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The kitchen sink

Thursday, Sep 21, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

I was hoping to do a story on this topic tomorrow. Bernie beat me to it.

State Rep. MIKE BOST, R-Murphysboro, thought it very odd when he recently got a postcard from the state with a nice note from Gov. ROD BLAGOJEVICH.

That’s because he thought it looked like just the sort of thing that he, as a state representative in an election season, wouldn’t be able to send to constituents so as not to appear to be campaigning at state expense.

Bost, it turns out, was one of 173,000 people who got postcards from the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation, complete with a prominent offer from the governor to renew his license online. The postcards went out to all professional license holders whose renewals will come up before June 30. […]

From Sept. 1 through Election Day, for example, the Legislative Printing Unit cannot print a newsletter or brochure for a member, and mailing of a newsletter or brochure by that unit is prohibited unless in response to a constituent inquiry.

“I thought all the ethics stuff included him,” Bost said of the governor. “I may be wrong.”

The governor is not violating the law, but he is blatantly using taxpayer money for his re-election campaign. This and other examples like it are far worse than any previous governor has ever done.

The General Assembly stopped itself from doing campaign-season mailers, they ought to step in next spring and prohibit the governor and other executives from doing the same thing.


  1. - Roomie - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 8:39 am:

    Sounds like sour grapes. State services do not get put on hold for campaign season and renewing ones license is an important function for all individuals who are licensed with the state.


  2. - cashflowpro - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 8:44 am:

    why not sell naming rights to the government mailings and facilities just like they do for the public stadiums? at least that way all elected officials would have a fair shot, and it could be a great revenue stream.

  3. - Cassandra - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 8:48 am:

    Well, unfortunately for the quality of government, name recognition is hugely important
    in the voting booth. It appears that large numbers of voters simply press the button of names they recognize without regard to any actual information about the candidates’ positions on the issues.

    So Blago probably figures it’s worth a few scolding newspaper headlines.

  4. - leigh - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 8:53 am:

    I think we can all agree that Blago is convinced no one reads the papers. Otherwise he wouldn’t handle the press so very badly. So why should he care if they write a few more nasty things. One of his bigger scandals will probably go first page over his blatant campaigning with state funds. More benefit for him rather than a problem.

  5. - Bill - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 8:54 am:

    I got the card and I was very grateful to be able to conveniently renew my license online without all of the hassle and the long wait usually associated with jumping through a state bureaucratic hoop. Thanks,Governor, for changing business as usual, and putting the people first.
    Who is this guy Bost? I thought that Murphysboro was in Tennesee.

  6. - WTF! - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 8:55 am:

    I think there is more to this story. Rich, I would suggest contacting the DFIR and ask them when these professions licenses expire. From what I’m hearing on the street, a lot of people that received these “reminders” have licenses that don’t expire until sometime next year - like in July. If that’s the case, why send the reminders now - other than “reminding” licensees who the Governor is and what he has done for them lately.

    To me it’s complete Bull****!

  7. - Anon - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 9:01 am:

    Are “Bill” and “Roomie” on the Governor’s payroll or what? Are you serious?! Try not to be so obvious, guys!

  8. - Ugh! - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 9:04 am:

    Oh,please! Blago “putting the people first”? He has shamelessly used all of state government as his own personal PR machine. The only reason he moved agency public information officers into Central Management Services is to use them to promote him. Remember the RX plan? He tried to make every single state agency promote that program, going so far as to establish quotas. This license renewal thing–just something else from his cynical playbook. It just happens that Bill and others benefited from it this time.

  9. - Bill - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 9:06 am:

    The Gov can’t afford me but I try to volunteer whenever I can. It is imperative that we in Illinois re-elect our Governor who is courageous enough to stand up for the people of our geat state against the Bush controlled fed agencies and lobbyists who do not have Illinois best interests at heart.

  10. - Proud Dem - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 9:26 am:

    Bill, you are officially beyond the pale. First, it is apparent that the Governor can indeed afford you. Second, how do you try to spin from the Governor using taxpayer dollars to bolster his campaign into some anti-Bush pander? And my comments are made BECAUSE I’m a staunch Democrat. I couldn’t care less if the Gov tubes his own career (can’t wait to see how his hair looks in the joint), but he is going to damage the entire statewide party, and I resent it.

    Your blather isn’t persuading anybody, but it is quickly becoming emblematic of the whole charade that is this Administration.

  11. - larry - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 9:27 am:

    To Bill

    I have come to look forward to your posts. I am honestly laughing out loud with tears in my eyes. I picture you with a smile on your facer as you type. Bagdad Bob was even funnier. Thank you for the comic relief…..

  12. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 9:27 am:

    WAIT A MINUTE! Remember?

    Blagojevich had said that this kind of self-promotion at taxpayers expense was UNETHICAL.

    So from the horse’s mouth - Blagojevich is an unethical hypocrite.

  13. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 9:29 am:

    Hey Bill!
    Is Blagojevich hiding at your place? Praying? If he is, tell him to hitch up his big-boy pants and start answering questions! WE WANT ANSWERS!

  14. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 9:30 am:

    OK, kids, let’s move on. If I didn’t know better, I’d think Bill was a Topinka plant. lol. But he’s entitled to say what he wants. Don’t pick on him too much.

  15. - Bill - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 9:41 am:

    Thank you, Mr. Blogmeister,
    Hey Proud,
    I understand why Rod irritates establishment guys like you. It is no longer business as usual and maybe you have lost a bit of influence. Rod is a real Dem who puts working women and men first and special interests second. Our movement will take us all the way to the White House…ooops I mean the Gov’s mansion in Ravenswood.

  16. - Left Leaner - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 9:41 am:

    Proud Dem - ditto.

  17. - Pancake Pal - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 10:35 am:

    Scopped by Bernie?
    Come on Mr. Fax, no one ever admits that in public.
    But then it was the oh so secret million car mailing story we are talking about here. It is interesting to see the rants come at the same volume regardless of the issue. Guess the Topinka Truth Squad only has one setting — high speed babble.

  18. - Pancake Pal - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 10:38 am:

    opps I meant to type scooped!

  19. - Blago The Great - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 10:46 am:

    Why should this obvious missuse of taxpayers money, from the very person that said he would never do this, really surprise anyone? Remember he also took down those $900 dollar toll road signs and had them replaced with his signs featuring his name promentantly displayed to the tune of $15,000 dollar signs.

    After all this is the same governor that is in violation of federal laws and for now getting away with it by illegally importing medication from un-approved foreign sources. Oh, and once he gets them, at taxpayers expense, he then donates them to Pakistan. Glad to see my tax dollars are helping the less fortunate of Pakistan while Illinois crumbles down around us.

  20. - Jaded - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 11:15 am:

    Why shouldn’t the Governor be held to the same standard as a legislator in his/her (if we ever have a her as governor) election year. Let’s face it, if it wasn’t politically motivated, these letters could have just as easily come from the agency directors with no mention of the Governor in them (except perhaps in the letterhead).

    Also, I am not sure what the letter said, but it probably should have read something like this:

    “Dear proffessional,
    This is a reminder to renew you professional license. Please pay the fee (which my administration has raised) so that I can raid your fund and cut your regulatory agency’s staff past the point of them being able to regulate your profession. Don’t worry, I will use your fee increase (which I refuse to call a tax) to increase General Funds spending so I can avoid making the tough choices I need to make to balance our state budger.

    I promise it will only take 6 to 8 weeks longer that it did 4 years ago to process you renewal. Additionally, if you want to renew on-line and pay by credit card, you can pay the extra fee associated with that and your renewal will only take 4 to 6 weeks longer that it did four years ago. If you find that your credit card number is being used by Friends of Rod Blagojevich, don’t panic, it is just a cost of doing business in Illinois.

    Finally, if you choose not to renew your license and choose to operate without a license, that is OK. Since I am using regulatory money for other puposes (please see above), we won’t find out that you are not licensed for about 2 years, and then, we won’t do anything about it.

    Lots of love in this election season, and remember it is not important who you vote for (ME, ME, ME) just get out and vote (unless your aren’t going to vote for me then stay home and watch TV)!

    Public Official A (the sequel)

  21. - Bill - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 11:22 am:

    Now,THAT was funny!

  22. - Lefty - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 11:35 am:

    I’m with Bill regarding the Jaded post. I received my reminder for a license that expires at the end of March. It has a nice big “ROD R BLAGOJEVICH” and a smaller “Dean Martinez” (secretary of the IDFPR) on the front and a reproduction of R-Blag’s signature on the back. And it reminds me that he is GOVERNOR in both instances.

    Thanks, Rod. Next time put the info in the renewal envelope, OK?

  23. - Lefty - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 11:37 am:

    Oh, I forgot to mention that it is full-color with pictures of what appear to be a dental hygienist, an engineer, and a woman strangling a kitten above his name. You need licenses for these things in IL.

  24. - doubtful - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 1:57 pm:

    Meh. The bully pulpit comes with incumbancy.

  25. - gotta be anonymous - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 2:04 pm:

    Maybe I misunderstand the issue, but why is the governor putting HIS name on a mailing for the Department of Professional Regulation?

  26. - maggiemae - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 2:05 pm:


    Loved your post.

  27. - Animous - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 2:10 pm:

    Yea, and it also comes with a 50/50 chance of federal prison time…

  28. - Still Anon - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 2:16 pm:

    Proud - I hear you. It would sure be annoying to lose potential congressional pick-ups over this.

  29. - So Il Gal - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 4:11 pm:

    Bost…a Republican from So Il. Once again, embarressing!

    Having held a state license for Asbestos Project Manager for many years, I’d imagine the postcards were sent early so classes could be scheduled. In that profession, due to erratic work schedules, many times you need a year to get the classes, picture, etc. If I still held the license, I would have enjoyed getting a reminder card a year early. Even though a staunch Dem, I don’t think I would have given the Gov the credit though. Probably would have though the Prof Regulations had gotten it together….not finally, just better.

    I’ll vote for him anyway, because I am DEMOCRAT.

  30. - Rational Thought - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 4:27 pm:

    And therein lies the source of our problems.

    A person gets someone’s vote solely because they are a member of that party without any regards to the candidates personal integrity.

  31. - NW burbs - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 4:45 pm:

    And how much tax money did Pres. Bush spend flying to and fro promoting his Social Security Debacle in 2005?

    Rich, this is the new wave. Lots of “unprecedented” spending of taxpayers’ money by “executives” with an agenda.

  32. - Licensed in Illinois - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 7:13 pm:

    Instead of a reminder postcard, I would appreciate enforcement of the licensing and practice requirements for my profession in this state. However, there is only one inspector north of I-80 - the rest of the state has no enforcement. And this is for a profession that is responsible for the health and safety of the public.

    Of course the postcard is offensive when the Governor’s self promotion takes the place of enforcement of state law.

  33. - Martha Mitchell - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 10:36 pm:

    I tried to give you folks the real story about his use of public funds to promote himself. (See previous All Kids posts). Almost $500,000 in postage costs from just one agency’s budget tells the whole story. Multiply by all agencies with print shops and you’ll faint!

  34. - Arthur Andersen - Thursday, Sep 21, 06 @ 10:43 pm:

    …Our movement will take us all the way to the White House…

    Bill, we’ve found a point of agreement. Blago’s term has indeed been a “movement.” A huge one.
    However, most folks think of it as the kind of “movement” that is flushed down a toilet.

    So, how ’bout that press conference today?

    Bring it on.

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