Heat, kitchen, etc.
Monday, Aug 14, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller Stories like this have apparently struck a nerve with the usually impossible to rile Gov. Blagojevich. Questionable hiring practices that got two state workers fired by Gov. Rod Blagojevich still were going on months after the workers had been removed, the governor’s own inspector general found. And this. The administration’s filing with the Civil Service Commission talks at length about DeFraties and Casey helping favored applicants. It says little, however, about how the pair knew the applicants merited special attention. And this. The two CMS employees have been fired. The people working for Blagojevich who made the referrals and allegedly applied the pressure are still around. And so the man who could not be ruffled finally cracks. “Look, I’m modest. You want me to pat myself on the back? I’m not going to do that,” he said. And then he blamed reporters for making his child cry. As tensions with reporters mounted, the governor picked up his 3-year-old daughter, Annie. Moments later, she burst into tears, which the governor attributed to reporters’ questions. And then things took yet another bizarre turn. After the tumult involving Blagojevich’s child had settled, he was asked whether he thought U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald’s probe into the administration will yield indictments before the November election. In fact, yeah, that’s pretty much what all of these questions have been about. A sideshow developed when the governor attempted to slam Topinka for daring to suggest that maybe he shouldn’t bring his 3-yhear-old to a press conference. “I was never one to do that with my son,” she said, alluding to putting a child in the middle of a question-and-answer session with reporters. “I tried to keep him out of that stuff, but everyone does it their own way.” The guv shot back the following day. “With regard to Topinka criticizing me,†Blagojevich said. “You can ask her what she’s thinking. I’m just going to keep being the best possible governor I can be and be like any other parent and enjoy the state fair with my kids.†To which Topinka replied: “I’m not trying to be critical,†said Topinka. “Just decide where you want to have your child in terms of politics. My way is I always kept my little guy out of it when he was small. It’s just a rough and tumble game–not for little kids.†UPDATE: From a reporter friend: Gov refused to take questions after his Veterans Care event - Rebecca Rausch told me he “still had a bitter taste in his mouth after what happened Friday.”
- from my cold dead hands - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 7:26 am:
Governor Ethics - The real test of your efforts to root out corruption is this. How many of the special applicants are still working for you?
Bet it’s nearly all of them.
- wndycty - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 7:32 am:
Judy criticizing the Governor for his daughter being present is a JOKE. Let’s be honest, when Judy’s son was as young as Rod’s daughter she was neither the Governor nor a candidate for a high profile statewide office under intense media scrutiny. Whether people like him or not everyone should acknowledge its completely appropriate for the Governor to have his daughter with him at the State Fair, afterall one of the things its known for is that its a great day for the family. I don’t know Judy’s entire bio but I’m confident that when her son was young she did not have the same responsibilities that either she or Rod have now. Its easy for her to say how she would have acted, but the reality is her situation is entirely different and she really doesn’t know what she would have done in a similar situation, heck she doesn’t even know what her plans are for the office she is running for.
Judy, the person in a glass house who likes to throw stones.
- Gregor - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 7:38 am:
“Look, I’m modest. You want me to pat myself on the back? I’m not going to do that,†he said.
- Oh so virile - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 7:44 am:
Using your kids for campaign props as much as the First Couple does is odious enough. Using your kid for a human shield is particularly gutless. Rod could have just not responded to the reporters by stopping every couple feet to spar. But he can’t help himself; he has a weakness for the attention they give.
You can’t have it both ways Rod: if you use the kids for a prop at every press conference, you are the one putting them in harm’s way.
Such a big man.
- JohnR - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 8:07 am:
What the Gov has to learn is that when you criticize the press corps in Illinois, especially the arrogant political reporters, they will put you in as negative a light as possible.
Press Corps: We get it… you’re bored… you’re in Springfield…you want juicy news to report…but you just look petty and immature when you write stories like this. Most of all, you are caught up in your self-importance - as if the worst thing in the world that could happen is someone not answering your question. I’m just bored of it.
- Shallow Pharnyx - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 8:16 am:
Oh, come on. The press isn’t doing half of what they should. It’s their job to ask questions and yes, probe. If you don’t like it, choose a non-high profile career!
I think his references to himself and Lincoln are blasphemous.
- SilverBackDemocrat - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 8:22 am:
Reporters badgering the Governor while he is with his daughters is pathetic! There is no excuse for that kind of behavior, none whatsoever. For anyone to defend reporters driving on the Governor about investigations when he is with his family at the Fair just proves how ruthless and vindictive the persons are. If I was the Governor, I would challenge the reporter to meet me down at the gym, in the boxing ring, so he can answer the question with some details…. dot-dot-dot, bip-bip-bip!
- Amateurism - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 8:24 am:
Why does she have to say anything? By criticizing his family life she gives him something to change the subject to. She seems to be completely incapable of doing the smart thing every time and the common denominator is her always putting her foot in her mouth. Stay away from talking about your opponent’s family it never works to your advantage and it always seems to hurt.
- Troy News Guy - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 8:26 am:
Reporters had to swarm on him, as he only gets to Springpatch every 3 months or so…. I have no doubt he was pinching his daughter so he could break away. That, or she was crying at how bad the fair is this year…..
- Cassandra - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 8:29 am:
Getting back to the jobs for clout issue (who cares whether their kids campaign or not), it is really important to keep in mind that thousands of state jobs are legitimately open to political appointments (the Rutan-exempt positions). And it is legitimate for the politically connected to put in requests for them in exchange for campaign donations, campaign work, connections, and so on. Illinois voters have signed off on this system, and apparently continue to support it as there has been no outcry to change it. If Casey and DeFraties were managing those jobs in a manner inconsistent with Rutan, it sounds like that’s ok with us. If it isn’t ok, what have we done about it. Have we been writing to our legislators, proposing draft reform bills, etc. I doubt it. Liberal Dems, of course, have been silent, among others.
Instead of publishing the names of applicants (or in addition) as JBT has suggested, why not
require the publishing of all Rutan-exempt positions in state government, why they are Rutan-exempt, the salary and benefits (huge, of course), and the name of the incumbent candidate. At least this would shed light on the details for taxpayers and perhaps reduce the likelihood of overidentification of positions as Rutan-exempt. In many agencies, I believe, positions with similar actual descriptions and duties are Rutan-protected for some and Rutan-exempt for others. This is one area the Blagojevich administration seems to be trying to game the system–by pushing the envelope on defining Rutan-exempt positions. Of course, the rules themselves may be pretty lax.
So, to summarize, how many state jobs are Rutan-exempt and why. When were they classified as Rutan-exempt. How many of the Rutan-exempt positions are highly similar to Rutan-protected positions. Position lists. Details. Numbers.
- Shallow Pharnyx - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 8:31 am:
Pathetic is not having your spouse remove the kids from the situation instead of picking up your 3 year-old as tensions mount. Notice the kid was not crying until daddy picker her up.
- Big Boss Man - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 8:41 am:
The sound of that bus rounding the bend coming toward BS (baby shield) Rod is getting louder and louder. One by one those near him threatened by real-life prison time have already started tossing each other under the bus. (just wait till they get down to the likes of the personnel people that have moved, and have gotten several nice salary adjustments, or as we like to say, spending cash for stamps while in prison). He hears that sound and it is jabbing him every minute of every day….thump, thump, thump!!!
- paper bag over my head - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 8:48 am:
Here is a wild and crazy thought. Why not say “hey guys I am with my family right now, how about letting me enjoy some time with them and I will answer questions after we have done the ferris wheel.” Then go about your business.
- BigBob - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 8:49 am:
After being personally interviewed by the feds and enduring months of press questions related to state hiring practices, Governor Blagojevich claims he knows nothing about state hiring practices. Ask someone else who knows, but not him. How ridiculous.
Like O.J. Simpson, Blago just can’t seem to find the real bad apples. Until Cini and others in the Governor’s Office who are responsible for this scandal are dumped, Governor Blagojevic has no credibility.
Turns out Governor Ethics is actually Governor Coverup.
- Cornelius - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 9:16 am:
Defending the Governor for using his daughter as a shield is silly. You know in your heart that was an amateur move.
If he wants to spend time with his family, he says to the press the exact sentiments that Paper Bag wrote.
He had better get used to answering tough questions…if he indeed gets indicted, he won’t be able to pick up Annie on the stand.
- jaundiced eye - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 9:17 am:
Amateurism is right on the mark. Topinka just doesn’t know when to keep her mouth shut … or how much is to be won by doing so. Talking about how any candidate handles his/her child is about as smart as Teresa Heinz Kerry trying to control John Edwards’ kid for a group campaign shot. Duh …
- anon - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 9:26 am:
picking up annie was just a stunt, as usual. one of my parents used to pick up my baby sister as tensions mounted in our house all the time and then when she burst into tears (kids sense that stuff too people) bam, the picker-up parent could blame the other!
- Walking Wounded - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 9:42 am:
Sorry for all you Blago fans, but the truth of the matter is, that he is an elected public official and as such, lives in a glass house (certainly not the mansion). Thinking he was going to get to have fun with his family at the State fair, like any other John Smith, was either woefully naive or just plain arrogant. Since he only shows up at the Capitol a few times a year, it would be predictable for the press to be present and ask questions. Blaming the press for Rod’s behavior is just lame.
- VanillaMan - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 9:58 am:
Blagojevich is still thinking that reporters are going to ask him happy questions. He pretends to expect these happy questions too. When he gets real questions, he plays up the victim role and uses it as a defense against the reporters.
Blagojevich is not a victim. He should not pretend to be one. Using his daughter as an excuse is unprofessional. Is he capable of being a governor that deals with reporters, even ones at inopportune times, like an adult?
We see he can’t.
I can’t believe the bloggers that defend him.
- Anonymous-N-Spfld - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 10:09 am:
Why is it I have this song in my head now?
“Annie Are You OK?
Are You OK Annie?
You’ve Been Hit By
You’ve Been Struck By -
A Smooth Criminal”
- Jaded - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 10:13 am:
Judy is finally hitting back. Blagojevich has spent millions of dollars to try and put her away and he hasn’t done it. If he had done anything in his first term, she would be 20 points down right now. She has spent nothing, and she is still in it. She knows this so she is finally taking every opportuntiy to smack him around in the free media, which the press corp (loving the blood in the water) is more than willing to allow her to do. The comment about this kid might have been slightly over the top, but I am just glad she is finally fighting back.
As for the family, he uses them every time it is convenient for him. Not going to Springfield for session “I want to kiss my daughter goodnight”, not filing income taxes on time “My wife does that and she is a working mom so it is diffucult for her to find the time (I paraphrased), getting grilled by the press corp at the state fair he picks up his daughter and uses her as a human shield.
So much for Mr. testicular virility!
- Ron Burgundy - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 10:18 am:
So, the Governor should get a free pass from answering questions when he’s with his kids, huh?
In other news, Gov. Blagojevich announces his daughter will be with him 24/7 leading up to the election…
- SilverBackDemocrat - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 10:24 am:
As I am sitting here processing some of the posts, I harkened back in my memory to previous posts, and I am thinking, how can anyone wish and hope for someone to be convicted of a crime, when all there is, is allegations, rumors, and he said-she said. In this country, a person is innocent until “proven” guilty beyond “a-reasonalble-doubt.” So then, basically what is being reported in the media, blogs, etc. about the Governor is a Smear campaign; it is not based on facts but rather hearsay and speculations that are hoping for the worste. Isn’t that kind of wierd? At least if you consider that most people think of themselves to be, “Christ-like.” Whether anything does or does not come of the allegations, do you really think a jury of 12 jurors will find the Governor guilty of a crime? I do not think so. There is a huge difference between the current Governor and the previous Governor, people were killed because of politics. Therefore, trying to catch the current Governor up into the same kind of snare as the previous Governor, is not going to be fruitful for the “hypocrites.”
- DOWNSTATE - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 10:25 am:
Last time he got a free pass because no one knew him and he had no record.This time he has to answer questions.
- Goodbye Napoleon - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 10:44 am:
I can’t believe he would call his three year old a “baby.” She’s old enough to go to pre-school, even the program he claims to champion. I have no sympathy for him in this situation, by ducking reporters and only being available in highly scripted and staged events he leaves himself open to a barrage of questions at a real press conference. What a coward.
- Buck Flagojevich - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 10:51 am:
Many of the things you read here are true. I have seen much of it happen. I would also bet that if your boss rubbed doo-doo in your face on a daily basis you would be wishing him ill will. Take off your rose colored glasses. Blago isn’t being attacked for being the incumbant, he is being attacked for being a lying phoney.
- Cornelius - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 11:14 am:
I’m actually pro Blagojevich–voted for him before, will do it again. But what he did was a gutless move.
- Silverback Democrack - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 11:21 am:
SilverBackDemocrat, I’m with you all the way. I too have been smoken what you been smoken. Do you hear that bus too. Bet you do!!!
- Rich Miller - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 11:26 am:
“SilverBackDemocrat” the guv might be more of a sympathetic character if he and his office didn’t try to smear every whistleblower who came down the pike.
- Rich Miller - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 12:05 pm:
Also, people, I just finished reading your comments and I can’t tell you how disappointed I am.
Those who make stupid and ridiculous comments about the governor’s daughter will be (and have been) banned. If the idiocy continues I’ll be shutting down comments on this post.
You may despise him, but he’s still the governor. A little decorum, please. If you want to just say whatever ridiculous, hateful, disgusting thing pops into your head, go to the SJ-R’s website or the Bloomington Pantagraph’s site. From what I can tell they approve a lot of ugly comments.
This isn’t a “public” site like a public park. This is public like a tavern. I reserve the right to refuse service.
- SilverBackDemocrat - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 12:16 pm:
What you say is very true brother Rich; I whole heartedly agree. But you know politics, and sometimes good people get caught up in things that they otherwise would not have gotten caught up in.
- HANKSTER - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 12:17 pm:
Is it not fair game to question the political intelligence of Topinka bringing up the guv’s daughter? Is that how it works Rich? There was no reason at all you should taken down my post.
- schroedk - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 12:28 pm:
I think that just about everything Blagojevich has done in the last 2-3 years shows how simply ineffective he is as a governor. Like a previous poster stated, unless it’s a scripted press event that he or his handlers control, he’s lost. In addition to the state fair debacle, he’s reduced to issuing executive orders since he can’t convince the legislature that his ideas are worthwhile; he has to sign MOUs with members of his own party since no one in government seems to trust him; he can only seem to negotiate budget details with a very small group of same-party individuals, and even that seems hodge-podge. He’s a user, plain and simple, from All Kids letters with his name peppered all over it to using his spokespeople and lieutenant governors and now even family to try to shield himself from accountability. Ridiculous.
- Little Egypt - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 12:31 pm:
Bill & Hillary Clinton told the press it was hands off for Chelsea, and the press largely respected that. However, you seldom, if ever, saw the Clinton’s parade Chelsea out in public for 8 years. They were extremely protective of her privacy, as any responsible parent would be. The Bush twins have been in the press some, unfavorably, but the press has pretty much left Jenna and Barbara alone. I personally don’t think much of any politician who parades their children out for campaign functions and during their term in office to what they perceive as being a great photo op. The only thing a 3 year old is going to remember from the Illinois State Fair is that she was hot and tired. This goverNOT needs to save his children for a campaign photograph, nothing more - nothing less.
- Anonymous - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 12:56 pm:
“…the man who could not be ruffled…”
He can’t be ruffled because he sneaks out the back door of the capitol or whatever building he is in to avoid the press. He shows up late for every event so he can breeze past the attending media. He creates media feeds so a reporter cannot question him (not the first to use that).
He now hid behind his daughter when the questions got tough. The Chelsea Clinton comment was right on target. Same with Jimmy Carter’s daughter and Jim Thompson’s daughter and most politicians with young children. Keep the kids out of it and the media will respect that. Put them in the line of fire and …. well, um, you know, I don’t want to write anything to get me banned forever.
- Rich Miller - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 12:57 pm:
If that’s all you did, Hankster, then it would’ve been no big deal. You essentially accused her of attacking the kid. Out of bounds. My call, not yours.
- Dem Voting R - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 2:05 pm:
Thanks Rich for trying to maintain a bit of decorum in the face of, well, obstinacy. Your lead-in was a model of reporting and informative and asked some interesting questions. Then everyone either slammed Judy or slammed Rod. Such wit, such nuance. Yeah, right! Simple truth is: if you ask the press to keep your children safe from the public eye, they do. Rod brought it on himself and sounded peevish. Judy amended her earlier comment, and I’m sure has said plenty more at the Fair that had nothing to do with how a candidate maintains family life and public life. Like unfunded pensions, ineffective budgeting, and other issues she’s addressing. Just as I”m sure Rod talked about his own campaign talking points (though I tire of the ‘what’s she thinking’ repetition). So, what about the butter cow this year?
- Bubs - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 2:15 pm:
He wasn’t hiding behind his daughter. If he was, he’d say “no questions, I’m here with my little girl” and bug out.
The much bigger issue is that he would get testy at all, after all this time and all this turmoil. Either the pressure is taking its toll, or he knows something is coming that he can’t stop, and does not like. . . at all.
- Anonymous - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 2:17 pm:
“the guv might be more of a sympathetic character if he and his office didn’t try to smear every whistleblower who came down the pike.”
How did the Associated Press obtain a copy of the confidential report from the current Executive Inspector General, James Wright?
Recently, in news article, the Governor cited confidentiality laws in the Ethics Legislation in not disclosing what the EIG has and has not uncovered. However, somehow, the AP obtained a copy of this report.
There are other “whistleblowers” who would like copies of “confidential reports” of the former and current EIG.
Can the AP inform us how they got the reports? Or can the AP inform U.S Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald of how they obtained the “confidential” reports?
- VanillaMan - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 2:17 pm:
Blagojevich needs Illinois, Illinois doesn’t need him. There were many candidates running for office in 2002. He didn’t have to be one of them. He didn’t have to work the system, spending every hour, penny, and promise to get elected. He ran for the job, and he won.
All we expected of him was to do what he promised to do. That, and follow the laws of the land. Even a caretaker governor would have sleptwalked through the governor’s office better than Blagojevich has. He upended things without understanding how they worked, and without a replacement. His incredibly arrogant staff refused to believe that they didn’t have all the answers. They treated other civil servants so poorly, even his union supporters felt the sting.
He has no right to play the victim. He called the shots, his name is on all the highways signs, state brochures, and stationary. His refusal to directly answer questions about how he has failed to deliver is a cover up.
He wanted to be governor and he is. No one should feel sorry for him as he waffles around embarrassments and scandals. He would have had a nice life as Mell’s son-in-law, without his stint in Chicago’s governor’s office.
This election is about him. He failed, and it is completely right to vote him out. Not doing so would be our fault. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.
- Buck Flagojevich - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 3:05 pm:
Nicely said VanillaMan. You summed up Blago’s problems regarding his credibility and popularity very neatly.
- Lovie's Leather - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 3:10 pm:
I can understand placing some of the blame on the media. Things started getting hostile and the governor should have answered the last question and then said, “no more questions.” It is inexusable that he used his daughter as a prop. But, like Judy says, it’s his kid. From what I read, Judy wasn’t trying to be mean. She was just saying that she doesn’t roll that way (add a positive to Topinka, not a negative to Blagojevich). How anyone can blame Topinka for this is insane! The media deserves 25% of the blame for asking extremely tough questions at an inappropriate time to an ill-prepared governor. Blago deserves 75% of the blame for picking up his daughter while taking questions from the media. She wasn’t crying because of the questions, she was crying because the governor picked her up while answering questions and she freaked out. Yep… 75% of the blame… Hey, that means he gets a “C”.
- First Crack - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 3:25 pm:
I was weed whacking my sidewalk a while back. Shot a rock into my front window. A tiny little crack was all I noticed. Later numerous cracks spread throughout, until the entire window exploded onto my sidewalk.
Now we’ve seen Blago’s first crack. It’s only a matter of time before he explodes all over the sidewalk.
And like Humpty Dumpty, once he breaks nobody’s putting him back together again.
- Limerick - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 3:27 pm:
The scope of the Governor’s mess
Runs far beyond children and press.
No matter where he may roam,
Questions hit close to home,
He’s snapping out under the stress.
- Nostradamus - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 4:04 pm:
sliverback et el, how can you defend a person such
as “hot rod” when everyone, including you, can see
how much he has screwed up? he wants to be a “big
man”. look at his prescription drug program with
canada. he was going to defy the us government.
then he spent at least $14.7 million on hiring a
group of consultants (his buddies) to look into
the insurance programs. after “they” consulted with the employees, they came to the conclusion
that everything was being done right (the way is
was before they entered the picture). and what
about the nearly $2 million he spent on “flu vaccine” that sat on an airport tarmac for god
only knows how long (then we end up giving it away). not to mention the $500,000 plus we owe
in legal fees to the video gaming industry, (i told you not to mention it), he was going to protect our children from harmful games. now he’s
going to show the fda that he is going to force
the illinois pharmacies to dispense the morning
after pill,(the same pharmacies he tried to
bankrupt by allowing canadian drugs enter illinois
illegally). the list goes on and on. we can only hope and pray that mr. fitzgerald’s probe nails
him before there is no illinois left for him to
screw up or sale. he’s got to go. where’s rod?
- Anon. - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 4:30 pm:
The Gooberner should be ashamed of himself for putting his child in the middle. Another stunt for him for publicity.
As for the comment of calling his daughter a “baby”…..my son is 15 years old and I still call him my “baby.” I see nothing wrong with that.
- Concerned Voter - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 4:37 pm:
Blago is such a cub fan, he saw Dusty using his kid shield him at after game pressconferences, so thought he’d adapt the idea.
Wasn’t there, but all accounts I read said his daughter didn’t start fussing until after he picked her up, putting her dead center with him in front of all those bad media ne’er do wells, not just the Chicago media, but the Springfield and downstate press that rarley gets to see him.
- Clown Band roadie - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 4:48 pm:
You know, previous governors had multiple strategies regarding the press and the fair. Edgar rode on horseback after the ribbon cutting, George rode on a horse-drawn wagon with the grandkids. Kept the focus on the fair and family fun and promoting attendance. After the fun was over, the govs would find a shady spot around the corner and, if they chose, handled direct questions from the press. Even Thompson had a deal with the press: my kid and I get a corn dog, a lemonade, a ride down that big slide, unmolested, THEN we adults will go off-topic with whatever you guys wanna talk about.
This governor has the worst advance and press staff I’ve ever seen. Maybe a dozen of them all within earshot, and not a one of them blocking the press for him?
And I wonder if the kids will be accompanying him on the debates?
- Jechislo - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 5:28 pm:
I am SO embarrassed to tell anyone I am from Illinois. It’s kind of like being from Arkansas when Clinton was President. I was in New Mexico lately (yes, the small State of New Mexico) and when I told a guy I was from Illinois he made a comment and a joke about how corrupt and crooked our State is. First Ryan, then Blagojevich. When will we get an honest politician to restore the State’s confidence and pride? Those voting for Rod can only be voting for their Party, not for their candidate. I think I’m going to be sick.
- Anon - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 5:57 pm:
Bottom line, Blago still wins by big margin because Topinka’s even worse.
- Shallow Pharnyx - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 6:05 pm:
Anon 5:57,
I doubt it will be because JBT is worse. Blago will win again because people WILL vote party-line, not candidate. Plus, Judy doesn’t have the money to blast commercials all over the place and she does lack tact, but so did Blago, especially when he made his testicular virility comment.
- 'The Gay Governor' - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 6:23 pm:
‘Bitter Taste’?
That’s a crock of *#$@!!!!!
That little comment from Rebecca Rausch only reinforces the notion that Blago used his own child as a shield to block questions from reporters. When the exchange got hot - even his pea-brained advisers must have known that it would - he created a diversion with his own crying child.
‘Bitter taste’ about what, Rebecca?
About being subjected to questions from reporters about alleged CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES in HIS OWN administration under his OWN WATCH and perhaps even directed by HIM????
These people are pathetic.
- Old Elephant - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 7:36 pm:
I’m afraid “Silverback” needs to get his facts right:
“There is a huge difference between the current Governor and the previous Governor, people were killed because of politics.”
Let me remind you that a former warden died in Kosovo because she needed work after Blagojevich fired her for purely political reasons. Can’t get much more of a direct link than that.
Blagojevich is very fortunate in that she was from Southern Illinois and thus out of the Chicago media spotlight, but unquestionably he is as guilty (probably more so) in that incident as George Ryan was in the other incident.
Topinka’s comments demonstrate something that no one can really deny. Say what you want about her, she is a real person and was simply stating that to her, keeping her son out of the political spotlight when he was young was of more importance than any political benefit she might have gained by exploiting him.
The proof is in the pudding — Joe Topinka is a son anyone would be proud of and, no doubt, part of that is because of his mother’s decision to keep his personal life separate from her political life.
As many others posting on this site have said, there were dozens of ways for Blagojevich to handle this that would have allowed him to spend time with his family AND answer reporters’ questions.
Does anyone really believe that this Governor, who calculates every move to determine its media value, didn’t know exactly what he was doing when he used his three-year-old as a shield.
Finally, I suspect the real reason his daughter was crying was because she is the one who is going to be paying off the billions of dollars in debt her daddy has foisted onto the taxpayers of Illinois in his quest to buy votes.
- taxmandan - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 8:05 pm:
JBT could have given at least twenty different responses about Rod dodging the reporters’ questions without letting the Governor change the subject to something as mundane as a crying child. Let’s forget about that for a second.
What concerns me is the fact that Governor Blagojevich actualy thinks that cleaning up Illinois hiring practices, as he said he would do, is equivalent to Abraham Lincoln preserving the Union and “emancipating the slaves and providing freedom to millions and millions of people.†If he thinks for one second, that discontinuing the hiring of political allies for state jobs (allegedly) is the same as commanding the United States armed forces during the American Civil War, then he is delusional. If he is feeling the same stress that Lincoln felt, maybe this job is a little to much for him.
- Shallow Pharnyx - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 8:22 pm:
He is not only delusional, he is about as arrogant and as full of himself as they come!
- DeepFriedStick - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 8:51 pm:
Delusional is an understatement.
This is the same man who compared himself to Odysseus, having tied himself to a ship’s mast to resist the siren’s song that is casino gambling.
This is the same man who compared his quest to stigmatize retailers selling lewd video games to the push for child labor laws in the last century.
This is the man that, since his days as a state lawmaker, has told those who would listen that he would someday be president.