(Late) morning shorts
Tuesday, Aug 22, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller · Second utility to cut mercury pollution from coal-fired plants · Birkett wants Blagojevich to disclose gifts · Roskam defends federal pork support · “Republican candidates for statewide office held a barbecue Monday afternoon in Decatur’s Central Park with roast Democrat as an entrée.” · Petition drive on road funds falls short · RIP Lil’ Wally · Pals raise funds at church for Sorich’s legal bills · Editorial: State learns expensive lesson with video law
- Cal Skinner - Tuesday, Aug 22, 06 @ 11:16 am:
Almost 10 years ago I sat at the same table as a nuclear physicist state representative from New Hampshire at an ALEC conference.
He told me that the primary cause of acid rain was coal burning electric plants in the Midwest.
He was pretty much his state’s expert on the subject of acid rain.
It is good to see that the Illinois EPA has reached an agreement with thw two electric generating companies.
- moderate - half way between crazy and crazy. - Tuesday, Aug 22, 06 @ 11:53 am:
I’m not a fan of Blago at all, but he should be praised for his stance on cutting mercury pollution.
- Johnny K - Tuesday, Aug 22, 06 @ 12:54 pm:
Acid rain is soooo 1980s, Cal!
The current trend in doomsdaying is ‘global warming’. You might want to change your post to reflect that, otherwise it just seems really dated.
- Garp - Tuesday, Aug 22, 06 @ 2:05 pm:
You have got to hand it to the 11th ward. They do have testicular verility to spare. I guess that comes from being the dog with the big balls for so long they really could care less what people think. I mean really, could they make it any plainer that they are rewarding this guy for keeping his mouth shut.
Keep that gravy train chugging-it’s been a steep incline now but they figure, if the boys don’t sing, it will be a gentle downhill glide from here.
The problem is there is another train on the same track headed straight for them>”cryptic eh”
- Tom - Tuesday, Aug 22, 06 @ 4:00 pm:
In attendance at the fundraiser: John Daley, Tim Degnan, 11 Ward Ald. Balcer. These guys wouldn’t have attended without clearing it with Rich Daley first. Yes, I agree Richie is sending a very clear message about the rewards of playing the loyal fall guy. It also serves as a raised middle finger from Daley to the Feds, which isn’t wise given the specter of future indictments.
- NW burbs - Tuesday, Aug 22, 06 @ 5:13 pm:
Petey may want to change his tune lest people dressed in pig suits start heckling him with shouts of “Oink!” and “Snort! Snort!” at his events.
Maybe the NRCC can do a mailing on it. They’ve already done one pink postcard inadvertantly praising Major Duckworth as being able to make a “difference”. They could do another pink one promoting the other white meat and the Republicans’ crushing debt to Red China to fund all their pork bridges to Nowhere, Alaska.
It’s too bad Republicans as a whole have given up on that thing about fiscal responsibility but at least Democrats like Major Duckworth recognize the value of living within your means.
Roskam’s campaign shake-up doesn’t seem to be having much a positive impact, in the least. If this were any other district we wouldn’t even have a shot by this point.
- Buck Flagojevich - Tuesday, Aug 22, 06 @ 11:03 pm:
Why is it that we were subjected to endless pratter and puffery when GRod signed the video game bill into law, but we have not heard a word about a federal judge blowing the law out of the water due to it being unconstitutional? We haven’t even heard about the $500,000+ in legal fees the state has to pay in court costs. Come on Rod. Toot your horn now. Putz.