 06 @ 9:58 am:
I believe the plan does not exist because it was filibustered in the senate. It was NFIB backed legislation, I belive it was S. 1955