Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Come out, come out, wherever you are… *** Updated x1 ***
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Come out, come out, wherever you are… *** Updated x1 ***

Thursday, Sep 21, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

TV news loves these visual stunts, and at least two Chicago TV stations gave this story some play yesterday.

* ABC7:

Stop hiding and answer questions. That’s the message Republican candidate for governor Judy Baar Topinka had for Governor Rod Blagojevich Wednesday after recent questions and controversies surfaced surrounding both the governor’s campaign and his administration. […]

The point is that Rod Blagojevich hasn’t held a news conference in Chicago for more than a week to answer questions about a $1,500 birthday check to his daughter Amy from a friend whose wife got a state job, an alleged attempt by his political operatives to shakedown Chicago movie producer Tom Rosenberg for campaign cash in exchange for state business, and a state audit accusing the governor of violating federal law by importing prescription drugs and trying to buy foreign supplies of flu vaccine.

“I don’t know where the governor is. I honestly don’t know where he is. We don’t see him. No one sees him. Why is the governor hiding?” said Baar Topinka. […]

“I think the governor is accessible and always will be accessible, and there’s seven weeks left in this campaign, and I think that’s plenty of time for all questions to be asked,” said Lt. Governor Pat Quinn.

Yeah, as soon as the heat dies down he’ll pop up again. But with the Tribune and the Sun-Times rolling out negative stories like cookies out of the Keebler elves’ magic tree, it may be a while before it’s safe to appear anywhere.

* CBS2:

In the face of yet another story alleging that top aides to Blagojevich may have tried to extort campaign contributions from state contractors, including Capri Capital, the governor’s staff insisted once again that Blagojevich himself was unavailable. Instead they referred all questions to campaign worker Sheila Nix.

“We didn’t solicit,” Nix said. “We didn’t authorize anyone to solicit Capri Capital. And we didn’t receive any donations from Capri Capital.” […]

Recent voter opinion surveys show the Whitney gaining support, enough that some potential debate sponsors now want to include him on stage with Blagojevich and Topinka. Democrats don’t want to give Whitney, a downstate civil rights lawyer, that kind of exposure.

It is one more reason the Democrats, who think they are now leading, might prefer no debates at all.

*** UPDATE *** For whatever reason, my e-mail program tagged the guv’s press release as spam when it came in at 10:30. But it looks like the guv is coming out of hiding. He will reportedly take questions at the first event at 12:30.

CHICAGO – Addressing dozens of community, not-for-profit, and business leaders at the Chicago Foundation for Women’s 21st Annual Luncheon and Symposium, Governor Rod R. Blagojevich will announce more than $20 million in grants to support prevention efforts and services for victims of domestic and sexual crimes throughout Illinois. The Governor will highlight a $1 million grant to the Chicago Foundation for Women (CFW) that will help launch a comprehensive Anti-Violence Initiative to fight against human trafficking, domestic violence, sexual assault, the sex trade, street harassment and other forms of gender based violence.

ELWOOD – After the Luncheon, the Governor will visit Stepan Company’s existing biodiesel production facility in Elwood. The Governor recently announced that Stepan Company is a receiving a $3 million Opportunity Returns grant to help pay for a $24 million future expansion of the facility that will significantly increase production and lessen Illinois’ dependence on foreign oil.


  1. - fedup dem - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 9:07 am:

    It’s a shame that Pat Quinn has to serve as chief apologist for Governor Sleazy. I guess it would be asking too much for Rod to have the courage to speak out on his own (unless of course he has been advised by counsel to refrain from squandering his Fifth Amendment rights).

  2. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 9:12 am:

    This is serious!

    We have only a few more weeks before his re-election and he goes into hiding?

    Just who does he think he is?
    Who does he think he works for?
    If he wants the job - DO THE JOB!

    He wants to sit on his lead and tell us to shut up?


  3. - Ravenswood Right Winger - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 9:52 am:

    Sandwich boards at the Thompson Center! Good job Judy! I’m still not voting for you, but that is funny!

  4. - Levois - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 10:12 am:

    I must say that this might be a good thing. He mght just lose if he keeps this up.

  5. - Tony @ The Apartment - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 10:21 am:

    Rich - I just enjoyed the Keebler reference. Good times.

  6. - BlagoGate - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 10:28 am:

    Fedup Dem may in fact be correct. It could very well be that Blagojevich’s legal counsel is guiding his responses due to the fact this will all most likely end up in court and then he’ll be fighting to stay out of prison not just to be governor.

    I’m sure as much as his ego would love to be fed by being governor again he has to look at his future and hope that it doesn’t include prison issue clothing with no hairbrush.

  7. - Animous - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 10:44 am:

    To those with any doubts, this should show the true character of our governor. Our media-savvy, never-met-a-camera-he-didn’t like leader is now missing in action.

    What do you want to bet that when he surfaces he has his human shields, um, kids with him to deflect the (now) evil media?

    Say what you want about G Ryan, but when his public image was crumbling HE DIDN’T HIDE. How many times did we see him run the media “gauntlet”, answer uncomfortable questions (in his generally gruff manner), and SHOW UP for the “unpleasantness” of holding elected office.

    I think this should put Mr. Testicular Verility into adequate context, and see how well he passes the “Stones Check”…

  8. - Arthur Andersen - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 11:16 am:

    Hmmm..just bought a Sun-Times and a quart of milk at the 7-11, and whose face is on the milk carton…Blago!

  9. - Little Egypt - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 12:14 pm:

    The debates will be between Topinka, possibly Whitney, and Flat Rodney. Elvis has left the building.

  10. - me - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 2:25 pm:

    WBBM-AM just reported that Blago said he wasn’t sure which daughter the check was for; that the lady did not get the job even though she was not qualified; and then immediately attacked JBT about returning >$100,000 in campaign contributions for ethical reasons.

    Is that all his spin doctors could come up with after all this time???

    And don’t voters know that he is NOT GIVING OUT MONEY; he’s just PROMISING to.

    Look at the record, people. Rather than writing checks, this governor has done nothing but accept them.

    He’s not in it for public service, people. Empty promises pacify the public while he rakes in the dough. We are the victims. Let’s stop enabling this crook.

  11. - Angie - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 2:32 pm:

    He probably can’t talk because his lawyers haven’t figured out how to spin him out of this mess yet! I’m lovin’ this. Bet Stuart Levine lands a big fat shoe right into his direction soon.

  12. - Angie - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 2:33 pm:

    Just to add, how come Rod isn’t paying Medicaid bills? He certainly takes IN lots of checks, for Heaven’s sake.

  13. - Squideshi - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 2:36 pm:

    We all know why Blagojevich is refusing to debate. He’s afraid to debate Rich Whitney. Whitney’s not going to pull punches like Topinka, and he’s going to bring up some sensitive issues for both Blagojevich and Topinka.

  14. - One Man Can Make A Difference - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 2:44 pm:

    Here’s the what the problem is in the Office of the Governor and I know it directly affects Blagojevich himself and the decisions and policies that come from the office.

    Rod Blagojevich hired a Deputy Governor from New York City to come to the State of Illinois and be his top advisor.

    In an interview yesterday by ABC 7′S Andy Shaw, the Deputy Governor was asked when did he think it’s alright to violate the laws (refering to all of the recent allegations of the Governor’s offices’ violations of Ethics laws, federal laws and more).

    His response indicated that he really didn’t care about federal nor state laws and that the Governor’s office is the final say as to whether a federal or state law should be legal or is in the best interest of the people of the state. And if he “they” feel that the federal gov’t and the state (the Illinois Auditor General)is incorrect for example in ruling that the states’ prescription drug plan is illegal, they’ll renegade their way by ignoring both the state and the federal gov’t and do as they please and see fit for the state or for Rod Blagojevich’s future plans.

    Now the question is:

    If the Governor or the Governor’s office feels that laws should be overturned and that they are not in the best interest of the people of this state, IS’N THAT WHAT THE COURTS ARE FOR?

  15. - Little Egypt - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 3:02 pm:

    Now we know why the real Rodney will not be present for debates and will send Flat Rodney instead. He can’t keep his stories straight when personally speaking. He does much better with the printed word because he has staff to keep track of what he says. Wouldn’t ya love to see the cross references in his data base?

  16. - Bill - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 3:13 pm:

    The Governor has not refused to debate but don’t let the truth get in the way of your fun. I hope that there is a debate but the JBT campaign seems to be stalling. Maybe they remember her shrill performance during the primary at the PBS debate.
    While the governor is out being governor and communicating with the citizens, Judy is prancing around the Thompson Center with a sandwich sign.
    No matter what is said on this blog the real people cannot be fooled. That is why Rod will win.
    Four more years!
    Bring it on!

  17. - BlagoGate - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 4:19 pm:

    Is Bill a real person? I can’t believe anyone has such blind loyalty to an individual.

    Hasn’t refused to debate? All parties had a verbal understanding that the debate was to be on the 26th. Blagojevich’s people at first even accepted that date, and then at the last minute, they want to change the date because in their words ‘the original date of the 26th wasn’t in writing’. Oh that’s right I forgot you can’t take Blago at his word because he regularly lies to even his own party.

    The governor is out governing? He has been AWOL for quite a while and he just makes an appearance and suddenly this proves he’s governing? I guess when you have blind loyalty you don’t require proof that anything’s getting done.

    I think Bill is a plant just to get some entertaining blog responses and for that purpose he serves well. Keep up the hilarity Bill the blog would be boring without ya.

  18. - Squideshi - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 4:40 pm:

    Bill, Blagojevich has effectively refused to debate by failing to confirm, in writing, the invitation to debate in Marion on September 26th, as the debate sponsors requested, and as both the Whitney and Topinka campaigns were able to do. Previously he orally agreed to this debate; but now that Rich Whitney has been invited, suddenly he doesn’t want to debate anymore. Whats’a'matta Rod, afraid of the big bad Green Party candidate?

  19. - Bill - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 5:11 pm:

    He is busy that day. What is wrong with Oct.3? And who is this whitney guy? Is he one of those wackos like Stufflebum?

  20. - Little Egypt - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 5:18 pm:

    Some of the Blogo supporters would be more credible to say nothing at all about their boy Elvis if they can’t come up with anything better than some of the postings today. It’s better to keep your mouth shut and make people wonder if you are a fool than to open it up and prove to them you are. All GoverNOT Hairdo has done today by finally speaking with the press is give Patrick Fitzgerald information on a silver platter. Is this man trying to deliberately self destruct? I have to wonder given the answers today about the “christening” check instead of “birthday present”, did he know about the job applicant or not, did he know her qualifications or not, what has he denied in the past that he acknowledged today. You have to believe the Feds have high-fived all afternoon.

  21. - Bill - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 5:29 pm:

    Gee,thanks, little e
    Lets hear some more of your intelligent, mature, remarks like goverNOT,Elvis, and tv.

  22. - Little Egypt - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 5:48 pm:

    I notice the Blogo supporters appear to be a wee bit sensitive when their boy is referred to as GoverNOT Hairdo and Elvis. My mother always told me if I didn’t want anyone to get my goat, don’t let them know where I have it tied - BILL.

  23. - Bill - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 6:11 pm:

    I just love that down home southern wisdom. It reminds me of Andy of Mayberry.

  24. - Minion - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 6:35 pm:

    maybe you should head down there, Bill. The Little Egypt post was right on the mark. Blago just handed the feds some more evidence.

    By the way, how much do you get paid, Bill? Note to gov: I’ll parrot “reform and renewal” “rock the system” line for a half of whatever you are paying Bill, for it would be an easy job. Same old lines, whatever the situation.

    Gov (and Bill): its time to try something different.

  25. - Casey Jones - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 9:29 pm:

    Maybe Jim Oberweis could give JBT an “in-kind” contribution…lets say putting Rod’s picture and “Have you seen this sorry excuse for a Governor?” on a week or two’s milk production? Bill, you sound kind of bitter tonight; since you like down home southern wisdom, Andy and Mayberry so much here’s a bit more for you: “My pappy allus tole me stoopid people ain’t got no bizness lyin; they’re gonna trip up ‘n get caught fer sure.” Watch the replays on the 10 o’clock news tonight and perhaps you’ll see dad and Mayberry know a bit more than you prefer to admit!

  26. - Minion - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 9:39 pm:

    Quickly, the gov is putting himself in a bad position. Very few people like him, even fewer respect him, nobody fears him (unless you happen to be a poor state employee with evidence of wrongdoing on the part of the administration) and absolutely no one believes anything he says anymore.

    Sad and Pathetic.

  27. - Roy Slade - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 9:53 pm:

    Actualy, if you think about it, there is a famous phrase that describes Blago to a tee. “Stupid is as stupid does”.

  28. - Roy Slade - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 9:55 pm:

    Obviously- it is “actually”. I was laughing too hard to type correctly.

  29. - Martha Mitchell - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 10:27 pm:

    Poor Bill - He’s NOT thinking!!

  30. - Squideshi - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 9:24 am:

    Bill, Blagojevich knew about the date for the Southern Illinois debate months in advance. If he’s “busy on that day” it’s only because he’s blowing off Southern Illinois, which hasn’t had a gubernatorial debate in 20 years. Add to that the fact that James Anderson over at the Illinois Radio Network is so afraid that Blagojevich will back out if Rich Whitney is invited that he’s refusing to invite Whitney; and it’s clear that Blagojevich is afraid to debate Rich Whitney. The governor says that it’s up to the debate sponsors to decide who to invite; but he’s misleading the public, as usual.

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