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Stufflebeam has new running mate

Thursday, Sep 21, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

Randy White, a member of the Hancock County Board and a retired local minister, is running as a write-in for lieutenant governor with Randy Stufflebeam. Stufflebeam failed to gather enough signatures to make it onto the ballot with the Constitution Party, despite a late assist from Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s campaign (the guv later ordered a halt to the petition drive).

The Hancock County Journal-Pilot fills us in.

“As a Christian, I had no other choice. Blagojevich and Topinka represent less than honest politics. They do not represent a pro-life, pro-marriage, pro-family platform.” […]

“My wife and I prayed about it for three days, and then I called him back. We are alligned on the issues. We are two Christian men pledging to govern the state according to Biblical principles.” […]

“I’m guessing we have 10,000 emails sent out and people working right now. I send you an email with our position. If you like what you read, you send it on to people you know. Something has to change. We will do it if we get elected,” White said. […]

White was pastor of the Golden’s Point Christian Church from January of 1998 until last December. He is chaplain for the Hamilton police, Hancock County Sheriff’s Department and Illinois State Police Districts 14 and 20. He serves on the Hancock County board and is Montebello Township tax assessor.


  1. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 9:25 am:

    Good grief! They sound so sincere. But I hear that Blagojevich has been spending the last three days praying too!

  2. - Conservative Republican - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 10:54 am:


    Could you have a worse name for politics than STUFFLEBEAM? … I mean, really…

  3. - NoGiftsPlease - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 7:17 pm:

    Govern the state according to Christian Principles? Stoning and plucking out eyes comes to mind. After all these investigations we might welcome the comic relief.

  4. - To NoGiftsPlease - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 10:45 pm:

    Not too familiar with them Christian principles are ya? Then again I’ll bet you know that one verse, “take a little wine for your stomach.” Bet you could live with that one!
    How aboutleaving your bigotry out next time and sticking to the facts?

  5. - Anon - Saturday, Sep 23, 06 @ 12:06 am:

    Here are some of those “Christian Principles.”

    The Stufflebeam/White platform makes the following pledges:

    - End corruption in Illinois.

    - Keep taxes down, while paying our obligations and bringing down the Illinois deficit.

    - Support our second amendment rights.

    - Settle the illegal immigrant issue, while being fair to legal immigrants.

    - Defend the family (Marriage equals one man and one woman).

    - Protect innocent life.

    - Bring jobs (businesses) back to Illinois.

    - Reform our education system to ensure school choice; fair and adequate funding.

    - Take care of our veterans and continue to support our troops.

    - Adhere to the state and federal constitutions.

    I like this far better then the “UN-Christian Principles” we’ve been governored by for so long. Just look what it’s done to our state. Maybe the “Christian Principles” should be given a shot for more than just comic relief. I think it will give us relief from the comics we have in government here in Illinois.

  6. - Another Conservative Republican - Sunday, Sep 24, 06 @ 2:55 pm:

    STUFFLEBEAM is a GREAT name! He’s the candidate made of all the right STUFF and is our BEAM of light at the end of the tunnel.

  7. - Anonymous - Friday, Oct 6, 06 @ 10:05 pm:

    Randy Stufflebeam has my vote and suport!

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