Whitney: I got your cash right here, pal
Thursday, Aug 10, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller I’d be more sympathetic to Rich Whitney if he had raised enough campaign cash to at least pay for the drive from Carbondale to Chicago and back. That’s an exaggeration, but not by much. From a press release: Green Party gubernatorial candidate Rich Whitney responded recently to critics who say that his campaign is not ’serious’ because the Greens have not raised as much money as their Democratic and Republican opponents. “No one should be surprised that the other two candidates are doing better at raising money when they are out selling themselves to the highest bidder.” $1,679 raised in six months wouldn’t even buy a good computer, let alone pay for Internet access, phone bills, postage, printing, HQ rent, electricity, etc.
Thursday, Aug 10, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller UPDATE 2: Sabato has moved the Illinois governor’s race from “leans Democratic” to “Possible R Governor pick-up.” UPDATE: I’ve taken the subscriber-only requirement off this item because Rasmussen Reports has now posted its results online. I’ve put additional Rasmussen analysis below this original blog post. Rasmussen Reports has a new poll on the governor’s race. Date… Blag. Topinka You can find some earlier poll coverage here and here. ———————————————————————————- From Rasmussen: The power of incumbency is not necessarily paving an easy road to re-election for Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich. The most recent Rasmussen Reports election survey of 500 likely voters in Illinois shows the governor leading State Treasurer Judy Baar Topinka 45% to 37% (see crosstabs). That’s little changed from his lead of 45% to 34% in last month’s poll.
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Thursday, Aug 10, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller
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Governor Blagojevich’s statement on terror alert
Thursday, Aug 10, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller The governor’s office just sent out this press release. “We learned of the terror plot last night, and since then, we have been in constant communication with the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security. While no locations in Illinois are known to be targets, we continue to monitor the situation closely. For people who do have to travel today, please be aware that all domestic flights have been elevated to an orange level alert. That means you should give yourself plenty of extra time at the airport. And most importantly, if you see any suspicious acitivity, please report it to the local authorities immediately. If we’re vigilant and if we go about our lives as we normally would, we can each do our part to stand up to the terrorists and show them we won’t be bullied.” UPDATE: From Sen. Barack Obama: “Today’s report that British authorities foiled an attack on airplanes traveling from London to the United States is a sobering reminder that the world remains a very dangerous place. It also reminds us how important it is to have strong allies in this fight that can help stop these attacks before they reach our shores. The cooperation between British and U.S. officials and the subsequent precautions taken to secure our people are admirable. I hope in the coming days we do more to secure our ports, our chemical plants, and our airports and railways, as the 9/11 commission recommended long ago.†UPDATE 2: Latest press release from governor’s office: Governor Rod R. Blagojevich today directed state homeland security officials to take actions to ensure security at commercial airports in Illinois in the wake of arrests in Britain of terrorists suspected of planning attacks on airplanes between the United Kingdom and the United States.
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Thursday, Aug 10, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller
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Question of the day
Thursday, Aug 10, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller Is this an important distinction or is it nitpicking? Gov. ROD BLAGOJEVICH has said for some years now that he doesn’t take campaign contributions from state employees. Have at it.
The Metro East snub continues
Thursday, Aug 10, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller As far as I can tell, nobody except the Post-Dispatch has covered this issue. As the cleanup from last month’s storms is winding down, Gov. Rod Blagojevich is again facing attacks on the degree of attentiveness he gives to downstate Illinois. The governor was in Marion just last week and he didn’t bother to drive or chopper the relatively few miles to tour the destruction.
The stone wall
Thursday, Aug 10, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller I recently sent the governor’s office a Freedom of Information Act request asking for “all documentation which contains the total nmber of federal subpoenas received by all state agencies, departments, boards, commissions, ect., including the governor’s office, since January 1, 2005.” The logic went that if they wouldn’t release the subpoenas themselves, maybe we could at least find out how many they’ve received. It was denied, of course. As you know, this Office cannot confirm or deny the existence of the documents requested. Nonetheless, even if this Office were to have documents responsive to your request, such documents would be exempt from release under Section 7(1)(a) of the Freedom of Information Act. This is Section 7(1)(a): Sec. 7. Exemptions. I’m thinking about an appeal. Meanwhile, Topinka tried yesterday to turn up the heat on the hiring scandals The Republican challenger for governor said Wednesday she would release the names of unsuccessful candidates for state jobs if she’s elected, and she urged Gov. Rod Blagojevich to do the same.
Does she or doesn’t she?
Thursday, Aug 10, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller Some controversy is brewing in the 6th. Democratic 6th Congressional District candidate Tammy Duckworth is at odds with two national gay rights groups over whether she supports repealing the military’s don’t ask, don’t tell policy. The statement she gave to the group follows: “When I was serving in Iraq, it made no difference to me what the sexual orientation of my comrades was. It certainly did not matter to me what the sexual orientation was of the men or women who helped save my life after my Black Hawk helicopter was shot down over Iraq,†Duckworth said in the statement, which her campaign acknowledges is correct. “Any qualified American who is willing to make that kind of sacrifice for our freedom should be free to do so.†UPDATE: Austin Mayor has the latest GOP mailer that slams Duckworth. A wise man once said that a political ad can sometimes inadvertently reveals more than was intended. Today’s installment from the National Republican Congressional Committee reveals one thing clearly: The GOP is out of ideas.
Morning shorts
Thursday, Aug 10, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller · Editorial: One has to wonder why the General Assembly even bothers passing a budget. · Sneed: Mayor Daley and AFL-CIO President John Sweeney had a hush-hush meeting in a private suite at the Drake Hotel on Tuesday, during which Sweeney presented Hizzoner with a letter urging him not to veto the controversial big box ordinance. The letter was reportedly signed by the heads of all national AFL-CIO affiliates. · Blagojevich mulls law on morning after pill · “In a symbolic changing of the guard, the Chicago Urban League appointed the communications director to Gov. Rod Blagojevich as its new president and CEO on Wednesday, making her the first woman to lead the 90-year-old social service and civil rights organization.” · Commerce chief: Illinois economy in good shape · Ash borer ‘battle‘ intensifies · Muir: During the back-slapping and glad-handing at the gala celebration in Marion last week, I heard one official make the comment that the announcement that Southern Illinois has landed a professional baseball team is a sign that “we’ve made it.”