Morning shorts
Monday, Aug 28, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller · “A third former janitor with the secretary of state’s physical services division has pleaded guilty to his part in a scheme that resulted in the three being paid for hours they didn’t work.” · Hiring freeze? What hiring freeze? · It appears that the Daily Herald was hacked again. This time, I made sure to save a screen shot of their front page. · McQueary: TK’s story shows state could do more for vets · Workers with disabilities keep government going · “Downers Grove attorney Carole Doris secured Metra’s top post Friday, continuing collar county oversight of the rail agency critical to suburban commuters.” · Apparently, Greg liked my column. He also has some other ideas worth reading. · Brown: Peraica volunteer learns how it is for GOP in Dem town · Governor changes mind, puts up employees at the President Abraham Lincoln Hotel (scroll down) · Grilling the sexes on the GOP bus · Tribune Co.’s Chicago Tribune said it plans to outsource its circulation customer contact center to the Philippines · Hastert defends Congress on budget · Anniversary muted as canal awaits fed funding · “Having gotten a kiss from President Bush, I really insisted on one from the County Board Chairman, Bob Schillerstrom as well,” Topinka said. “I’m collecting. It’s one of the good things of being a female candidate, I guess.” · Danny Stover speech on YouTube · Washington: Tough job awaits new Urban League chief · Suburban officials sold on Wal-Mart
- Cassandra - Monday, Aug 28, 06 @ 8:13 am:
Perhaps the new Urban League chief could influence the black community to reverse its puzzling silence regarding the disproportionate number of black men in state jails and the disproportionate number of black children in the state foster care system (over 90% of foster kids in Chicago are black). In the child welfare system and in the jails, they are present in multiples of their proportion of the population.
Both Corrections and DCFS are huge, expensive bureaucracies full of well-paid employees who are not overloaded with work. And this includes many African-American employees. It includes many Blago Machine Democrats. Lots of beneficiaries of the system as it sits, racist though it may be.
But we should all be uncomfortable with a system which incarcerates human beings in foster care and jail when there are, for most, many less restrictive options to this incarceration. These options don’t provide cushy lifetime jobs though. Or at least not nearly as many.
- Wumpus - Monday, Aug 28, 06 @ 8:26 am:
RE: Hiring Freeze
Anyone still voting for Toddler is purely partisan (which is fine, as long as you admit it IMO). Bobbi Steal(tm) is no better, despite the clammoring of some on this site. Those who is saying they cannot vote for Peraica based on abortion, answer me this. How much influence does a Board Pres have on this? Is this a launching ground to the Supreme COurt? Or will he restrict access at county hospital? Peraica is far from perfect, but there is a new scandal that arises out of the ccb every week, that shows what kind of vultures Stroger’s “friends and family” are.
- Mr. ethics - Monday, Aug 28, 06 @ 8:55 am:
The state rate for hotels in Springfield for state employees is $70. Are State police different?
- Baby Back - Monday, Aug 28, 06 @ 1:04 pm:
I heard that Blago wanted to appear Saturday at the Blues and BBQ’s festival in Springfield, and was told “no thanks”. And here I didn’t know he played an instrument.
- Levois - Monday, Aug 28, 06 @ 5:22 pm:
Hmmm if the GOP sucks in Chicago I’ve kind of got the idea that the state party or whomever can change that could care less about the Chicago GOP. I mean the GOP probably will just as soon let Chicago stay Democrat forever. Hopefully it won’t just be like that.