Friday, Aug 18, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller Have a good one. Don’t forget about Illinoize!
Friday, Aug 18, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller UPDATE: The folks at Hotline’s “House Race Rankings” have moved the 6th District race down two notches, from 18th “hottest” in the nation to 20th. Duckworth’s decision to turn down several debates in key towns indicates she’s not as politically polished as Roskam. Melissa Bean’s race was also downgraded ever so slightly, from 27th to 28th. Bean nabbed the U.S. Chamber of Commerce endorsement, a rarity for any Democrat not named Zell Miller or Ben Nelson. And the governor’s race was also moved down one notch, to 14th. Does Blagojevich ever get good press? On paper, this race shouldn’t be as competitive as it currently appears. ——————————————————————————————————— · The State Journal-Register has allowed comments on its articles for several weeks. I’ve noticed that the comments on the site are a lot more outrageous than the ones here, even though the paper claims to screen all comments before posting them. A story yesterday about a dog owner shooting a gun devolved into “debate” over the Middle East crisis and then the SJ-R allowed this comment to go through: Have them put up a yelloe flag & we will get to them…Do you want an Air Force jet(ours) or a F-16 piloted by a Jew? And then this: $5,000 per capita each year….for what? For F-16’s..109 artillary units D9 Cats…..We keep Israel alive…don’t bite the hand that feeds you. I have seen the lite and have contacted my Senators & Congressman( a Lebanese) so I & my pals will watch every dime that goes to Israel. Call it what you want…Don’t fight on my dime & expect me to clean up your mess too! Israel is no friend of mine! And some state agencies block my site? Explain that one, please. [Hat tip: DW] · Krol looks at the 10th. If there’s a sleeper race in the suburbs this fall, it’s the 10th Congressional District contest pitting well-respected three-term Republican Mark Kirk against impressive Democratic newcomer Dan Seals. · IRN gets harsh: Two weeks ago, when Governor Rod Blagojevich gave the city of Marion $1,000,000 extra for ballpark infrastructure work, NewsRadio WJPF asked him where the idea came from. · Ron sez: “Nce legs.” ![]()
Question of the day
Friday, Aug 18, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller If you were State Fair Director, what changes would you make to the annual event?
State Fair pics - Republican Day
Friday, Aug 18, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller ![]() The Republican crowd was far smaller than the Democratic crowd, but they didn’t bus any ringers in, either. Shiny, happy people. Cute photo, cute kid. Hey, wait a minute… that’s not me.
Republican Day gets good press
Friday, Aug 18, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller Wednesday’s Governor’s Day featured a lot of talk about “unity,” but most press reports highlighted the numerous party divisions. Those who disagreed with the party line were either not present or silent during Thursday’s Republican Day event, and the stories were much more positive. Gubernatorial candidate Judy Baar Topinka and former Gov. Jim Edgar joined hands with others on the Republican ticket and raised their arms in a display of unity at an Illinois State Fair rally Thursday. And then there’s this. “I think everybody’s together because there is a strong desire to change the governor,†Edgar said. “There’s no doubt there is a feeling that Rod Blagojevich has blown a great opportunity to be an effective governor and we ought to change.†Edgar also got a couple of digs in at the Democrats after his speech. Attorney General Lisa Madigan says it would be improper because her office had an investigation under way of Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s hiring practices before turning the information over to federal investigators. Edgar showed up about a minute before he was supposed to speak, causing more than a little backstage consternation. Topinka’s speech was overly long and, I thought, too negative. Alleged attorney general candidate Stu Umholtz spoke last and for about half a minute - meaning very few even knew he was there. Rep. Ron Stephens gave sort of an odd speech arranged at the last minute. Still, people seemed to have a good time. I’ll post some photos in a little while.
Topinka’s plan attacked hard
Friday, Aug 18, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller The governor responds to Judy Baar Topinka’s budget-cutting plan. [Emphasis added.] “It is a real shame that Treasurer Topinka’s budget plan relies on massive cuts to health care, takes health care away from kids, and will lead to seniors being kicked out of nursing homes,” Blagojevich said in a statement. “This is a devastating proposal that would undermine all health care in Illinois and take Illinois in the totally wrong direction.” Budget director John Filan also weighed in. “I think it demonstrates an almost complete lack of understanding of the reality of finance, money and the budget,” Filan said. “I think it is irresponsible. I think it is harmful to Illinois citizens, particularly in health care.” […] As I pointed out in the Capitol Fax this morning, we can expect a whole lot more over the top attacks like this (from both sides) as the campaign progresses.
Back and forth in the 6th
Friday, Aug 18, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller You have to read to the very bottom of this story to see that the allegations about the Democratic operative are stretched to the limit, to say the least, so score this a wash. The first bit of political nastiness in the 6th Congressional District race surfaced Thursday about the ethical pasts of key campaign staff for both Republican Peter Roskam and Democrat Tammy Duckworth. And here’s the last paragraph: Carson briefly worked as the No. 2 staff member for then-Wisconsin Senate Democratic leader Chuck Chvala, who was eventually sentenced to nine months for political corruption. Carson, who was not accused of any wrongdoing, was granted immunity from prosecution and paid his own legal bills.
Morning shorts
Friday, Aug 18, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller · Bloomberg on Blagojevich: “If I lived in Illinois, I would vote for him.” · Editorial: Promise of jobs may help Daley stop big-box law · “The school district with one of the strictest drug-testing policies in Lake County had less than 1 percent of students test positive for drug use during the 2005-06 school year, officials said Thursday.” · Bernie: Governor’s Day show was produced like a political convention · Editorial: Maybe it was just too hot or maybe the governor had one too many fried candy bars. · Blagojevich left with bill for Democrat Day · “State transportation officials told a room full of angry Lake Zurich business owners Thursday that a subcontractor hired to pave the intersection of routes 12 and 22 was not getting the work done on time because of ’scheduling conflicts.’â€