Back and forth in the 6th
Friday, Aug 18, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller
You have to read to the very bottom of this story to see that the allegations about the Democratic operative are stretched to the limit, to say the least, so score this a wash.
The first bit of political nastiness in the 6th Congressional District race surfaced Thursday about the ethical pasts of key campaign staff for both Republican Peter Roskam and Democrat Tammy Duckworth.
The Duckworth campaign initially criticized Roskam for allowing the national GOP to send in veteran operative Jason Roe, pointing to his past work for indicted ex-House Majority Leader Tom DeLay of Texas and involvement in an ethics investigation about a prescription drug vote.
“I think it’s clear that the alarm bells have gone off about Peter Roskam’s campaign,†Duckworth spokeswoman Christine Glunz said. “Sending in someone who has ties to Tom DeLay as well as someone who is doing dirty work, strong-arming and twisting arms on the Medicare bill.â€
But the National Republican Campaign Committee was able to boomerang the ethics rap on Roe back at Duckworth, pointing out that her campaign manager, Jon Carson, was granted immunity as part of a 2001 probe into political corruption involving a prominent Wisconsin Democrat.
Jonathan Collegio, a spokesman for the National Republican Campaign Committee, called the Duckworth campaign’s criticisms “stunningly hypocritical.â€
And here’s the last paragraph:
Carson briefly worked as the No. 2 staff member for then-Wisconsin Senate Democratic leader Chuck Chvala, who was eventually sentenced to nine months for political corruption. Carson, who was not accused of any wrongdoing, was granted immunity from prosecution and paid his own legal bills.
- Wumpus - Friday, Aug 18, 06 @ 8:51 am:
Wow, now the Duckworth camp is full of snitches and rats, and we all know snitches get stitches! We can’t trust them with national security!
Seriously, I am really tired of all the bs on both sides, please discuss issues.
- Bill Baar - Friday, Aug 18, 06 @ 9:26 am:
This is going to be a sorry race if these two can’t seriously discuss national security, and get bogged down in this stuff.
- moderate - half way between crazy and crazy. - Friday, Aug 18, 06 @ 9:41 am:
when you point a finger at someone else you have three fingeres pointing back at you.. and then a thumb point up at the sky.
- Anon sequitur - Friday, Aug 18, 06 @ 11:46 am:
You can expect the Dems to pound away on the DeLay ties to Roskam, but this should teach them to be a little more precise with their attacks. Meanwhile, Roskam is stuck on the “she’ll raise your taxes” theme. But I did enjoy their gaff on the Duckworth will make a difference mail.
It’s definitely going to be a vicious and snotty campaign. Between the Republican sneak attacks and the incessant Democratic whining, as a 6th district voter, I’m going to have a front row seat on the “Politics as Blood Sport” show. I wonder what is in my mailbox today?
- Bridget Dooley - Friday, Aug 18, 06 @ 2:45 pm:
I’m surprised that Duckworth’s campaign even touched this one, honestly. Even if Jon Carson didn’t do anything wrong, his name is still all over legal documents all over the web. We all know that the truth rarely factors into these types of attacks.
That said, I can’t imagine that the folks Roskam is hiring are worth a damn if their embarassing mailers are any indication. The Virginia Slims-ish “Tammy will make a ‘difference’” one was priceless.
Though I have a hard time deciding is the “ghost of taxes past” one is worse. I’m disappointed that I didn’t get the hair-raising banshee one.
- Larry - Tuesday, Aug 22, 06 @ 7:49 am:
Tammy Duckworth IS discussing national security: the animostiy fomented against the USA is caused by our occupation of Iraq. Duckworth’s plan is to send a US soldier home for every Iraqi soldier we train for duty. Peter Roskam’s plan is…oops, he has no plan.
Read “Why Roskam Will Lose” at Republicans for Duckworth at