Morning shorts
Friday, Aug 11, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller · Security remains tight at airports as terror plot foiled · Tribe denies having plan to build a bingo parlor - DeKalb County stops construction at farm owned by Potawatomi · “Against the backdrop of a federal corruption investigation and a looming election battle, Gov. Rod Blagojevich opened the 154th Illinois State Fair Thursday.” · Statehouse To Run On Wind (Not Hot Air) · Boisterous activists demonstrated in City Hall Thursday to support a new ordinance requiring higher wages for workers in “big-box” stores, even as Mayor Richard Daley gathered more support for a possible veto. · “State Treasurer Judy Baar Topinka was practically glaring Wednesday at the doors of the Madison County Courthouse as she promised to push for judicial reform if elected governor in November.” · Union talks set in prison strike. More here. · Grand American’s new Downstate digs right on target · Arlington track safe, expert says · Governor Teaches a Preschool Lesson · Another bogus mainstream media story on Lieberman’s website crash. I have 400GB per month and don’t pay nearly that sort of dough. But the AP just took their word for it: “The campaign spends about $100 to $150 a month on Web hosting services with MyHostCamp, said Dan Geary, who administers the site for the campaign. Geary said that MyHostCamp, which is owned by a friend of Geary’s, gave the site more than enough bandwidth — 200 gigabytes a month — to handle a crush of visitors.”
- wndycty - Friday, Aug 11, 06 @ 7:46 am:
Message to Judy. . .pick an issue the majority of voters care about. Judicial reform is perfect for the special interest groups that back you, however tell the people of the great state of Illinois how judicial reform helps education, helps healthcare, helps jobs and provides for public safety. You know the issues the voters care about.
This is a special interest issue that is getting decent headlines but most voters cannot relate. Judy as usual is OUT OF TOUCH!
- Leroy - Friday, Aug 11, 06 @ 7:47 am:
‘I have 400GB per month and don’t pay nearly that sort of dough’
‘Geary said that MyHostCamp, which is owned by a friend of Geary’s’
Sounds like money laundering to me.
Overpay for a service to get money (usually someone elses) to political allies you couldn’t normally get to them. This money is then used by the allies to provide you a different service, usually one you wouldn’t be caught dead buying.
- Pat Hickey - Friday, Aug 11, 06 @ 7:55 am:
Ald. Joe Moore (49th), the ordinance’s sponsor, said that if the mayor’s strategy is to freeze proponents by delaying a veto announcement, it isn’t working because “we already are mobilized.”
“Activists and volunteers … are doing phone banks and going door to door informing people on how their alderman voted and urging people to call the respective alderman’s offices to make their views clear,” Moore said. “There is a ground battle going on that may be escaping the media’s attention, but it is taking place every day.”
The much ballyhooed clarion call! Mobilize - love that word - a national or state wide ‘raise to the living wage.’
The vaunted ‘big-box’ boon-doggle give only give T-Shirt printers;megaphone manufacturers; D-Cell battery sales; pigeon-hole themed journalists; activists;TV newsreaders; and WAL-Mart itself a couple of more bucks.
Don’t Shop at Wal-Mart. Go to stores on your main-drags. Support job opportunities that stay in the community; I buy gas at KEAN - The Kean brothers hire kids from the neighborhood, their moms and dads get their milk, smokes, newspapers, coffee, pop, Lotto tickets, gum, candy, propane, ice, and firewood and not nickle one goes down to Arkansas. That’s grass-roots Joe. This city needs a BS free diet.
- Robbie - Friday, Aug 11, 06 @ 8:21 am:
I don’t understand the website problem either. I host several sites on my hosting account and I have 100Gb of storage and a Tb of bandwidth per month. I pat a whopping $7 a month through godaddy. You add in the domain names that have yearly charges and it might average out to $9 or $10 a month… The first thing that campagin should have done was got a couple dedicated servers for their campaign. I think the fact that it is the guys friend might be the reasoning as to why it sucks.
- DSS24 - Friday, Aug 11, 06 @ 9:09 am:
“Against the backdrop of a federal corruption investigation and a looming election battle, Gov. Rod Blagojevich opened the 154th Illinois State Fair Thursday.†And he also in the live WISC Channel 20 6 PM newscast when asked if he would debate Topinka in Springfield on Channel 20 at UIS he agreed. I’m suprised this has not gotten more attention. I will beleive it when I see it.
- Dr Dan - Friday, Aug 11, 06 @ 9:13 am:
Hre’s a bit more on the Leiberman website issue.
The screenshots given by the press show that a page stating “A website is not configured at this address” will normally only come up if the sites “zone files” are missing from the server. These point the name of the site to the appropriate directories on the server. As a person who owns and operates a small hosting company I can tell you that it may have been as simple as restoring or even reinserting those commands back into the DNS (Domain Name Server) to pint to the correct files and voila! Leiberman could have had his domain back up and running within minutes, maybe even within an hour.
Who knows? Could it have been a political stunt seeing that his opponenent was getting stronger backing from the leadership than he was?
Will we ever really know?
- Slap Me - Friday, Aug 11, 06 @ 11:21 am:
JBT must get off the “gas is too high” message. That’s a national issue, supply side driven and there isn’t anything she as Governor can do. Insist on more investments in future economy and efficiences. More incentives in Illinois for manufacturers of energy efficient technologies. Dress up and look less frumpy, smile for God’s sake, just smile!! And stop listening to worn out old style politicians who are out of touch with everything except years gone by. It’s a new day, new problems, new opportunities, and we need new FRESH ideas, not the standard one line slogans and good ole boy crap. Judy, get mad, be driven, and start leading.
- a friend - Friday, Aug 11, 06 @ 12:21 pm:
stop the presses…the folks at the national review are against “ezpanding government”? say it ain’t so. I suppose that pre-k programs are only good enough for their own kids since they can afford it.
- YNM - Friday, Aug 11, 06 @ 12:22 pm:
My guess is, if they were really paying that much for web hosting, that they were paying a monthly fee of 15-20 bucks for each of the sites, including their “whisper” sites … but for that kind of money a month they could have been on a dedicated, or at least semi-dedicated server.