Republican Day gets good press
Friday, Aug 18, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller Wednesday’s Governor’s Day featured a lot of talk about “unity,” but most press reports highlighted the numerous party divisions. Those who disagreed with the party line were either not present or silent during Thursday’s Republican Day event, and the stories were much more positive. Gubernatorial candidate Judy Baar Topinka and former Gov. Jim Edgar joined hands with others on the Republican ticket and raised their arms in a display of unity at an Illinois State Fair rally Thursday. And then there’s this. “I think everybody’s together because there is a strong desire to change the governor,†Edgar said. “There’s no doubt there is a feeling that Rod Blagojevich has blown a great opportunity to be an effective governor and we ought to change.†Edgar also got a couple of digs in at the Democrats after his speech. Attorney General Lisa Madigan says it would be improper because her office had an investigation under way of Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s hiring practices before turning the information over to federal investigators. Edgar showed up about a minute before he was supposed to speak, causing more than a little backstage consternation. Topinka’s speech was overly long and, I thought, too negative. Alleged attorney general candidate Stu Umholtz spoke last and for about half a minute - meaning very few even knew he was there. Rep. Ron Stephens gave sort of an odd speech arranged at the last minute. Still, people seemed to have a good time. I’ll post some photos in a little while.
- Frank Chandler - Friday, Aug 18, 06 @ 9:15 am:
Perhaps the GOP couldn’t pop for 60 buses of bought-and-paid-for supporters, but this group isn’t like that.
I am politically agnostic, but I couldn’t sleep at night knowing I was showing support for Blago’s Snake-Oil Sales Team in any way, shape or form.
There’s not enough free beer, food or bus rides in the world to make me let someone like Gov. Huckster put a T-shirt on me and have me parade around as his Chicago Outfit’s walking billboard.
I have no price, and the good people of Illinois shouldn’t either. Money makes people forget what life’s all about - what the real issues are.
And it keeps corrupt people in power. Like many, I say I weep for Illinois. But, unlike many, at least I will back up my words on Election Day.
- anon - Friday, Aug 18, 06 @ 9:19 am:
My friends and I took off work to drive to Governor’s Day. Seeing the bitterness at our success makes me even more pleased to have made the trip up to Springfield.
- Reddbyrd - Friday, Aug 18, 06 @ 9:20 am:
Apparently Blinky Jim aka is not accustomed to an attorney general who puts the office over politics.
Speaking of GOP (as in MOPE) unity was ChopperJim in the crowd.
- DOWNSTATE - Friday, Aug 18, 06 @ 9:33 am:
This has to be called real people doing good things.As far as the Dems probably most of those people bussed in where people employed by Blago’s policies.With their benefits about to run out they needed some quick cash.Now they have gas money to drive to Ind. or Mo. to try and get a job.
- Southern Ilinois Democrat - Friday, Aug 18, 06 @ 9:36 am:
Ron Stephens had an odd speech? I live in his district and can tell you that doesnt surprise me. If Angry Frank Watson isnt there to provide him with help then his ability to look good falls dramatically. As far as unity, if the party was REALLY united then the crowd would have been bigger. The GOP is not united and hopeful speeches by a former governor will not translate into a Republican landslide this Fall.
- Walking Wounded - Friday, Aug 18, 06 @ 10:11 am:
My guess is that the lower turnout for the Republicans wasn’t because of lack of interest. A lot of State workers want to support Judy, but don’t dare show their faces at a Republican rally. No one wants to put up with the grief when they return to work.
Anyhow, it really doesn’t matter how many showed up for either day…it will all come to how many show up on election day.
- anon - Friday, Aug 18, 06 @ 10:26 am:
Those repub state workers are lucky to have a jobs. So many repub hold-overs are left — even in appointed jobs. We all know it wouldn’t be that way if the situation was reversed.
- Lovie's Leather - Friday, Aug 18, 06 @ 10:38 am:
Anon 10:26, it is illegal to fire somebody based on political affiliation. Just thought you would like to know!
- CrunchyCon - Friday, Aug 18, 06 @ 10:50 am:
Stu Umholtz spoke before Dan Rutherford who spoke last. Except for JBT, all the speeches were brief. It would have made more sense if JBT had spoken last rather than first. After she finished, the media ran out after her. Then there was a hokey fundraising “auction” for JBT which ate up more time. People just started leaving, the media (except Rich) never came back. My guess is very few people heard the other candidates give their minute speeches.
The Dem bad behavior of the day was the Blago/DemParty boy (he looked really young) who was trying to film JBT’s speech. He ended up with various signs in front of his camera (Dems for Topinka, Radogno, Topinka).
Overall, it was a great day for Republicans. There were lots of counties represented and the candidates had their campaign people there as well. The media says over 1,000 people were in attendance. Good food & music plus free ice cream (thanks to DuPage GOP) made for a happy gathering.
- Ashur Odishoo - Friday, Aug 18, 06 @ 11:33 am:
I didn’t like Sheila Nix’ comments. I usually think of her as just trying to do her job, but I think all the negative attacks and federal investigations are getting to her, she seems to be cracking. Blago however has a pretty good game face, you couldn’t tell the feds are breathing down his back.
Ashur Odishoo
State Representative 11th District
- Lovie's Leather - Friday, Aug 18, 06 @ 12:42 pm:
hmm… I missed free icecream… grr…
- Chinaman - Friday, Aug 18, 06 @ 1:33 pm:
Busing the people in and lots of signs is old Chicago politics. The power of suggestion. Thousands of signs in Chicago neighborhoods for Blago makes it look like he’s a winner. No one ever counts the houses without signs. What we used to call the silent majority. So they pay to bus in lots of folks. We never think about the ones that stayed home. The press has always fallen for this.
This is the Democrats plan. It’s so simple, it’s funny. Keep calling Judy a loser over and over and eventually it will come true.
And if you click your Ruby Red Slippers three times you’ll be in Kansas.
- Southern Ilinois Democrat - Friday, Aug 18, 06 @ 1:41 pm:
I guess those polls overlook the silent majority too. I guess not only do they not have signs in their yards they also must not have phones.
- Chinaman - Friday, Aug 18, 06 @ 1:47 pm:
SID - You might be onto something. Yes polls do show most Republicans and Independents are in a higher income bracket. Therefore they tend to have caller I.D. and screen their calls. They tend not to answer these calls. Thanks for the suggestion.
- Rich Miller - Friday, Aug 18, 06 @ 1:51 pm:
People who do not believe in the process of scientific polling are requested to please go somewhere else. Thank you.