The NYT turns up its nose at the State Fair
Wednesday, Aug 16, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller This is a classic case of squeezing the facts to fit a story. The cacophony of smells waves of manure, tractor fuel, all things deep fried signaled the opening of the state fair here on Friday. Piglets squealed in a pen, sheep tolerated last-minute haircuts, and dutiful ponies stepped around a wheel in slow motion, bearing children on their backs. The Auditor General’s report referenced in this story also found that State Fair revenues increased last year over the two previous years. Compare that to older audits and you see revenues last year outpaced 1999, 2000 and 2001. The weather was just awful last year, a major band canceled its Grandstand show at the last minute, so the revenue figures were even more surprising. And then there’s this. Asked what might have caused a sudden drop in attendance, to 672,615 in 2005 from more than 1.2 million in 2002, according to figures released by the fair, Ms. Herbert said all sorts of factors, including weather, particular stage acts and improved accuracy in estimating attendance, could explain it. The attendance estimates dropped mainly because the old numbers were laughably bogus. As I recall, the State Journal-Register did a bit of sleuthing on its own and disproved the Fair’s numbers. Anyway, let’s continue our discussion in comments about your State Fair experiences this year. And here are the latest Fair-related stories from the SJ-R: · Things got so heated at the Illinois State Fair Sale of Champions Tuesday night that Gov. Rod Blagojevich offered a portion of his shirt to wipe the sweat running down Marty Davis’ face. · Tuesday was Agriculture Day at the Illinois State Fair. One of the coveted honors handed out at the annual Ag Day Luncheon is the outstanding ag teacher of the year. This year’s winner was Tim Reed of Southwestern High School. · The dilemma: You’re trying to watch your fat and calories, but you’re planning to eat at the Illinois State Fair. · Celebrity harness race is fair’s ultimate thrill ride · Hands-on owner
- VanillaMan - Wednesday, Aug 16, 06 @ 9:05 am:
After the animal judgings, I left. The weather was awesome this weekend, and couldn’t have been better.
We walked around and looked for something edible, but all I found was the fried eggplant at Ethnic Village’s French booth. The rest of the food is simply unedible. Everything is getting fried whether is should be or not, and some of the concoctions are gut wrenching. There doesn’t seem to be anything different food-wise if it isn’t fried. I looked for two days and just gave up. On Sunday, we left and went to Cafe Brio instead of looking for something to eat.
But that isn’t the point anyway. The Fair is great. It is agriculture at it’s best. 4-H’ers, magificent farm animals, the seriousness of each judging, is something you cannot see anywhere else.
I wouldn’t expect anyone from the NYT to understand anymore than they fail to understand the War on Terror. Those snots even outsnot me.
- Chinaman - Wednesday, Aug 16, 06 @ 9:24 am:
I think it’s because the Chicago Democrats are in charge. They come down and ridicule the Republicans. And what do Chicago Democrats know about State Fairs ?
- The Horse - Wednesday, Aug 16, 06 @ 10:58 am:
The weather and hence, the Fair was wonderful !! But… worthy of tax dollars? no more so then Mcormick Place or any other convention center.
and besides when was the last time anyone had italian sausage smothered in onions and an elephant ear at the car show.
- Howie - Wednesday, Aug 16, 06 @ 11:33 am:
Illinois needs to take a good hard look at the Iowa State Fair, which increases attendance every year.
- David P. Graf - Wednesday, Aug 16, 06 @ 8:18 pm:
My wife and I went to the State Fair on Tuesday night. It was great! Unlike the stifling crowds at Taste of Chicago or almost any other public event in Chicago, the state fair had a human dimension to it. We’re glad we moved to the Springfield area.
- zatoichi - Wednesday, Aug 16, 06 @ 10:27 pm:
Just got back from a day at the Fair today. Crowds were ok at best. Weather could not be better. Left around 8:00 pm so maybe I missed them. It was Dem day so lots of people acting like they cared for politics while eating. Food - ranges from just fry it junk to OK stuff in Ethnic Village. Immediate service at food booths and Butter cow had no crowds, if those can be used as crowd volume. Had the worst elephant ear of my life. Turkish kabob was good. Egg on a stick was, well… an egg on a stick. Did try a fried cheese cake. Now that could be addicting. People watching is great. I could afford to lose more than a few pounds, but I sure feel slim after walking through the human beef.
Animals were great, watched several auctions of what seemed to me to be expensive hogs. Saw several pretty decent bands. Sound guys must be deaf because the sound balance is damn shrill. Maybe it is too many concerts on my part. Trouble with the Fair is once you get past the agriculture (which I do like, smells and all, for some odd reason)it is the same event for the last several years. Rides are in exactly the same locations, food vendors are exactly the same with crap food priced like it was Chicago Fest, non-food vendors selling the same junk they always sell. The high divers had a pirate thing going which was amusing as a slight change. The paint can artist is in the same position and location he always is. Like he never left. Liked the Bucket Boys - as low tech as it gets and pretty good drummers. The 4-H and crafts things are like you would expect. They are the basis for the fair. Did not see the parking lots around the fair filling up at all, but again I’m there on Wedneday. Tractor pull was half full at best.
I like going to the Fair, but I am only going once this year. Been there. It needs something new to excite people or just decide it is what it is and work on its tradition.