Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Poshard adviser: “history is about to repeat itself”
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Poshard adviser: “history is about to repeat itself”

Monday, Sep 25, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller

Joe Novak was Glenn Poshard’s political consultant in 1998. He has no love for the current governor, partly because of his ongoing fight with the not-for-profit hospitals. Long story short, Novak believes the hospitals and Blagojevich are in bed together to protect the hospitals’ tax exemptions. Check his blog for more.

Anyway, he raised some money through a new PAC he created, North Fork Political Action Committee, and is airing $30,000 worth of radio ads in central and southern Illinois starting tomorrow.

The ad rips Gov. Blagojevich. Novak says he hopes to raise enough money to get the spot on Chicago radio by next week.


Here’s the script:

My name is Joe Novak.

I spent a year of my life trying to elect Glenn Poshard as Governor, because he was an honest and decent man.

Well, against a corrupt politician like George Ryan, honesty and decency never had a chance.

And we all know how that turned out.

Ryan’s going to jail like 70 of his cohorts have.

I can’t blame the voters though.

They didn’t know Ryan was corrupt, in part because a U.S. District Attorney made an unprecedented statement flatly denying that Ryan was a target.

Well, I’m worried that history is about to repeat itself.

It shouldn’t.

Numerous media outlets have made it clear that Governor Rod Blagojevich is Public Official A in a widespread investigation of the Blagojevich administration.

For the next four years, do you want a Governor who’s focused on the people’s business, or someone distracted by ongoing investigations, grand juries, possible indictments and convictions?

There’s an old saying—fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.

So what’s it going to be?


  1. - Ken in Aurora - Monday, Sep 25, 06 @ 2:29 pm:

    Does Novak have enough recognition Downstate to have an impact? Is $30K enough of a buy to impact anything?

  2. - VanillaMan - Monday, Sep 25, 06 @ 2:36 pm:

    What he is saying is true, and just plain common sense. It is time to get another governor. The one we have now has clearly shown no interest in reforming government. Instead he has shown to be a big part of the problem. He has to go.

  3. - Bill - Monday, Sep 25, 06 @ 2:41 pm:

    Joe is the last person anyone who knows him would trust.

  4. - So Il Gal - Monday, Sep 25, 06 @ 3:04 pm:

    So what, he wants Judy BT to be the next Gov?

    That’s what Poshard wants, too? This is crazy. He is WAY out of line.

    Unfortunately, if it has the Poshard seal of approval, SO Il may listen.


  5. - cermak_rd - Monday, Sep 25, 06 @ 3:14 pm:

    I like how people are beating Blago over the head for being Public Official A. How do they know he is? Because the prosecutor says he is. What proof does he have? We don’t know he hasn’t shown us the goods yet because there’s not been a trial yet.

    Prosecutors accuse people. But the words mean nothing. What matters is evidence.

  6. - Lovie's Leather - Monday, Sep 25, 06 @ 4:02 pm:

    cermak_rd… this blog is not a court of law. Anybody with eyes and ears knows that there is something going on. So you can say these things don’t matter. Fine, then let the public be informed about what is going on. It is not about an indictment, it is about bad governmental practices. If everyone knew what the people who read this blog know, then Blago would be 15 points behind in the polls. Not saying he is guilty of a crime. But he is guilty of being a horrid governor.

  7. - anon - Monday, Sep 25, 06 @ 4:11 pm:

    Joe is one of Lipinski’s guys. The Lip and JBT have always been very tight. They are political neighbors. The Lip even endorsed her when Dart ran against her. He may have his troubles with Blago, but either way he was going to be helping JBT.

  8. - Jake from Elwood - Monday, Sep 25, 06 @ 4:11 pm:

    Who knew that the NIU head football coach had such a political pedigree? Coach Novak has more name recognition than “the other” Joe Novak.

  9. - leigh - Monday, Sep 25, 06 @ 4:21 pm:

    What will work in Southern Illinois is the Poshard part of the script. It will not matter if they know Novak although I suspect many will. Forget the Republican/Democrat thing. It will play more like a our guy was honest but lost to a crook, were not going to let that happen again. I am unaware of any investigations or birthday checks written to JBT, did I miss something. The voters this sways may go to Whitney, a local guy.

  10. - (618) Democrat - Monday, Sep 25, 06 @ 4:22 pm:

    A lot of us DID work for Glenn Poshard not only for a year but for many years because he IS a honest and decent man. Joe Novak worked for Poshard because he got paid to work for him. Novak was a big reason Poshard lost the election. Novak was a loser then and is still a loser.

  11. - Roomie - Monday, Sep 25, 06 @ 4:25 pm:

    I kinda doubt a guy with that much of a city accent is gonna have any sort of impact with people in central Illinois.

    This smells fishy. What does Novak gain? Is Topinka involved???

    I am sure Poshard (like the rest of us) is wishing Novak would just disappear.

  12. - Fearless Freep - Monday, Sep 25, 06 @ 4:29 pm:

    Blago was one of the Chicago Dems who sat on their hands and screwed Poshard.
    Glenn was a good man. If only there were more like him, being a Democrat would mean something.

    Plenty of blame to go around. Ultimately, I blame the ignorance of voters for electing George Ryan, who always was a crook. Voters got fooled before and if these polls are any indication, they’re about to be fooled again.

  13. - Lovie's Leather - Monday, Sep 25, 06 @ 4:32 pm:

    So, has Poshard commented on this yet??? What does he think?

  14. - Roomie - Monday, Sep 25, 06 @ 4:33 pm:

    Has anyone looked at who contributed to Novak’s North Fork Political Action Committee?

    I didnt see a record of it with the state board of elections.

    BTW, Blago did not screw Poshard. Poshard screwed Poshard by pissing off the city liberals. Pro-Gun. Anti-Gay. Pro-Life. Enough said.

  15. - a friend - Monday, Sep 25, 06 @ 4:38 pm:

    I bet poshard wouldn’t touch this with a ten foot pole. novak’s going to get more free media out of this stunt then actual airtime.

  16. - SIU Fan - Monday, Sep 25, 06 @ 5:38 pm:

    Here is what is going around in dem circles in Southern Illinois; “The Governor placed a democrat (Poshard)in the President’s job at SIU. Poshard was told to get rid of Wendler, who is alleged to be a republican. Once Wendler’s out of the way the path will be cleared for university jobs and many contracts to go to faithful dems.

    This is a tremendous disservice to Poshard if it is not true. It makes him look like he is a lackey who sold out.

    The question is will Glenn Poshard publicly rebuke Novak or even worse will we see 30 second spots featuring Poshard touting the governor’s record in response to the media attention this ad is sure to garner? We know the Governor’s people are shameless but is it true they have turned Poshard?

  17. - Crow - Monday, Sep 25, 06 @ 5:42 pm:

    Hasn’t Novak moved from the Vrdolyak/Lipinski crowd to pushing the agenda of a hyper-rightwing insurance mogul from Indiana? Could that explain his great opposition to hospitals? Sorry Rich, all you’re doing by posting this drek is what Joe loves most…getting himself publicized…and also giving his feeble ad tons of free exposure.

  18. - Brandon - Monday, Sep 25, 06 @ 6:05 pm:

    Joe Novak didn’t lose it for Poshard although was not great.
    It was campaign manager Josh Silberman who really lost it for Poshard.

  19. - leigh - Monday, Sep 25, 06 @ 6:30 pm:

    I thought Mike Lawrence was told to stay out of politics by Poshard (alleged). If that were true, wouldn’t it follow that Poshard will stay out of them as well?

  20. - Minion - Monday, Sep 25, 06 @ 6:31 pm:

    as much as I can’t stand Blago, I have to say Novak is an idiot and this will not go anywhere.

  21. - A bit on the Inside - Monday, Sep 25, 06 @ 6:38 pm:

    Novak may be a hack. He may have his own agenda and/or motives.

    But what he’s been saying about hospital practices, their tax exempt status and the Blago’s fingerprints on this are all dead-on accurate.

  22. - So Blue Democrat - Monday, Sep 25, 06 @ 6:41 pm:

    As a lifelong progressive Democrat, I agree with Novak. I was just stating earlier today that I am very disappointed that Illinois voters may elect again a Governor who will be indicted. It is not a question of whether he will be indicted but when. I will never forgive the Governor for not reforming state government as he promised. In fact, state government is worse off today, and is on the verge of a complete meltdown.

  23. - Lt. Guv - Monday, Sep 25, 06 @ 6:49 pm:

    Joe Novak (the hack - not the coach. . .NIU’s coach is awesome), is scum. He may be right, but he’s still scum. He should go back into his hole.

  24. - fed up dem - Monday, Sep 25, 06 @ 7:07 pm:

    I too volunteered on Poshard’s campaign for Governor. Although I was in my 50″s it was only my third. The first was for George McGovern when I was in college. I have never met a finer man and suggest that actually Daley and Madigan sold him out because they knew they couldn’t deal with him like with George. I have worked for the State previously under Dan Walker and came back under Thompson. I have seen a continual decline since Thompson left and am no longer proud to be a public servant uner this current administration. In my agency the bosses, some attorneys, routinely set policies that violate licensees constitutional and statutory rights. They also get very angry and vindictive when this is pointed out. One former General Counsel had no clue that any Constitution applied to State action. He’s been promoted twice and now works on the 16th floor of the Thompson Center. I have never seen such a bunch of argogent people willling to violate the law with the exception of a former George Ryan relative and his posse who really didn’t come close. I don’t know how State employees who care about “doing the right thing” will survive another four years. It will only get worse after the election.

    Further, even Rod’s former Inspector General found blatant disregard for the law with regard to his administration. Instead of dealing with it appropriately, it appears his administration caused a well-qualified IG with integrity to leave.

  25. - Link - Monday, Sep 25, 06 @ 7:21 pm:

    fed up dem,


  26. - Ashur Odishoo - Monday, Sep 25, 06 @ 7:26 pm:

    It is a sad day in Illinois politics when yet another Governor is under a very serious Federal Investigation.

    It is not about Democrat v. Republican. When we have a Governor named as Public Official A, we all lose. This pattern of behavior needs to stop.

    How many convictions does it take to break corruption?

    Ashur Odishoo
    State Representative 11th District

  27. - Lovie's Leather - Monday, Sep 25, 06 @ 7:54 pm:

    I would be very interested to see a poll of regular commenters here at the Capfax for who they are voting for. And I mean a real poll, not a bunch of anons that are going to vote for Whitney. From the comments recently, it would seem that JBT has a lot of support here. But I doubt she really would because most of the dems are yellow dogs.

  28. - Beyond Reproach Not - Monday, Sep 25, 06 @ 8:05 pm:

    Poshard will do whatever the Gov asks. He’s totally in the tank. I believe the SIU story. Poshard carried so much Blagojevich water during this year’s session it was sick. He’s a university president now, worked in by the Blago/Hoffman crowd. He silenced Mike Lawrence and I’m sure he knows something about the problems Wendler is having right now. Blagojevich is his master. Glenn’s the pied piper and unfortunately all the Forbyesque vermin will follow him.

  29. - In the mirror - Monday, Sep 25, 06 @ 8:10 pm:

    Cermak Rd and anyone else who says that allegations against Blagojevich are just allegations should remember that whenever anybody says where was Judy Baar Topinka while Ryan was governor. All Ryan had while he was governor was allegations. After he was governor, long after she stood on the podium with Ryan in the shot now used by Blagojevich in his ads, only then was he indicted. Anybody criticising Topinka now will have to answer the same question about all the Dems who are now not criticzing Blagojevich for what he is “alleged” to have done.

  30. - Sparky - Monday, Sep 25, 06 @ 8:31 pm:

    I am thinking that just using Poshards name will help TOPINKA in Southern IL

  31. - Little Egypt - Monday, Sep 25, 06 @ 8:51 pm:

    Y’all can say what you want about this Novak fella but I’m telling you that in southern Illinois, Poshard’s name is gold. We don’t get mixed up into the behind the scenes people. We don’t care about special interest groups or PACs. We don’t care where this Novak guy got his money for the ads to run in Chicago. We just care that he’s got it. We like our politicians to stand up in front of us and tell us the truth. We like to see them come to our small communities and press the flesh - not dodge us with wimpy excuses or split hairs with technicalities over debates. That really pi$$es us off. GoverNOT Hairdo is self destructing before our eyes and the majority of those in southern Illinois couldn’t be happier. The more Blogo repeats his song and dance, the angrier we become. In southern Illinois, we’re not stupid. But the old line of Keep It Simple Stupid certainly applies to Blogo. He has been trying to muddy the waters with untruthful attacks against JBT and dodging questions pointed at the now famous $1,500 check. What he doesn’t understand is that all we need is a very simple explanation and one that is truthful and believable. So far we haven’t seen much that’s believable out of this guy for almost 4 years.

  32. - Troy News Guy - Monday, Sep 25, 06 @ 9:24 pm:

    I can’t speak for all the fellow hayseeds in 618, but Poshard lost all my respect when he silenced Lawrence. He sold his soul to get his dream job of president of SIU. I had a Poshard sign in my yard (then in Springfield) during the ‘98 primary. I respected him then because he was a straight talker. Now…..Beyond Reproach Not is right. He should realize Blago didn’t win, Ryan lost. Hell I could be governor if I was the Dem nominee in ‘98. I’m making my campaign signs now: Public Official A for Governor!

  33. - Lou Nova - Monday, Sep 25, 06 @ 10:10 pm:

    It’s nice to see fast Joey back in the game

  34. - In the Sticks - Monday, Sep 25, 06 @ 10:59 pm:

    It is indeed embarassing to have a political appointee, who appears to be very unqualified (although a nice guy), as president of a state university. SIU has been striving to improve their academic image, but politics as the important key to hiring and advancement will sabotage that goal.

  35. - Squideshi - Monday, Sep 25, 06 @ 11:10 pm:

    These ads will benefit Rich Whitney. Many voters have already decided Blagojevich is corrupt, and will not vote for him; but they do not see Topinka as an alternative.

  36. - Little Egypt - Monday, Sep 25, 06 @ 11:35 pm:

    Squid, if I thought for one minute I would not lose my vote if I were to vote for Whitney, I’d do it in a heartbeat. I’m afraid I will be just taking a vote away from JBT, thus ensuring that Elvis is “still in the building” for another 4 years. What to do. What to do. What we need is a third party candidate with the public visibility of Jesse Ventura. I’m not saying we need Jesse Ventura - just someone who is well known to most people. Then I think a third party candidate would not only have a shot at the office, he/she would get it. There’s not much of a choice between the two major candidates but I simply cannot and will not vote for Public Official A. That’s not saying much for me and my principles, morals, virtues and intelligence.

  37. - Scott Fawell's Cellmate - Tuesday, Sep 26, 06 @ 12:44 am:

    The Illinois GOP, the media and, yes, some members of his own party have pounded the Governor for months and years, detailing every alleged ethical misconduct and shouting about every supposed law violation.

    So, no one can argue the voters are ignorant of the charges, haven’t heard the claims, don’t know the Governor’s office is being investigated.

    But, despite all this wall-to-wall coverage of all things bad about the Governor (and the ignoring of all things good about the Governor), Topinka is at 37% now.

    She has not gotten above 40% since April 2006.

    And the election is in six weeks.

    Judy Baar Topinka - joining Bob Kustra and Lolita Diedrickson in the IL GOP Political Footnote Club.

  38. - Down in Egypt - Tuesday, Sep 26, 06 @ 1:04 am:

    As a Republican I actually like Glenn Poshard as president of SIU. The university system hasn’t had a major leader since Morris was installed in the late 1940s after the college became a university.

    The people after Wendler are a group of left-wing crackpots who think someone repeating what they’ve written once before is not only plagiarism, but outward signs of corruption. I haven’t seen any direct evidence of Poshard going after Wendler.

    Poshard did earn three degrees from SIU, served as a high-level administrator, then later on the board of trustees, as well as that 10-year stint in Congress.

    University presidents don’t teach classes. They don’t even deal much with the internal workings of the college. What they do have to do is deal with the politicians in Springfield.

    Poshard can handle that. You always suck up to the man with the money. If Topinka wins they’ll be dancing the polka together in no time.

    As to the ad, $30,000 can buy a lot of radio down here, not to mention the free press coverage it will generate.

    I couldn’t play it for some reason, but the message seems simple and straight forward. As others have said, the Poshard name will resonate, especially this week as attention is focused on his official inauguration as college president - the first such ceremony in almost 60 years.

  39. - Angie - Tuesday, Sep 26, 06 @ 3:03 am:

    Novak’s blog is excellent. I’ve worked in the healthcare business, and I know for a fact that there’s a lot of arrogance on the part of the healthcare industry. The people I worked for (have since resigned) didn’t want to spend the money to do proper pre-employment screening, so they would sometimes hire some little old lady, try her out, and then when she wasn’t catching on fast enough (because there were literally ZERO pre-employment tests given), they’d toss her out. Meanwhile, the college frat buddies they would hire would sit around goofing off, working only half the accounts they should have been working, and totally got a pass. I fully believe the healthcare folks harass and hound the uninsured.

    Novak’s a hired gun. He behaves much like a lawyer does (yes, even playing nasty at times in order to win), except that he works the court of public opinion rather than in a courtroom.

    Read the blog. Regardless of personal opinions, the style is EFFECTIVE. Ridicule works. And besides, the issues written about on the blog have bipartisan support, from Republican Chuck Grassley to Democrat Lisa Madigan. Pay attention to the info, because the press is totally on the issue.

    As for Blago getting donations from the Illinois Hospital Association, why does he need to rake in more money for an already overfilled campaign war chest? He’s got money to burn, and then some. Something’s definitely up with Blago, in my opinion.

  40. - To "Crow" - Tuesday, Sep 26, 06 @ 5:16 am:

    Re: “Hasn’t Novak moved from the Vrdolyak/Lipinski crowd to pushing the agenda of a hyper-rightwing insurance mogul from Indiana? Could that explain his great opposition to hospitals?”

    Check the facts. Everyone is mad at the hospitals. Here’s the list: Senate Finance Committee, House Ways and Means Committee, the IRS, multiple AG’s all around the nation, including our own Lisa Madigan, the uninsured who have been price-gouged and then sent through the collections ringer first before they finally managed to figure out that perhaps they could have applied for financial assistance (hospitals, in the past, were rather hush-hush about advertising that, even though they ARE supposed to be charities, right?), trial lawyers, unions and their corporate campaigns, community groups who have investigated the billing and collections practices, and for sure the Illinois taxpayers ought to be really ticked off at all of the alleged Medicare fraud allegations that keep getting settled out of court, just so they don’t have to admit guilt. ALL of these groups with different interests are ALL on the hospitals? Go to Trent Stamp’s Charity Navigator website sometime and read his take on the hospitals sometime, too!

    Maybe people with ties to insurance have to worry about deductibles and so forth, and so they still have a personal consumer interest in what the hospitals are up to. Heck, even if you were in the insurance biz, wouldn’t you still have a say in the matter if you knew all the games the hospitals played? They have been accused of “upcoding” to get higher reimbursements, so maybe the insurance companies see all the bills and know that some billings may be bogusly inflated on purpose, but they have to pay them, so a lot of stuff slips through.

    Regardless of ties to insurance folks, if that’s the case, pay attention to the message. These hospitals are in a heap of trouble for some highly questionable behavior. And guess what else? YOU’RE subsidizing it! I’m not subsidizing this baloney with this Medicare fraud stuff. Let them pay their taxes already.

    If Joe uses rather unorthodox means of playing politics to get a message out, then gosh, I can’t imagine anyone better to poke the contempt at these hospitals. They drive poor people into medical bankruptcy and then write it off as a loss when they can’t collect any more money, once they’ve garnished wages, or slapped a lien on something, like a home. Shame on them.

    Nitpick away. I don’t care who is doing it.

  41. - Bill - Tuesday, Sep 26, 06 @ 7:40 am:

    Brought to you by the dynamic duo Ed Vrdolyak and Joe Novak.

  42. - RickG - Tuesday, Sep 26, 06 @ 7:50 am:

    Poshard and Wendler don’t get along, but if he was really after Walter he’d have already gotten him fired, when he was the head of the BOT (the whole gay rights/health benefits debate).

    He also wouldn’t have thrown the weight of the University behind “Saluki Way”, a controversial Wendler plan to build a new football stadium and academic buildings, reforming the face of SIU.

    I’m not saying Wendler’s job is safe, but I am saying that there’s no such ‘order’ from Blago to Poshard to get rid of WVW.

    Now, on to the Novak thing.

    Who the hell is Joe Novak? I think that’s the reaction of the majority of southern Illinoisans. Only politicos recognize that name, and most of those younger than 30 would have a tough time placing it. So I think that really diminishes this ad’s value.

    And let’s not forget that there are a lot of pictures going around this morning of Poshard handing Blagojevich an SIU jersey at the Amtrak thing yesterday, so that pretty much nullifies any claim that Poshard hates the Gov, at least in the public eye.


  43. - Squideshi - Tuesday, Sep 26, 06 @ 8:36 am:

    Little Egypt, Rich Whitney is starting to get a lot of media attention (I think the media is disgusted with Blagojevich.) More and more people are getting to know him, and his approval rating is very high. Don’t forget that Rich Whitney has already done twice as well as Ventura in the polls so far; so he must be doing something right!

  44. - RealClear - Tuesday, Sep 26, 06 @ 9:02 am:

    This message might resonate if the Repubs were offering a real alternative to Blago. But they aren’t. Topinka would be even worse, and all the polls show people understand that.

  45. - a friend - Tuesday, Sep 26, 06 @ 9:10 am:

    let’s get some perspective.
    first, siu (and most other state universities) have been dumping grounds for former top gop staff from the thompson, edgar and ryan admins. god forbid that a dem should become pres of a universty and take away one of their coveted jobs, let alone a position that’s been in his lifelong backyard.

    second, mike lawrence has not been silenced. he’s been writing columns consistently every month - and I know how revered this guy is among the media, but he was edgar’s chief of staff. so, no one can say he doesn’t carry some of his own biases.

    third, poshard is his own man. i’m sure some of you are deathly afraid that he’ll come out to help the gov given his immense popularity. so, stop tying to make poshard suddenly look like a koolaid drinker. if he supports blago,you hve to give this respected public servant the benefit of the doubt that he’ll do things on his terms.

  46. - Judy, Judy, Judy - Tuesday, Sep 26, 06 @ 1:13 pm:

    I have enjoyed reading all of your thoughts today. Message seems simple to me, let’s not let history repeat it self, Blago needs to go, but I don’t think JBT is that answer, she’s been tied in with Illinois politics so long that I don’t trust her. I actually liked JBT before, but her negative ads and her good ole’boys attitude drives me crazy. I hear so many people saying that if they thought there vote wouldn’t be lost they’d vote for Rich Whitney - my opinion, make your vote count - vote for Rich Whitney. If everyone who thinks Blago and JBT are not a choice would vote for Rich Whitney, then he’d win. So take a chance, think outside the box and elect a new governor for Illinois.

  47. - Proud of Poshard - Tuesday, Sep 26, 06 @ 1:51 pm:

    Hey, you can say what you want about Poshard being in the back pocket of Rod, but I believe he was the right man for the job. I don’t think the region’s residents, students and alumn would have been too happy if a Chicago boy or girl had been chosen that was close to the current administration. It is about time we have someone who truly cares about the SIU system and has the degrees to back it up.

  48. - Angie - Tuesday, Sep 26, 06 @ 3:03 pm:

    ” I actually liked JBT before, but her negative ads and her good ole’boys attitude drives me crazy.”

    You liked her when she wasn’t swinging back after getting hammered by Rod and HIS ads all summer? Surely you jest.

    Those last two ads were the best. Short, sweet, and sarcastic. Just what my sentiments are when driving past the toll plaza and seeing that–that–you know…Rod’s name all over the toll plaza. I can’t stand that anymore.

    She’d be wise to keep running something super-short, super-not-sweet, and always a new one until election day. And mention the Sister Claudette appointment, too. This Gov could be a security risk if he doesn’t check out his people carefully before appointing them to panels. Louis Farrakhan ties? Egads. He has ties to global dictators, because he once went on his little global hate tour to visit with the worst of ‘em. Even wanted to bring some money back as a (cough) gift (wonder whatever for).

    Swing away, Judy. Rod’s goin’ down.

  49. - The ads are work. - Tuesday, Sep 26, 06 @ 10:25 pm:

    I really don’t think it matters if anyone under thirty or from downstate knows who Novak is. It’s the message, not the messager that will resonate. And for what its worth, his message is true.

    To “Crow”’s comments above are absolutely right.

    More and more people are taking notice of hospital practices and the obscene profits that hospitals and thier top executives make. And I’m referring to so-called NOT-FOR-PROFIT hospitals, and more often than not, these are religiously based hospitals.

  50. - Angie - Wednesday, Sep 27, 06 @ 3:14 pm:

    I’ve worked in the healthcare biz, and while I won’t name the company, since their HR department is giving me a great reference (I’m FT at a university right now while finishing a degree), I can say that A COMPANY related to healthcare finance absolutely screwed even my OWN manager out of his commission money in the past. This is someone with specialized knowledge of insurance contracts that is an asset to the company, and yet the top execs were even screwing with him.

    It is insane to screw over your OWN people. I mean, for God’s sake, read Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War” sometime. In battle, you are supposed to keep your army well fed. Your own people are your soldiers in the battlefield of corporate competition, too! Don’t screw THEM over, too. That’s insane.

    Yes, keep an eye on this industry and all of the legal woes and investigations. I think the heat is only going to get turned way up, so follow the news. And read Novak’s blog, too! I think he should redo the radio ad before it hits Chicago and tone it a tad so it doesn’t just sound like an angry guy who is ticked off (it’ll turn off some female voters, I think), but if it works downstate, then good. It isn’t like they love Rod. He won’t even LIVE in Springfield.

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