Brutal *** Updated x1 ***
Friday, Sep 22, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller As OneMan points out, the exchange beginning at 2:12 in video one is really something to see.
Just go see it. The dramatic pauses, the anger in the reporter’s voice, the silence from the other scribes as she interrogates the governor is a dramatic sight to behold. [The clip below is only the above exchange.] *** UPDATE *** Tribune reporter John Chase broke the infamous “check story” a couple of weeks ago. Go to 3:08 in video two and see a testy governor try to give Chase the brush-off by pointing out that Beverly Ascaridis claims the Trib fabricated and botched the story. For those of you who don’t remember, Ascaridis released a statement after the Trib’s first Sunday edition hit the street claiming she was misquoted and never said some of the things that the Tribune reported. The Tribune stood by its story. Chase breaks in as the governor was claiming the check probably came in an envelope for his other daughter’s christening, contrary to his original story.
Man, that’s a dangerous game to play. No way did Chase make up that story. No way. As I wrote in this morning’s Capitol Fax, the Tribune should release the tape of the interview with Mrs. Ascaridis. Let’s get the cards on the table. [The clip below is only the above exchange.]
- Marvelous Wonderful - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 10:48 am:
Appears the Teflon has worn off the frying pan.
- Ken in Aurora - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 10:51 am:
Great - now I have to irrigate coffee out of my keyboard! That was priceless…
- Sporty 41 - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 10:54 am:
1. It is clear that this legitimate question clearly caught the Governor off guard and that he had not been prepped for a response.
2. You can practically see him trying to sort through the information to try to give a good response. He doesn’t have one so he keeps trying to go back to the family friend routine from Clear and Present Danger.
3. You can practically see it in his face “Uh oh, legit question and I don’t have any answer . . . I’m screwed”!!!
- ironman - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 10:57 am:
The gov. is such a LOSER! I will be glad when he is defeated this fall.
- WOW! - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 11:05 am:
That was priceless. I just about fell out of my chair.
Where in the world was his press person to say “last question please”?
- DOWNSTATE - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 11:08 am:
RICH do you think that he thought the issue was old enough that no reporters would ask him about and he was caught off guard?You would think something would of been set in stone between him and his office on what both of them say and the tone it would be said in.
- Marie - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 11:08 am:
His press person, or whoever he had there with him, tried to usher him away a couple times. But, he didn’t want to get out from in front of the camera. Ego.
- OneMan - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 11:10 am:
Downstate, I think they did it was ‘Like a Godfather’ and ‘Mention Judy’s budget plan and casinos and her campaign reports’
Do that and you will be fine.
- Cal Skinner - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 11:11 am:
Who was the reporter?
- Rich Miller - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 11:12 am:
Downstate, no freaking way. They knew exactly what to expect. They made the mistake of thinking they could handle it. Oops.
- Shelbyville - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 11:15 am:
The gov looked like that new Tickle Me Elmo doll that is out. Priceless.
He better clear this up and quick.
- Guy Fawkes - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 11:17 am:
- Disgusted State Worker - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 11:22 am:
A few minutes into the interview he looked as if he had an accident and “wet himself”.
- Walking Wounded - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 11:23 am:
Did anyone else notice the “oh s**t, oh s**t” look on his face? JBT couldn’t ask for better campaign material.
- Former Press Aide - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 11:25 am:
Years ago, I was a political press aide. In situations like this, you have to have a strong personality ready to step in and physically pull the politician away - to save him from himself.
Nix, or whoever that was with Blago, verbally tried to end the interview a number of times. When she finally got the gov to step away, she didn’t keep him moving and the press corps got another five minutes of stammering from Blago.
That tape should become a tutorial for aspiring press aides on what not to do. That young lady should be re-assigned to something else, and Blago should get a professional, if it’s not too late.
- Big Al - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 11:27 am:
it’s embarrassing that the press continues to pull all of this up and out and the Fed’s fail to charge. It’s another black eye for Chicago. We will never lose the gangster and corrupt political image. that is from the heart. i am embarrassed!
- Bill Baar - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 11:30 am:
…it’s embarrassing that the press continues to pull all of this up and out and the Fed’s fail to charge. It’s another black eye for Chicago.
Exactly. That’s my problem with Fitz.
If there is a video that could turn things around for JBT, this has to bet it.
- Reddbyrd - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 11:36 am:
Any of this actually make in on the news?
WBBM-TV website has a clip from the early show with the “Chief of Staff….” line and a lot of Flannery face time.
GRod not at his best, but it could be our little secret if it wa not broadcast.
Put another week in the history books, JudyBore still behind.
- Illinois Tollway - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 11:37 am:
Mr. Fitgerald, are you watch this? Know wonder Rod’s been hiding!
- Anon - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 11:42 am:
Kinda sounds like former Governor Ryan accepting cash from his employees, including a janitor, for Christmas. . . .hmmmm. But it’s not business as usual right?
- NW burbs - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 11:44 am:
OT warning!
Now why can’t we get reporters like this in Washington? Aren’t reporters Americans too?
- TomD - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 11:49 am:
The reporter is Maryann Ahearn, from NBC-5 (WMAQ) Chicago. She did some nice work there. I wouldn’t describe her tone as angry, just persistent, as she asked a followup (or re-phrased and re-asked her original question) when she got a runaround in his 90-second answer the first time.
He doesn’t understand that (at least for TV) how-you-say-it is key, especially when you’re pursued like that. In that video, all he did was chum the water, as the sport fisherman say.
- Bill Carney - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 11:54 am:
Governor Rod Blagojevich should resign his office.
- Stunned (but happy) - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 11:59 am:
I love that not even ‘Bill’ can try to show up and spin this one. That could have been the worst media showing by an elected official EVER.
Note that before the exchange when asked if the check went into the college account, his response was along the lines of ‘all money for college went into a mutual fund.’ He wouldn’t respond to where the specific funds from this check went. He can’t.
Judy shouldn’t even pay to create commercials, she should just run this interview. Nobody could see that performance as being done by a guy telling the truth.
- Stunned (but happy) - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 12:01 pm:
And I have a hunch that he is now going to crawl back into his spider hole and will not be seen much between now and the election, other than in TV commercials.
- Bill Baar - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 12:13 pm:
Any of this actually make in on the news?
- Bill Baar - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 12:14 pm:
sorry… yes, I saw it on either CLTV or WGN…
- Animous - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 12:15 pm:
I love how he rips Topinka for being a month and a half late on her filing after he just admits he corrected his 2 1/2 YEARS after his filing. Isn’t this an admission of being in violation of the law for two years?
Re: $1,500 gift: “It was a normal, typical thing that happens among friends…” Want to bet that this normal, typical thing hasn’t happened to 99% of the people that cast a ballot for him last time around?
Nice of him to throw his chief of staff under the bus this early. Heck, even G Ryan defended his (guilty) chief until he got hauled away. Nice to show such loyalty to your dedicated former college roommate!
In Blago world, hey, that’s what friends are for…
- Shelbyville - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 12:20 pm:
Why write a check? Isn’t cash harder to follow?
- Reddbyrd - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 12:24 pm:
Did not realize CLTV and WGN was the “news”
- Da Godfather - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 12:30 pm:
Reddbyrd is running out of ‘excuses’… LOL
- Anon - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 12:30 pm:
I was curious enough to see what Blago had to say at the Will County Dems fundraiser last night, so I stopped by. He mentioned how we need to get behind all the state senators/reps in Will County who are running, and he named them all… except he did not mention Halvorsen– twice. He also did not mention the airport governance issue. The gov. had a great opportunity to win the support of the Will County rank and file… and he squandered it. Most door knockers I spoke to were unimpressed.
- Larry Mullholland - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 12:31 pm:
It is an outage he has to answer questions about how is is using his children!
It was for the birthdristening, I said, check your facts….you little people are so stupidly stupid! And I can count backwards!
- Larry Mullholland - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 12:35 pm:
Any one remember the SNL subliminal man??
Okay so you’ve all got it cleary…it was pgift-off for Ammie’s collegemyankaccount for her birthdristening in spricago!
- DOWNSTATE - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 12:39 pm:
I think the bigger question:how can you be Blago’s friend for 40 years and not get thrown under a bus?
- Bubs - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 12:41 pm:
But can Topinka get this all across to the voters? So far she has not.
- Thomas - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 12:44 pm:
What is it then Red? Man, your excuses and comments are lame, but I do admire you for standing by your guy…I’m sure he’ll enjoy your visits when he’s in jail.
BTW, great job of the press staff to prep Rod…how are they still employed after that disaster????
- Guy Fawkes - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 12:53 pm:
The Daily Show’s Colbert Report should pick up on these videos or maybe Saturday Night Live or even MAD TV. PRICELESS!
- Reddbyrd - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 12:56 pm:
Mr. D.Godfather:
Not trying to make excuses. That task falls to GRod and his team. My point is that if the fumble-mumble does not get on the air or stay on the TV news websites then it generally remains a secret to viewer/voters.
If it is a secret it cannot help JudyBore and the Brickhead erase their single/double hell who knows triple digit deficit.
And with JudyBore committing her entire campaign to this blog it is unlikely they can gain much
I know that does not make you feel better, but a little does of reeality is good way to start the weekend.
- Da Godfather - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 1:07 pm:
RedByrd - I’m actually rooting for your man Blago a.k.a Public Official A to win. I’d like to see how many Governors can be indicted in a row. Blago is going to keep the streak running… Blago will be indicted within 6 months after he takes his second term.
- Walking Wounded - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 1:09 pm:
I can’t see this debacle remaining a secret. The Governor came across very unprepared, flustered and even raised the issue of a reporter’s facts and integrity. No, I don’t think these reporters will back off, and Blagojevich will only have himself to blame. That’s another little dose of reality. You have a nice weekend, too, Byrd.
- Anon - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 1:19 pm:
Thank goodness he explained to reporters how to spell “law” that’s L-A-W. And how long have they been friends?? Oh that’s right since he was 8 years old. I think he said that no less than six times!
- Yvette - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 1:35 pm:
Those videos are quite … ahem … impressive.
One question: Governor, would you please join my poker game?
- Strike Three, He's Out - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 1:35 pm:
One more nail in his political career coffin.
- Animous - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 1:47 pm:
Once G Ryan’s “legacy” started taking a turn for the worse, he decided to commute all the criminals on death row, evidently as a act of contrition. I wonder what the Blago contrition will be…
Got it!!: A free $1,500 savings bond to every new baby born in Illinois!!
- Garp - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 1:51 pm:
I am not one to usually defend the Blago, however, this guy raised more than 25 million dollars. $1500 is a drop in the bucket. He got his friend’s wife a job. I really don’t think it was on the basis that his friend would pay him $1500 bucks. His friend was grateful and gave him a big check and said this is for your daughter. Blago accepted the gift. I don’t think he questioned it because he is tight with the guy and considers him family. I think the women would have gotten the job whether the money was given or not.
- DOWNSTATE - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 1:57 pm:
How can anyone defend him on this she flunked the test. Then she was hired in a county where she never showed up for work heck she didn’t know where the place was.
- Ben - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 1:59 pm:
He is a robot! I think his brain got stuck like an old record and kept saying the same one-liners over and over… “like a brother”……. ” since 8 years old”….” comply with the law”
- Anon2 - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 2:00 pm:
Do you think maybe Blago is worried about what Mr. Ascaridis is going to say as the federal spotlight turns to him in earnest? How many times and ways can Blago say: He is my best fried.
Do you get the message Mr. Ascaridis? Best friends don’t rat on best friends to the feds; do they Mr. Ascaridis?
Best friends. 40 year friends. Closest friend. And, let’s not forget, writer of $1,500 checks friend.
Wives of best friends are another matter all together. Too bad for Blago.
- Political Hack - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 2:06 pm:
RedByrd is right. Remember, all you wannabe politicos. If it ain’t on TV, it didn’t happen. What voters will see is a ton of ads of the Judy and George Show. That, my friends, will make my weekend.
- Little Egypt - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 2:07 pm:
Garp, how do you think he got all of his money? By trading favors, contracts, jobs for money that’s how. This whole press conferense was an absolute disaster for Blogo and what he and his press people fail to realize is that there is now blood in the water and the sharks are circling. He can make all the political mis-statements he wants to, contrive all kinds of stories about his opponent he wants to, but when he questions the integrity and the facts of a reporter, well now, that’s pretty much a declaration of war. And he deserves everything that is lobbed in his direction.
- Tom - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 2:09 pm:
What I found interesting was the end of the Trib story today. Joe Powers no longer represents the Ascaridis’.
- Squideshi - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 2:10 pm:
So now Blagojevich is attacking the press? Priceless.
- Sound Reasoning - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 2:26 pm:
Now, I see how the governor’s supporters can stomach coming to his defense day in and day out “If it ain’t on TV, it didn’t happen”. Talk about denial.
Here is a governor melting under the glare of the cameras, stumbling over himself in order to attempt to explain away an ever growing crisis and all they can hope for is that the truth does not get out until after election.
It has to be horrible to have your future tied to such an unscrupulous governor as Blagojevich. They must feel so helpless right now seeing their standard bearer self-destruct in front of the news media.
- Bill - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 2:26 pm:
Well, it has been fun but if you really want to know, not much of the “youtube” tapes made the airwaves in Chicago. While many of you have been reading things into the interview, mostly wishful thinking on your part, what little was aired made the Gov. looked slightly irritated but determined and on message. Most of the tape that aired just showed the Gov talking with a voice over reporter re-reading for the hundredth time the same old check story. Nobody cares but reporters who hate him anyway and opposition supporters.
I know you are all hoping for an indictment and you have been posting about it for months now. Like Eddie Eisendradth and Judy Topinka you will be waiting a long time. Rod is an honest man and has done nothing wrong. Ergo, no indictment.
At his appearance last night before the Senate Dems, Rod was his usual excellent self, was only a little bit late, and received several standing O’s. A few Elvis stories and Cubs jokes and all was well with the world.Things are so much different in the real world than on the CapFax blog.
We’re gonna win big!
Four more years!
Bring it on!
- State of Illinois Employees - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 2:30 pm:
We all understand you pain, we’re all rooting for you! NOT!
- LMAO and buying cigars - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 2:36 pm:
The Thompson Center 16th floor must look much like the evacuation of the U.S. Embassy from Saigon right about now. Shredders running nonstop, the smell of CD-Roms in the microwave like burned popcorn, the clacking of keys as resumes are uploaded to Rich, thanks for the early New Year’s gift of your spectacular coverage of this slow-motion car accident, hope you keep updating over the weekend. I’d like to show you my appreciation by giving you a check, but frankly, I don’t know you that well, you’re not like a l or something.
But let me know when your birthday is… maybe we can send you a card.
Over eight million and four years spent on a campaign, all undone by a measly fifteen hundred dollars. Such is the price of greed. I plan to play these you-tube clips to my kids this weekend while I teach them the hazards of lying.
- B Hicks - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 2:39 pm:
Two or three mopes monitoring blogs each night on 2nd street. Hell of a field operation.
I got $1500 that says our guy Rod (not your guy Judy), wins by double digits, any takers?
- Guy Fawkes - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 2:40 pm:
Bill - Your guy is starting to lose it, word is he had a meltdown after that interview……
- Bill - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 2:41 pm:
Well he wasn’t happy but “meltdown” is a little strong. A few minutes in front of the mirror and he was back to normal.
- Little Egypt - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 2:42 pm:
Bill, I don’t understand your pain and your credibility just tanked for the umpteenth day. Post as much as you want but puleeeezze, don’t keep telling all of us that Rod is an honest man. It makes you look really foolish. And what you are not acknowledging is that Rod needs the press badly in order to win this election. He better start pandering to them and he better do it quickly.
- Bubs - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 2:44 pm:
The BlagoBloggers are, sadly, aboslutely right. The voters are NOT getting it . . . yet, anyway.
I had a talk today with an intelligent financial professional, who lives in the Cook suburbs and works in downtown Chicago, who is generally interested in politics.
1. Thanks to the Sun-Times, he thought Judy was way behind. He’s never heard of Rasmussen, or that latest poll showing her down six. Not a word.
2. He’s heard about the $1500 check, and knows it doesn’t sound right, but doesn’t know the details.
3. He had NO IDEA of the other federal investigations underway into the Blagojevich Admininistration. He was shocked by them.
4. He says all he sees are the Blago ads on the 10 O’Clock News. They are slick, and make Judy look like an idiot. He says Judy’s message is not getting out at all.
I fear for this State. If this is an intelligent, marginally interested voter, Lord knows how deep the ignorance runs.
Whatever the Topinka campaign staff is doing, they had better kick it up MORE than “a few notches.”
- Walking Wounded - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 2:47 pm:
B Hicks…I don’t doubt that Rod will probably win with the zombie voters in this state. Double digits, though? Naahhh. I will wager you & Bill that there will be an indictment handed down on Blagojevich. The timing is Fitzgerald’s perogative.
- chinman - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 2:51 pm:
bill, bill, bill
so young and cocky. smack talking can be a danger. what if i told you there was a nuclear story that is going to lay waste to the world as you know it. grow up and don’t be such a hater. you are kind of like the jr ewing of this blog, everyone loves to hate you and you are pushing for more. careful billy the boomerang of politics can be a -itch. those of us who sit on the fence think he is a classless fool. george and blago and folks like you come and go because you don’t play nice.
everybody say thank you peter fitzgerald for ending the reindeer games.
- Buck Flagojevich - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 2:53 pm:
Ignorance and apathy will get him back reelected and arrogance, ego, greed and a few indictments will remove him from office.
- anon - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 2:54 pm:
Question, if this happens all the time, as the governor claims, then why aren’t there more disclosures on his ethics forms? Or does he only have one friend this generous, oddly enough, at the same time his wife is looking for a state job?
- Arthur Andersen - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 2:55 pm:
Hicks, the only double digit number your guy is going to see is in the counts of his indictment.
Keep your $1500. I’m sure there will be a fundraiser for the Blagojevich Reform & Renewal Club, aka Legal Defense Fund.
- DOWNSTATE - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 2:55 pm:
Some voters are still not looking but some are and have given BBOY the thumbs down. That is why JBT is gaining ground.He has and continues to spend millions and only has a 6 point lead.I would say get ready to say the 4 magic words GOVERNOR JUDY BARR TOPINKA.
- Bill - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 3:01 pm:
Little e,
Rod is an honest man and always tries to do the right thing.
But seriously, he doesn’t need the press to win. He has never had the press and really, if it were up to me, he wouldn’t talk to them at all. They, as a group, have never given him an even break right from the beginning. They don’t like Rod because he won’t kiss their behinds and treat them like they are inportant.
He’ll buy all of the media time that we need to win.
Have a beautiful So Illinois weekend!
- Shelbyville - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 3:02 pm:
I wouldn’t bet him even being in the race by November.
- Little Egypt - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 3:07 pm:
B. Hicks, no way will your guy win now that he is self-destructing IN THE MEDIA. Perhaps the majority of people have not been as informed as those of us who follow Rich’s blog. However, it’s a new day. The reporters will go after this guy like never before. It will become a feeding frenzy. Stick him with a fork - he’s done.
- Bill - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 3:11 pm:
Art must be unopposed this time.
- Buck Flagojevich - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 3:13 pm:
Yes. You don’t rip on the press and then expect to have them treat you nicely. It will be open season on Rod now that he snottily told a reporter to go check “his own” facts. Alluding that the reporter made up the story? Dumb, very dumb.
- red vest - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 3:14 pm:
It’s like getting Al Capone for Tax Evasion. The real scandals are Levine, Hurtgen, Peter Fox/Kight Infrastructures, Big Bob K. The real story will be Oct 11th when Hurtgen goes in for his hearing and if he pleas out then the roaches will run…
- Wheres the leadership??? - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 3:15 pm:
Bill…or Rod, Get back to being the Governor and no more talking to the press!!!
- YNM - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 3:20 pm:
Not to defend Blago at all, but to clarify the “like Godparents” statement and the comments surrounding that.
While I don’t know for certain, I am pretty sure that Godparents are a part of the Catholic (and maybe other mainline) denomination and history.
I come from a Protestant background and we have many people who are “like Godparents” to our children, though they are not technically that and are not referred to as that.
And of course we have named people close to us to keep our children should something happen to my wife and I.
It is possible he was referring to a similar situation … people who carry out a role similar to that of Godparents, who aren’t actually Godparents.
I think that statement is the least of the issue.
Because there are no $1500 gifts flying around between our groups of friends!
- Garp - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 3:23 pm:
No way Blago wins by double digits-absolutly no way.
- Bill - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 3:29 pm:
It has been open season on Rod since before the ‘00 primary and gets worse and worse each week as Rod gets closer and closer to re-election. Remember the poll which showed the professions that the public trusted the least;
1)Used car dealers
Sometimes I think that the anti-rod bias in the press actually helps us with the real people.
- Bill - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 3:31 pm:
- Anon from BB - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 3:31 pm:
“Rod is an honest man and always tries to do the right thing.”
Just because you keep saying it Bill doesn’t make it true. People were saying the same thing about Ryan at the time…
If it looks like a duck and all that jazz…
- Unreasoned Support - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 3:34 pm:
Here’s the reason there are some who so blindly support Blagojevich that they are unconcerned about his unscrupulous ways.
All they care is that he gets re-elected. Afterwards they don’t care if he gets indicted and sent off to prison because then Quinn will assume the governorship and their party will still control the patronage positions.
Then when the next round of elections comes up Quinn will have a record to run on (they’re hoping that it’s much better than his days as Treasurer) and then he might get re-lected and they’ll have their jobs for that much longer.
When looked at in this light it makes more sense of why they disregard the obvious and cling to a sinking ship. they’re hoping and praying that he has enough momentum to carry him through to election day. For them the election can’t get here soon enough.
- Bill - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 3:37 pm:
I wish it were tommorrow.
- Unreasoned Support - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 3:39 pm:
See, they realize the longer the wait the more Blagojevich’s support dwindles.
- Tessa - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 3:41 pm:
Watching this just stuns me. As time goes on, I find myself more ashamed for having campaigned for him and voted for him. Of course he talked a good talk back then, and I believed him. I most certainly don’t believe him now. I’ve been burned one too many times. The people I work for have been hurt by him one too many times.
How much longer do we have to suffer from hhis lies and deceit? Is he just so caught up in himself that he doesn’t know right from wrong anymore? Or does he think he’s that much better than the people he was elected to represent. I think he’s reprehensible.
I’d love the Trib to show him for the liar that he is. Let the Feds come and take him away.
- OneMan - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 3:42 pm:
If we get a governor Quinn (unlikely) don’t think for a second he wouldn’t face a Lisa challenge in a primary.
Rod, target of reporters. Yeah that’s good because average Joe totally gets $1,500 checks from some buddy. Please
- Bill - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 3:45 pm:
One Man,
It is a cultural thing. You wouldn’t understand.
- Walking Wounded - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 3:48 pm:
Oh, One Man and many of us understand that cultural issue….it’s termed culture of corruption.
- OneMan - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 3:53 pm:
A cultural thing? What culture has people giving your kids (or one of them) $1,500 for either a birthday or a christening? What culture has you getting $1,500 gifts for your kids and forgetting what it was for?
- Limerick - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 3:57 pm:
Rod is starting to learn
That changing your story can burn.
The truth lies beneath
The lies through his teeth,
But the voters have yet to discern.
- Buck Flagojevich - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 4:04 pm:
OneMan - It’s a culture of corruption.
Bring on the Fed’s!!!
- Little Egypt - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 4:15 pm:
Bill, the only reason that politicians are not #1 on the list of professions the public least trusts is that most of us don’t consider politics a profession. Bahahahaha. And Bill, apparently you have not heard of the rule of 200. That rule usually applies to goods that you purchase but can easily be applied to politics. If I make a fairly large purchase of furniture or an automobile and I’m happy with it, then I’ll usually share that with a few of my friends. However, if I get screwed on a purchase, you can bet I’m going to tell everyone I know and some I don’t know. That’s the rule of 200. And that also applies to politics. If you’re happy with a politician, for the most part, you just show up and vote for her/him in the next election. You may walk a precinct or man a phone line but those people are in the minority. But if you’re unhappy with a politican, the subject comes up frequently in social conversation, chats over the neighbors fence, restaurants, blogs, e-mail, IM, etc.
Tessa, where have you been? I was just thinking today that you haven’t been heard from in a while and I always enjoy your input. You are one of the more careful thinkers on this blog.
- Angie - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 4:15 pm:
Man is he busted. About time, too, because if I have to see his name all over the toll plaza when taking 294 to get to my university classes every week, I’m going to scream.
Looks like he was better off in hiding and NOT answering questions. I mean, he just looks so frazzled and not confident about his answers, that manner of attacking the press, and so forth included. If you are confident, then people hear it in your voice unless you are a very good pathological liar. This guy just sounds all frazzled and a total wreck. Where’s the “testicular virility” now, Rod? For a guy who can get every last hair in place with the blowdryer, you’d think he’d be as meticulous about money that was handled. Just another sign that he appears to be reckless with fiscal matters, because even in the event that this was innocent (as in if the FBI wasn’t investigating, that is), his utter inability to answer the questions just looks very bad.
Come on November. I want to see someone else’s name over the toll plaza.
- Just a question - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 4:22 pm:
Heard through the grapevine that Ascaridis was on the list of 24 or however many that Defraties and Casey illegally got hired…..the same list the Gov’s office compiled and said they had no idea why these two would have given preferencial treatment to these people. Just wondering if this is true, if she is in fact on that list. If so, I believe it clearly shows that Defraties and Casey didn’t do this just because they felt like it, especially since there is no sign they benefited from this in any way. There is however 1500 dollars that says Blago did.
- Shelbyville - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 4:25 pm:
George Ryan sounds and acts more confident than Rod Blagojevich, right now.
- Buck Flagojevich - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 4:26 pm:
Plus he had two weeks to get his answers ready and consistent with the party line, and he still blew it! I think he sneezed and his brain flew out his ear. What a putz!
- Guy Fawkes - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 4:31 pm:
Mr. Wizard was the cartoon character that Tudor the Turtle used to call for help whenever he would get in trouble. “Drizzle Drazzle Drizzle Drone…time for this one to come home!” Mr. Wizard would chant and Tudor would get out of the jam.
- Rich Miller - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 4:32 pm:
“Just a Question”
- Jake from Elwood - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 4:34 pm:
Wow. . .the youth of our State, all those first time voters really have an excellent choice for Governor this November. Do we choose the smarmy, leveraged, probable criminal defendant incumbent or the tarnished, wrinkled, clown-like polka queen?
No wonder voter turnout is so pathetic.
I plan to vote for Pedro.
- Just a question - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 4:38 pm:
Rich- Any idea if any other people on the list have a similar (scandelous) story? Just wondering when a decision might take place.
- Bill - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 4:39 pm:
Little e,
Your parables and bits of wisdom make my day.
- leigh - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 4:41 pm:
Forget for a moment whether Blago is a saint or a sinner on this issue. How dumb can his media relations people be? Who sends their candidate out this ill prepared? And if they knew he was going to come across like a crook and liar than keep him in hiding. Now there is footage.
- Reddbyrd - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 4:45 pm:
Wow JudyBore’s team has missed a chance to knock on a lot of doors this afternoon just to keep thr BlogRoast going. Hope this puts Capt Fax over the cenury mark. it has been a long time.
- Bill - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 4:47 pm:
Hey,is there a prize for the 100th comment?
Bring it on!
- OneMan - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 4:48 pm:
Drat Reddybird figured out our little plan to just sit and comment on blogs.
- Little Egypt - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 4:49 pm:
Thanks Bill for your “nice” comment. I’m going to have a wonderful weekend hiking in the Shawnee Forest and driving on The Wine Trail. Hope you have a good one too.
- Bill - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 4:52 pm:
Little e,
Ive got events and fundraisers all weekend. Its getting close to crunch time.
- Walking Wounded - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 4:55 pm:
OneMan…you’re right, I think they’ve figured out our consipracy to sit back and let Fitz’s men do all the work. Dang those pesky Feds.
- harmonious_soul - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 4:56 pm:
LOLOL!!! Hey, give that man a little more rope!! Keep talking, Rod! LOLOLOL!!! That is totally PRICELESS!!
- Stop the Blagocide - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 5:03 pm:
Yes, Ascaridis was on the DeFraties’ list of 28 alleged application manipulations. It was reported by every media outlet around that Ascaridis was hired by DNR as a PSA in August of 2003 as a part-time employee in Whiteside County and moved one month later to DuPage County and made full-time. She did pass the “test” for that title. However, the charges against DeFraties and Casey allege that she was given “special treatment” on an application from December of 2004 for the title of SPSA. She has never had a job with that title. Makes no sense at all unless you’re trying to divert attention from the real issue…DNR’s circumventing of veterans’ preference. When are the “bad apples” going to get their day in court? And, Rich, do you have the other 27 on the list to share?
- Anon - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 5:30 pm:
“Stop the Blagocide” has a good question. When do the ‘bad apples’ get their day in front of the babysitter and the rest of the civil service board? Is it intentionally being delayed for the election?
- Cat - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 6:39 pm:
Wow! If he was acting, he would have an Oscar for sure!
On an aside, Anon 12:30 p.m., rumor has it that Tim Martin and IDOT met with Rep. Jackson this week - any chance Blago will give the Peotone land to Jackson and throw Halvorson to the wolves?
- HoosierDaddy - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 7:28 pm:
Guess what, Redd– Judy’s people were campaigning at least as hard as Rod’s today… and yesterday… and tomorrow. Joe B. was in town yesterday. Our state rep and senator will be repping her in a parade in town tomorrow– our precincts are targeted. We’re moving– not that we need to… Rod will be lucky to get any votes in our county. Keep dreaming Reddy.
Bill– I have a number for a hotline in case you get depressed when your fantasy world comes crashing down. Just keep in mind that Rod will be in good company in the Illinois government section of the federal pen, and they’ll probably let him have a TV to watch Judy’s inauguration.
- Angie - Friday, Sep 22, 06 @ 9:35 pm:
Re: “How dumb can his media relations people be? Who sends their candidate out this ill prepared?”
He can’t talk because his lawyers have probably told him to keep his yap shut and lay low, but then again, he’s running, so he has to say something. That’s what happens when you’re the wrong man for the job, you’re under investigation, and an election is just around the corner.
Rod is a genius, though! He’s managed to undo the millions of dollars worth of points he may have scored for a while in blowing that huge campaign war chest money on those silly ads that drove everyone up the wall since they first started airing.
- IrishPirate - Saturday, Sep 23, 06 @ 1:42 am:
When I watch that I can’t help but think about a certain scene in the film “Deliverance”
Replace Blago for Ned Beatty and the Feds for the Hillbilly and you get the idea…………
- Criminal Enterprise Called Illinois - Saturday, Sep 23, 06 @ 11:17 am:
There are absolutely NO WORDS adequate to describe Blago’s blunders on these videos. I have NEVER seen any politician so blatantly lie, stumble, obfuscate and generally meltdown. Not Nixon in his final years, not Jerry Cosentino, not Al Ronan, not even George Ryan - heck, even Scott Fawell kept it together better in court than Hairdo did and he isn’t even indicted yet. This is the most amazing footage I have EVER seen ANYWHERE! It doesn’t take a psychologist or lie detector to see his painfully obvious lying routine. It speaks volumes. This ship is underwater. Someone put him out of his misery and indict him, please. This needs to be aired on the news or shown in psychology or criminal justice courses. Bye Bye Blago.
- WorkingGRL - Saturday, Sep 23, 06 @ 1:56 pm:
I’ve watched the video numerous and clearly the man does not know what the check was for. He probably never even saw it. His wife is the one who holds the answers to these questions. The mother is the one who typically handles these things. And when you are rich, $1500 is not a lot of money for a gift, particularly if it was a birthday/ christening gift, which I think the guv is alluding to. You wanna know about the check ask Patty.
Pingback » Blog Archive » Weekend Update - Sunday, Sep 24, 06 @ 6:51 pm:
[…] And finally, if you haven’t seen it yet…try to convince yourself to vote for this guy after watching these […]
- domestic pardoner - Monday, Sep 25, 06 @ 1:33 am:
Folks, we can wish this was going sink Blagojevich as much as we want, but wishing doesn’t make it so. The 2 Blagojetrolls are right - without this making TV, the voters aren’t going to see it.
YouTube stats show about 4,000 views. Maybe as many as 5,000 views by the time this posts. And maybe many more by the time the election comes. But that’s not enough.
- Concerned - Monday, Sep 25, 06 @ 12:23 pm:
Doesn’t Patty live with her husband? Unless she has her head buried in the sand, she knows about the scandal. Wouldn’t she have told him before he went to the press what the check was for if she in fact did know? I wouldn’t want my spouse looking like a complete boob on television.
- Angie - Monday, Sep 25, 06 @ 1:25 pm:
For those of you who say that Patty has the info, but Rod doesn’t, we on the Right ask how the heck Rod will handle Illinois financial issues if he can’t figure out how to account for the infamous check? This guy is awful! If this doesn’t help Topinka, I don’t know what else will. A Levine guilty plea tossing an unwanted shoe in Rod’s direction, perhaps?
- Tessa - Monday, Sep 25, 06 @ 7:29 pm:
Little Egypt - I’ve been around, just not posting. I just couldn’t help myself but start again.
I have to respond on this whole - Patty probably had the check and took care of it - thing. Yeah, the Gov’s wife took a $1,500 check, deposited it in the bank and never said one word to her husband about it. Likely story. And then when it pops up three years later in the headlines she still never says one word to him, so that he can get his story straight. Yep, that’s a very likely story. Priceless.
Most families I know, an amount that big comes in, the entire county knows about it before it clears the bank.
- Angie - Tuesday, Sep 26, 06 @ 4:39 am:
Can I just add that Greeks tend to shove hundred dollar bills right into the cards they give at baptisms, weddings, and so forth? It is a very common thing to put in cash, but not a check. No way. The idea is that the kiddies get to SEE that they are getting the money that looks like money. Very unusual to have someone hand over a check.