MJM on Alexi, Blagojevich
Monday, Aug 14, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller
Kristen McQueary snagged an impromptu interview with Speaker Madigan the other day. Among other things, she ribbed him about his rift with Democratic treasurer candidate Alexi Giannoulias.
“I think you’re going to help Christine Radogno,” I called out.
Later, Madigan made a point of saying he would not stoop that low to covertly help the Republican candidate in the race.
“I’m not going to help Radogno,” he said. […]
I asked Madigan whether, as the co-chairman of Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s re-election effort, he was concerned about voter backlash in House races should the corruption allegations against the governor gain momentum. After all, if Madigan is concerned about Giannoulias loaning money to a mobbed-up client, surely he must be worried about multiple investigations into Blagojevich’s administration.
“We’re aware there could be a problem. So as we work with (our candidates), we’re prepared for that,” Madigan said.
In other words, don’t expect House Democrats to scurry for posed photographs with Blagojevich this fall.
As for serious damage to Blagojevich or his associates between now and November, Madigan said: “Oh, I don’t know anything about that. There is nothing I know of, but there is smoke. Even people in the administration would acknowledge that.”
- B Hicks - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 7:36 am:
Madigan isn’t worried about the Giannoulias/mob thing; he’s worried about his daughters future in politicks. Giannoulias could turn out to be a tough candidate for Lisa to go up against in a Democratic Gubernatorial primary. Alexi has unlimited $$$$.
- wndycty - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 7:37 am:
Michael J. Napolean er uh I mean Madigan, the little man who speaks for the House and runs the Illinois Democratic party, who knew he was such a little immature, insecure and petty man. I really like Lisa, but if he she does not separate herself from her father (I know its hard for her today, but he is huge negative for me and many other Democrats) I can’t see myself supporting her for the Governor’s office in 2010.
So immature and so petty, we will win in 2006 but we need a new leader, this man needs to be gone!
- Don't Mess with MJM - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 8:21 am:
How can Alexi be expected to win the GE when he can’t even get the party boss beind him?
Seems to me he’d better get Dan Shomon & Co working overtime!
Otherwise his campaign may end up as another Blair Hull-type discaster.
- Leader - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 8:27 am:
The party needs a leader. The Speaker has been good for Democrats but his posture on Alexi is inexcusable. He needs to change course and support his party’s nominated candidates. I’m just dumbfounded by this whole scenario.
- Pat Hickey - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 8:41 am:
Calvin Coolidge was down-right chatty compared to Speaker Madigan.
- over here - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 9:10 am:
To wndycty, “we” (your name must be on a ballot somewhere if you’re taking credit for victory) have been winning for the past 25 years (i.e. a Democratic majority in the House) thanks to Madigan. Those majorities don’t happen by accident. 1995-97 with GOP dominance was bad enough. If not for Madigan, GOP would have controlled the entire decade. But please, continue to say how the Dems need a new leader.
- (618) Democrat - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 9:20 am:
Giannoulias is getting support from a wide range of people and groups including endorsements from the Illinois Federation of Teachers, Illinois UAW and the Illinois AFL-CIO. There was a recent poll taken in July that puts him 11 points ahead of his opponent. Looks like the future is bright for Mr. Giannoulias.
- Staunch Democrat - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 9:21 am:
A moral dilemma for Democrats is that Alexi Giannoulis, given the post primary revelations and his totally inadequate response to them, is not qualified to serve as State Treasurer.
Are their any limits to party loyalty? I think so. I can’t support him; I will not vote for him. So what do I do? Vote for the Republican? Skip the race and move down the ballot.
We complain about the abuses of power of Blago, Ryan, Madigan, etal. How can we stand by and watch the Alexi debacle proceed to the general election?
Should blind lock-step party loyalty trump competence, ethical behavior, telling the truth? Where do you draw the line?
Ok, partisan loyalists. What’s your advice?
- Staunchier Dem - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 9:45 am:
To Staunch Democrat: Consider the source. The Trib does not do investigative reporting; someone piped the post-primary “revelations” concerning the Giannoulias bank loans to the Trib. Wonder who?
- (618) Democrat - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 9:58 am:
Staunch Dem:
Giannoulias is the most competent person who has ever ran for State Treasurer in Illinois he is ethical and tells the truth. This should make your decision easy. Vote for Giannoulias.
- Downtown Mike - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 10:11 am:
Competent? He based his campaign on his “experience” as a bank officer. When the mob loan allegation came out, he said that he had nothing to do with them, that he was either in Europe playing basketball or in law school. At 31, when did he have time to do all of that and gain the experience necessary to run the Treasurer’s office. He can’t claim not knowing about the loans while at the same time claiming a life-time of experience.
- Anon - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 11:22 am:
Rich, you missed the most interesting part of the Speakers quote. He called Senator Obama “The Messiah!” In case you didn’t know this, The Messiah is a term that is pretty sacred among the Christians.
Furthermore, Madigan has demanded that Senator Obama’s campaign report to him the details of the Alexi’s banking issues before Democratic Party Chairman Madigan decides to support his candidacy. Does Senator Obama, a well respected and distinguished member of the U.S. Senate need to report to the Chairman of the Illinois Democratic Party?
I find it very interesting that Obama (the newcomer who won his race with NO help from Madigan) is being called to the carpet by Speaker Madigan because he supported the anti Speaker candidate.
Isnt Madigan’s grudge against Obama’s successful Treasurer candidate worthy of mention in this story? Doesn’t Senator Obama get an honorable mention here for trying to maintain party unity and encourage everybody to act like adults?
- Juice - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 11:29 am:
I agree with anon. I’m used to Madigan treating people like second class citizens, but to do this to Obama is unacceptable. Why would he want to let his pettyness cause him to insult the most popular member of the Senate?
- Don't Mess with MJM - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 11:48 am:
I thought the mention MJM reference to Barama was HILARIOUS!
It pretty much sums up that MJM has little respect for Barama.
Perhaps, it has to do with the fact that he was a major beneficiary of both timing & cirmumstances.
Somehow, I think MJM’s response/position will be ‘in-line’ with most D’s/R’s/et al, once Barama2008 becomes an active part of this country’s mainstream 2008 conversation.
Once all the fluff gets out of the way…is USA ready to elect another individual with such thin experience as POTUS. Yes, he has an interesting story, but do we not have other candidates who bring more substance & experience to the table - Bill Richardson, John McCain, Rudy G, Hillary, Colin Powell, John Edwards, etc?
I think MJM is right on track.
He’s as smart as they come.
- Pat Hickey - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 11:52 am:
Smarter. And all the smarter, because he keeps his own counsel and confounds the confederacy of dunces. Try and not read his mind and you won’t be embarassed.
- respectful - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 11:53 am:
over here
The two years of GOP control of the House gave Chicago school reform, which every Chicago Dem voted against, but now all brag about.
- Skarfeld - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 12:39 pm:
So the Speaker’s candidate loses and he wants to take his bat and go home.
If you don’t think he’s used to getting his way–right or wrong–you’re just blind. Believe me, the loss by Mangieri to Giannoulias was an unforgivable sin. Obama and Alexi will pay if MJM has anything to say about it. The constitutional offices mean nothing to him as long as the House is his and Lisa’s career path is clear.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 12:42 pm:
respectful -
The only one bragging about the 1995 Chicago school reform is Mayor Daley, and I don’t see much to brag about. Only 23% of Chicagoans think their public schools are adequate, compared to 70%+ for the rest of the state. If Republicans want to claim credit for the state of Chicago’s schools, they are welcome to it.
I thought Medigan’s “messiah” comment was the most newsworthy point in the McQuery story too. What did he mean, I wonder?
“Messiah” means savior or liberator, and there are certainly many within the Democratic Party who hope that Obama will save us. I’d have to agree with Madigan on that point.
Clearly, too, Obama saved Giannoulias from obscurity in the Democratic Primary, and it could have been a pointed reference to that. I’d agree with Madigan there, too.
Does Madigan think that Obama has “messiah complex”? Now that would be noteworthy. I always thought that Obama comes across with humility, but maybe Madigan thinks that’s just part of the act, and Obama sees himself as the Second Coming. I don’t think that’s what Madigan meant, and I certainly don’t see it that way.
Madigan’s choice of words does remind me though, that it’s probably not good for Democrats to pin so much of their hopes on one person, a “messiah” to lead us.
For one thing, our past messiahs haven’t faired too well. JFK, Bobby Kennedy, and JFK Jr. didn’t fair too well. Ted Kennedy, Gary Hart and Bill Clinton had their falls from grace. Howard Dean and Jesse Jackson, Jr. cracked under pressure.
Secondly, the charismatic leader model isn’t a very good one for building strong organizations that last. I know I harp on Jim Collins’ Good to Great alot, but he points out that charismatic leaders like Lee Iacocca produce unsustained results, while the best leaders combine personal humility (never seeking the limelight) with an unwaivering determination to deliver results long after they’re gone. They did that by building dynamic teams that had a disciplined focus on results.
Obama is a great candidate and a great voice, but it takes disciplined, behind-the-scenes leadership from guys like Madigan to deliver results over time. There’s a very good reason he’s been Speaker for all but two years since 1983.
- Did Obama Blink? - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 1:33 pm:
I’m going to ignore a previous posters advice and try to read Madigan’s mind: it’s possible Madigan’s calling Obama’s bluff, and rubbing his face in it. One explanation I’ve heard about Madigan’s bitterness towards Alexi has more to do with who is top dog in IL politics than anything else, maybe now with Obama apparently backing away from Alexi, Madigan feels like he has the advantage in this little duel, and is pressing his advantage by picking a fight with Obama.
If Obama does decide to run for President, it will b e interesting to see if Madigan actively works against his interests.
- Anonymous - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 4:45 pm:
I’m no fan of Alexi — I think he’s in way over his head. And I got a kick out of the “Messiah” crack — even Obama fans have to admit he’s over-hyped.
But MJM really exposes himself as petty, vindictive, and arrogant. You’re party chairman, dude. Start acting like it, or give the gig up.
- Tom DeLay's Mom - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 7:32 pm:
Forget the whole Madigan, Obama, Giannoulias angle - there’s no news there whatsoever.
The best part of the Southtown article was the fact that Madigan and his wife drove their rig down to suburban Will County to cut the ribbon on a new pizza joint owned by a constituent…now that’s what I call commitment to constituent service! Love it!
Even more important: does Palermo’s Pizza offer deep-dish?
- Anonymous - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 7:43 pm:
Very petty, childish almost, not to support the Primary winner, just because your candidate got beat. That is the reason right? It couldn’t be to protect his daughter?
Anyway, you are either the Party Chairman or not. The State Central Committee should be all over the Speaker/Chairman for this, It is the Democrat Party, not the MJM Party.
- alexi fan - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 7:45 pm:
Am I the only one that sees the Lieberman parallel here?
Madigan is waiting to see? To see what, who the democratic voters want? They already showed him? And he’s walking around with this silly gangster story acting like a boogeyman instead of a booster. Anonymous is right, if you don’t want to act like party chairman, give the gig up. (then you can be open about what you really are : Lisa’s campaign manager for the next gubernatorial election)
- M.V. - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 10:28 pm:
In my estimation, Obama made a pretty big blunder in supporting Giannoulias. He may have demonstrated his political influence and popularity, but Giannoulias obviously has a lot of baggage, and he’ll Obama will eventually end up distancing himself. Just like the governor’s race, the Green Party candidate, Dan Rodriguez-Schlorff, is the only one who wins in the character department.
- Anonymous - Monday, Aug 14, 06 @ 10:42 pm:
2 priorities for MJM: 1)Lisa 2)The majority
There are no other priorities. He will not let some rookie banker or dufus Governor get in his way of making Lisa Governor and keeping the majority. All other needs of government or party be damed; tax policy, major intiatives, and leaving the Ilinois Dem party in better shape than when he took the helm will not deflect his steely blue eyed stare on these 2 goals. Is that a genius, or just another cold calculating politician who knows what other people need? There are some Dems that will give him credit for having the sun come up in the east. Move on, go home, please!
- Anon again - Tuesday, Aug 15, 06 @ 1:04 am:
Keep it up rs MJM has one of the most respected hisories of integrity just because people in your party have had to be crooks to get elected he has been one of the best persons in the legislature for years, dont confuse power with corruption thats your party not ours. And go ahead and fess up you are would sell yourself ou to the devil again to have a party member with the appeal of Sen Obama, he is ours and your cant have him he is too good for your bunch of hoodlums
- Anon - Tuesday, Aug 15, 06 @ 8:29 am:
The Madigans are making a big mistake by sitting out this year’s dem day rally. Lisa can hide behind her job for only so long. When her time comes to run for the big office, people will remember, and see first hand, that it is daddy who is pulling the strings and calling the shots. Being tied to the dem party chairman who boycotted dem day because his feelings were hurt in a primary race that he lost will be remembered four years from now.
how many of the thousand or so dems who will be at dem day tomorrow do you think will notice the Madigan absence. How many will will take offense that they abandoned their “fellow” dems on this big day and created news of diversion instead of unity?
As I said before, I think the Madigans are making a mistake. By the way, Lisa, have fun asking Obama for your support for governor in four years. I think we know who the Messiah won’t be for.
- Juice - Tuesday, Aug 15, 06 @ 8:33 am:
Lisa is torn between being a good democrat and keeping her wagon hitched to her father. He got her where she is now — he will be the one who gets her in the governors office, right?
- Juice - Tuesday, Aug 15, 06 @ 8:34 am:
She will find that many dems are angry with her father and his power has been diminished by losing the treasurer primary to obama. The speaker is a paper tiger and he will drag lisa down.
- Anon - Tuesday, Aug 15, 06 @ 11:00 am:
I think the way he chooses to deal with the loss of the primary is unacceptable. A true leader will work to unite a group, not divide it. It could be bad news for lisa in the future if he continues to act this way.
- Juice - Tuesday, Aug 15, 06 @ 1:25 pm:
Lisa does what her father tells her to do. Boycotting this years democrats day because her daddy is upset with Obama is a stupid move and will definately hurt her if she hopes to run for governor. He is far from the most popular dem in the state right now. Her allegiance to her father will be her undoing. She should start getting cozy with Obama the Messiah.
- Anon - Tuesday, Aug 15, 06 @ 2:41 pm:
Juice I think you have a point. Acting like this can’t help his popularity. Poking at Obama doesn’t do Lisa much good in any way either.